Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
So i turned on the Xbox to download the update, but even after 10 PM it wouldn't appear. So i checked online and i realized that i was looking at the wrong time zone.

It's only being released in an hour...


Alright, time to do some Goliath i guess...

EDIT: I opened the box again and the update is downloading. What the hell...
11 wheel spins and the only new HE car I saw was the '64 Mini Cooper.
I think I have around 160 wheelspins, the only new HE I really want, is the 22b.

Edit: I won the Lambo, the Corvette, the Bac Mono, and the MG HE's. I guess I'll buy the rest. :)

Double edit: just won the 22b HE.

Triple edit: and they still have all the old HE's, so don't fret if you missed any.
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I've literally never seen that "saving" screen take more than a fraction of a second, despite having around 20 hours on the game (all on PC).

Seriously, not one single time has it been slow. How long does it take for you worst case?

In my case it might take from 5 to 10 seconds. If it takes longer than that there is no point on waiting. It will get stuck permanently. I just Alt+F4 the game.

For me, the chances of happening at least 50/50. I was playing tonight but it seemed to be working a bit better.
How do you guys get so much money and HE cars? I just reached level 113 and barely reached 3,000,000 cr. (by selling an HE car) Also, only gotten 3 HE cars since game launch :lol:
How do you guys get so much money and HE cars? I just reached level 113 and barely reached 3,000,000 cr. (by selling an HE car) Also, only gotten 3 HE cars since game launch :lol:
Mostly by being level 408 :lol:

Talking about money: I kept track of my earnings from wheelspins. Made about 60k per spin before considering cars and with VIP active. Assuming one HE car per 40 to 50 wheelspins, I'm feeling like it might be worthwhile to just by spins instead of getting them on the auction house...

Dunno if I can be bothered to go through 250+ wheelspins manually, though :indiff:
Just did a bunch of spins that I banked up from the drift tap exploit, and no HE cars! the game teased me by stopping one above or below of an HE car on several occasions.

Has anyone else noticed the wheelspin behaves differently? It's as if the wheel has more friction to it and it stops quicker then it did before.
Had about 30 spins saved up and it didn't feel any different to me.

Set up a little makro to do the wheelspinning for me. I'll just get back to cleaning the house while the game goes through 200 spins. Curious how much of my 10 million credits is gonna be left when I get back.
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If I may add one negative point to FH3 it is its careermode. The endcredits roll far before you have levelled up all your sites and the final challenge is odd. I really had a moment like ...euh...okay...well that's it I guess :rolleyes:

Seems like the careerstructure hasn't been completely worked out by PG.

I'll continue to do races becauses because it is such a satisfying and fun expérience.
So hang on, they have taken some previous HE out and put some new ones in?, what's happened to the old ones? can you still win them somehow??
So hang on, they have taken some previous HE out and put some new ones in?, what's happened to the old ones? can you still win them somehow??
Nope. At best, you can buy them on the auction house, but I'm willing to bet they're going to cycle through all the HE cars. Three sets of eleven cars to go through.
Nope. At best, you can buy them on the auction house, but I'm willing to bet they're going to cycle through all the HE cars. Three sets of eleven cars to go through.
you can win them through the wheelspins still, ive won the m3 again and seen the focus, viper and gt plenty of times
you can win them through the wheelspins still, ive won the m3 again and seen the focus, viper and gt plenty of times
Huh? That's a bug then, according to the patch notes, the old cars were removed. Or they should have been, rather.

Looked at the patch notes again, seems like my previous post was off. There's only 7 HE cars at the moment, right?