Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
I'm hoping eventually they give us an ability to buy spins with skill points, just give us a limit on how many you can buy a day, I'm up to 240 of them and never remember to use before races
I have to say, if you fear racing online because of rammers, that is like avoiding FPS lobbies because you fear fighting against 8-year-old players. Driveclub suffered from a similar issue and not much which was done to the game really changed that... In a game where ramming isn't throughly punished and races are all over the place, people will take shortcuts. In some cases, quite literally, in others through metal clashing.

I am not saying extreme examples like the one Random showed should earn commendations, but what can be done to change that? Is it even possible to administer any sort of laws to prevent that from happening without angering someone?
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Yeah, online circuit racing in FH3 makes the carnage in FM6 seem like nothing more than light rubbing. It's probably why I enjoy Playground games so much: at least there, people are expected to play dirty.

Last I checked I'm on 30 lineups. I chalk it up to having the game early, and people not really shuffling them after they progress. It makes such a small difference in earnings it's hardly worth fussing about.
I apparently got hired to a lineup a few days ago. I'm probably in less than 10 crews.
Yeah, online circuit racing in FH3 makes the carnage in FM6 seem like nothing more than light rubbing. It's probably why I enjoy Playground games so much: at least there, people are expected to play dirty.

And people say GT6 dirty racing lobbies are the most chaotic type of racing you can get in a videogame... So much for that if they stumble upon any Horizon 3 (or any previous Horizon games for that matter) race. It's just like you said, Slip; people know that in some cases, cutting corners and using other drivers as braking markers isn't just allowed, sometimes it's a downright requirement. Pretty it is not, but when you have things like Cross Country races to deal with, can you really find time to race cleanly in the midde of a 12-car pack?

You could say it's like having your very own free-for-all racing playground...
I've had no problem buying what ever car I wanted to buy. I could have bought a lot of the expensive cars if I wanted them if I didn't love buying everyday cars and doing them up. And I also have a problem with having more than 1 version of a car (5x HE M3, 5x HE BRZ, 4x HE GT-R) and also collecting all the HE cars.

What are everyones winnings? Mine was at like 75m last I checked.

People complain about people rushing through the game and not enjoying it and then whine about not making enough credits to buy the expensive cars they want only a few weeks into the game. Bit contradictory. Much better having to save for the cars you want.
Really not enjoying this latest Forzathon.

Keep trying to win the drag race but missing out.

Using a Caterham at the very top of S1.

Really could do without some random Class C Car jumping in from time to time.
I can see how people have issues with the pacing of the game, especially if they don't have the benefit of the V.I.P. bonus. I think the biggest culprit of the issue is actually the biggest selling point in a way. Without the structure of championships you don't get forced to change cars and classes like a traditional racing career mode.

That's also why I went through the effort of making my own championship list as well as my "double each cars value" challenge. It provides some much needed structure as well as forcing me to try new cars. I just hope the expansions add more routes as I'm quickly running out of starting points and I don't want to have to overwrite any of the ones I've done already.

Now if we want to talk game breakers, lets talk about the glitchy A.I. At this point I'm pretty convinced that it's not actually rubber banding as much as it's a bug in the game. There have been several instances where there are multiples of certain drivers, cars in the wrong class (usually S1) or just the infamous ridiculous performing ones that seem to be the norm.
And people say GT6 dirty racing lobbies are the most chaotic type of racing you can get in a videogame... So much for that if they stumble upon any Horizon 3 (or any previous Horizon games for that matter) race. It's just like you said, Slip; people know that in some cases, cutting corners and using other drivers as braking markers isn't just allowed, sometimes it's a downright requirement. Pretty it is not, but when you have things like Cross Country races to deal with, can you really find time to race cleanly in the midde of a 12-car pack?

You could say it's like having your very own free-for-all racing playground...

Come again?

Racing dirty isn't expected or required. The dirty behaviour I'm talking about is for things like Infected or King.

It's possible to have a clean cross country race — or at the very least, one with unintentional paint-trading — just the same way it is in GT6, or mostly any racing game: by playing with people you (mostly) know. I've also found it very much depends on classes in Forza titles: the higher ones are where the worst drivers are, because everybody always rushes to the hypercars and racers believing they're already great drivers.
Come again?

Racing dirty isn't expected or required. The dirty behaviour I'm talking about is for things like Infected or King.

Guessing their reading comprehension is not very good, it was clear what you meant haha.
In the 'game' modes FH dirty playing is 50% of the idea, so it's acceptable.

Annoys me though when you're playing infected, you're a survivor, find a good spot to hide and some (non-infected) person purposely rams you/gives you away. That annoys me.
I wish there was an "undo" feature for the photomode. More often then not, when I'm moving the focus slider I hit x to reset the sliders then focusing the image. It's very frustrating because I always forget what my slider settings were.
I just did a race where some of the competition were using both a Ram Runner HE and a Raptor HE. Did I miss something? I didn't think those cars "hit the shelves" yet.
I wonder how they are getting them. I'm assuming one of the various hacking programs out there. Which just isn't worth it to me. Why get banned from the game for early access to cars? Cars, in my opinion, kind of cheapen the game anyways.
I wonder how they are getting them. I'm assuming one of the various hacking programs out there. Which just isn't worth it to me. Why get banned from the game for early access to cars? Cars, in my opinion, kind of cheapen the game anyways.

Wait, are you talking about an online race? Or are you doing singke player campaign? All of the HE cars can be seen in single player campaign.
Wait, are you talking about an online race? Or are you doing singke player campaign? All of the HE cars can be seen in single player campaign.

I've seen them both in online and in single player.
Anybody else think the AI are a bit whack in S1 and X class? The level of grip they have just seems unrealistic to what I'm driving. Any other class it's close enough but particularly in the really fast cars I struggle to keep up with them on the second highest difficulty.
Anybody else think the AI are a bit whack in S1 and X class? The level of grip they have just seems unrealistic to what I'm driving. Any other class it's close enough but particularly in the really fast cars I struggle to keep up with them on the second highest difficulty.

I definitely have. I actually just finished a wet race where I thought I did pretty darn well. I had pretty decent lines and speed. I got spanked by an AI driving the same car as me but with lower performance points. It wasn't even close
I think I got beat by 5 seconds. It was like he was driving a dry course to my wet one.
Anybody else think the AI are a bit whack in S1 and X class? The level of grip they have just seems unrealistic to what I'm driving. Any other class it's close enough but particularly in the really fast cars I struggle to keep up with them on the second highest difficulty.
Yup. They can go through the turns as if they're on rails, especially at higher difficulties. I did a 2 laps, anything goes, race of Goliath not too long ago, and a Range Rover (not the SVR) was able to take most of the turns faster then me in the Ford GT HE! i beat him in the straight, but practically every opponent was faster in the turns.
I knew there was a reason Failrace was my favourite Car Game YouTube channel.

Looks like Alex was just as sick and tired of the S14 moaning as most of us ;D

From the Title alone, I knew he was going to make fun of those youtubers (at least in some parts).
I definitely have. I actually just finished a wet race where I thought I did pretty darn well. I had pretty decent lines and speed. I got spanked by an AI driving the same car as me but with lower performance points. It wasn't even close
I think I got beat by 5 seconds. It was like he was driving a dry course to my wet one.
Yup. They can go through the turns as if they're on rails, especially at higher difficulties. I did a 2 laps, anything goes, race of Goliath not too long ago, and a Range Rover (not the SVR) was able to take most of the turns faster then me in the Ford GT HE! i beat him in the straight, but practically every opponent was faster in the turns.

Glad it's not just me, I like driving the faster cars but I really don't see the point when the AI drive in a totally unbelievable manner.
AI is hit and miss for me. Drive one car (esp. ones with excellent acceleration) and you'll win with several seconds to spare. Drive another and become last (same difficulty setting).
Come again?

Racing dirty isn't expected or required. The dirty behaviour I'm talking about is for things like Infected or King.

It's possible to have a clean cross country race — or at the very least, one with unintentional paint-trading — just the same way it is in GT6, or mostly any racing game: by playing with people you (mostly) know. I've also found it very much depends on classes in Forza titles: the higher ones are where the worst drivers are, because everybody always rushes to the hypercars and racers believing they're already great drivers.

Well, since you said "online circuit racing", I thought you were referring to that. Infected and King aren't exactly circuit racing modes, they are free-for-all modes... But fair enough, it was probably a meaning that escaped me when I first read the post, causing me to jump to conclusions prematurely. It happens...

In the end, I agree with the second part of your post, if anything. Getting a group of friends with good racing standards is one way to have clean(ish) racing, change car class from time to time is another. And with DLC adding even more supercars, I suspect things over at their class won't change for a while...
So I am loving this game. It is completely amazing especially with a wheel. I do have one big complaint. Why did they omit so many cars from FM6? I was really disappointed to see that they got rid of the Audi S3 just to name one. I really hope they do not make them paid DLC.