Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
I'm part of 12 line-ups. Haven't been hired (or (ever) fired) in well over a week now. I'd love to hire some folks from here but the game keeps throwing random people at me.


Your drivatar usually runs around in some weird stuff, too. I just did an "Anything Goes" off road championship because I couldn't be bothered choosing a class, and you were driving a Caterham... which didn't do so well against my Trophy Truck :P
I really dislike the Drivatar system, Horizon's strengths are definently not in it's A.I. system. Seeing a stock Polaris blast past at (what should be) unattainable speeds only to hit a ramp and crash out gets predictable after the 274th time.
Thank you Forza, one of the best sounding cars in the game
Sigh... I'm slowly burning out, I feel. Past level 400 and it feels like it takes ages to get anywhere. The XP requirements for level ups are getting rather extreme.

Getting wheelspins was so addictive, too. Made leveling a neat experience, but now? Eh...
The hiring system really doesn't seem to make a difference, not worth worrying about if you're hired or not

16k Credits a day? Big deal. :lol:
Sigh... I'm slowly burning out, I feel. Past level 400 and it feels like it takes ages to get anywhere. The XP requirements for level ups are getting rather extreme.

Getting wheelspins was so addictive, too. Made leveling a neat experience, but now? Eh...


16k Credits a day? Big deal. :lol:
I don't think I'll ever get that high, I'm 80% through the game and I can start to feel myself dwindling at Rank 219. Determined to get to gold at Rank 250 though. I have 19 championships left then it's onto the street races and midnight battles...
I don't think I'll ever get that high, I'm 80% through the game and I can start to feel myself dwindling at Rank 219. Determined to get to gold at Rank 250 though. I have 19 championships left then it's onto the street races and midnight battles...
I probably made at least 50 levels with the Drift Tap exploit within the hour or so that I did it for, plus a lot of Goliath racing.

I really need a better track to race on. Something that's not quite as long, something in the ~ 2 minute lap time area, tarmac only and relatively fast (so no rally cross style stuff), but not as flat out highway racing as Goliath. Damn, I'm picky...
I wonder why some in here are so eager to rush through the game, get extremely high levels in 2 weeks time and than get bored of it. Why don't you guys spread out the fun for yourselves?

Perhaps they are enjoying playing it....lvl'ing up is inevitable
I had another showcase open up last night (Jet fighter one)...the game stopped me doing anything else until I completed it..............................
I wonder why some in here are so eager to rush through the game, get extremely high levels in 2 weeks time and than get bored of it. Why don't you guys spread out the fun for yourselves?
Because setting a game I enjoy aside deliberately isn't my kind of thing. I'd still enjoy it a ton had it not changed its pacing - which is beyond my control, really.
Because setting a game I enjoy aside deliberately isn't my kind of thing. I'd still enjoy it a ton had it not changed its pacing - which is beyond my control, really.

I understand but if you hadn't used the exploit you wouldn't be facing the problem you have right now. Don't you think somewhere it takes away the fun a bit to use those? (No pun intended!)
I understand but if you hadn't used the exploit you wouldn't be facing the problem you have right now. Don't you think somewhere it takes away the fun a bit to use those? (No pun intended!)
I'd face the same situation, maybe a week later. If that.

What's wearing me out is the feeling that the game is deliberately getting slower and slower on progression so that it seems like it has more to offer than it does. Which, to me, sucks. There's plenty of multi-million credit cars I'd like to get but since a considerable chunk of your money comes from wheelspins, I now have to realise that it'll take months upon months of playing and / or grinding to get the stuff I'd like to try and mess around with. This is partially killing my motivation to play.
There's plenty of multi-million credit cars I'd like to get but since a considerable chunk of your money comes from wheelspins, I now have to realise that it'll take months upon months of playing and / or grinding to get the stuff I'd like to try and mess around with.

With that I agree. The payouts are simply not high enough. I think the creditsystem could need a rebalance.
Are you kidding me?

No not at all. As Luminis said, there are some very expensive cars and when you only have a couple of hours per week to play they almost seem ungetable. Every payout after a race is between 12.000 and 20.000 credits for me. The payouts never seem to go higher and it would be nice if the payouts from finishing a championship would add some serious money but they don't.

I don't have any VIP stuff and such.
Are you kidding me?
There's a couple of issues with the payouts.

First, a huge chunk of your income is tied to wheelspins. My first race on Goliath got me approximately 100,000 Cr in price money and 500,000 in spins. By now, I'm getting the same price money and a tenth of the money from spins.

Second, the spins themselves stop giving you new cars eventually and it's the expensive ones you won't get.

Third, a fistful of cars total the same amount of credits as the remaining 300 or so. Due to the first and second point, your car collection progress will slow down significantly eventually.

The way I see it, it's not that the payouts are too low in general. They're just spread out wrong, imho. Getting less money at lower levels but less of a drop off seems preferable. Similarly, I don't like having a single event stand out so much in terms of money making.
There's a couple of issues with the payouts.

First, a huge chunk of your income is tied to wheelspins. My first race on Goliath got me approximately 100,000 Cr in price money and 500,000 in spins. By now, I'm getting the same price money and a tenth of the money from spins.

Second, the spins themselves stop giving you new cars eventually and it's the expensive ones you won't get.

Third, a fistful of cars total the same amount of credits as the remaining 300 or so. Due to the first and second point, your car collection progress will slow down significantly eventually.

The way I see it, it's not that the payouts are too low in general. They're just spread out wrong, imho. Getting less money at lower levels but less of a drop off seems preferable. Similarly, I don't like having a single event stand out so much in terms of money making.
If it takes over 500 races in pure race income to get the most expensive car, there's something wrong in my opinion...
I don't feel like I've been grinding out yet have been able to buy three 2 million cars and still have over 5million ( current sitting on just under 6mill iirc) in the bank.

I'll have a look on my achievements to see how many hrs I've played, as said it doesn't "feel" like i've been doing anything other than enjoying playing the game.
To be completely honest I'm not all that bothered by the payout system at all, as I have no attention in buying any expensive cars in the game whatsoever. As long as there are cars I can afford, and have enough credits to spend on upgrades for said cars, I'm all good. Besides, I can just regain all my last credits I spented back anyways. ;)
If it takes over 500 races in pure race income to get the most expensive car, there's something wrong in my opinion...
Well... There's the ten million Alfa, the 388 GTO, the FXX K, McLaren F1 and a couple other cars I want - the total is somewhere in the 20 million region. With a Cr. boost HE car and the Cr. boost perk, I'm making about 200,000 Cr. per lap on Goliath. So, just about 18 hours of straight up racing. :lol:
I don't feel like I've been grinding out yet have been able to buy three 2 million cars and still have over 5million ( current sitting on just under 6mill iirc) in the bank.
That was true for me as well - for the first ~ 20 million credits :lol:

Given how expensive some of the cars are, I just don't understand why it was necessary to lower the player's income as he progresses. Don't understand why it was necessary turn down the game's skinner box, either.
Well... There's the ten million Alfa, the 388 GTO, the FXX K, McLaren F1 and a couple other cars I want - the total is somewhere in the 20 million region. With a Cr. boost HE car and the Cr. boost perk, I'm making about 200,000 Cr. per lap on Goliath. So, just about 18 hours of straight up racing. :lol:

That was true for me as well - for the first ~ 20 million credits :lol:

Given how expensive some of the cars are, I just don't understand why it was necessary to lower the player's income as he progresses. Don't understand why it was necessary turn down the game's skinner box, either.
Conversely, I do prefer this over what I remember from Forza 6 (still waiting on my new copy arriving) where cars and credits are thrown at you constantly and actually buying cars feels unnecessary rather than integral to the experience.

There's enough titles in the racing genre that just give you everything from the offset and kill progression...I hope Forza doesn't go down that route.
Conversely, I do prefer this over what I remember from Forza 6 (still waiting on my new copy arriving) where cars and credits are thrown at you constantly and actually buying cars feels unnecessary rather than integral to the experience.
Yeah, better to have slow progression than progression being so fast that it becomes meaningless.

I don't think I'd be whining half as much about the progression in FH3 if I didn't feel like it was pretty damn good at lower levels. It struck a decent balance between making progression meaningful while still allowing you to get new, shiny stuff without actually grinding for it.
The price changes to the cars are honestly my biggest gripe, those 10 million cars will take a long time to acquire and auction house doesn't really help in this aspect either since there is too many players going after the same cars, so buying the more expensive cars there seems pointless to me.

Though, the Auction house is great for collecting supercars in the hundred thousands as I did manage to save money getting a Ferrari 599 GTO and 575M by bidding there.
I like the fact that you need to earn credits compared to getting your rare expensive cars way too easily.
It would take out the fun for me and I would miss the feeling of making progress in the game.

I recognise the feeling Brend with FM6. Buying cars was just a matter of pushing a button :)
I knew there was a reason Failrace was my favourite Car Game YouTube channel.

Looks like Alex was just as sick and tired of the S14 moaning as most of us ;D

I love how the Silvia got smashed by the Transit like how on Top Gear, they would smash a Morris Marina by dropping a Piano on the roof. :D

Also wait, I have a Top Gear referrence to make.

"Tonight on First Gear! A Nissan S14 Silvia gets hit by a train, a Nissan Silvia S14 gets smashed by a Subaru Legacy, and a Nissan Silvia gets pushed into the water by a Mini!"
The Horizon franchise so fully meets my needs as a car enthusiast, that not only have I stopped buying further Gran Turismo releases, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop buying Forza Motorsport as well. The openness of the game, the ability to go where I want, when I want, in whatever car I want (that I can afford) is liberating in way that traditional racing games aren't.

I do agree that the money comes at an agonizingly slow pace, though. The cars I'm most interested in, the classic sports cars, are going to take a lot of grinding to afford.