Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul


Does anyone have any tips on how to not suck at doing cross-country races? Seems like no matter what I do I can't get better than 12th. :mad:
Don't drive like you would on Tarmac. Throw the car into the corners, brake as little as you can. Sliding is your friend. And try not to do it in sports cars and the like. Off roaders are in the game for a reason, use em
Does anyone have any tips on how to not suck at doing cross-country races? Seems like no matter what I do I can't get better than 12th. :mad:

Invest in Rally Springs, weight reduction, and anything to make the car handle better. Also, get a car that has some good ground clearance. Having too low of a ground clearance will make it very easy to spin out or crash after a bad jump. Also, practice each map until you get the idea when to brake and find the most efficient line to take. Keep on practicing and you'll get better.

That article doesn't address one of my biggest concerns after some 25 hours of playing. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why exhibition and championship events aren't designed to promote winning. It's possible to gold these events by finishing last and the post-race rewards (credits, XP, and fans) are extremely similar regardless of finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th - 12th. I'm not saying that winning or top 3 should be required in order to make progress (like FM6), but I do think gold medals should be reserved for winning and the payouts should reward players proportionate to how well they do in the events. I don't remember how it worked in FH2 but I'm kinda struggling to feel a sense of accomplishment playing through the majority of FH3, simply because exhibition and championship events don't reward or punish my actual performance.
for the offroad events I use the Ranger T6 rally truck at top of class A I think with widest tires and the limiter off is actually quite a nice drive fairly well balanced and decent power. The 2017 is fairly good but feels sluggish off the line with the stock engine once moving fairly nimble but I still like the Ranger better
For you Newbies to Xbox One like I was recently, Don't forget Forza Horizon 2 as well (great offers on this at the moment and lovely European Scenery) and Forza MotorSport 6 which I think is a great Track racer such a big difference to Forza4 my last game on X360 all 3 have great Photomodes and hundreds of cars to choose and both have a good choice of VW (not in FH3....Yet)👍
Golf R..My fave one at the moment
VW_2 GOLF R FH2.jpg
can't remember if I posted a time in Forza RC week 3 or not.

I suppose if I didn't, all I lost is an F-Type Horizon edition and a '77 V8 Vantage :indiff:
I'm trying the 25 lap endurance achievement on Goliath, what's the best German car to do it in that can make a far lead on the drivitars?

Here is a full map of FH3. I've circled the places on the Goliath circuit where I always seem to have trouble.
1. The right turn out of Byron that heads up into the rain forest. There are a lot of undulations in the road that upset the car before you hit the corner and it's way too easy to go into the corner too hot and land in the trees on the left.
2. An off-camber downhill left just south of the Maroondah Reservoir. Again, way too easy to try to carry too much speed and slide off the track on the right side.
3.Coming out of the rainforest into Keiwa Valley, there is a left-right-left complex that always seems to catch me out on the final left. The road crests right at the apex of the corner which has sent me off into the trees more than once.
4. Another of my nemesis corners, an off-camber downhill left, happens as I head down out of the hills south of the Outback.
5. The high-speed right-hand sweeper next to the Pink Lakes is another trouble spot. I always seem to brake too little or too much.
6. Everything is copacetic until after dropping down into the farm country south of the satellite array. Another off-camber downhill left is waiting to catch me. Worse, there is a single tree on the right side of the road, right where I would slide off if I carried too much speed into the corner.
7. The double-apex corner as I exit Surfers Paradise is a tough one. It's at the end of a long flat-out section along the waterfront. I always think I've slowed down enough for it, and then I hit the wall on the outside anyway.
8. West of the Silver Sands community is a right-hand corner with a crest in the middle and a tree on the outside waiting to catch the unwary.
9. The right-hand corner into Coalcliff is a tough one because too much speed and you're bouncing around in people's front yards.
If I can ace those 9 corners, then I've got a nice clean and fast lap.
Where can I see / redeem the earnings of my drivatar lineup? I have had these four drivers for a while and I still have no clue how they're benefitting my game. :confused:
Where can I see / redeem the earnings of my drivatar lineup? I have had these four drivers for a while and I still have no clue how they're benefitting my game. :confused:

After a race you will see "Lineup Bonus" when collecting your winnings.