Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Dang. There is more to life than an LS engine.

Should be interesting with the #55 + #22 Supercars. ;)

Can't not have the LS conversion for S chassis though. Far to popular to leave out. I had an LS in my 180, cheap to replace if it goes bang, cheap to make power with aftermarket parts readily available, great torque. What's not to like. I do wish we could put a damn 2j in the S and R chassis though.

Man I'm so keen for the V8 supercars around the old indy track.
This is sort of off topic in a way. This groove music, how does that work? Is it like Pandora where you pick an artist etc, or do you hand pick the songs you want? I guess it will play exactly like the other radio stations, where you can still here all the game sounds/effects.

I all of a sudden became really interested in this, I'll pay $10 a month if I can hand pick some music that fits my mood. I'm Thinking Pantera, NIN, Maiden, Fugazi, Tool, Misfits( with Danzig of course) etc, would make for some awesome driving around Australia music. Of course I would also load up with AC/DC(nothing but Bon doing the singing).
I forgot all about Rush, maybe some of the best driving music ever. Zeppelin, The Who, Sabbath, all of which would be awesome to drive around to. I would just like some info on how it works, if anyone uses groove. :)
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Yes, and they were the worst thing to come out of Canada until Justin Bieber appeared.

Anyway, I was merely poking fun here, you can like them and I can hate them, it doesn't really matter, in the end we'll both be happy with our music choices. ;)
This is sort of off topic in a way. This groove music, how does that work? Is it like Pandora where you pick an artist etc, or do you hand pick the songs you want? I guess it will play exactly like the other radio stations, where you can still here all the game sounds/effects.

I all of a sudden became really interested in this, I'll pay $10 a month if I can hand pick some music that fits my mood.

I'm not sure exactly how it will work in the game but I'm guessing it will stream off the Groove cloud service, which you don't need to pay for unless you want over 5GB of music.

I'm not overly certain though as I just started uploading stuff. Unfortunately most of my collection is FLAC so I'll need to convert quite a few files.
Can't not have the LS conversion for S chassis though. Far to popular to leave out. I had an LS in my 180, cheap to replace if it goes bang, cheap to make power with aftermarket parts readily available, great torque. What's not to like. I do wish we could put a damn 2j in the S and R chassis though.

Man I'm so keen for the V8 supercars around the old indy track.
I read ya.

Good things is, disc wheels are back. The Magnus Walker Fuch knock-offs are there.
The Utes and Sandman are going to look awesome cruising the streets.
Looks like we have a lot more skills to unlock and some consumable ones too. I like that because now I can continue to bank my skill chain even after I unlock them all.
I think the delay of GTS and with FM6/FH3 and the new Xbox one S out this month it may turn things around and equal or even outsell the PS4 S/Pro this time round. I can't wait to see what next year brings and have no regrets at all if anything I can see my PS4 slowly gathering dust....

Sorry for the delayed response, had this sitting in my drafts for a few days:

I had a discussion about precisely this at an EB on the tour earlier this week. I've been a big fan of Sony's since the original PlayStation, and their systems have always been the first ones I've got each generation. But that switched this time, and the XB1 came home first last year.

We were talking about how the roles have reversed compared to last gen. Back then, the X360 got a head start in terms of sales, and kept the lead for a long time thanks to sticker shock for the PS3. This generation, Microsoft royally goofed at E3 in 2013, and unfortunately for them, a lot of people still remember that. The always-watching, no sharing, online-required reputation. Sony was practically handed the jump start, but the combination of a poor paid-online service (questionable quality of perks, recent price hike), constant delays on big games, and — more of an issue for this community than gamers in general — a distinct lack of killer must-have exclusive racing IP's has really hurt them IMO.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is going out of their way to become more accessible. Price cuts, backwards compatibility, better free/discount games for subscribers, PC ports (and streaming, which they got to before Sony)... you get the idea. I wouldn't exactly refer to either company as big snuggly teddy bears — they're companies, the goal is to make money — but a lot of Microsoft's recent moves have seemed more gamer-friendly. In my eyes, anyway.

We're all automotive enthusiasts, right? We know how little it tells us about two cars if we look at numbers and nothing else, so why do some folks do just that with game systems? I think what matters is enjoyment. It looks like this game majors on fun, and that's somewhat in short supply in the genre.

This is sort of off topic in a way. This groove music, how does that work? Is it like Pandora where you pick an artist etc, or do you hand pick the songs you want? I guess it will play exactly like the other radio stations, where you can still here all the game sounds/effects.

I all of a sudden became really interested in this, I'll pay $10 a month if I can hand pick some music that fits my mood. I'm Thinking Pantera, NIN, Maiden, Fugazi, Tool, Misfits( with Danzig of course) etc, would make for some awesome driving around Australia music. Of course I would also load up with AC/DC(nothing but Bon doing the singing).

If you have a collection of music files, you can pick your own music and upload it to OneDrive. I dabbled with it when I created the community music thread, but avoided signing up for Groove since I already have a Spotify account.

If you don't have a streaming music service, I'm guessing it wouldn't be a bad one to start with. I don't know how its library compares with the others, but if it covers most of the artists you like, it'd probably be worth it, considering it can be handy outside of the game as well. I use Spotify a whole bunch now that I have it.
If that was directed at my post, then I'm sorry to have rustled your jimmies by making bad jokes.


@ 42:50 you can see it says there are 456 cars to photograph.

^^ Nice to finally see and confirmed Forza Vista on FH3 for all the cars and great to see Cities in there too!(quick screen grabs so not best quality)

@SlipZtrEm I think you said better what I was trying to say:lol:

'Enjoyment and fun' and the whole package for me:tup:
I'm kinda hoping we don't have to grind to get credits. I'll pretty much be in the tarmac than offroading. So, here's to a fair amount of Targa rallying than DIRT trials. For me anyway.
There is also forza rewards which depends on your level for example in my case lv9 gives you 500,000 every Friday.
I think it depends in player's eye who's the winner in this console war. But I would say games are the main selling point for a console (that's why we see exclusive stuff and games), other stuff it's just PR moves. I mean, playstation has GT, and yes, now the PR sucks, but my GT-emotions are still in my heart to the point I GT-ize everything I touch (and same stuff for Forza players). More even, I'm breaking my own "NoBox" rule by trying to get an Xbone just for Horizon because I honestly love it (love the Halo 5's bundle design tho ❤), but since I'm the boss now, I will use the festival to PR GT and GT Sport at it's finest (I'm talking in-game!!. Not IRL!!). I mean, GT original beats, GT cars...

Hell, I already have in mind a GTS-style Gr.B S15!! Haha

I mean, you can kill the game's physical existence, but you can't kill the game's spirit, specially such a strong one. And c 'mon, we can't deny we all have our GT histories :). And yes, all here have Xbones (I'm yet to, tho), but still. Even if it can be from other console, it's cool to have a custom crossover.

Right now I'm not a PS fan since they screwed it, neither a Microsoft one, but I still would love their games like GT-PES (PS side) and the original Halo-Forza (Xbox) and Mario-street fighter (for Nintendo) due to the memories I have with them, and the features they have are just bonuses :). I will add all Sega rallies too lol.

Again, it's just the player's eye :D
@ 42:50 you can see it says there are 456 cars to photograph.
That's because, as with Horizon 2, unplayable, "tourist" AI cars are included in that list.

We're all automotive enthusiasts, right? We know how little it tells us about two cars if we look at numbers and nothing else, so why do some folks do just that with game systems? I think what matters is enjoyment. It looks like this game majors on fun, and that's somewhat in short supply in the genre.
MS and the X1 specifically is still suffering from this surreal narrative that the PS4 is objectively a better system because of dem teraflops (among other things).

People are simply slowly grasping that the reality is always a bit more complex than 1080p vs 900p.

Backcompat alone allowed me to play a bunch of games I wouldn't have played otherwise. That's the kind of little stuff you don't write home about, as you clearly don't buy a gen n console to play games from gen n-1, yet it's a feature that's really, really nice to have, especially now with this digital age of not being able to resell the games you bought.

That being said I don't see the X1 "doing a PS3". It's lagging behind in sales and will still at least until the Scorpio model comes out.

Sorry for the OT :(
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What's up with the cars returning from FM6 that aren't on the official car list? Whatever they're intended for, I wouldn't mind seeing more of those.