Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Ok guys, help!! Which one is a better option??

The Halo 5 bundle!! ♥ (S/.1800-$529.52)

Elite bundle S/.1900-$558.94

+GOW and 3 games S/.1799-$529.23

8 ganes + 2 controllers (just 500gb tho) S/.1400-$411.85

Obviously I'm aware I'm doing online shopping. So it could be dangerous... But those prices are good to me considering some are used, some are new, and the bonus stuff... (NEVER expected to find the Halo 5 bundle, but I want the elite controller!)


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Honestly, I'd say the Elite for the controller alone. I've never used a control as amazing as the Elite Xbox Controller, and it's perfect for racing games.

Assign clutch/handbrake/shift up/shift down to whichever paddles suit you and it makes Forza so much more satisfying.
@girabyt3 Are those the prices $500? for an xbox one over there? Some new bundles here are going for £199 ($268)?

Is there the name your game bundle (comes with Forza 6 download Free)?
... Sony was practically handed the jump start, but the combination of a poor paid-online service (questionable quality of perks, recent price hike), constant delays on big games, and — more of an issue for this community than gamers in general — a distinct lack of killer must-have exclusive racing IP's has really hurt them IMO.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is going out of their way to become more accessible. Price cuts, backwards compatibility, better free/discount games for subscribers, PC ports (and streaming, which they got to before Sony)...

I think this is very much a racing centric viewpoint, though. In broader terms Microsoft is still playing catchup and damage limitation, with under half the units sold for Xbox One compared to PS4 worldwide, and that is the real reason for price cuts. Despite this, the PS4 exclusives outside of the racing genre are still piling up.

I'm not denying that Microsoft have showed they care about the racing genre whereas Sony is mostly ignoring it, however we also don't yet know the impact of the first mover advantage of PSVR and Driveclub VR (and later GT). Right now it's clear that Sony will soon own the "affordable" VR gaming market for at least a year, and that momentum will lead to still more exclusives.

Writing off the PS4 at this point would be very premature. "Pain" for PS4 not having exclusive racing IP (except Driveclub) has clearly not been a major factor.

But back to Horizon 3: actually for me (and probably many others) any reason to get a Xbox One has just vanished. Apex runs great on my PC, which is my main gaming platform anyway, and the one reason to consider buying Microsoft's console has vanished in a puff of Windows 10 smoke. Or should I say "Horizon at 60fps" smoke.

With exclusives like Halo and Forza now coming to PC, I do wonder what this will do to the Xbox brand in the longer term. It should be interesting to find out :)
@girabyt3 Ask the seller first. You might more interested in Forza 6 bundle ;)
TBH, don't care too much motorsport (still want Forza 1 since it was my childhood... and part of my family thank's to a cousin's ex), if it doesn't have rally, it's not my game. Hopefully, Forza 7 will have rally *finally*. But now, I'm more interested in horizon rather than motorsport #sorrynotsorry :)
Honestly, I'd say the Elite for the controller alone. I've never used a control as amazing as the Elite Xbox Controller, and it's perfect for racing games.
Looks amazing too!!
@girabyt3 Are those the prices $500? for an xbox one over there? Some new bundles here are going for £199 ($268)?
Well, there's a few facts for that:

1: Popularity; over here, the console-for-exelence it's playstation (thanks to PES/FIFA), and apart as well other games (Gran turismo including), that's why finding a playstation here is way easier (at the same price in retailers tho), besides, us peruvians are really used to the PS controllers due to it's configuration. That's why I will try to get a ps4 pro here too, for PES2017-FIFA and, obviously, GT sport :D

2: Import taxes; Blame our old president goverment for that, hopefully, this new president will change stuff here! :D

3: Coin change; The dollar worths 3 times the value of a nuevo sol ($1=S/.3.00 rounding it). That's why.
They're canadians, you know??

I know you're probably joking but so is Rush, The Band, Neil Young and Steppenwolf and so on. Canada has contributed a lot of great music over the years, a lot more than just Nickleback and Justin Beiber.

About FH3, I started downloading the demo last night, then jumped into Elite Dangerous, I'm not sure how much I have left but hopefully I can try it out tonight.
I know you're probably joking but so is Rush, The Band, Neil Young and Steppenwolf and so on. Canada has contributed a lot of great music over the years, a lot more than just Nickleback and Justin Beiber.
We know Canada is full of awesome musical talent. I love Barenaked Ladies, Bruce Cockburn, Jane Siberry, k.d. lang, 54-40, Cowboy Junkies, The Tragically Hip, etc. You get the point. Lots of great musical talent in Canada. And the US has plenty of musical acts we need to apologize for. It's the same for any country.
@girabyt3 Even if you dont go into Motorsport series, I was considering that the XBone bundle of that is considerably cheaper than a separate buy. In my place its about 30 dollars cheaper.

But if I must choose to your selection, you got 2 choices:
1. All in: Buy Elite pack. Those Elite Controller are much to be desired. Also the hybrid drive that makes load times faster.

2. Cheap option: The last, vanilla one.
Ok, I reduced my options to two: The Halo 5 bundle, and the Elite bundle. I so love that Halo design ♥, but the Elite definitely worths the price!!

We know Canada is full of awesome musical talent. I love Barenaked Ladies, Bruce Cockburn, Jane Siberry, k.d. lang, 54-40, Cowboy Junkies, The Tragically Hip, etc.

"MAGIC!" is a good band too, really odd to hear canadian reggae, but those guys have good taste ("rude" it's amazing, "lay you down easy" is crap, and the new one (which I don't know the name) is cool too). And, omg, Barenaked Ladies, everytime sometimes someone mentions them, I just can't avoid singing...
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen million years ago expansion started. Wait!
The Earth began to cool.
The autotrophs began to drool.
Neanderthals developed tools.
We built a wall. (We built the pyramids.)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery,
That all started with a big bang!
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Go with the Elite bundle. The Elite controller is amazing, the paddles are perfect for manual shifting, and if you decide to play shooters, the adjustable triggers can come in handy.
This game looked so good, that I bought an Xbox one, as well as a TMX wheel. At first I was having lots of trouble with wheel settings, but I found settings that worked so I was able to have fun with the demo, and I loved Horizon 1 back in the day, and it's backwards compatible now so I'm replaying the campaign until FH3 comes out, so I'm super hyped for the 27th!

Also, I don't have any friends on xbl yet, so feel free to add me: CydonianCyborg
This game looked so good, that I bought an Xbox one, as well as a TMX wheel. At first I was having lots of trouble with wheel settings, but I found settings that worked so I was able to have fun with the demo, and I loved Horizon 1 back in the day, and it's backwards compatible now so I'm replaying the campaign until FH3 comes out, so I'm super hyped for the 27th!

Also, I don't have any friends on xbl yet, so feel free to add me: CydonianCyborg

I just added you... Gamertag: VenomSquad11 :cheers:
i miss the rumble when the car was standing still.
The game so far sounds to me like they have completely revamped the audio. It's probably a sound feature they did't choose to reintroduce. Maybe Forza 7, or even a game update can bring it back.
The Ute sounds good when revving at a standstill. Also when doing a "skid". Which makes me wonder if we can mix match wheels and tyre compounds.
Really hope they can upgrade the smoke, from what I'm seeing, the smoke model looks the same as Forza 6. Don't want that, really, considering Apex has better smoke model, Aussies love burnouts AFAIK, and (don't want to start a "who's better" battle!!. Just saying a fair point :D). Even GT6 has better smoke model (coming from a old console)!!
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_2.jpg

Also. I just have 2 friends, so... add me meanwhile!! (Gamertag: girabyte3335 :gtpflag::gtpflag:). Will not say GT because, for me, GT=Gran Turismo :P

And also, If you get the Lamborghini Urus, do a favor to this world and swap the engine to the proper Lamborghini 5.2 v10!!