Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Question since I haven't seen any info about it elsewhere: Is there a Treasure Map that I can purchase post-launch?

I don't mind searching for the Barn Finds but I normally resort to a guide for bonus boards etc. and it would be a good timesaver.
Just over 11 hours here in the UK ;D

Its like being a Kid on Christmas Eve..

but its ok.

2 to 3 hours left here at work.

go home eat, shower etc.

Go out Bowling which i do on Thursday nights.

watch the new Red Dwarf.

than Horizon 3 should be all mine ;D

and I don't work Fridays so the Diet can take a days break as I order Pizza and enjoy a day of Horizon 3

life is good, yes it is :)
All this talk about exactly what minute the game will unlock...Don't forget that Horizon 2 infamously missed its midnight release by a couple hours and everyone was flipping out while MS got their act together.
More I see the game the less sure I am it will be much better or enjoyable on a wheel. It just seems crazy, in a fun way but so far from a racing Sim.

What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.

Good question or me just being silly?

I can see using a wheel being a bit of a hinderance if you're a map explorer since the terrain in this game is much more accessible than in the other two Horizons. Discovering every road and finding the bonus boards isn't a top priority for me though, so I'm not worried about this. For events and just driving from point A to point B, a wheel is great and I wouldn't play any other way, personally.

Overall, I don't think a game needs to be in the sim territory in order to be fun with a wheel. As long as the game doesn't have horrendous physics like NFS 2015, laid back games like this benefit from wheels just as much as more realistic racing games do.
Uninstalled my demo now as new to all this digital I didn't want it messing with my settings on the pre ordered digital copy (just in case) :lol:
It's up in NZ.

Source: Am playing it right now :D
Have Fun! I'm this gonna...uh..wait 8 hours or so. :irked:

Offtopic but Anyone could tell me the difference between the new XB1S White Controller compared to the "older" ones? Planning to buy a second controller for some other games.
More I see the game the less sure I am it will be much better or enjoyable on a wheel. It just seems crazy, in a fun way but so far from a racing Sim.

What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.

Good question or me just being silly?
I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all, some like using a gamepad. Me, if it doesn't have "decent" wheel support I don't play it. FM6 and FH2 on the console feels much better with a wheel to me, as does APEX on the PC. To each their own but I need the fine analog wheel/pedal control, I just get frustrated with a pad with fast and twitchy cars. Yes it's arcade but a "driving" arcade game.

The journey has begun!
I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all, some like using a gamepad. Me, if it doesn't have "decent" wheel support I don't play it. FM6 and FH2 on the console feels much better with a wheel to me, as does APEX on the PC. To each their own but I need the fine analog wheel/pedal control, I just get frustrated with a pad with fast and twitchy cars. Yes it's arcade but a "driving" arcade game.
I'm defo powering up my wheel for my first explorations. when it comes to leaderboard times, we will see

I haven't got a Warthog code...
brofist! the other guys that say 'dont care', they wont even know what squashed them :D
I'm still holding on to hope that I'll get it at 9pm today :lol: I should probably prepare to get let down instead haha.
I'm having trouble downloading the game on my PC. Upon reaching a certain amount of GB (usually around 16), my PC crashes and I have to reboot it. This unfortunately also means that I have to restart the download from the beginning. Does anyone know what's happening?