Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
If you've reserved the Ultimate Edition, just go to the store. It will tell you when the game unlocks.
View attachment 587493

It coincides with the times posted on the official forums (by 5 minutes or so).
That's not why it says in the store for me. I'm in London time zone and store says release date is 23/09/2016 00:00:00.
P.S. this is also the first Forza game to have a physical Early Access (FM6 only had a digital Ultimate Edition). Some guy over at the forums (good ol' LAZARUSceelai) just got his physical copy in the mail and is in the process of installing it.
Wait, what?! The Ultimate Edition is not digital only? I'm soooo getting it then.
The only reason that it matters to me is that I wouldn't like to trust the forums and then end up losing six hours of play as a result. Besides, it's all part of the Great Turn 10 Metagame: Guess What's Happening Because We Can Only Communicate Through Leaks. :lol:

P.S. this is also the first Forza game to have a physical Early Access (FM6 only had a digital Ultimate Edition). Some guy over at the forums (good ol' LAZARUSceelai) just got his physical copy in the mail and is in the process of installing it.

This may be a good reason for a staggered release. The pretense of releasing the game at the same time worldwide's gone the day of the dodo.
Thats a name I haven't heard for a very long time. I really don't enjoy very much anymore.
Wait, what?! The Ultimate Edition is not digital only? I'm soooo getting it then.
They had that info when they announced the game. I pre ordered the ultimate edition on disc at GameStop a week after it was announced.
They had that info when they announced the game. I pre ordered the ultimate edition on disc at GameStop a week after it was announced.
I just assumed it was digital only since that was the case with FM6. Oh well. It looks like I'll be able to play the full game tomorrow then.

You're thinking of Nintendo. You can always get your purchases back on PS4 and XOne. I know because I'm on my second XOne because my first one died on me.
I've never used a Nintendo in my life and I never will :lol:,but that is good to know.:)👍
I went and looked at the release date between KSA and UAE store to see the difference.
While geographically Saudi Arabia are on GMT +3 while UAE on GMT +4, both store pages shows GMT +3 as the time zone.


Based on above, KSA launch date is on 12 am at GMT +3, pretty normal.

Now UAE meanwhile...

On UAE, it's shows 11 PM for me so that means it's 12 AM over there in UAE.

This is why I thought the release was based on the local store's time rather than having one shared time in the first place.
More I see the game the less sure I am it will be much better or enjoyable on a wheel. It just seems crazy, in a fun way but so far from a racing Sim.

What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.

Good question or me just being silly?
It´s on you how you play the game... Stay on the roads and have fun with wheel... :)

You don´t need to drive across the map with 300mph ^^
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More I see the game the less sure I am it will be much better or enjoyable on a wheel. It just seems crazy, in a fun way but so far from a racing Sim.

What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.

Good question or me just being silly?
Watch the Inside Simracing YouTube videos from the last few days. They are sim fans and they seemed to have plenty of fun racing with the wheel. Particularly the offroad stuff was called out as being very immersive with a wheel.

I am hopeless with a controller and raced Horizon 1 with a wheel, it felt no different from playing Codemasters games like DiRT 1-3, GRiD 1, 2, Autosport. Or Driveclub. Control was accurate, no obvious lag, and not floaty or vague. Sure, you probably don't go as fast with a wheel, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the experience.
More I see the game the less sure I am it will be much better or enjoyable on a wheel. It just seems crazy, in a fun way but so far from a racing Sim.

What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.

Good question or me just being silly?
You know I'm a sim guy but for me I think I'll play with a pad, mainly because I want it hooked upto my 55" OLED 4K HDR enabled LG rather than the 1080p Sony on my sim rig so I can make the most of my Xbox One S. I'll defo be giving it a try with my wheel and any time I play the PC version will be on the wheel but I can see me spending most of my time with a pad in my hand.
What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.
I'll play with a pad for the most part. Not that past Horizon titles weren't fun with the wheel, but I'd have to constantly set my wheel up and put it away again to use my PC otherwise, so it's not worth the hassle for me. Some extended play sessions here and there being the exception.
What are peoples experiences on past Horizon titles when comparing pad/wheels.
I'll play with a pad for the most part. Not that past Horizon titles weren't fun with the wheel, but I'd have to constantly set my wheel up and put it away again to use my PC otherwise, so it's not worth the hassle for me. Some extended play sessions here and there being the exception.
Thats a name I haven't heard for a very long time. I really don't enjoy very much anymore.

I will admit, you're not missing anything out of the General section... But the Forzatography and Paint sections are still the best places to interact with fellow, can't you tell?, Forzatographers and Painters. I also predict that forum attendance will provide benefits for Auction House habitues and Limited Edition collectors.

Plus, you still have to visit atleast once per week if you want to take part in any comp, and once per month for the Clue Threads and the hilarious backlash when there's no S14 in the month's pack oh.

12 hours left for me. Hnnnnnnnnng. I haven't slept tonight... And can't get my four hours daytime sleep either. I think I'll have to survive another bout of extreme sleep deprivation. Will have to stockpile on energy drinks.
My physical copy of the Ultimate Edition has been dispatched, hopefully should be here tomorrow. Had no idea early access applied to those with physical versions. :D
I'm getting a bit antsy about waiting myself, though I have class this morning to distract me for a bit. After that, I think it's back to Horizon 1. I still have a lot of racing left in that game.

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