Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
If you've reserved the Ultimate Edition, just go to the store. It will tell you when the game unlocks.
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I know. RN nobody is trusting the info, tho - at least over the forums. The main reason is that it seems weird that the game wouldn't launch at the same time worldwide (although IIRC neither FH2 nor FM6 did, IIRC). Also, there are some significant discrepancies that can't be explained in terms of timezones - like people in the UTC+0 timezone reportedly having access to the game 5 hours later than people in the UTC+1.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. Whichever's the case, there's less than 24 hours left for me.
According to the store, the game's going to release at 00:00 on the 23rd for me - which is exactly 16 hours and 55 minutes from now... That's five hours earlier than France gets it, despite being in the same time zone.

According to the store, the game's going to release at 00:00 on the 23rd for me - which is exactly 16 hours and 55 minutes from now... That's five hours earlier than France gets it, despite being in the same time zone.


Same here, but apparently not the same for other people who are in the UTC+0(+1) timezone (possibly for people who are in the UTC+1(+1) timezone too).

We'll find out in about 17 hours.
I know. RN nobody is trusting the info, tho - at least over the forums. The main reason is that it seems weird that the game wouldn't launch at the same time worldwide (although IIRC neither FH2 nor FM6 did, IIRC). Also, there are some significant discrepancies that can't be explained in terms of timezones - like people in the UTC+0 timezone reportedly having access to the game 5 hours later than people in the UTC+1.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. Whichever's the case, there's less than 24 hours left for me.
Aside from those discrepencies, everyone should be getting it at the exact sime time, respective of each owns timezone. A global simoultanious release so that everyone is playing at the exact same time. Mine is lining up according to that chart, I should have it in 23 hrs.
Well, I ain't complaining about getting it early :lol: If that's the case, that is.
A global simoultanious release so that everyone is playing at the exact same time.
Am I the only one who's not seeing the point? :confused:

Folks in Seattle get it just in time for a neat evening of gaming joy and the French can launch it right before leaving for work :indiff:
Oh this day is going to REALLY drag on. :crazy:
May I introduce you to my good friend Jägermeister? Nothing puts a day on fast forward like a couple Jägerbombs :lol:
Well, I ain't complaining about getting it early :lol: If that's the case, that is.
Am I the only one who's not seeing the point? :confused:

Folks in Seattle get it just in time for a neat evening of gaming joy and the French can launch it right before leaving for work :indiff:
The point would be that all users will get access to the game at the very same moment, really.

Ill be getting it on the 22nd, but that'll already be the 23rd for you.
Well, I ain't complaining about getting it early :lol: If that's the case, that is.
Am I the only one who's not seeing the point? :confused:

Folks in Seattle get it just in time for a neat evening of gaming joy and the French can launch it right before leaving for work :indiff:

May I introduce you to my good friend Jägermeister? Nothing puts a day on fast forward like a couple Jägerbombs :lol:

If I wasn't working today that option would be on the table. :lol:
If you've reserved the Ultimate Edition, just go to the store. It will tell you when the game unlocks.
View attachment 587493

It coincides with the times posted on the official forums (by 5 minutes or so).

The chart with all the different timezones doesn't line up to what my stores says though. My store says 23/09/16 12am where as the chart says 23/09/16 2:05pm.
Forza Motorsport just tweeted that the game will launch at "midnight local time". It's getting really confusing rn. What the hell does "local time" even mean on Twitter?
I'm just hoping that the charts are a little messed up and the game does indeed unlock at midnight... Dunno who to trust no more.
Forza Motorsport just tweeted that the game will launch at "midnight local time". It's getting really confusing rn. What the hell does "local time" even mean on Twitter?
Probably going by the time zone the person using Twitter is in?
I'm just hoping that the charts are a little messed up and the game does indeed unlock at midnight... Dunno who to trust no more.

Probably going by the time zone the person using Twitter is in?

Possibly. But then it'd be poor communication, IMHO.
Forza Motorsport just tweeted that the game will launch at "midnight local time". It's getting really confusing rn. What the hell does "local time" even mean on Twitter?

This is what confused me too haha. I'm guessing they mean local for anyone reading which means it wont be a simultaneous launch time. I'm from Australia, but I think it's stupid. Should release for everyone at the same time.
Damn, this thread moves fast.

I can feel your pain @doblocruiser :sly: Seeing the photo thread of FH2/FM6 and the GTS Delay was the last straw for me..As you know gave in and no regrets ..PS4 & Xbone one for me from now on so I don't miss the exclusives (In an ideal world all games would be released on all the same systems!)👍
I could't care less about the delay of GTS (it isn't looking too hot anyway) but the lack of great first party racing games from Sony was really getting to me.

I also got an e-mail this morning from the store that my XB1S is waiting for me. Demo time this evening! Currently trying to contain my excitement at work.

Forza Motorsport just tweeted that the game will launch at "midnight local time". It's getting really confusing rn. What the hell does "local time" even mean on Twitter?
ok, this probably means that early release wont be "global time" like I read last week, but game will unlock exactly at midnight of the store/region that you bought the game from, as per the normal releases happen.
so, australia wins this one :)

After all this confusion I thought I might check for myself what the release time is, and it looks like us Aussies are being given the dodgy end of the stick. Communication would go great.
If Ultimate release gets the same treatment as any other game, it will release on midnight on region purchased.
If it has another policy running, like global release, then I guess no end user can know for sure. (timer on site I would not trust my life with it :D )
We will know which case of the two it is, in about 6 hours and a half

Time of release's still midnight here in Italy... But in Australia it's aligned with the "global release" tab. What the hell? Is there any agreement over which time's right at MS? I surely hope so. :lol:

P.S: people over at the forums are suggesting MS may have adopted a staggered release schedule to avoid putting too much strain on the servers. Let's not forget that this is only the second game launching with Xbox Play Anywhere, and that the launch of FH2 went badly.
If that's the case, it's anybody's guess who's getting the game when. They may as well picked areas with a lower presence of those pesky English-speaking streamers first. :sly:
timer on site could be just an applet. doesnt mean (I bet it doesnt happen) that it is synced with the servers that will validate the licences at time zero
Man, none of this edition stuff, console or PC stuff, matters. We all have a freakin' awesome new game to explore. Talk about bringing the gaming community and car enthusiasts together. This is it!

The only reason that it matters to me is that I wouldn't like to trust the forums and then end up losing six hours of play as a result. Besides, it's all part of the Great Turn 10 Metagame: Guess What's Happening Because We Can Only Communicate Through Leaks. :lol:

P.S. this is also the first Forza game to have a physical Early Access (FM6 only had a digital Ultimate Edition). Some guy over at the forums (good ol' LAZARUSceelai) just got his physical copy in the mail and is in the process of installing it.

This may be a good reason for a staggered release. The pretense of releasing the game at the same time worldwide's gone the day of the dodo.
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