Relaxed, General Forza 6 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
But who says there is even a May pack coming? Don't get me wrong, T10's track record does point to more unannounced DLC but there's no official confirmation, right?

I don't think they would want to suddenly cut back on a source of monthly income given the additional resources spent developing a free PC game. Then again, Apex is also a reminder that strategies can suddenly change, but I doubt they would stop releasing car packs without a word.
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So, no mention of any clue thread in the WIR. There's still the chance a pack could come Tuesday, of course, but I wonder if might be a little later to give Apex more time in the spotlight.

Same goes for anything in June: might make sense to time anything with E3 and any potential Horizon tie-in.
What's the betting we get this very soon:cool:

2016 Chevrolet Camaro

So I've now effectively 'completed' Forza 6 - read, done all the volumes. I'm still not close to 100% but I'll try and get there someday. And I've done some important stuff such as the Le Mans 250.

One thing I can not recommend you do any time soon is the Modern GT Racing Southern US Tour in a stock 911 GT1. Because eventually you'll get to Daytona and it will be destroyed down the straights. It took many tries just to get third there. The 911 GT1 is a pretty great drive, make no mistake. Just not there.

The Ultimate Motorsport section was also mostly hell for me. I was using different classes for each volume and none of my choices were entirely suitable. I was always going to do Endurance Prototypes for one but I had to make a choice for the other two. I picked Legends of Grand Prix for the first series, but fortunately that turned out to be easy. After trying out all the cars the Honda was clearly best for me (good that I have it for free) and it walked the whole volume. So that was alright. But the AI seems pathetically slow there. In fact, the AI drives like it's on acid in all three volumes, as I found out in the last two volumes. I also once made a dumb mistake at Long Beach - one of my worst circuits. There I was only 2nd and had plenty of cars behind me. But I still felt compelled to do the old school handbrake celebration. I promptly did it too early and finished 5th. At least I got a comfortable win next time...

I did the second volume with the Endurance Prototypes. I went and picked the Toyota TS040 and it was not entirely suitable at times. The first two races were dreadful for it. Trying to get round 2 laps of the Nordschleife perfectly was hell for me. But Monza was also dreadful for me and it. Quite apart from being outgunned down straights (the Porsche 962 is astonishing here) I also cocked up some corners horribly, all the time. Incidentally, just try and have an accident at the Variante Della Rogia on the first lap in such a situation, especially if you're already well up the order. The AI's reaction is hysterical. Watch, for instance, one car end up flying as the cars try to get going again from the resulting pileup. Or one car get lapped whilst it is still running into the tyre barriers trying to get back onto the track. (The Jaguar that did this was being particularly stupid throughout the entire series - it didn't escape me that the drivatar driving it was one of my friends...) I thought Brands Hatch was going to be awful for me, which probably explains why I did it on the first try. But fortunately the last three races would all be great. Watkins Glen is my best track, and I monstered that, Le Mans is another great track for me and I was first after 20 seconds of that, and Spa would've been good too...apart from the rain. All the puddles at Spa are either right across every relevant corner (Eau Rouge is a killer and the Bus Stop is ridiculous) or on the apex of every relevant corner. No matter, 4WD would keep me safe...but I spun out on the Fagnes chicane and nearly lost 1st. Only a violent approach to the Bus Stop got me the win there.

The Ultimate Motorsport Championship was done in Can-Am. Again I tested the cars to see which would be most ideal and the only one that suited me was the Lola. It's a very bizarre car, the most like a point-and-squirt racer I have seen in this game. But that was better than the others which can spin you out very easily. Given the gruelling races ahead I would've done that a lot without the Lola. And I have to say, once I really got the hang of it about halfway through the series, the Lola was a lot of fun. The gearbox costs it horribly on the straights but once you have it down its stability is surprising. You just have to remember that if you hit something (which happened a lot, the AI is incredibly odd here and the Lola is difficult to manoeuvre on the throttle), don't touch the throttle straight away. After that it's all cool. I have to ask though, why the hell do they only use the national circuit for Catalunya? What was wrong with the full circuit? It's terrible either way but still. Everything else had their full circuits. Also, shoutouts to the AI at Silverstone which hits the puddle at the last corner every single time and consequently hits the barriers at every single moment. That let me lap half the field as I saw what appeared to be a Can-Am orgy in the gravel in the later stages of the race. That race also really taught me how to use the Lola properly - if you're steady enough with its steering it's properly good to drive.

Now I've gone out and bought cars with a lot of cool replica liveries I like, and tuned up other cars similarly. The Evo VIII I have now looks just like what the perfect Evo does in my mind, they've nailed it with the parts on a lot of cars in this game. I can even put on the Safari Rally snorkel for no reason at all...which is even better. (Even the Lancia 037 has the extra Safari Rally kit you can put on it as well.) Now I'm wondering what I should do next...oh, of course. Go out and get 100% eventually, and just drive whatever I damn well please. And write about all the cool stuff as well.
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No word on a May car pack huh? Shame, I need something to get me excited about Forza again. Thanks to Dirt Rally I never play this anymore. :indiff:
I'm on Xbox One and Forza 6 is the present pinnacle of the driving game market as far as I am concerned. I am at driver level 1070+.. so I play it quite a lot as they say. I still play it every day for quite some time, along presently with SLRE. Myself I have no interest in 'on-line' and having seen some of the Forza 6 atrocities called races on You Tube, I am quite happy about that. Rivals is good and the ability to create your own designs, pictures and video really extends the game imo

I'll have to digress for a moment because some people have mentioned Dirt Rally. For myself Dirt Rally was/is a deeply disappointing waste of money. Good graphics, good enough sound, OK physics... utterly ridiculous game play imo... where is the rewind? Where is the ability to properly adjust the Ai difficulty? This often meets with howls of derision but why does it matter how anyone plays the game? If you bought the game you play it how you like not to please others.

Dirt Rally is way too pretentious for me to bother with. It is supposed to be a game, if people want a realistic rally experience then I have to politely suggest they start off by buying a cheap car and join their local rally club... a video game is not rallying, it is a video game. Myself I rallied as an amateur quite extensively some years ago now along with my friends ... for all that some people on the internet are gushing about Dirt Rally, it is just pictures on a screen - as are all of these games

Meanwhile back at the Forza ranch.... Next out should be Horizon 3 I suppose. Horizon 2 was fine but a bit too 'pop art' for my liking, in fact I thought the DLC Storm Island was the best bit. I hope Horizon 3 is suitably more Forza 6 in delivery with far more music tracks on the radio or if possible the ability to play your own music through the car radio... now that would be a neat trick

But the question is for Forza 7, where does it go? More tracks? That would be good. Update the cars of course but in reality Forza 4 was not much less of an experience than Forza 6 imo

I suppose 7 will be 3d virtual reality or some such thing. Well I invest? Yes, but until then I'll carry on with Forza 6 and still basically enjoy it as much as I did on the very first day of early release
I'll admit that i've slightly lost interest in Forza 6 for the moment. Been busy playing Horizon 2 and GTA Online.
I'm totally fine if we don't get any extra cars at all, there are so many I haven't tried so far anyway. In fact Forza 7 could ship without any new cars and I'd be fine with that too, I'd like them to add more features like proper qualifying and stuff than adding more cars. More tracks are always welcomed that's for sure though.
I was looking forward to those private races supposedly going on, but since I have yet to get an invite to one, I've kinda fallen out of the serious racing loop. Do you guys still do them?
I'm really enjoying the game, though I do wish the AI were better at taking corners. I'm using the same method as Forza 4 (the last one I owned) whereby difficulty is set to "Above Average" then I drive a car as stock without modding it, usually giving away up to 50pp to the others. I get mugged on the straights but make up a lot of ground on the corners. Kind tortoise & hare but I like driving cars as they are meant to be (or as near as a game gets) rather than always modding them to make 500pp, 600pp etc.
Is this me, or why everytime I see the gameplay videos on YouTube, the AI scenario is "Several Packs in the middle, some in the back, only one or two in the far front/lead"
I was looking forward to those private races supposedly going on, but since I have yet to get an invite to one, I've kinda fallen out of the serious racing loop. Do you guys still do them?

I've been pretty busy so I haven't touched Forza in days, now I have a flu so I'm only doing a bit of rivals (actually your challenge thread :) ) when I get back to it I'll send you an invite. Regardless, the whole point why I mentioned it was to encourage gtpeers to race each other, you can set the private lobby yourself and invite people too. Try taking the initiative, I'm shy as hell yet I tried and turned out pretty well. We have a really good community here. 👍
I've been pretty busy so I haven't touched Forza in days, now I have a flu so I'm only doing a bit of rivals (actually your challenge thread :) ) when I get back to it I'll send you an invite. Regardless, the whole point why I mentioned it was to encourage gtpeers to race each other, you can set the private lobby yourself and invite people too. Try taking the initiative, I'm shy as hell yet I tried and turned out pretty well. We have a really good community here. 👍
Yeah true. Very true. Perhaps I could give it a try. Would anyone be interested in some private racing tomorrow at 2PM EST? If so, lemme know.
Also, hope you feel better soon @Fat Tyre. I recently just overcame a sinus infection. Still got remnants of it leftover, but almost over it completely. :)
Yeah true. Very true. Perhaps I could give it a try. Would anyone be interested in some private racing tomorrow at 2PM EST? If so, lemme know.
Also, hope you feel better soon @Fat Tyre. I recently just overcame a sinus infection. Still got remnants of it leftover, but almost over it completely. :)

Thanks man, also I think you'll have better luck just messaging whoever is online at the time you feel like racing or even better if you can send a message an hour or two earlier but through Xbox's smart glass app (if you don't have it on your phone try installing it, it's very handy) or from within the XBone itself.
@AudiMan2011 limited creativity is not trying things out. In trying things out, you'll get there. I'm not the best logo creator, but I stick at it and now I've finally got my own Coca Cola, Buzzin' Hornets and Agip logos and I'm really proud of having had the patience to finish them.
I'm back. Mostly. The move is basically completed. 95% of my life is in storage, but my TV and XB1 are with me at my sister's house. Downside: she doesn't have internet. I'll get that sorted and everything hooked up, and I'll be back for real in a week or two.
Pardon me if I'm posting in the wrong thread, as I couldn't find one on DLC discussions:

There's a new May pack arriving sometime today I suppose. Is that right? Read some interesting comments on the official "May DLC Clue Thread" which is now closed.
Pardon me if I'm posting in the wrong thread, as I couldn't find one on DLC discussions:

There's a new May pack arriving sometime today I suppose. Is that right? Read some interesting comments on the official "May DLC Clue Thread" which is now closed.
It was all speculation which led to a flame war.

There should be more coming because they've always made a "last car pack" announcement in the past.

If there is a car pack and it follows the regular schedule it will be out sometime in the next 12 hours, but it's been pointed out that with Apex coming out so soon (2 days) they might delay it to avoid taking away attention from that like they did with the Porsche Expansion...

I really wish they would just answer with a yes/no response.
I'm quietly confident of a new pack today.

I'm not going to get over hyped just yet though.

But this wouldn't be the first time a car pack has come out of the blue without any hints or clues.

If we do great!

If not, oh well.

I've been playing Project Cars a bit more lately but do intend to return to F6