Relaxed, General Forza 6 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Eh, forget it. I'm off to go play some GTA on PS4. Clearly the servers on XBL are having issues, as there's been a sudden rush of bug reports recently.

Once the servers are fixed, I'll come back on.
Ever since this recent Xbox update, my ethernet connection wont even read. The weird part is that I was connected through ethernet while downloading the patch, but once it installed it took me to the main screen and said I wasn't logged in. Removing the cable allowed my wifi access to kick and logged me in automatically, but once I plug my ethernet back in, it logs me out.
Xbox live is having online issues today with every game. They know about it, it's on their status page. You can play online but it keeps kicking me off every 10-15 minutes.
I forgot I wanted to reply to this. I'm fairly positive its user lag, and what's happening is that the force of the blow is amplified because the car is warping around the track and ridiculous speeds, all the while retaining its full shape. I think if someones going to be lagging like that, they should be ghosted automaticaly so instances like this don't happen.

The same thing was happening when me and you where racing, and you're car warped into mine causing me to fly off, but on your screen you said you didn't touch me. That is just likely do to the fact that you are on the complete opposite side of the world lol. It sucked though, because it damaged my rear end pretty good since sim damage was on, but because you didn't actually hit me, you didn't get any damage. It was our race at Watkins Glen when you where driving the F40 I believe.

Ah, that explains a lot.

Yes, I believe it was the F40. :cheers:
I've had serious connection issues since the release of the game....but last week (and still today) the situation was really atrocious.

Trying to connect to multiplayer? Can't connect.
Trying to find a lobby? Can't find.
Finally in a lobby? Nobody can hear anybody.
Ready to start a race? Sent back to the lobby.
Finally in the race? Atrocious lag and cars flying/teleporting all over the place.
Got rid of all laggers/noobs/crashers and finally leading? Disconnected during the race.
Want to share a replay? "Try again later"
Looking for a design? Servers not available.
Looking for a setup? After the first 4-5 results -> empty slots - > "try again later"

Want to send fast messages from Smartglass? Unresponsive.
Want to download your FREE with Gold xbox 360 compatible games on your Xbox One? MS want you to add a freaking credit card.

And in a few days I'll have to renew my XBL gold. I'm so ready :dunce:

(I'm sorry, this is supposed to be the relaxed forza 6 chat)
I've had serious connection issues since the release of the game....but last week (and still today) the situation was really atrocious.

Trying to connect to multiplayer? Can't connect.
Trying to find a lobby? Can't find.
Finally in a lobby? Nobody can hear anybody.
Ready to start a race? Sent back to the lobby.
Finally in the race? Atrocious lag and cars flying/teleporting all over the place.
Got rid of all laggers/noobs/crashers and finally leading? Disconnected during the race.
Want to share a replay? "Try again later"
Looking for a design? Servers not available.
Looking for a setup? After the first 4-5 results -> empty slots - > "try again later"

Want to send fast messages from Smartglass? Unresponsive.
Want to download your FREE with Gold xbox 360 compatible games on your Xbox One? MS want you to add a freaking credit card.

(I'm sorry, this is supposed to be the relaxed forza 6 chat)

And in a few days I'll have to renew my XBL gold. I'm so ready :dunce:
Xbox servers have been really, really wonky this weekend. I couldn't even start a party with someone, and my mic in game, and everyone elses, was not working but cut in and out every once in a while. Hasn't been a good weekend for gaming.
Odd. I seem to connect and play just fine. The only issue was that last night I lost connection to Destiny servers.

Forza on the other hand was unaffected. I can go online, run rivals events, etc.
Odd. I seem to connect and play just fine. The only issue was that last night I lost connection to Destiny servers.

Forza on the other hand was unaffected. I can go online, run rivals events, etc.
This is the problem I was having, besides the social aspect of party chat etc and not being able to send messages by smartglass. Saturday and Sunday, it seems a bit better today. I can at least message people through smartglass.

I could log in and online too, but I've been playing a game where you're always "online". You can set it to play offline, but I had it set to online. It seems both days it started in the afternoon for me. Every 5-15 minutes it would say "disconnected from the servers" and kick me back to the starting screen. I could log right back in and play online, it just kept having hiccups like that.

Somethings still off today though, it's not kicking me and I can send messages, but I was having major trouble trying to play co-op with a friend, and my internets perfectly fine.

Edit: I've never had a problem connecting to Xbox live, I was always connected to that.
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Does the Xbox one start up slower once it has more data on it? It's been doing it for a while. It's around 80% filled now.
Does the Xbox one start up slower once it has more data on it? It's been doing it for a while. It's around 80% filled now.

I believe it does. I've just got an external drive and despite having the console still at about 90% full, it's loading quicker, than when it was at 98% with no external drive. It didn't hold as many screencaptures by that point, either. Only one day's worth would show up, but now it appears to show as many as you've taken and not deleted.
So, it's kinda like the Xbox 360 in that aspect. When I got my X360 slim arcade originally; I was only using the 4gb storage space it had originally along with 2 usb drives for space. I ended up with the space being nearly used up and it affected how my games performed a bit. I.E. When I used the rewind feature in FM4; there would be a loading screen instead of the game showing the car rewinding. Once I finally got a Harddrive with 120 gb for my system; it was running a lot better.
Quick question, does anyone know if there is an option to race against AI cars in factory paint colours only rather than the random customized paint jobs? Just been watching a video on Youtube of a Chryslus Rocket 69 racing a field of supercars but all the production models are in regular factory colours. Mine always seem to default to the wacky custom jobs.
So, the Forza 6 Apex open beta is launching on May 5.

Oh, and the 2nd comment on their FB page has the ever-so-infamous question:
Yeah you'd hope so, though nothing is guaranteed at this point. I think @SlipZtrEm referred to a potential Hot Wheels pack (with the Hot Wheels x Forza leak) which would make sense.

Yeah, I'm expecting that last week. I've actually forgotten all about getting psyched for car packs: I've only been playing for the MLG tournaments lately, and the big thing for me next week is Captain America. :lol:
Quick question, does anyone know if there is an option to race against AI cars in factory paint colours only rather than the random customized paint jobs? Just been watching a video on Youtube of a Chryslus Rocket 69 racing a field of supercars but all the production models are in regular factory colours. Mine always seem to default to the wacky custom jobs.
You can turn off drivatar designs in the menus.