You're welcome to download your free copy of Forza 6: Apex along with everyone else. What's the problem?
Well, obviously I take a different view of the world, as we are all entitled to apparently.
Myself I do no use a gaming PC, I use an XBox One... so Apex is precisely of no use to me... that's the issue. Offering something free to an existing customer who has no use for it is an insult imo
People in general have always confused me, when one has owned companies which have a service aspect and dealt with the public which I have all my working life, then one of the major difficulties is to get the silent majority to complain when they do not like something. They vote with their wallets instead.
Supine sycophants are 10 a penny and really of no use to anyone because one cannot improve ones service and therefore profits without people saying "Don't like that'... silence is very definitely not acquiescence. It is also a bare reality of life that "....the mice in meetings are the rats outside". People who keep agreeing and smiling, they need watching. It is also a well proven facet of business that " have to have some grit in the shell to make a pearl"
Personally in my business experience I very much like the people who say "That's no good, I don't like that" It is much like a car which is broken and does not run, that is relatively easy to fix. But an intermittent fault is a real pain. Not knowing what you are doing is upsetting some or many your clients is metaphorically speaking an intermittent fault
With that in mind a USP of Forza 6 on release was "It is only available on XBox One'... whilst Apex is not a full Forza 6 and whilst in the strict letter of the law there is no infringement of that marketing promise, it is very definitely blurring the lines of the spirit of the law; there is a certain under handedness about that imo.
That said in wholly generalised terms there are many things I do not understand about 'people' and an unfortunate aspect of the internet is that we all comes across a myriad of characters that one would not converse with at all in real life.
The upshot of that is, experientially, very many people become confused as to what is actually being said.