Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
I SO hope with a comment like that you can read Braille.

That was an analogy Famine. come on, I'm sure you saw that.
You cannot draw that analogy unless you have experience of reading Braille...


Having sex with chickens is like climbing the Eiffel Tower with just your lips.

How can I POSSIBLY make that analogy unless I've experienced BOTH?
You cannot draw that analogy unless you have experience of reading Braille...


Having sex with chickens is like climbing the Eiffel Tower with just your lips.

How can I POSSIBLY make that analogy unless I've experienced BOTH?

Because everyone that reads this forum with even the most limited education KNOWS what braille is. I'm hoping nobody knows what it is to have sex with a chicken.
You cannot draw that analogy unless you have experience of reading Braille...


Having sex with chickens is like climbing the Eiffel Tower with just your lips.

How can I POSSIBLY make that analogy unless I've experienced BOTH?

I don't think I want to do either :yuck:!
But very few KNOW what it is to read Braille, so that analogy is not only false - if the poster has no experience of it - but useless.

And if my last post isn't sigged by someone, I'll be literally astonished for maybe a full quarter hour.
But very few KNOW what it is to read Braille, so that analogy is not only false - if the poster has no experience of it - but useless.

And if my last post isn't sigged by someone, I'll be literally astonished for maybe a full quarter hour.

You know Famine, sometimes you're far too technical for your own good. It was a fairly simple analoty. You FEEL instead of SEE. What's the huge deal. Sheesh.
Wait ....are you telling me that before you make popcorn chicken dont have to have sex with it ? ......damm . better late than never I guess.
You know Famine, sometimes you're far too technical for your own good. It was a fairly simple analoty. You FEEL instead of SEE. What's the huge deal. Sheesh.

From that I can directly infer that you've never read Braille either.
From that I can directly infer that you've never read Braille either.

I've been blessed with good eyesight. So no. However, I do have blind acquintances that have shown me a little bit in the past. So I undertand the concept of it.
I've been blessed with good eyesight. So no. However, I do have blind acquintances that have shown me a little bit in the past. So I undertand the concept of it.

It's nice to see that you're consistent in your ignorance.
Indeed. It's a truely fascinating language - yes it's not really a language in that it uses words from extant language forms and is moderated depending on the predominant language of the locality, but it uses unique characters to display them so I consider it to be a language.

It's not processed in the touch centre of the brain. It's processed in the language centre - exactly as if you were reading it with your eyes. Written language and braille arrive in your mind in exactly the same way. Hence, as I stated earlier, the analogy is inaccurate.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to climb the Le Tour d'Eiffel with just my lips.
They were almost ALL one to one. He spoke to the prophet, and the prophet let everyone know.
Hrrrm, how extraordinarily convenient for the 'prophet'.

You do know that a definition of "hallucination" is seeing and hearing things that no one else can...
Indeed. It's a truely fascinating language - yes it's not really a language in that it uses words from extant language forms and is moderated depending on the predominant language of the locality, but it uses unique characters to display them so I consider it to be a language.

It's not processed in the touch centre of the brain. It's processed in the language centre - exactly as if you were reading it with your eyes. Written language and braille arrive in your mind in exactly the same way. Hence, as I stated earlier, the analogy is inaccurate.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to climb the Le Tour d'Eiffel with just my lips.

Wow, is there anything you don't know Famine. I mean really. You know a whole lot and that's obvious, but dang, what's with the arrogance?
Wow, is there anything you don't know Famine. I mean really. You know a whole lot and that's obvious, but dang, what's with the arrogance?

Assuming you know stuff when you don't is arrogance.
Assuming you know stuff when you don't is arrogance.

You know. This goes way back to that time you posted km/h in that one thread on the drifting forum. It's not about being right and wrong. Because in both cases you were quite correct. It's about delivery.

Dang, you remind me of my 6th science teacher. A literal genius but couldn't deliver his knowledge to save his life.

Knowledge is one thing, being able to deliver and relate that knowledge to others is a different story all together. Just something extra there. That one's no charge. :dopey:

But seriously, nobody here is DUMB enough to deny your knowledge. But when you just through it at people in such ways it makes it very hard to swallow, even when you're correct.
Hrrrm, how extraordinarily convenient for the 'prophet'.

You do know that a definition of "hallucination" is seeing and hearing things that no one else can...
Well, it IS rather extraordinary that those hallucinations panned out just like they wrote them down several hundred years later.
Well, it IS rather extraordinary that those hallucinations panned out just like they wrote them down several hundred years later.

This should be good...

skicrush... Tell me some of the Bible's finest prophecies.

Swift - If I were a teacher, I might care. As it is I'm not, but most of the kids at school want me to be. But, since I'm on an internet site discussing the finer points of closing your eyes when anything you don't like comes along, I couldn't care in the slightest what my delivery is.

Funnily, most of the people who agree with me - or rather who agree with the scientific method - don't have a problem with it. Only those I'm bulldozering seem to take offense.

Then again, it's better to be at the Devil's right hand than in his path. Or something.
This should be good...

skicrush... Tell me some of the Bible's finest prophecies.

Swift - If I were a teacher, I might care. As it is I'm not, but most of the kids at school want me to be. But, since I'm on an internet site discussing the finer points of closing your eyes when anything you don't like comes along, I couldn't care in the slightest what my delivery is.

Funnily, most of the people who agree with me - or rather who agree with the scientific method - don't have a problem with it. Only those I'm bulldozering seem to take offense.

Then again, it's better to be at the Devil's right hand than in his path. Or something.

Wow, you really don't get it do you? Oh well.

And it's really stupid to use spiritual analogies when you have confessed you don't believe in them. That goes against what you just said a few posts ago.
And it's really stupid to use spiritual analogies when you have confessed you don't believe in them.

You, on the other hand, DO believe in them. Neat, huh?

Can we get off the ad hominems please? You're looking desperate.

That goes against what you just said a few posts ago.

Suuure it does. :rolleyes:
You, on the other hand, DO believe in them. Neat, huh?

Can we get off the ad hominems please? You're looking desperate.

Suuure it does. :rolleyes:

Right, you don't believe, understand or comply with the existance of Satan. Yet you use an analogy that is directly based on him. So how is that not the same as using the Braille analogy earlier?

And the bulldozer just keeps on plowing.... :dopey:
Right, you don't believe, understand or comply with the existance of Satan. Yet you use an analogy that is directly based on him. So how is that not the same as using the Braille analogy earlier?

Because you DO understand it, since you DO believe in it. No-one understood the Braille analogy earlier, since no-one who knows Braille would recognise what the smeg they were talking about. Anyone who DID understand it didn't, because they were thinking "Braille. Blind people. Feel letters.", which isn't what happens.

The Braille analogy was drawn on ignorance of what Braille is. My phrase, which was actually a quote from the hit movie "The Mummy", wasn't drawn on ignorance. I am au fait with more Biblical hogwash than you'd want to give me credit for and my target audience (you) knew exactly what I meant with no room for error. And I always tailor my remarks to my target audience.
Because you DO understand it, since you DO believe in it. No-one understood the Braille analogy earlier, since no-one who knows Braille would recognise what the smeg they were talking about. Anyone who DID understand it didn't, because they were thinking "Braille. Blind people. Feel letters.", which isn't what happens.

The Braille analogy was drawn on ignorance of what Braille is. My phrase, which was actually a quote from the hit movie "The Mummy", wasn't drawn on ignorance. I am au fait with more Biblical hogwash than you'd want to give me credit for and my target audience (you) knew exactly what I meant with no room for error. And I always tailor my remarks to my target audience.

I'll have to find the earlier occurence of that. It was not first said in the Mummy, though I know the part you mean.

Wow, I'm just so amazed. It's hogwash huh? Nice, again I say. Oh well. You obviously have no belief or faith. So you are simply a scientist. And, I guess that's all you're every going to be huh?
I find it absolutely amazing that someone could partake in the wonders of this life, good and bad, and actually think it all happened by accident. Something exploded and millions of years later we have mankind, which by the way, is a decendant of a monkey. If we are decendants of monkeys, why are there still monkeys? I'm a very simple man and do not wish to even try to get on the mastermind level of this conversation, but had to pipe in my utter amazement.

May God have mercy on us all.
I'll have to find the earlier occurence of that. It was not first said in the Mummy, though I know the part you mean.

Wow, I'm just so amazed. It's hogwash huh? Nice, again I say. Oh well. You obviously have no belief or faith. So you are simply a scientist. And, I guess that's all you're every going to be huh?

Wow...the toys are out the pram now :lol:

Swift you claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but you don't seem very enlightened or gracious. You lose your temper quite quickly, not only here but in other threads.
Tell me again, what are the benefits of that personal relationship again ;)

...simply a scientist :lol: whereas you are? Simply a sheep.

The Lord is my Shepherd, he maketh me lay down to die,
He hangs me in high places and releases my soul with sharp steely knifes.

Oh no...that's lamb cutlets :lol: and the Ape share a common ancestor, but that's obviously way above your head and it's much easier to believe that we all came from Adam despite the obvious incest problems ;) Besides it should be in the evolution thread, not here...
I find it absolutely amazing that someone could partake in the wonders of this life, good and bad, and actually think it all happened by accident. Something exploded and millions of years later we have mankind, which by the way, is a decendant of a monkey. If we are decendants of monkeys, why are there still monkeys? I'm a very simple man and do not wish to even try to get on the mastermind level of this conversation, but had to pipe in my utter amazement.

May God have mercy on us all.

That monkey remark still has be laughing, who here said we are decendants of monkeys? I dont think evolution has come up in the past 100 posts or so , so I dunno where you are comming from. Im not one to know anything about evolution, but i dont think man is just an uber-monkey species that surpassed its hairy noisy smelly peers.
Tacet_Blue and the Ape share a common ancestor, but that's obviously way above your head and it's much easier to believe that we all came from Adam despite the obvious incest problems ;) Besides it should be in the evolution thread, not here...

If you want to be the decendant of an ape, be my guest. I was created.

Evolution is the scientific explanation of how man, evolved, from a previous form.. Christianity is a belief that includes the explanation of how man was created. This is a thread about religion. Christianity is a religion. Scientist try to explain away Christianity, one explanation includes evolution.
Do scientist try to explain away Islam ? Or Buddist ? Or is it just Christianity they have a problem with ? was it the christian religions that over the centurys tried to suppress all science that contravened the Bible or was that just a misunderstanding ? Except for the all the dead heretics of course. Maybe a few midwives burnt as witches .