- 10,116
- Maryland, USA
- swift-bass
Tacet_BlueWow...the toys are out the pram now
Swift you claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but you don't seem very enlightened or gracious. You lose your temper quite quickly, not only here but in other threads.
Tell me again, what are the benefits of that personal relationship again
...simply a scientistwhereas you are? Simply a sheep.
The Lord is my Shepherd, he maketh me lay down to die,
He hangs me in high places and releases my soul with sharp steely knifes.
Oh no...that's lamb cutlets
JParker...ahem...man and the Ape share a common ancestor, but that's obviously way above your head and it's much easier to believe that we all came from Adam despite the obvious incest problemsBesides it should be in the evolution thread, not here...
You make fun of the Holy scriptures and I'm supposed to be cool with it? When the money changers were in the Temple, Jesus was not cool with it. Grace is underserved love. I've talked about it in other threads as well. And I've displayed plenty of it. Though not in a way you would probably see as "love"
You say I've lost my temper? Perhaps, but I'm willing to bet that each time someone was going directly against or making fun of God's word. So, yeah, I'm going to get a bit heated over that just like everyone else seems to get heated at the notion that evolution is not true.
I'm very enlightened. But to a simple gospel. It doesn't take years of study to figure it out. I'm not downplaying education or the study of science and medicine. But that has zero to do with my faith. Jesus died on the cross to save me from sin and rose on the third day in victory. That's the simplicity of the gospel. It's been turned and twisted by many. But that's it. A very simple clean message.