Remembering Eddie Guerrero for the last time

  • Thread starter MugenVTEC
I know wrestling is not a sport loved by the majority of the members on the board here, but I was thinking about that and wanted to remember Eddie for the last time.

Eddie was an awesome athlete, performing and acting wrestling as a passion, which he gave his entire life to. Friday Night Smackdown! is just not the same since he's gone and the entire WWE industry will never be the same ever, as it miss the Latino Heat...

Viva La Raza,
Rest In Peace

Eddie Guerrero will be sorely missed in the WWE, but it was great to see Ray Mysterio (sp) win the Royal Rumble in his honour.

The Guerrero spirit will live on in the WWE with Chavo, but Eddie was just something else, he brought a laid back feeling lets say to the shows, but then he was also serious when needed.

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero 1967 - 2005
I'm not a wrestling fan and I don't have payTV or anything so I can't watch it anyway but I was at my friends house today and he was watching it. I saw that guy in the mask (obviously don't know the names) with the shirt of Eddie's head on it. I asked my friend how it happened but he doesn't know. Does anyone know how he died?

First, the wrestler with the mask is Rey Mysterio. :)

Second of all, Eddie Guerrero abused of alcohol and drugs a long time ago (stopped like 3 years ago), but it affected his body to much. He suffered of an heart stroke, due to the abuse he done in the past. :(
I used to be a wrestling fan and i remember Eddie Guerrero very well. It's ashame that he has passed away.

I saw him fight at RAW/Smackdown last June in Anaheim, CA.

He was a well loved fighter.

I used to be a wrestling fan and i remember Eddie Guerrero very well. It's ashame that he has passed away.

There were rumors going around that Eddie was booked to WIN the World Heavyweight Championship at the Raw/SmackDown supershow being taped that day,defeating Randy Orton and then-World Heavyweight Champ Batista in a Triple-Threat match.
Krispen Wah
There were rumors going around that Eddie was booked to WIN the World Heavyweight Championship at the Raw/SmackDown supershow being taped that day,defeating Randy Orton and then-World Heavyweight Champ Batista in a Triple-Threat match.

You said it, it was a rumor. World Heavyweight Championship and WWE Championship always change hands in PPV's, it makes more money than changing it in normal shows.
I have always been a fan of wrestling: WWF, NWO, WCW, WWE! It really is a shame that Eddie is no longer around (Lie, Cheat and Steal), he was such a character! But his memory will always remain! Thanks to Rey, Chavo and his fans! It is disappointing now that Chavo has gone against Rey, saying that he is using the Guerrero name! They are going to go head to head on Monday in Summer Slam!
