Reputation is dead!

  • Thread starter Jordan
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THANK you! For ages I've wanted to see which posts my latest rep (if any) went to. And I had more than I thought :)

Neutral reputation? Isn't that a bit redundant?

It's there because the user doesn't have enough reputation points to issue anything more than a comment. Which, unfortunately, I have plenty of. But hey ho :)
1. Then what's the bonus for quality posts?
Your reputation. I can't say I honestly looked at a blue badge under your username as some kind of big reward. It was nice as a status symbol, sure, but that's all. I actually think removing the badge but being able to see the last 10 changes to my rep is much better. I get far more satisfaction knowing that someone has read my post and held it in high enough regard to plus rep it than I ever have from having the badge.
2. How are we to know who makes "quality posts" on the forum?
I guess you just have to know the members. I never judged everyone on if they had a badge or not. there were members with the badge who I didn't know and ther were members without the badge that didn't post that often who I did know and I knew they made good posts. You just have to use judgment.
3. Where do we find out who left us our most recent reputation?
All I can say is that clicking on "My GTPlanet" works for me, I click that and it's right there infront of me. I can see this change being frustrating to thoes who are having trouble seeing thier rep, but from the perspective of someone who can, I prefer the system this way.

I agree the system needed to be overhauled, but I disagree with this. I would do what you've done but keep the 'Quality Posts'no outward display of your reputation status, who are you kidding if you form a group to play the rep system besides yourself. It'd be pointless. If you've been give good rep because of good posts, you'll know about it.

+1 to both. For the record, I was not a quality poster before this - I just liked knowing that YSSMAN was.
And you still do, just because the badges arn't show anymore doesn't suddenly mean YSSMAN isn't a quality poster anymore. He just doesn't have a badge to outwardly show it. Anyone who knows him knows what his posting is like, I don't suddenly rate him less than I did now the badge is gone.
I don't get the Show Rep box, either it's not working for me, or I have no rep.:drool:
You, along with everyone else, should now see the reputation displayed regardless of any settings. I have updated the templates so this is no longer an "option" that you must set.
I can't say I honestly looked at a blue badge under your username […]
Obviously not, since it was green. :lol:

But you (accidentally) make a good point – who looked at the badges? I never did. I look at names to associate with quality.
I'm having a nightmare editing that post of mine above. Everytime I edit it, it deletes more of what was already there as well as the edit I've added. It's that quote that isn't finished. Anyway, I'm giving up, I've been trying to edit it for the past half hour and it's late. I've got my point across, and as Sage pointed out, the badge was green not blue.
I never did. I look at names to associate with quality.

Dave A
Anyone who knows him knows what his posting is like,

You guys need some perspective - new members cannot do this. Frankly, when I join a new forum, it's hard to figure out exactly who's good and who's not and whose posts I should be paying attention to. This is something I loved about GTP (even though I'm not a new member). I really think if you were looking at this from the perspective of a new member, you wouldn't want to drop this system.
It really isn't that hard to quickly spot who makes decent posts and who doesn't. I mean, when a new member comes on here, you only need to look at their first few posts to determine whether they'll be a worthwhile contributor here. The same holds true when the shoe is on the other foot.
I'm undecided if it really is that important to have the badge for a newer member. I only know that YSSMAN and I guess the mods were the only ones I can remember having the badge. So I haven't really been here long enough to know who has them and who doesn't.

That said, reputation really wasn't in the badge for me. I know YSSMAN was a quality poster because he made a lot of excellent posts and Famine was good because of how everyone else views him.

Another thing against the badge is that people with the badge can make a sub par post from time to time, and the badge doesn't automatically make it great. And of course, the badge is not a requirement to make a quality post. Everybody can do that!
It really isn't that hard to quickly spot who makes decent posts and who doesn't. I mean, when a new member comes on here, you only need to look at their first few posts to determine whether they'll be a worthwhile contributor here. The same holds true when the shoe is on the other foot.

Hmm. Two sides to this one, I guess.

How's the Mazda 3?
1. Then what's the bonus for quality posts?
2. How are we to know who makes "quality posts" on the forum?
3. Where do we find out who left us our most recent reputation?

I agree the system needed to be overhauled, but I disagree with this. I would do what you've done but keep the 'Quality Posts' badge.

If you need a badge to determine whether your posts are quality, you don't deserve it.
The latest reputation that you have received is no longer visible. This may or may not be a permanent change. I am disappointed with the abuse of the system and I need to re-evaluate the direction that I want to take it.
The latest reputation that you have received is no longer visible. This may or may not be a permanent change. I am disappointed with the abuse of the system and I need to re-evaluate the direction that I want to take it.
I think I know what you're talking about. Good call IMO. I was going to suggest keeping the rules for how much times you can rep and how often.
Yeah, it was a good idea to get rid of the rep view. I have to admit that a few of us premium people were basically PMing eachother through rep. :lol:

It wasn't that bad really, but it could have gotten there easily. It seemed like it could cause people to retaliate even though it was anonymous. Sometimes you just know who posted something, ya know? After that trial I don't think we should be able to see it at all.
I was going to suggest keeping the rules for how much times you can rep and how often.

Agreed. I’d say keep it how it was but allow you to see the last few reps, just not how many points you have.
If you need a badge to determine whether your posts are quality, you don't deserve it.

Put simply here.

The latest reputation that you have received is no longer visible. This may or may not be a permanent change. I am disappointed with the abuse of the system and I need to re-evaluate the direction that I want to take it.

Damn. It was kind of fun to see the most recent reputation I received.
The latest reputation that you have received is no longer visible. This may or may not be a permanent change. I am disappointed with the abuse of the system and I need to re-evaluate the direction that I want to take it.

Can't say I'm surprised.

How about the next time you think up a new feature and want to put it in effect, you make a test run among the mods and/or a few members. That way you don't get the flood of people asking all the ins and outs of reps as well as some members who are a bit angry at their badge having been stripped for no apparent reason.

I have to admit that a few of us premium people were basically PMing eachother through rep

When making such a statement, you should say who it was, else people will start assuming all Premium members did it, which would frankly be an utter abuse of the system.-
Once again, it seems that the few destroyed a nice thing for the many. Great job guys. Did you at least have a good time? First logrolling to get the badge and now abusing the system a bit more to harm the hard working ones too?

The system shouldn't have been restricted. You should have been banned for a good amount of time. And stripped of your points, naturally. But that's only my opinion and I understand the decision.
I think its a good idea to see your amount of rep points... to me the badge is not so important.
Wow, that didn't last very long. I guess I'm not surprised with how some people were abusing it. I'm not sure who pushed it over the edge, but its pretty lame to do that. It seems like half of the new ideas here get taken back because they're being abused.

Not too much of a loss, I thought it was pretty neat and pretty good feedback to see your last 10 reps, though I guess it didn't enrich my GTP experience all that much.
Personally, I think a lot of the abuse wouldn't have happened if there was a limit put back on how often you can +- rep people.
Even if there was abuse, I don't think it matters that much. I mean, you're the only one who can really see how much rep you have.
Guys, can we settle this once and for all? I mean why don't we just remove the whole rep system altogether?
Damn, i'm really going to get flamed for this.... :(

If its causing too much trouble, why not remove it? As many has stated, we all would know who made a good post or not just by reading their comments. (eg. YSSMAN, Famine) The new members would mostly don't really care for us senior members, they would either just make some random post which most of us would never reply. Some would just spam this forum.....👎 I can see how other forums just doing well without the rep system, so why can't we?
Yeah, it was a good idea to get rid of the rep view. I have to admit that a few of us premium people were basically PMing eachother through rep. :lol:

:dunce: Thanks a lot. 👎 Some of you postwhoring Premium members seem to think that you're above the law here just because you've paid for Premium. The rep system should stay, but the GT Premium Convo thread should go. ;) There's too many low quality posters hanging out in there. 👎

That didn't last long. :indiff:

^ I wonder why? :rolleyes:

When making such a statement, you should say who it was, else people will start assuming all Premium members did it, which would frankly be an utter abuse of the system.-

Hear, Hear!

Once again, it seems that the few destroyed a nice thing for the many. Great job guys. Did you at least have a good time? First logrolling to get the badge and now abusing the system a bit more to harm the hard working ones too?

The system shouldn't have been restricted. You should have been banned for a good amount of time. And stripped of your points, naturally. But that's only my opinion and I understand the decision.

👍 Agreed.

Even if there was abuse, I don't think it matters that much. I mean, you're the only one who can really see how much rep you have.

Abuse = AUP violation = Infraction or bannination.
It does matter.
Whether it's abuse of a member, system, or the rules in general.

I'd like to see the original system reinstated, badges & all, it was self regulating, and not too open to abuse. :)
Can't say I'm surprised.

How about the next time you think up a new feature and want to put it in effect, you make a test run among the mods and/or a few members.
How would that help? We wouldn't abuse it the way some members have.

When making such a statement, you should say who it was, else people will start assuming all Premium members did it, which would frankly be an utter abuse of the system.-
Like this for example?


We can see who gave each one of those "reps" and it doesn't do any of you any favours.

Once again, it seems that the few destroyed a nice thing for the many. Great job guys. Did you at least have a good time? First logrolling to get the badge and now abusing the system a bit more to harm the hard working ones too?

The system shouldn't have been restricted. You should have been banned for a good amount of time. And stripped of your points, naturally. But that's only my opinion and I understand the decision.
We can see who gave each one of those "reps" and it doesn't do any of you any favours.

I was under the impression the rep system was anonymous. In fact, that's the beauty of it. Whether you want to sign it or not is your own choice... wouldn't checking who did those reps be a violation itself?
Sad thing is, that it is really hard to create a rep system that cannot be abused.:guilty: I never had a quality posts badge, probably never will because of my little.. err.. "opinions" in the automotive section.. But that doesn't stop me from contributing as a GT4 tuner. Then again, I also saw this abuse right in front of me in certain thread..

IMO, this system was sort of bringing out the elitism in some cases, and occasionally some "friends" gave each other positive rep when they agreed on something, while opposing someone else and giving him/her negative rep.. which also partially led into this situation. System would had sort of needed some kind of justification feature.

Removing the rep-badges or just scrapping the whole rep-feature would bring more equal situation between members. No more brown-tongues or previously mentioned favours from friends just because someone disagrees with this particular member etc etc etc.

just my opinion as usual.

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