Reputation is dead!

  • Thread starter Jordan
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Quality Posts badges are no great loss, truly intelligent posts speak for themselves.
I agree, the badge isn't a big loss, but to not have the badge, and to not be able to view where your rep came from, to not have either makes the system pretty redundant imo.

Once again, it seems that the few destroyed a nice thing for the many. Great job guys. Did you at least have a good time? First logrolling to get the badge and now abusing the system a bit more to harm the hard working ones too?
Agreed, now we have a rep system where you can't see which of your posts have recieved good or bad rep without trolling through all the posts you've made one by one. While I stand by the idea of only you (and the mods/admin ofcourse) being able to see your rep, not being able to see which posts contribute to that rep begs the question, why bother with a rep system at all, if I had +400 rep all that is to me is a number, if I have +400 rep and can see commments about posts that contributed to that positive rep, then I have a lot more than that.

I understand what being attepted here, but everytime we get something that's good, it get's abused and we lose the good part of it. What were left with is a button we can press that will have zero bearing on how I post. I never check each post I have made individually, and I'm not about to start. It's not the end of the world or anything, but as I said before, if this is all we get thanks to the few who spoiled it for the rest of us, why bother with the system in the first place.

The system shouldn't have been restricted. You should have been banned for a good amount of time. And stripped of your points, naturally. But that's only my opinion and I understand the decision.
I agree with that idea. I isn't Jordan or any of ther admins fault that there are some on here, some who even in the regular threads appear to be good and positive members, who spoil a system like this for the rest of us. As has been brought out, some of these members are premium subscribers, well I guess they have more to lose since a ban will eat away at their subscription. That should be considered.

:dunce: Thanks a lot. 👎 Some of you postwhoring Premium members seem to think that you're above the law here just because you've paid for Premium. The rep system should stay, but the GT Premium Convo thread should go. ;) There's too many low quality posters hanging out in there. 👎
Amen to that, I really like the idea of a thread where you can just post not random rubbish, bit bits of info, things about your day etc that don't warrant a thread of thier own. But I've made perhaps two posts in that thread in the alst two or three months. Simply put, because it's full of garbage that I can't be bothered sifting through.

I think a lot of the problems with some of the Premium members could be solved by removing that thread. Starting up MSN is not hard, but I guess these guys are not satified with that.

I'd like to see the original system reinstated, badges & all, it was self regulating, and not too open to abuse. :)
Here's the problem, it was open to abuse, and it was being abused. I don't know who, but I can think of how. And if I can think of how to abuse it, other members can.
We can see who gave each one of those "reps" and it doesn't do any of you any favours.
Could you explain what you mean here. I may be reading it wrong but it sounds like you're talking down to all of us Premium members. Like I say, I'm probably reading it wrong or something.
He means that as a mod, he (thats daan) along with the other mods and admin can see who has given who what rep regardless of the comment written in it. So these people who have abused the system are not anonymous to the mod staff. So unless you were one of thoes that were abusing the system, that comment does not apply to you, premium or not.
Could you explain what you mean here. I may be reading it wrong but it sounds like you're talking down to all of us Premium members. Like I say, I'm probably reading it wrong or something.

I am referring to the members in the pic above who gave out minus rep for no reason.
He means that as a mod, he (thats daan) along with the other mods and admin can see who has given who what rep regardless of the comment written in it. So these people who have abused the system are not anonymous to the mod staff. So unless you were one of thoes that were abusing the system, that comment does not apply to you, premium or not.

I am referring to the members in the pic above who gave out minus rep for no reason.
Oh ok. Thanks guys.👍
Once again, it seems that the few destroyed a nice thing for the many. Great job guys. Did you at least have a good time? First logrolling to get the badge and now abusing the system a bit more to harm the hard working ones too?

The system shouldn't have been restricted. You should have been banned for a good amount of time. And stripped of your points, naturally. But that's only my opinion and I understand the decision.

Guys, can we settle this once and for all? I mean why don't we just remove the whole rep system altogether?
Damn, i'm really going to get flamed for this.... :(
Ah, deja vu. This whole situation is becoming that of a previous situation at UCP. The Rep System was abused, and the admin started making changes. Of course, there were also a few folks who found who neg repped them, and caused a few arguments, so I'm hoping that doesn't come here.

But the reason this repeating situation worries me is because after all was said and done, a lot of the better members left for good. I really don't want to have to see a similar result of this situation.

:dunce: Thanks a lot. 👎 Some of you postwhoring Premium members seem to think that you're above the law here just because you've paid for Premium. The rep system should stay, but the GT Premium Convo thread should go. ;) There's too many low quality posters hanging out in there. 👎
I'm sorry, but I must agree. There have been quite a few times in the past where the origin of a subject/problem was in the Premium forum such as members feeling they have the right to backstab non-Premium members they don't like and know they can't be seen by. Just like little cowards. 👎
The latest reputation that you have received is no longer visible. This may or may not be a permanent change. I am disappointed with the abuse of the system and I need to re-evaluate the direction that I want to take it.

The way you had it before worked just fine. There wasn't a ton of abuse since you had to think about what you were doing with it.
:dunce: Thanks a lot. 👎 Some of you postwhoring Premium members seem to think that you're above the law here just because you've paid for Premium. The rep system should stay, but the GT Premium Convo thread should go. ;) There's too many low quality posters hanging out in there. 👎

Disagree with each of your points but agree with the gist - I'm a bit miffed you guys abused the rep system.
He means that as a mod, he (thats daan) along with the other mods and admin can see who has given who what rep regardless of the comment written in it. So these people who have abused the system are not anonymous to the mod staff. So unless you were one of thoes that were abusing the system, that comment does not apply to you, premium or not.

Actually, I think mods don't know who gave rep... but they can determine it through IP search. They can find out the 'reppers' IP and check out where that IP is from.

Again, the anonymity of the system is a great plus. If mods can see/determine who gave the rep, then you can't -rep a mod. Which makes it even worse.
I would feel comfortable giving -rep to a mod, because the staff here is mature, and wouldn't hold it against me. Of course, I never see bad posts from the mods/admin here, which is probably why they're mods/admin in the first place.
Boy, am I tired of all this. The reputation system has now been disabled. Thread title updated accordingly.
I would feel comfortable giving -rep to a mod, because the staff here is mature, and wouldn't hold it against me. Of course, I never see bad posts from the mods/admin here, which is probably why they're mods/admin in the first place.

I've done it a few times, only to receive massive flaming from the affected mod.

Boy, am I tired of all this. The reputation system has now been disabled. Thread title updated accordingly.

Funny how when the system was installed, many of us complained about how it could be abused... and the precursors of it claimed it couldn't be.

Goodbye Rep... you were good while you lasted.
Actually, I think mods don't know who gave rep... but they can determine it through IP search. They can find out the 'reppers' IP and check out where that IP is from.
If we couldn't, then I wouldn't have said this...

We can see who gave each one of those "reps"
I'm not a liar.
If we couldn't, then I wouldn't have said this...

I'm not a liar.

I didn't say you were... I was just under the impression you couldn't. It really sucks that you can, though.

It was a nice idea and it was created with the best of intentions. Unfortunately it wasn't used with the best of intentions. It's dissapointing to think that some of the seemingly decent guys could be amongst the ones that had a hand in it's demise. The Admin try to put a system in place that rewards good members and other members ruin that reward. Losing it isn't a huge deal in terms of what the rep system physically provided, but in principal it's pathetic that people abused it.

Ah well, no one complained about the lack of a rep system before it was introduced. At least not that I'm aware of, so maybe this decision is for the best.
Boy, am I tired of all this. The reputation system has now been disabled. Thread title updated accordingly.
I don't think that this is a bad decision. It seemed that whenever the rep system was so much as mentioned, this kind of crap started occurring again.
No offense, but I really did see this coming. The causes of its failure were the same as I saw it on UCP.
I didn't say you were... I was just under the impression you couldn't. It really sucks that you can, though.

Not really - we have (had) to be able to track who's leaving what for whom and the nature of the comments.

The fact that Moderators can read who gave them what reputation is potentially a concern, but not with this crowd. It's always nice to get posrep, but negrep can be just as useful.
I agree with Famine, as long as the -rep isn't someone being stupid then it can be helpful. It can help you realize that you're aren't as good a poster as you think you are.
I didn't say you were... I was just under the impression you couldn't. It really sucks that you can, though.
That came across as harsher than I meant it to be. Sorry.
I've never given two cents about rep, but I am going to miss that "Quality Posts" badge... only took me three or four years to get it... :lol:

I guess I'm just not online often enough... I'd thought the whole rep-spamming issue was behind us (about a year and a half, at last count...).

I guess any rep or kudos system can be abused. A board I'm on elsewhere started giving "cash" points for posts (it has a rep system that's generally ignored because nobody knows its there...) and since the "cash" system is biased for long posts... well, the cut-and-pasting wasn't pretty, and it led to a lot of banninations... :ouch:
Boy, am I tired of all this. The reputation system has now been disabled. Thread title updated accordingly.

Well that sucks. Do you think you'll ever re-instate it? Back to the way it was I mean.
This might have been answered but I might have missed it. What was the point of doing away with the old system? I didn't see any flaws in it.
This might have been answered but I might have missed it. What was the point of doing away with the old system? I didn't see any flaws in it.
That's what I was thinking, if anyone tries to abuse the old system just ban 'em.
Well whatever happens, I know you've tried a few different things, made a few changes and sadly a proper fix didn't show up. You didn't put it in place and let people run riot with it and not care, you made efforst to make the system one that would benefit. Not everything works out like this sadly proves, but thanks for trying 👍. Your efforts don't go unappreciated.
I didn't see any way you could abuse the old system though. I mean you had to rep ten others before repping someone again. Oh well, I guess there won't be any issues and ultimately this is Jordan's site since he pays the bills so he should be allowed to do whatever he likes with it.
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