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Famine[1] As described in the Bible? No.
As I said, I'm unaware of any other evidence about the existence of an actual man named Jesus of Nazareth (or any corruption of such - as no-one can quite agree on the last part), so I can't comment on that part.
[2] Though one thing it does cast doubt on is whether the Bible is the word of God. The explanation you linked to has one author "improving upon" another, and a third influenced by the dramatic style of the time... The authors can't seem to agree on the story of the resurrection either. It automatically raises at least two questions to my mind. How can the Bible be trusted as a source of information when supposed witnesses cannot agree on two fundamental events, and what other "improvements" and external influences went on?
[3] Americans who believe they were kidnapped by aliens: 4 million.
Idiots who believe Loose Change: Innumerable
[4] No, it was just the wording that made me laugh, not your meaning. After all, wouldn't a truely humble person know that they could be corrupted easily (just as a truely modest person wouldn't proclaim to be the best at being modest)? That was all - just the wording.
[1] Would you like some references to read? C.S. Lewis wrote something interesting, "Mere Christianity" I believe is what it's called. You could also check this site that I just found while googling some questions. I hate to just plop in links but they seemed to note their sources in stead of just "believe it because I said so".
[2] Don't know what to tell you. If one question of doubt discounts the entire Bible to you, then you haven't done any research on the subject.
[3] You mean you don't believe in luck? Alright, first you don't believe in the Bible, now this? I am starting to get really disappointed in you.
[4] For sure.