My research leads me to believe that the answer to this question lies somewhere in the Egyptian gods, more specifically with the Egyptian god of Ra (or Re as it is sometimes spelled). Ra, in Egyptian mythology, is the creator of all life, much like the Christian’s God named Elohim, but Ra is also credited with being the patron god of the sun, heaven, kingship, power, and light (Ra 1). It was said that Ra was created by the Ogdoad, which were a four pairs of gods (which were snakes) and goddesses (which were frogs) that represented water, air, darkness, and eternity, what the Egyptians thought were the four fundamentals of being. As the myth goes the four pairs of gods and goddesses became unbalanced and thus lead to the creation of a new entity Ra. To do this they placed an egg on an island in a vast area, when ‘hatched’ a mighty sun rose up and was named Ra. From here, Ra and the four pairs of gods and goddess known as Nun, Naunet, Kuk, Kauket, Hu, Hauhet, Amun, and Amaunet started to create the world and spawn a vast empire for the Egyptians (Ogdoad 1). Ra is also closely related with the Pharaohs of Egypt, during the fourth dynasty the Pharaohs and their kings were proclaimed ‘Sons of Ra’ (Däniken 144). This is where I think it gets interesting and where my theory starts to make sense. The Fourth Dynasty is when the Great Pyramids were supposedly built, and this is when they Pharaoh’s became the ‘Sons of Ra’. So does this mean that the Pharaoh’s during this were some sort of Egyptian version of Jesus? I believe so because if you leave religion totally out of the subject and look at purely the story itself, they are remarkably similar. Jesus, according to the Christian religion, is the son of the God, Elohim, who was born a man and to become the King of the Jews (Jesus 1). The Pharaoh, according to what we know about ancient Egypt, is the son of the god Ra who was born a man and became the King of the Egyptian (Feature 1). I don’t think this can be a coincident that both religions are based around the same type of story, and this leads in more of my theory.
When Jesus was crucified, he died, and was buried. Three days later he rose from the dead to spend 40 more days on Earth (whether this figure is correct is a matter of belief, but the number 40 in the Bible represents a long time). After his time on Earth was over, he ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father (Jesus 2). The story with the Egyptians is similar in a few ways. The Pharaoh was the ‘Son of Ra’ and, when he died his sprit or body (depending on what Egyptologist you listen to) was assumed to be transported into the afterlife. So basically the Pharaoh ascended into the Egyptian’s version of heaven to be with Ra, which again is strikingly similar to the belief of Jesus ascending into the Christian version of heaven. This is exactly what the Great Pyramid is said to be, an ascension device to send the Pharaoh on his way out of the world of the living (Features 2). This is all to similar for me to believe there is not a connection, but I just don’t have enough research to link it all together, which is another reason I want to become an anthropologist. With studies and a better disposal of material for research I think I might be able to find this ‘missing link’ of Egypt. So what am I suggesting here? That the bases for all religion came from ancient stories, that start with the Egyptians, and were told to people who came up these ideas a supernatural being known as God, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, or whatever other God/god religions now a days worship.