Reverse Game Confirmed or highly probably in GT5 (or maybe not)!

  • Thread starter Zathra5_
I personally, hope for the option to use the rewind button as something else, because I will never use it- even if I have a horrible crash that makes me repair/restart the race. IMO- other people can use it, I will not- simple as that.

I play the game as if I'm actually there, because I will never actually be a racer- so for me, all assists off, cockpit views, manual on all cars that support it, and no rewind for me- even if it means having to master a section of Nurbrugring with a certain car- oh well- I can always turn around, and attempt to master it again, or go through the whole lap. That to me, is the true spirit of Gran Turismo.

+ 1 👍 👍 👍 Rewind is a waste of time
No one wants to see this go on so I will just wrap it up here.

Rewind in GT or not, you have shown your true colors. You throw out claims and a bet to back your point as if challenging others and when it comes down to the line you try to find any excuse to back out.

At this point it's still quite possible that rewind won't be in GT, but you have already done the damage to yourself and proved you just to talk the talk but won't walk the walk.

It's all right there in black and white. May this be a good lesson to you and you never make another "never" bet again :)

That is all.
Seeing as how I originally made the bet to piss you off, I think the bet has more than paid its dividends.:lol:

Also, the discussion about why rewind sucks concluded ages ago in the Sections thread, but it's entertaining to see you still wasting your time on this discussion.
Am I the only one that thinks that having rewind feature would defeat the purpose of a simulator and damage?. Alot of people were complaining how GT5 is not a simulator if there is not damage and so own, but if we get rewind, why bother with damage, since you can rewind after a mistake.
Is this gonna turn out like the interview that "confirmed" only race cars would have damage?

Probably. I don't really believe anything the translations have to say until I see screen shots proving otherwise. I'll believe it when I see it. And that's how I live my life. 👍
I really don't see a problem with it. As long as PD implements a system like Codemasters did in Grid and Dirt where you can turn it off, then the purists can have it their way. Plus, you can't use rewind online as it is.

No need to turn it off, just don't use it.
Am I the only one that thinks that having rewind feature would defeat the purpose of a simulator and damage?. Alot of people were complaining how GT5 is not a simulator if there is not damage and so own, but if we get rewind, why bother with damage, since you can rewind after a mistake.

Excellent point. Rewind is like a bandage. OOOPS!, You're okay!
LOL so funny LOL so funny after guys tried to trash my thread on Rewind. It has its virtues and the master has spoke and agrees, I'm very sure it will be implemented in an awesome PD way. I also like how Kaz finally had to play Forza3 and quit acting all smug like it was beneath him, the game is good and presents a real competitor, if not nobody would be arguing so passionately.

Again like I've said in numerous threads its the best racing game out NOW and people should not deprive themselves. If GT5 is better, then you got 2 awesome games within 9 months of each other. If you can't afford it, then ok but don't trash those who can and enjoy it.
Am I the only one that thinks that having rewind feature would defeat the purpose of a simulator and damage?. Alot of people were complaining how GT5 is not a simulator if there is not damage and so own, but if we get rewind, why bother with damage, since you can rewind after a mistake.

Indeed it does, for the people who'd have too hard of a time with Gran Turismo 5 since it has realistic physics and damage.

For us who plan on reassigning the rewind button to something else, it doesn't affect us. At all. So it can't defeat the purpose of anything.
Ooops, training wheels my friend, don't use them if you know how to ride a bike already.

Only in practice mode should it be allowed. That makes a lot of sense, but not on lap 20 of a 20 lap race. The option should not be present in that situation.
Well obviously this can't be used online. I think it a great feature. If you read the Forza 3 review on IGN, they think of the rewind feature as good.

To all the people complaining; if you like it, don't use it. Its as simple as that.
Only in practice mode should it be allowed. That makes a lot of sense, but not on lap 20 of a 20 lap race. The option should not be present in that situation.

I agree absolutely, but I also don't have a problem if a newbie wants to use it in their own personal season. Although in a thread I had before I noted where it would be cool to be used in a practice session only and, made even better as suggested by someone else, to map out a section of track you want to practice before your session and it would allow you to redo over and over again not just a rewind button.

My experiences with it are that it allowed me to try different lines and really dial in the feel of multiple entries and exits without having to go all the way around. The fact that GT4 had no real telemetry like it used to means that I had no visual cues to let me know if my corrections were making me faster. Using this I am able to try them and immediately see the results without the need to go to telemetry. I honestly think its a revolutional tool in a TRAINING environment only that takes full advantage of todays technology.
I agree absolutely, but I also don't have a problem if a newbie wants to use it in their own personal season. Although in a thread I had before I noted where it would be cool to be used in a practice session only and, made even better as suggested by someone else, to map out a section of track you want to practice before your session and it would allow you to redo over and over again not just a rewind button.

Sounds fine to me. Rewind should be a tool, not a necessity. There's a big difference in the two. You can use it, or abuse it. It should not be allowed where credits are involved, yet it should be included somewhere. That somewhere is not in a real race.

In my eyes: Rewind negates damage. Damage is a real factor or bad driving. This is a driving simulator. Hence, rewind takes away from a key component of real life driving: mistakes.

This is a very basic concept for even the biggest noob.
Sounds fine to me. Rewind should be a tool, not a necessity. There's a big difference in the two. You can use it, or abuse it. It should not be allowed where credits are involved, yet it should be included somewhere. That somewhere is not in a real race.

In my eyes: Rewind negates damage. Damage is a real factor or bad driving. This is a driving simulator. Hence, rewind takes away from a key component of real life driving: mistakes.

This is a very basic concept for even the biggest noob.

Good point about the credits, not sure how I feel about that part of it.
Kazunori Yamauchi:" can reverse your game and record your laps and share them with others."

It seems innocent in this context. I feel like he is saying you can rewind the game, but only for lap time purposes.

How do you interpret it?
It almost sounds as though it is for their YouTube feature to create clips and pictures honestly, like you just run laps on your favorite track and can rewind and try to make the best looking clip you can.
Am I the only one that thinks that having rewind feature would defeat the purpose of a simulator and damage?. Alot of people were complaining how GT5 is not a simulator if there is not damage and so own, but if we get rewind, why bother with damage, since you can rewind after a mistake.

Not in the slightest, I can't even see a reason to think it would turn out that way.

But more importantly, no one knows if rewind is in the game. "Reverse the game" could just mean go back to a % complete checkpoint if you managed to waste all of your money and have no cars, etc. I'd wait until real confirmation before celebrating.

Though I'm annoyed that they didn't wait until GT5 was out and add it as a download.
It almost sounds as though it is for their YouTube feature to create clips and pictures honestly, like you just run laps on your favorite track and can rewind and try to make the best looking clip you can.

Hmm. Sounds encouraging. You have an idea.
LOL so funny LOL so funny after guys tried to trash my thread on Rewind. It has its virtues and the master has spoke and agrees, I'm very sure it will be implemented in an awesome PD way.

It really is funny and ironic... going back through the old rewind threads it was a ****storm of hate on rewind... now with the possiblity of it being in GT the atmosphere has changed drastically... some are still sticking to the "no" line but not nearly as vehimently and I see a lot of "it's ok in limited areas" now where not so long ago it was blasphemous to think of the word rewind anywhere near GT.

It's not like it wasn't expected but it's kind of funny to see it all unfold in such a predictable manor.
At this point i think it would be disappointing if GT5 didn't have this feature. Honestly i think anyone opposed to this is one of two things:

1. Stuck in their ways
2. Hasn't played dirt2/grid or has, and is stuck in their ways.

Rewind is a great feature to get people who are less simulator fans into the game while not detracting from the hardcore simulator experience.

Hyperthetically say there is a simulation difficulty setting and rewind is unavailable during races for this difficulty.

I see rewind as a step forward in racing games, i think you are living in the past if you don't feel this way. Game's are designed to be fun, and that varies depending on what you call fun. Some people will love having the option while some won't.

Think of a race as a stage in a action/fps game, now imagine if there were no checkpoints. If you died and had to keep going back to the start of the stage (which lets call a stage 30mins), this becomes very frustrating, especially if you keep dieing at the same point of the stage.
It really is funny and ironic... going back through the old rewind threads it was a ****storm of hate on rewind... now with the possiblity of it being in GT the atmosphere has changed drastically... some are still sticking to the "no" line but not nearly as vehimently and I see a lot of "it's ok in limited areas" now where not so long ago it was blasphemous to think of the word rewind anywhere near GT.

It's not like it wasn't expected but it's kind of funny to see it all unfold in such a predictable manor.

^ +1 Funny because its sooo true.
Anyone here know what the "restart" button is for?
I do! I do! Its for restarting the race when you mess up badly, with the consequence of having to run the whole race again.

If rewind would take away from the realism (which it does) because you can't do that in real life then what about restarting the race? You can't do that in real life either.

I think that it should only be implemented in arcade mode and time trials. Lap times where rewind was used should not be counted
I expect a fast forward feature, too. I NEED to know what the A.I. does so I can prepare for it.:dunce:

Seriously, I don't like this rewind idea, especially in SIM mode. For beginners, it should be allowed in arcade mode to get a feel for the tracks. I can just see people abusing it. If I mess up on lap 20 of 20, so be it.

Can anybody here actually envision rewind being used in a race in Gran Turismo 5? It still baffles me, in a way bad way! It feels so unlike Gran Turismo, and I haven't even used it. It would be like putting rewind in a MLB game to correct a strike out. Sure, I do not have to use it, but why the hell would it be implemented? It doesn't seem right.

Note: In arcade mode, where nothing is at stake, I have 0 problems with rewind.

Having rewind in 3 current and popular racing games is going to transform the industry. Now, is that what we want? That's the real question.

DiRT, FM3, GT5: These 3 games are already the blue prints for what all racing games will have. As a purist, I dislike this. Change is never fun.

Only in practice mode should it be allowed. That makes a lot of sense, but not on lap 20 of a 20 lap race. The option should not be present in that situation.

Sounds fine to me. Rewind should be a tool, not a necessity. There's a big difference in the two. You can use it, or abuse it. It should not be allowed where credits are involved, yet it should be included somewhere. That somewhere is not in a real race.

In my eyes: Rewind negates damage. Damage is a real factor or bad driving. This is a driving simulator. Hence, rewind takes away from a key component of real life driving: mistakes.

This is a very basic concept for even the biggest noob.
Wow, will you give it a ****ing rest? We get it, you're a GT purist. Now, please stop telling the rest of us how GT should be.

God, Joey's right when he brings up the GT Elitism in this forum.
Wow, will you give it a ****ing rest? We get it, you're a GT purist. Now, please stop telling the rest of us how GT should be.

It's all just discussions. Nothing TOO serious.

And also, lol@ people comparing restarting a race from the beginning to being able to rewind the last turn of a 20 lap race.

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