Reverse Game Confirmed or highly probably in GT5 (or maybe not)!

  • Thread starter Zathra5_
Plenty of straight thinkers against the feature. Its not a matter of right and wrong, its just an opinion.

There is matter of opinion, but the people I was inferring aren't straight thinkers were the ones who were making claims and backing them up with (often flawed) assumptions.

For instance claiming that one couldn't learn how to perform better simply by retrying a corner? That retrying over and over coudln't make you better?

Or claiming they have some kind of knowledge of KY's thought pattern and can thus project what he wants and will do for the rest of us to see and understand?

Then there are the claims that it would ruin the game and people would simply use it forever as a crutch and never get better (despite plenty of examples how other games have shown that not to happen and that only applies if those people never race online since you can't rewind online).

There were some opinions sure, but there was a lot of just plain old FUD mostl comiong from non straight thinkers.
Why does KY never say the exact number of tracks clearly Like that: There will be 50 tracks and 100 variations. Not like the 20 locations or environnements and 70 variations.

I have no idea. I'm guessing it's a translation issue. Their lack of definition on certain things is really annoying.
Sorry if previously asked, but what are the implications for time trials, registry qualifier etc ? Can people try a corner again and again and again, but when you view/submit a replay it looks like one take? or is it obvious you have used rewind ?
Sorry if previously asked, but what are the implications for time trials, registry qualifier etc ? Can people try a corner again and again and again, but when you view/submit a replay it looks like one take? or is it obvious you have used rewind ?

I would guess it would make the time void.
Sorry if previously asked, but what are the implications for time trials, registry qualifier etc ? Can people try a corner again and again and again, but when you view/submit a replay it looks like one take? or is it obvious you have used rewind ?

Contrary to what some may have you believe, there's nothing confirmed as of now unless it comes from Sony directly. Sony themselves have to explain if they're gonna have rewind, and if so, how it'll be implemented. Right now all we have is an interview which, taken in context, isn't very clear.
I have no idea. I'm guessing it's a translation issue. Their lack of definition on certain things is really annoying.

There have been A LOT of translation issues, and it will continue to be that way until the game is released. The Rewind issue being one of them.
What does it mean exactly when Kaz was talking about FM3. He said, "It's a little bit different from what a simulator is."

He also said you could feel it when you play the game.
What does it mean exactly when Kaz was talking about FM3. He said, "It's a little bit different from what a simulator is."

He also said you could feel it when you play the game.

I believe he was talking about the physics and how they don't feel much like the real thing. That's something I've heard from quite a few people around here.

Wow 400k polygons per car (Forza 3 is 300,000). Good thing he mentioned that for GT6 the development time is not this long. :)

I find this really interesting. I swear they said 200,000 back in '07 GDC.

I believe he was talking about the physics and how they don't feel much like the real thing. That's something I've heard from quite a few people around here.

I was afraid he meant that. Now I'm confuse with all this quotes. Some say FM3 has reached even PC simulators in terms of physics. I think Mysimsracing mention this. Then there are those, like KY, where they say it isn't too much like real life.
I expect a fast forward feature, too. I NEED to know what the A.I. does so I can prepare for it.:dunce:

Seriously, I don't like this rewind idea, especially in SIM mode. For beginners, it should be allowed in arcade mode to get a feel for the tracks. I can just see people abusing it. If I mess up on lap 20 of 20, so be it.
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If this means rewind is confirmed, then i will stick by my answer to a previous poll.

I will play the game as normal. Rewind will not affect my decision to buy the game, and i will not use it.

To stop me getting tempted to use it i will simply not assign a button for it (why i didn't think of this before i don't know). Or if there is a racing points system like in GT4 then i would like to see deductions in the number of points awarded when rewind is used, this would invalidate the argument about others using rewind and it being unfair on those who choose not to use it. I did mention a cash/reward penalty in a previous thread but to be honest that would be quite unfair.

Rewind can't really be implemented into the online so i've no worries about that.
If this means rewind is confirmed, then i will stick by my answer to a previous poll.

I will play the game as normal. Rewind will not affect my decision to buy the game, and i will not use it.

I hope there is a feature to turn it off though, to stop me getting tempted to use it (Or i could just not assign a button as rewind, that would be easier). Or if there is a racing points system like in GT4 (200 points per race etc.) Then i would like to see deductions in the number of points when rewind is used. I did mention a cash/reward penalty before but to be honest that would be quite unfair.

Rewind can't really be implemented into the online so i've no worries about that.

Good idea. And yea, the tempt is something I don't want to deal with the rewind feature. It's hard to ignore something when it's right there, if you know what I mean, so I'll definitely go with your idea by going to the option menu and make sure the rewind button is not assigned anywhere.

Otherwise, I'm happy to those who wanted this feature.
You can turn off the pop up in Forza, but still you seriously need to exercise your self control if you can not not push a button.

Yes. Thankfully in GT5 you'll probably be able to reassign the rewind button to something else, thus getting rid of the temptation.
I find this really interesting. I swear they said 200,000 back in '07 GDC.

I think because they started with around 200,000 polygons now if you look at some of the new screen shots , the body kits are way more complex over a MX5 mitata lets say. I don't think every single car in GT5 will have 400,000 polygon count, but it might, not to mention we have full 360degree modeled cockpit view!

I was afraid he meant that. Now I'm confuse with all this quotes. Some say FM3 has reached even PC simulators in terms of physics. I think Mysimsracing mention this. Then there are those, like KY, where they say it isn't too much like real life.

I don't think FM3 feels like a sim, it still feels arcade for me to turn in, as well they still lack out on LIFT OFF oversteer for MR and RR cars on high speed turns. GT5Prologue has it, some PC sims have it, FM3 deff does not have it..
Haha... ok so you wrote the contract, I signed it, the contract was very much in my favor and my pointing out to you invalidates the contract...


You're lucky it's not a real contract as the way it s now, you just loose face, if it was an actual legal contract you would loose face and have to pay for a playseat :)

No one forced your hand, you said it, you put the bet out there and you just don't want to loose.

Keep trying :)

I think you will find as you go through life if you keep trying to weasel out of thigns that don't go your way, especially when YOU are the one who set them up that way, you are going to have a very unhappy life :)
Hahaha, let the rage consume you! :lol:

As always, rewind is a stupid feature, it would suck if PD weren't trolling us like they usually do.
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Can anybody here actually envision rewind being used in a race in Gran Turismo 5? It still baffles me, in a way bad way! It feels so unlike Gran Turismo, and I haven't even used it. It would be like putting rewind in a MLB game to correct a strike out. Sure, I do not have to use it, but why the hell would it be implemented? It doesn't seem right.

Note: In arcade mode, where nothing is at stake, I have 0 problems with rewind.
Racing line and B spec both felt very "not gran turismo" when they came out... I think the fact something isn't like what GT HAS been like doesn't necessarily mean it can't be where GT is going.

I feel pretty confident that KY and PD are broadening their target market and we will see quite a bit of change in GT in the process.
Hahaha, let the rage consume you! :lol:

As always, rewind is a stupid feature, it would suck if PD weren't trolling us like they usually do.

No one wants to see this go on so I will just wrap it up here.

Rewind in GT or not, you have shown your true colors. You throw out claims and a bet to back your point as if challenging others and when it comes down to the line you try to find any excuse to back out.

At this point it's still quite possible that rewind won't be in GT, but you have already done the damage to yourself and proved you just to talk the talk but won't walk the walk.

It's all right there in black and white. May this be a good lesson to you and you never make another "never" bet again :)

That is all.
Can anybody here actually envision rewind being used in a race in Gran Turismo 5? It still baffles me, in a way bad way! It feels so unlike Gran Turismo, and I haven't even used it. It would be like putting rewind in a MLB game to correct a strike out. Sure, I do not have to use it, but why the hell would it be implemented? It doesn't seem right.

Note: In arcade mode, where nothing is at stake, I have 0 problems with rewind.

It's really not a big deal. Nothing's at stake in GT mode either, except imaginary currency and player satisfaction.
Racing line and B spec both felt very "not gran turismo" when they came out... I think the fact something isn't like what GT HAS been like doesn't necessarily mean it can't be where GT is going.

I feel pretty confident that KY and PD are broadening their target market and we will see quite a bit of change in GT in the process.

I know what happens to a game (and to a song, book, movie, anime, pretty much anything related to entertainment really) when the author(s) decide to target a broader audience, and I don't like it.

Call me elitist, but I would like GT to remain somewhat hardcore the way it is.

It's really not a big deal. Nothing's at stake in GT mode either, except imaginary currency and player satisfaction.

It is because of the latter that rewind bothers me. It must be done the right way. Not just be thrown into the game like in Forza.
I really don't see a problem with it. As long as PD implements a system like Codemasters did in Grid and Dirt where you can turn it off, then the purists can have it their way. Plus, you can't use rewind online as it is.
I played Dirt 2 recently, and that has brought me on board with the rewind feature. The way they have implemented it makes it a perfect helping hand for new players. As you get better and turn the difficulty up you are allowed to use it less times per race, until eventually on the hardest difficulty you can't use it at all. Sounds perfect to me and I agree that this should be in all racing games from now on.

It allows you to push yourself harder, versing tougher opponents then you usually would. So in that sense i think it makes you a better player quicker.
I personally, hope for the option to use the rewind button as something else, because I will never use it- even if I have a horrible crash that makes me repair/restart the race. IMO- other people can use it, I will not- simple as that.

I play the game as if I'm actually there, because I will never actually be a racer- so for me, all assists off, cockpit views, manual on all cars that support it, and no rewind for me- even if it means having to master a section of Nurbrugring with a certain car- oh well- I can always turn around, and attempt to master it again, or go through the whole lap. That to me, is the true spirit of Gran Turismo.
Sorry to prove you guys wrong about GRID first having the rewind feature, but it was actually NASCAR on the PSP that had rewind. In my opinion, it would be ok with the rewind because I think it would bring people who were on the fence about the GT series (because they think it is too difficult) to GT and possibly have drivers like:
Having rewind in 3 current and popular racing games is going to transform the industry. Now, is that what we want? That's the real question.

DiRT, FM3, GT5: These 3 games are already the blue prints for what all racing games will have. As a purist, I dislike this. Change is never fun.
Racing line and B spec both felt very "not gran turismo" when they came out... I think the fact something isn't like what GT HAS been like doesn't necessarily mean it can't be where GT is going.
Good point. 👍 However, I still don't like B-Spec! :P
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I play Dirt2 a lot recently and I never used rewind until about half of the game, because ... well I thought this is a weak feature, but then I started using it and I think it's great, even makes it feel more realistic, because I usually use it when something happened what didn't feel 'right' to me. :lol:

Also I never thought of GT as a Sim and found it rather weird the packaging says "Driving Simulator" when all you actually get to do was "Racing" ... time to step up IMO and GT5 without things like rewind, damage, interactive road elements and all that stuff would simply feel 'old' ! ;) 👍
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