Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Sorely lacking in controller Rumble effects, are they that just not interested that they only put effects in for kerbs and off track, lack off feel just kills the enjoyment for me. What is wrong with that software house, rubbish controller effects in moto gp 2020 too
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Sorry guys, but now AI is super careful and even if they pass me, first they make sure I am not in the way. Maybe too polite as when I hit them by accident, they fall, whereas I keep going. To achieve bronze on the European license, Mugello blue gate thingy has exactly the same time limit like before so I don't know what is more forgiving now, they want me to do the same time as before.

Still waiting for someone to tell me how realistic are the default brakes. It seems to me they stop the bike from 100 kph to 0 and 50 kph to 0 how I would expect a superbike to stop, but not sure, not at all.
Having a little trouble, trying keep, front wheel down, R6. At start of race, just flips up, any tips for better starts.:D
The liter bikes are so powerful the
Having a little trouble, trying keep, front wheel down, R6. At start of race, just flips up, any tips for better starts.:D
I find that any modern liter bike is so annoying because it always wants to flip and the electronics take over and then the bike bogs down and turns into a tug of war at low to medium speeds. I am happy for the realism but I wish reality wasn't like that.
With this being my first entry into the RIDE series, I cannot compare this to the 3 previous titles since I've only ever played Tourist Trophy for the PS2. Even then I'm not sure how to really compare the two aside from graphics :lol:

So far I've been "loving" (more like obsessed with completing events out of sheer spite due to the AI and my failures) the game and all it has to offer. Though it does look a bit rushed/unpolished in a few ways when you really focus on some parts of it. I'm able to look past most of its flaws as I waited what felt like forever to find another motorcycle game similar to Tourist Trophy IMO, and this is the closest I can find as such titles are released few and far between.

Not much else for me to say, since I have no writing skills to compose an entire review, except that I sincerely wish that this game had some sort of Road Rash-esque combat system because these AI drive me up the 🤬 wall.

Oh and hooray for photomode :cheers:

Having a little trouble, trying keep, front wheel down, R6. At start of race, just flips up, any tips for better starts.:D

I find that any modern liter bike is so annoying because it always wants to flip and the electronics take over and then the bike bogs down and turns into a tug of war at low to medium speeds. I am happy for the realism but I wish reality wasn't like that.

Kinda just need to run with the Anti-Wheelie setting turned on. With the R6 (I really like the initial default bike ('08?) over the more modern, current generation bike, I run AW @ 2, and the other electronic aids @ 1. I run with the rider position set to automatic, but does pushing the bike down help?

Anyone have any tips for the chaotic starts? Places even like Oulton Park, they are diving 3-4 abreast into Turn 1.
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Sorry guys, but now AI is super careful and even if they pass me, first they make sure I am not in the way. Maybe too polite as when I hit them by accident, they fall, whereas I keep going. To achieve bronze on the European license, Mugello blue gate thingy has exactly the same time limit like before so I don't know what is more forgiving now, they want me to do the same time as before.

Still waiting for someone to tell me how realistic are the default brakes. It seems to me they stop the bike from 100 kph to 0 and 50 kph to 0 how I would expect a superbike to stop, but not sure, not at all.

The brakes really aren't realistic at all and that's one of the reasons there are so many incidents with the AI. The front brakes are FAR to weak. and as I've stated over and over to them this thing of engine braking and gearing being the primary braking force is stupid. I have the thing set on aggresive and upgraded to the stage 3 brake and it doesn't matter. I mean it's pretty silly you can be 10 bike lengths behind the AI and get on the brakes when they do and still zoom past them. And that's one reason why the AI runs into you alot.

But anyway aside from the constant crashing at the start of races and reduction of suicide passes, I don't think the AI is that much better. They still run into you when it's way to easy for them to avoid you.

Having said that I'm not going to lie, I'm really enjoying the game now. Because I don't bother with the career mode. There are a couple of events with high payout that I will run a couple times everytime I start the game, but what I do now is just do single races. But I run 21 laps as that allows the AI to spread out a bit so the contact is quite a bit less. I don't recall the last time I enjoyed doing full race distance in a Milestone SBK/MotoGP/Ride game probably not since MotoGP 08. But once you get an understanding of their strange concept of motorcycle physics it's enjoyable. If they had a custom offline season option I'd accept the game as is but I guess then they couldn't charge you for DLC event (which I still don't understand the draw of)

But things I did notice and would hope they address
1) tinted screens on race bikes . There should be an option to set this to clear. If you do 1st it's just to hard to see in rain or night.
2) Race bike suspension on modern sportbikes is STRANGE. Assume this is their way of conveying high power but to me they should find another away
3) Better braking. Not TT light switch braking, but something that makes more sense.
4) Editor options - Probably a license issue but when you create a custom livery the model decals should remain. Only the Ducati 1098 keeps the 1098 when you do a custom. But no option to retain or reuse the say the R1 logo with your creation
5) Editor option 2: Liveries should be available across all the variants of a model. I a create a livery for a 2015 R1 that livery should be available for the RM and Endurance versions of that bike. Seems silly to have to create it again
6) Editor option 3: Better layer separation. There is too much bleed over when working on layers.
7) Editor option 4: Is there no way to upload logos? if there is I haven't found it. The editor is limited so trying to create some of the logos is damn near impossible .... for me at least

But over all now that I have the bikes that I want I do find the game very enjoyable, at least the way I play it. Only seems pretty good but I can never really find players.
But anyway aside from the constant crashing at the start of races and reduction of suicide passes, I don't think the AI is that much better. They still run into you when it's way to easy for them to avoid you.

Yeah, I didn't notice much improvement in the AI either.
Winning at Cadwell Park might be one of the greatest feelings ever. How is thing place a real track is astonishing.
It effectively evolved from an old scramble track in the woodland, combined with a big natural bowl used for grasstrack racing. Similar to Brands Hatch and Lydden Hill, among others. So the verticality all those tracks share comes from that same gruelling origin.

I don't particularly have anything against airfield circuits, but I'm glad at least a few of the old parkland (e.g. Oulton and Donington) and grasstrack circuits survived.

Cadwell is really so much fun to ride around, but you get no respite and it must be quite a challenge on very powerful machines!
Well, this feels so much better on the Series X. Much smoother in high graphic quality mode and the loading (which admittedly was pretty quick anyway) now takes maybe 4-5 seconds to load the track? Looking forward to getting back into it.
Although I don't think the game is better (as it is now ) graphically wise when compared with Ride 3 (despite some graphical improvements, the resolution seems lower), I'm enjoying the game a lot.
Yes, the AI could be better....or at least more constant, sometimes too easy, other times hard (perfect), but in general is a great game.
Hopefully the next gen version (in Jan.) will improve my complain with the resolution (Hopefully it will be 4k 60fps).

Controls are better, and the animations too, but for the price I don't like the downgrade on the Rider Gear (lack of helmets and gloves for ex.) that existed in Ride 3 as well as the quality of the bikes in the showroom. The developer marketing team said all bikes were better rendered... I have my doubts.

In general is an addictive game.

My frustration is that it's always a bunch of little things that make their games more annoying then they have to be. Stuff you'd hope someone during dev would go this is stupid

  • Why in a game that you try to show off lighting and changing conditions would you default (on RM machines of all the ones) a dark windscreen and not allow it to be changed to clear? it's damn near impossible to see at night or in wet
  • Why does a clutch function better as a brake than the actual brake?
  • Why do tires cost more than suspension?
  • When did the R6 become a torque monster that can do roll on 12'oclock wheelies from 3k rpms?

So yeah as much as I want to never buy another milestone game, they do just enough to keep you coming back hoping they fix it lol. Oh so yeah imagine my surprise when I learned the strong brake in the game is the clutch. I kid you not it stops you faster than using the actual brakes! So I don't get that logic at all. its stuff like that that drives me crazy. Having said that I've been putting in a lot of hours. Mainly just running laps in time trial because the AI is still so bad there isn't no point in trying to race it. and time trial is far less annoying cause there isn't some crazy bot bike taking me out at every corner
I see a lot of complaints on Steam about the latest patch dumbing down the physics and making it a lot easier to handle.(in a bad way( Anybody have the same feelings about this?
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If they did then it's only PC because on the console it's still wildly inconsistent (on the PS4) at least. Seems to me that made it worse because most of the bikes now have crap ton of torque so starting a race without looping out is almost impossible unless you shortshift like crazy. Also the settings don't always take either. I just run my own races and even if I turn off consumption the tires still wear and my times fall off by a couple of secs over a 10 lap race. In career node tire wear is stupid to the point that now I just start all races on hard. They did seem to fix some of the extreme falls that occured if you barely touched a curb. And you can actually trail brake now without tucking the front.

Here's the thing though, at least IMHO. I always find it funny when people complain about a racer being too easy. Riding a motorcycle is easy. Very easy actually. Riding one fast isn't that hard either. It's when you start pushing to that last bit of limit that it gets "interesting" and even then it's not as hard as some games make it out to be. It's generally more about your comfort and fear level and willingness to push past it. I'm no Marquez or Rossi. Not even close, but the way Ride has the bikes constantly going out of control at the slightest touch is silly. So when I complain about the controls not being realistic it's not about making the game harder. Just more accurate. If it were more accurate it would be a more fun game for arcade and sim lovers alike because it would be natural.

Like now that I figured out this stupid thing about the clutch, I remapped the buttons for the clutch to replace the rear brake and now that I can get the bike to slow more realistically the game is far more enjoyable. But the thing is I shouldn't have to do that. but it is what it is
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on another topic. Regarding photo mode it may be just me but all the photos from Ride 4 seemed a bit washed out. like they are heavily over exposed, but I haven't been able to find a setting to correct it. I never had that problem with the previous Ride games.

Also in the PC version are you allowed to import/upload graphics? I've seen some custom designs and I'm like how in the hell was that created with the limited editor in the game? I have not seen an option to import or upload a graphic in the PS4 version so was just curious
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Despite all the bugs and the AI, I'm still loving the game.

There are still some magic moments, special laps that provide a great deal of pleasure when done right.

Indeed, some "arcade" features could be avoided, and instead, taking more advantage of the motoGP20 engine (until a certain degree).

I hope that with some additional patches, some corrections can be made to the physics of some bikes, and engine character of some models.

One thing I can't complain, are the replays (ok..except the hands not touching the levers when braking). They are really good.


Could you explain further about the clutch being used as a brake? Not quite sure what you mean . Sorry if that sounds a bit silly

Nah what's silly is Milestone's bike physics. Basically braking in all of Milestone's bike games aren't just bad but are wrong. When braking they seem to think more brake power comes from gear selection than brakes. The gear that you're in determines how much braking power you have. I don't know if they are trying to simulate engine braking or something but if they are they're doing it wrong. Additionally they seem to think the largest amount of weight transfer is at the lowest speed. to which I say just go out on a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle or whatever. Get up to 60 mph and grab and handful of brake hard. Then if you survive grab a handful of brakes at 5 mph.

So anyway was trying to figure out some cornering and low speed drive issues and was wondering if the clutch worked. What I found was that while braking if you engage the clutch while braking (off throttle) the bike SLOWS down way more realistically. IT makes no sense because with the clutch pulled the transmission is disengaged (at least in real life) so I don't know why they have it working like they do. So what I did was remap the clutch which I previously didn't use to where the rear brake was mapped. So know I can actually brake like I want because the bike slows like I expect. More importantly I can now brake where the AI brakes and the bike actually slows down at the same rate as the AI so there aren't so many collisions.

It's really odd and stupid but it works. I don't think of the clutch as a clutch I just think of it as my rear brake. When the clutch is engaged, if you open the throttle the engine revs but acceleration. But when off throttle it seems to function like a brake. just another strange Milestone bike physics
Despite all the bugs and the AI, I'm still loving the game.

There are still some magic moments, special laps that provide a great deal of pleasure when done right.

Indeed, some "arcade" features could be avoided, and instead, taking more advantage of the motoGP20 engine (until a certain degree).

I hope that with some additional patches, some corrections can be made to the physics of some bikes, and engine character of some models.

One thing I can't complain, are the replays (ok..except the hands not touching the levers when braking). They are really good.

When the game doesn't get in it's own way I agree completely it can be really enjoyable. But it never fails the AI comes in an ruins things more often than not. Which is why I don't even bother with Endurance races. My favorite thing right now is just putting in laps. There aren't a lot of people online so haven't really found anyone to provide some good racing. So I just lap on my own. The down side is Milestone doesn't have any single player off line stat tracking. So you can't see your own personal records, are telemetry or anything so that kind of blows
Here's the thing though, at least IMHO. I always find it funny when people complain about a racer being too easy. Riding a motorcycle is easy. Very easy actually. Riding one fast isn't that hard either. It's when you start pushing to that last bit of limit that it gets "interesting" and even then it's not as hard as some games make it out to be. It's generally more about your comfort and fear level and willingness to push past it. I'm no Marquez or Rossi. Not even close, but the way Ride has the bikes constantly going out of control at the slightest touch is silly. So when I complain about the controls not being realistic it's not about making the game harder. Just more accurate. If it were more accurate it would be a more fun game for arcade and sim lovers alike because it would be natural.

Like now that I figured out this stupid thing about the clutch, I remapped the buttons for the clutch to replace the rear brake and now that I can get the bike to slow more realistically the game is far more enjoyable. But the thing is I shouldn't have to do that. but it is what it is

I agree and concur with this statement. It isn't that hard, hell, even I can successfully do laps and ride many miles without crashing.

I will try the clutch thing. Haven't been playing (anything) due to circumstances for quite some time but I had been experimenting with lowering the engine braking, seemed to work better at the time, anyway. Had been playing with the boingers and such as well, never really got anywhere though.
For the ones who are having problems launching the bikes, I just did this short video to give an example how can be made, even without anti-wheelie.
I would like to see one of the triggers (left trigger for example) just being used as clutch during the first 2-3 seconds (and then revert it again to the brake function) on the launch. this way we could use full throttle and launching the bikes much better.

Hope it helps someone who's facing some problems with launching.

Thanks. I know what you mean which is why I started messing with the clutch button. but the game is in consistent so the starts really just depend on the bike, but it's kind of dumb. for example the 2002 R6 appears to have more torque and power than not only the 2016 R6 but also something like the 1994 916. That is pretty stupid. So riding the 2002 requires a TON of short shifting because acceleration out of 1st gear is a constant fight against wheelies even at low rpm where the R6 have never been known to make power. So it's just details like that , which drive me nuts. I figured out how to get around it... but it's still pretty silly.
Haven't been posting in this thread... but been lurking. Have mostly enjoyed the MotoGP games from Milestone, even though I have all the Ride games.

Well, I picked this up on PC (now that I play iRacing almost exclusively...) and am just so pleased with this game. Everything they added to it makes it feel like a fresh entry in the game series, where Ride 2 and Ride 3 just felt like updates. The day-night-day racing, weather, tire wear (and fuel usage in endo races) as well as the tweaking of the handling and Ai - well, I think this is my favorite bike game of all time.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys this one, and if you didn't like ride 3 I doubt you'd like Ride 4, but there is a LOT to like about this game.
here's a couple of screenshots from a race at Mosport from last night (just bought my Ninja ZX6R-RM).



This is such a beaut of a game. This one has surpassed Tourist Trophy for me. Ride 3 got pretty much there - Ride 4 has kicked the ball past the TT line. Take care, all !!
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