The thing is I don't care about replays, so an improvement in the replay isn't a big deal to me and isn't something that's going to influence a purchase. And unless there is some HUGE LEAP in graphic performance, I'm really not that impressed with graphics, because to often pretty graphic upgrades come at the expense of actual game play improvement. Ride 4 ran pretty good on PS4 Pro so on PS5 it's not a huge impact at least not to me. The only difference to me was the control and that was simply more resistance on the triggers so you could be more gradual with the inputs. Overall is the game better yes but is it something that would make me run out and upgrade to it if it weren't free? No. And given the save issue on the PS5, I'll be sticking with the PS4. Had I not already put so much time into the PS4, no doubt I'd go with the PS5 version but that isn't the case. I'm actually almost considering getting rid of my PS5 because it doesn't do anything but sit in the box since I got it release day. I have absolutely no use for it. Was hoping Ride 4 would be the game that changed that but nope.
I don't know if it's a bug or just another example of Milestone not paying attention or short cutting. Just like MXGP 2020 releasing without 3rd person view. Right now they are blaming PS5 which is lame. This has nothing to do with Smart delivery. Obviously I don't know the inner workings of the Xbox and Smart Delivery but I'm assuming it does a check to see what system is and then selects the appropriate version of the app. It doesn't do conversions. It only read what a dev has programmed. So if a dev made wholescale changes in code from one gen to the next, unless they programmed a conversion into that code there is now way Microsoft can convert that info.
I would guess the "issue" with the PS5 is that with PS4 games it creates a different directory. Even if you download a save without installing the game a PS4 directory is created. It's obvious the system can read PS4 data. So you'd think it's just a matter of the app in question accessing the different directory. So maybe it's a rights item in the OS or maybe the app doesn't know to check for the PS4 directory. I don't know, but the fact is that it is possible because other games do the import saves. This isn't some new issue that has just come up. It's been an item from the moment details came out on the PS5. Milestone has had MONTHS to work on this so I don't accept the "bug" excuse. And if it wasn't going to be an option why didn't they say something before the game was released like other companies did? Because they knew they would get a lot of flack like they are now, but the difference is that people would have possibly already made the purchase in which case Milestone would already have made their money.
But lets step back to the rights thing. So lets say yeah it's a rights thing Sony restricts apps from searching other directories. There are still ways around that. All of these companies collect info whether we want them to or not. Milestone has that link account thing as well. So in theory they could push that data collected back down to the new version. And this is the stuff that bugs me about these last few gens of console. They are absolutely annoying to me about data collection and throwing ads onto your box and pushing updates even when you turn the feature off. But they won't do something useful. Why do I have to recreate the same profile for every Milestone game? If my account is linked why doesn't it just verify and then down load it?
But getting back to the point. To me at least while yes the game is better the improvement isn't nowhere enough for me to start over from scratch.