Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Ok, I do understand the save game problem... I would be really upset too.

Maybe an update corrects the situation. I do hope so.
It doesn't make sense to start all over again...too painful indeed.

When you have the time, give another chance to the PS5... I still believe the upgrade is total worth it (as it is, and not forcing no one to buy a new game). 👍

A couple of laps in Macau with the 19 AI bots.
Worth to see it in 4k (when youtube decides to finish the encoding)

No doubt it plays better on the PS5 mainly because of the triggers. If they tried to do anything fancy with the dual sense I think they failed. But the fact that those have resistance means throttle/brake inputs can be more precise which is good. but the save item kills it. The gain isn't enough to overcome the con. Game runs fine on PS4 so if they don't fix it then oh well. It was kind of the same with the first Ride when going from the PS3 to PS4. I could have sworn I completed the game but when I revisited recently it was barely done. The things I had done that on the PS3 and while I got the PS4 version the ipgrade wasn't enough to make me want to work through the game again. Since I don't have the bikes/gear designs I created I'm not working through the PS5 version again. So I'm not going to worry about it. It's just Milestone being Milestone which I expected and why I really wasn't to upset about it
Yeah I stopped playing the career on the Playstation 4 version merely knowing the upgrade would have no save transferring, its dumb. Even for a massive game like Yakuza, its mental with the amount of time spent. It could be patched like spider-man but it really depends on the developer yet I doubt it'll ever happen because ride 5 will probably happen with a new "career mode."
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@Exup Have you tried loading the game, then going to the actual Xbox settings. Then go to devices and in there is an option to make the controller vibrate. Not saying it will work, but it might undo something within the game that has gone wrong?

Done that... (thank you for the tip)
There is the option to test the vibration...and all works fine.
If I go to any other game, the controller vibrates normally.
Tested with other controller with the latest firmware and don't vibrate either.

I bet it's a bug... (one of many :-D for sure)

I can wait a couple of days until they release some new patch (which for sure will appear for this new version)

This way it's hard to control some of the beasts...like the ZX10RR :cool:

But so far I'm very pleased with the game.

Some combos Bike/track are really awesome to play with.
I'd forgotten just how much I struggled with some races in this. In particular, the ones where you are forced to a specific bike with no option to customise them. Having a right old time doing some R6 races!
Well Milestone shows their lack of commitment to their customers again. They have no plans to fix the game save transfer on the PS5. Their response has been "we aren't the only one" and when I opened a support ticket they just said it wasn't possible which flat out is a lie because it is possible. so yeah been saying it for years but I'm finally done with these @$$holes. They've had 5 months to get that working at launch and basically just decided not to. Sick of wasting my money on their games. Rant over
I absolutely agree that it's disgusting if they don't sort out the cross saves for PS5 (though several times on Facebook they do imply it is coming at some point) Some of the fault has to lie with Sony though. It has been known for ages that Xbox Series consoles would have full backward compatibility etc and Sony really should have stepped up and promised to do the same for save games at least. To say it is down to the developer is washing their hands of it somewhat.
I remember making a stink out of the cost of unlocking bikes, but now I don't think it was that big of a deal. You simply get the bikes you want and just play(I don't care to much for career) So that Sony thing wouldn't be a game changer unless I had to rebuy the game. (And I'm American and would rather buy an American product)

PS. My new gripe is the generic race bikes.....
Not being an insider obviously can't comment on what's going on here, but I suppose you could get on Sony for not making it a requirement like they did with Trophies (which I to this day still think is stupid) so the support would be more consistent. Or not providing a solution/work around to whatever is causing the issue. Going by what Sony has said it's a dev level decision. But I lay this purely on Milestone and primarily because they were completely silent about it for 5 months. They knew there would be a backlash. So at least you have to give credit to other devs that came out early saw the backlash and addressed it before the game was release. So I'm going to keep harping on the 5 months. They had time to fix this before the release so why should people have to wait longer? So then what happens, you wait for a patch are you not supposed to play the PS5 version. Will the patch then merge current PS5 save with the old PS4....see how this becomes a mess

Again I don't know what the issue actually is and if I was right in the fact that it's because app have limited rights. But I doubt the actual code for the game is that different between the versions. but these are devs so they are supposed to be smart creative people. So hhhmmmm the PS5 can't import the save. Well how about creating an option to upload the PS4 saves to Milestones servers and do whatever conversion is needed and then the option to download them to the PS5? I mean GT Sport has that stupid online profile requirement. So couldn't Milestone do something similar? If space is a concern you could limit it to just game progress and design creations.

So I don't find the "at some point" acceptable (if it happens) because it should have been in there to start. But Milestone has done this too many times.
I'm not seeing any update available (Xbox Series X). The version i have is which seems to be the one detailed here from 18 January. What version do you guys have?
I'm not seeing any update available (Xbox Series X). The version i have is which seems to be the one detailed here from 18 January. What version do you guys have? is the the "new" next gen version. so you have the latest one (it's around 40GB).
It's simple to detect..Now, you don't have the option to choose Quality or performance mode (as well as the graphics).
I though the new version was only available since yesterday 21 January. I have v1.0.016 since last weekend or something i think...that or i'm terribly confused... Thanks for your reply @Exup.

It doesn't offer any options to choose between Performance or a Graphics mode but as far as i remember, it never had on Xbox... Only Gamma and Motion blur. I guess i'm really really confused...
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I though the new version was only available since yesterday 21 January. I have v1.0.016 since last weekend or something i think...that or i'm terribly confused... Thanks for your reply @Exup.

It doesn't offer any options to choose between Performance or a Graphics mode but as far as i remember, it never had on Xbox... Only Gamma and Motion blur. I guess i'm really really confused...

If you're playing on Xbox series X, prior to the patch on the "Options/image configuration" menu, you would have:
- HDR level (in case your TV support HDR, so I'm assuming for the ones who doesn't have HDR it appears "Gamma"
-Motion Blur
- Quality or performance mode option

The third option above now doesn't appear. (it runs with Variable Frame rate with 60fps on Series X and PS5, so it can keep as close as 4K as possible).

Biggest differences are a clear image (higher resolution) and the textures on the bikes.
Now, when you see the replays or enter in photo mode during the races, the textures on the bikes are clear, all stickers are visible.
Before, you couldn't even read any kind of sticker on the motorbikes (it was a joke really, because on Ride 3 everything was fine)

I don't know what was the version number before the upgrade.

there are still several things to be improved:
- My controller still doesn't vibrate (I've re-installed the game...no success on solving the problem)
- tire temperatures seems to be glitchy... some tracks/bikes they simply don't warm up... other tracks/bikes...after one lap everything is almost on Red.
- Handling characteristics seems different now (easier). I preferred the first versions.
- AI still weird...sometimes too easy...other times too hard
- Photo mode brightness/contrast is still broken

Hopefully with this new version they will release some additional patches... (I'm not so sure...but let's see :-))
Thanks again @Exup . I think what put me on the wrong track was the fact i got the update way sooner than the date it was announced. I did noticed the improvements in image quality and smoothness but didn't relate them with the next gen patch because i wasn't expecting it before 21Jan. I'm indeed playing it (or rather trying to - i'm coming from car racing games...) on a Xbox Series X. I believe my controller does work/vibrate - I will check out to be 100% sure. I haven't noticed the other issues as I'm still quite new to the game and are mostly focused on avoiding tasting the grass all the time... Hope they keep improving it - does look a great game.
After a few days all sits in place, when you get over few annoying things that could be easily fixed if developer is listening.
I think that would be better if we would have some licence test to gradualy get used to bike behaviour, and find best settings for driving.

Good thing is that bike are no more locked until finishing some event like in Ride 3, it is better like this when you can buy the bike you want when you have enough money.

I hope that we will get more bikes because many bike categories we had in Ride 3 are now missing, like ADV bikes, scramblers etc...
I'm assuming that most of the complains (mine included) are the fact that, when compared with Ride 3, we have much less content.

I pre-ordered both special editions (Ride 3 and Ride 4)...it is a lot of money...
On Ride 3 I honestly think it was a good "Bang for the buck"...on Ride 4 it could/should be better.

I loved Supermoto races on Ride 3 AND the way they would drift and tail braking (which you cannot do it on Ride 4)...plus the specific tracks which doesn't exist on Ride 4.
Plus the lack of some type of bikes and categories.
I also don't understand why some tracks where removed...
Also it is really a joke the simplified tuning options we have now...again when compared with the more complex system on Ride 3.
For example...if I want to upgrade the brake lines (hoses), I can't... to improve braking I need to change disks (with the awful options we have for it)...It is ridiculous to put different disks on some models (Old GSXR with slotted disks, or even ZX10R with wave type disks)...and so many other options that are now lacking.

For sure Ride 4 is a better game in many departments, but we all expect to be at least on par with Ride 3 in terms of options...

But one thing I can't deny...some bikes and tracks are really a lot of fun!! it is still the best motorbike game launched so far.
Speaking for myself my complaints with Ride 4 are on a few levels
  1. First Milestone has been making bike/racing games for over 20 years and I've owned every bike game they've released. So you'd think at this point they'd be experts on the genre. So it's frustrating when they keep making the same mistakes & omissions over and over again. I won't repeat them as they've already been discussed
  2. Milestone knows this is a niche category. So it's frustrating with their game design decisions. They don't do the SBK licensed games directly anymore. I can understand. But it's still touched on in Ride 4. I am not a fan of Racing RPGs, so these license test and unlocking stuff is of no interest to me. And while I do have the MotoGP games my preference is for production bikes. Milestone could easily have a Championship mode in Ride without effecting any sales because they no longer have a SBK game. That interests me more than any license tests. The events in the game don't interest me and paying for DLC events to me is insanely stupid. If they are going this route they should allow players to focus on a discipline if they want too. So if I'm only interested in 600cc/1000cc sportbikes then I shouldn't have to go through the other stuff. Same with street circuits
  3. Based on #2, while content isn't locked the pricing model is extremely stupid. If you want Cr to get the stuff you want in any kind of decent time frame you have to go to the career mode. because the other mode doesn't pay out as much. a race is a race and you should get equal credit for a race regardless of which mode you are in. Plus again there is something wrong when a set of tires cost more than suspension, wheels or a hi spec engine
  4. There should be better off line ride tracking. I don't care about online or what others do. So for them to not have a means for me to keep track of my personal starts (laps, laptimes, best laps, telemetry, etc.....) is frustrating. Especially given they know how to do it and choose not too (this kind of goes back to point #1)
  5. Customer Service: as stated this is a niche market and will never be a huge crossover selling game. So this rehashing of the same stuff over and over is why their games are stagnant. Ride 4 is really no different than Ride 1,2 or 3. There is really only so much you can do, either people like racing or they don't. So instead of using that a benefit, they do the least amount of effort possible. Look at the careers between Ride 3 and 4. 3 was this lifestyle magazine thing while 4 is what it is. But both are basically still the same thing. So when you purchase Ride 4 and you get less content and still have a lot of the same bugs you have to ask why did I bother buying the new game.
  6. Do I really need to go into detail about the AI? Yeah didn't think so
  7. Content as others have mentioned is lacking. Makes no sense for Milestone to remove content from the previous title just to be sold as DLC like it's new content. Even the new content is lacking. There is an opportunity to do some cool stuff here if they would just take a step back and think and/or listen to players. For example. They have this deal with Yamaha this year. R1 one the cover and ads, you'd think they'd have some kind of history of R1 content or Yamaha. They already have the bike models from their previous SBK and Ride games. they could do that for each manufacturer. Also why the limits? You have the 2020 bikes but can't make them race modified? geez wth!?!?!

If I where new to bike games or this where my first Milestone game, I'd cut them slack. But again I've been buying Milestone's games for 20 years and its the same thing over and over. The bike game genre is so far behind car games, and Milestone gets a pass for things a car game by Polyphony or Codemasters would get slaughtered for. It's sad because Milestone's games could EASILY be fixed. and I mean EASILY but they just show no interest in doing so. rant over
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See now you've gotten me started lol . Let me give you an example of better game design for the career mode

  1. Track Tests: The way it's implemented in Ride for is just stupid. What is the point of these tests? Look at how GT Sport did it. They were based logically on each circuit to help learn the track. They were grouped together and you progressed sector by sector by sector until you did the final full lap. Not only did this make more sense from a learning the track perspective, but from a game design stand point it reduced loading times because the track was already loaded.
  2. Time Trials: Why the one lap limit for the full lap run? Why not just let the player run laps until they hit the time or quit? Again would be a better game design in terms of player flow and loading time, because you wouldn't have to keep going back into menus just to get back into the mode you are playing.
  3. Track Days: Why limit to Gold achievement? why not let it run until the player runs out of time so personal milestones can be achived? That would make those more playable as you could shoot for passing more bikes instead well I hit 12 and that's all that will ever be allowed so why bother running it again?
  4. Qualifying: This is lame in that its not a selectable option for any actual race outside of career. Even in the career mode, why is there no option to simply end the session if you've put in a lap you want. To sit and have to hold a button to run out the clock again is pretty stupid
  5. Endurance mode: Continue to miss an opportunity here. There start of the race should be interactive. So that the player can have an affect on how the start of the race goes. For example. The quality of the start is based on accuracy and/or speed of some button combinations on the screen. Which is in turned based on your qualifying. The higher you qualify the simpler and slower the combination is which would increase the probability of a better start. where as lower qualifying would have a faster/harder combination start......
My point is that instead of half-@$$ poorly thought out and executed gimmicks Milestone could do a lot of stuff that would make the game better and have a wider appeal so that casual racers and serious gamers alike would enjoy it equally. And it's simple stuff, really simple stuff
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And one last 1 :) Their communication/support is very lacking. So with the whole PS5 upgrade thing. It's been out a few days now and a hot topic is the game saves on the PS5. Yet still no mention of it on their website. One simple thing on the website could end a lot of grief. but still nothing. So they go on and on about upgrade upgrade but don't tell people there is an issue.

And their response is mixed. Who ever runs their facebook/youtube pages should be fired cause they are doing nothing but pissing people off. For the record the upgrade was free so from a $$ stand point it's not a big deal to me, I have no problem sticking with the PS4 version and waiting on Ride 5 if I decide to buy another Milestone title. But the attitude does piss me off. Honestly a better decision would have been to not make the upgrade free. Because of backwards compatibility you can still play Ride 4 on the PS5 so that wouldn't be an issue. And if you wanted the "next-gen" version you'd have that as well. But they didn't do that. They promised something and didn't deliver

First they said the PS5 doesn't allow game save transfer which is a lie. They also say SmartDelivery is why it works on the Xbox which is also a lie because that doesn't do conversions it just detects system and installs appropriate version. Then they comeback and say .. Hey the next-gen is a different game, which obviously it isn't. The whole "other games don't ..... too" is a stupid comment to come from a dev especially when on the flip side is the obvious "well there are other games that do ........."

If they had a simple direct statement on the topic, that could end the conversation right now. Hey the PS5 is a pain to do it so we aren't. Or we are working on it. Though a working on it statement may still get flack because they've had over 5 months to have already addressed this.

I really think how you feel about Milestone's games depends on where you are coming from. If you really don't give a cr@p or are new to them you'll probably be more forgiving and tolerate. But if you want a higher standard of quality equal to car games and have been a long time consumer you patience is probably a bit more thin. The most frustrating part is that Milestone's games generally aren't terrible, it's just a bunch of easily fixable things that make them frustrating and those things keep popping up with every release.

If the career mode wasn't so tedious and the edit mode so clumsy , I wouldn't mind starting Ride 4 over on the PS5. But to me the PS5 isn't a big enough improvement to warrant me going through the career or edit modes again.
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Some new bikes from the DLC that was released today.

The mighty Ninja (2004)


and the beautiful R1 (2004-2006)



These should be available since day one...they were a mark on their era!!
I think Milestone are just MEAN!!!!! Had washed my hands with them because of the PS5 upgrade save mess and of course it's only after that they put the bike in the game that should have been in ALL the Ride games from the start. Man the 04-06 R1 is a blast to play. Don't think it's been in a game since Tourist Trophy which is a shame. What I don't get though is why they restricted aftermarket pipes for a lot of the bikes. On the PS4 the RM 1098 in the DLC has no exhaust at all!! lol While it's not my favorite all they need now is the 03 R1 and that would complete the set.

I really wish they went back to the Ride 3 option for Race modification. Makes no sense that at the least all sportbikes can't be race modified. Also funny that the events for the DLC don't use the bikes in the dlc. On the PS4 that is

Ride 4_20210128044519.jpg

Crossed up at Protimao :)

Ride 4_20210127220204.jpg
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I think Milestone are just MEAN!!!!! Had washed my hands with them because of the PS5 upgrade save mess and of course it's only after that they put the bike in the game that should have been in ALL the Ride games from the start. Man the 04-06 R1 is a blast to play. Don't think it's been in a game since Tourist Trophy which is a shame. What I don't get though is why they restricted aftermarket pipes for a lot of the bikes. On the PS4 the RM 1098 in the DLC has no exhaust at all!! lol While it's not my favorite all they need now is the 03 R1 and that would complete the set.

I really wish they went back to the Ride 3 option for Race modification. Makes no sense that at the least all sportbikes can't be race modified. Also funny that the events for the DLC don't use the bikes in the dlc. On the PS4 that is

View attachment 988053
Crossed up at Protimao :)

View attachment 988055

So I guess you also like the R1... :cheers:
It is a nice bike at the game indeed....
The R1 is my favorite and the 05 is my favorite of the series. Bummed they didn't expand the colors to include the 05/06 but oh well . Wasn't too hard to create a Raven addition. Still have my 05 17k track miles and still going strong
