Ride 4

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
Hey guys, did they add a clutch in ride4?
Can it be analog like in motogp19 if set to stick?
Did they add a cockpit or helmet view where it's the rider who swings over the bike when swerving left or right and not the bike's wheels?
Just curious, im on ride3 and motogp19.
I think maybe in the isle of man games they set the view in cockpit where it's the rider's perspective that swerves? I forget, need check videos.

Is the feel different? With more physics, feeling the road, weight of the bike, suspension?

Any chance of wheel support on ps4/ps5?

Is the game based on arcade style upgrades still to keep up on straights especially?
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@Don Lardner NNooooooo!!!! Good grief that's a kick where it hurts. Seriously, with Milestone's take on the new consoles I hate them right now as well. I'll be back to hating SMS again or something soon, I'm sure. I did stop playing PC2 for more than two years the third time I lost my career there, after all.

Hey guys, did they add a clutch in ride4?
Can it be analog like in motogp19 if set to stick?
Did they add a cockpit or helmet view where it's the rider who swings over the bike when swerving left or right and not the bike's wheels?
Just curious, im on ride3 and motogp19.
I think maybe in the isle of man games they set the view in cockpit where it's the rider's perspective that swerves? I forget, need check videos.

Is the feel different? With more physics, feeling the road, weight of the bike, suspension?

Any chance of wheel support on ps4/ps5?

Is the game based on arcade style upgrades still to keep up on straights especially?

I'm on XB1 so there's some I can't answer, but in more or less order:
There is a clutch, just a button and it doesn't really work like a proper clutch

IOM's rider camera gives me migraines and does not make me feel like I'm on a bike but to each their own
A bit, still nowhere near perfect (especially if you start to nitpick it) but I prefer it to 3, it's still lacking in the feel of inertia department (so, basically everything you mentioned), hell, TT was better that way I think.
No idea? You control the riders weight with the stick though so wheels may prove problematic anyway.
Upgrades are still a thing but it's WAAAYYY better than 3 in that regard. Plus, no more stupid drag races! License tests really suck, though. AI is every bit as bad and just as inconsistent. 2 had better.
@Don Lardner NNooooooo!!!! Good grief that's a kick where it hurts. Seriously, with Milestone's take on the new consoles I hate them right now as well. I'll be back to hating SMS again or something soon, I'm sure. I did stop playing PC2 for more than two years the third time I lost my career there, after all.

I'm on XB1 so there's some I can't answer, but in more or less order:
There is a clutch, just a button and it doesn't really work like a proper clutch

IOM's rider camera gives me migraines and does not make me feel like I'm on a bike but to each their own
A bit, still nowhere near perfect (especially if you start to nitpick it) but I prefer it to 3, it's still lacking in the feel of inertia department (so, basically everything you mentioned), hell, TT was better that way I think.
No idea? You control the riders weight with the stick though so wheels may prove problematic anyway.
Upgrades are still a thing but it's WAAAYYY better than 3 in that regard. Plus, no more stupid drag races! License tests really suck, though. AI is every bit as bad and just as inconsistent. 2 had better.

Hey there, thanks for your reply friend.

Well i don't mean that i like IOM, i dont have it and it didnt look so great in reviews and videos, just wondered.

Well the clutch does work in an analog way in motogp19 if set to one of the sticks of the ds4 on ps4. Edit: took out ride3, meant motogp19 only.
Its pretty cool, but i would need the addon bottom buttons for the ds4 to shift more easily if using it like that.

The wheel works well with bikes in driveclub on ps4, its pretty cool actually.
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Hey there, thanks for your reply friend.

Well i don't mean that i like IOM, i dont have it and it didnt look so great in reviews and videos, just wondered.

Well the clutch does work in an analog way in motogp19 if set to one of the sticks of the ds4 in ride3 on ps4.
Its pretty cool, but i would need the addon bottom buttons for the ds4 to shift more easily if using it like that.

The wheel works well with bikes in driveclub on ps4, its pretty cool actually.

Yeah, everything in IOM seems really exaggerated to me but some people like it better, is all. Really does give me a migraine within minutes, though, which sucks because I really want to like it.

That clutch thing I'm going to have to investigate because that sounds really cool! I think a wheel could work really well with R4, it's just that I tend to be leaning fore and aft a lot to launch and control wheelies and such. I'm not really great with driving and using the d-pad on mine (apologies to anyone in the same area code as me when I'm cycling through menus on a straight) so I wouldn't be able to get away with it but have considering attempting to use a flight stick for some finer control.
Yeah, everything in IOM seems really exaggerated to me but some people like it better, is all. Really does give me a migraine within minutes, though, which sucks because I really want to like it.

That clutch thing I'm going to have to investigate because that sounds really cool! I think a wheel could work really well with R4, it's just that I tend to be leaning fore and aft a lot to launch and control wheelies and such. I'm not really great with driving and using the d-pad on mine (apologies to anyone in the same area code as me when I'm cycling through menus on a straight) so I wouldn't be able to get away with it but have considering attempting to use a flight stick for some finer control.
Yeah that's the one problem with using a wheel, unless it has a joystick on it.
Someone here told me one time that there is a wheel with that, can't remember which.

Yeah it really is cool using the clutch in analog on ds4 in motogp19, only i didnt buy the under ds4 paddle addon, really would make it easier to shift cause im having a hard time with the regular buttons plus the right joystick as im using the same right thumb.
The underbelly ds4 addon would be perfect it seems, using your middle fingers underneath the ds4 pad to shift.

Edit: in driveclub it makes a big difference, you turn more realistically, slower, less sensitive turning.
But well driveclub is more arcade though.
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While looking through the screenshots I've taken so far, I noticed that there are little to no spectators in stock bike competition whereas superbike level races are completely packed. This is my first exposure to the Ride series as a whole, so I'm wondering if this is also the case for other Ride games as well.

Regardless, I think this is really neat touch! I wonder if there's any other racing game that also does this.

RIDE 4 Screenshot 2021.04.04 -

RIDE 4 Screenshot 2021.04.03 -
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I just checked video of iom1 and 2, and from what i can see, the cockpit view in 1 was ok with the upper part leaning into corners and the bottom of wheels/tires staying on their line.

In 2, they seemed to have changed it to same as ride, with the bottom swinging left and right instead and the top of the rider staying centered, pretty silly.

In 3rd person too, although in 2 that isnt as bad. In ride series you can see it even in 3rd person easily, how the bottom swings around when turning, which is of course silly.

Oh well, i love ride3 still, sometimes i wish i never read the post here that made me realize this hehe.

But this makes me feel to try out iom1 when it will be pretty low priced.
Even though apart from that point i made, i still find ride3 helmet view so good, and with the tuck-in too, going down to the side of the cockpit, makes you feel going into the corners.
***Edit: iom cockpit seems a pretty hastily done view still, and i feel the same in wrc series, it's not their forte, or they dont put much effort in it at least.
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Ride 4 a little harder, more like MotoGP, Ripper so a while. Tracks are much improved, over 3, now a have, time change as well.

Hey John, i checked more iom 1 and 2 videos and they both do it right it seems, the bottom of bike/wheels/tires following your line.

Now that i tried more ride3 in helmet view but not using the tuck in as i always did before, which made it harder to notice this, it's completely crazy honestly how silly this has been done in ride series.
The bottom swings left and right opposite of the side you're turning, almost the width of the whole road often.
It makes it really unreal how you need to compensate for this and turn much in advance and not be near at all the edges of the road when you start leaning.
You can do it to a point but it's a complete a mess, the bottom swerves so much, im realizing that this is the main reason you can't really follow a race line at all, and gets you out of bound often.
It's not nitpicking at all also, it's a major major flaw. Because i used tucking most times before unless braking, it was not so noticeable but it still does it just the same.

It's not just a visual thing too, the bottom and contact to the road really goes physically swerving left and right like crazy the opposite of your leaning instead of the upper part leaning and moving to the inside of your turn.

And the bikes wheels really go out of bound and hit the outside of the road.

Even if 3rd person you can easily see this but it's much easier to play.

I still love ride but since i found this and that it makes it a lot harder for a ridiculous reason, and actually impossible to follow a continuous line, im going to use helmet view without tuck in i think, even if you notice it so much more.

3rd person is not too bad but boring in comparison. In helmet you feel same as in iom real videos sense of speed hehe.

Anyone know if iom2 supports wheels, mostly for me on ps4? Its based on wrc8 engine, so maybe it does, that be another plus to try it.

Not mean i give up on ride, I've been one of the more positive poster on here about it, just a bit shocked and disappointed in realizing this huge flaw and how its the major reason it makes it so hard for nothing to follow your line.

Ok end of rant, but im gonna try iom games for sure realizing this now.
Hope its good, il wait for a big discount.

Cheers guys.
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Well, this calls for some POV comparisons!
First up, Ride 4, R1M at Suzuka

Next up, TT at Suzuka

TTIOM 2, obviously not a circuit racing game so it's a bit different

And finally, the real deal, also an R1 from Suzuka, this time from Niccolò Canepa's helmet camera

Hehe, well it shows exactly what i mean, tt too has the same mistake.

Look how in the real video the helmet perspective cam shifts left or right In relation to the road itself not the contact to the road, as normal obviously.
Only iom2 here does it mostly right.
Even though the movement relative to the fairing isn't so great of course.

That's what i like about ride helmet view, when using tuck-in in curves, leaning going down the side of the bike and looking into the curve.

The helmet view relative to the fairing is great then.
But what i mean that is really off is the helmet view should also move to the side of the road you're leaning to turn.
And not the bottom of the bike moving away from the inside to the outside.

You can see that in 3rd person, compare iom to ride and you will notice it.
Well you will hate to notice it when you do, like i do. It's so immense a fault and obvious, the contact to the road swings sideways in the opposite side of the turn, instead of the upper part moving the inside.

Oh well, i didn't even notice this for long until someone said it in a post too.

Just seems almost unimaginable that it is like this, just swerve left right and you will see how the tires contact move away from where you're leaning into instead of the upper part moving to the inside of the curve.

That's different from how the helmet cam is in relation the the fairing, that one is pretty good, i love it in ride when tuckin in curves.

Ill find videos to show it maybe if helps.
Or maybe better if you don't realize it hehe.
The worse is it's not just visual as i said, the bike contact to the road physically shifts left right many feet the opposite side that you lean into instead of staying on the same line and only having the upper part of the bike and rider move to the inside of the turn.

In other words, your upper part of body and bike should get nearer/closer to the inside side of the curve that you're leaning into, not the bottom going away from it.

And it's not just a gameplay cam problem as i said, even in 3rd person you can see it's the bottom of the bike moving away from the side you're turning into instead of the upper part moving closer to the inside.

Edit: to make it simple, in ride it's the top of the rider that follows your racing line instead of the bottom of the wheels tires/contact patch as should of course.
The bottom of the bike is swerving left and right like on a swivel from the helmet.
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This is something I've said for a long long time. the "sway". The problem is when they are making the 1st person view they tend to do it based on a camera perspective as the fixed point. so you get the pendulum effect where the bike doesn't turn on the line you expect because your head stays on that line. When they do a bike cam you get the titled earth effect. It's insane. Tourist Trophy had a great middle ground that was very effective. Ride 4 is better (namely the first 1st person view offered after the 3rd person views) but it still has control issues. Because they try to add stuff that is very unbike like. So if you actually ride a lot like I do it's hard to play the game. I'm sorry but I tried again and the PS5 version of the game controls worse than the PS4 version. They try to put these sensations in there that are just wrong. But worse is that it's not really fair All views should play the same but the bikes are more stable in 3rd person and that's why I'd use that view for those dumb track tests.
This is something I've said for a long long time. the "sway". The problem is when they are making the 1st person view they tend to do it based on a camera perspective as the fixed point. so you get the pendulum effect where the bike doesn't turn on the line you expect because your head stays on that line. When they do a bike cam you get the titled earth effect. It's insane. Tourist Trophy had a great middle ground that was very effective. Ride 4 is better (namely the first 1st person view offered after the 3rd person views) but it still has control issues. Because they try to add stuff that is very unbike like. So if you actually ride a lot like I do it's hard to play the game. I'm sorry but I tried again and the PS5 version of the game controls worse than the PS4 version. They try to put these sensations in there that are just wrong. But worse is that it's not really fair All views should play the same but the bikes are more stable in 3rd person and that's why I'd use that view for those dumb track tests.

Wow grrr, yeah i thought at 1st that ride4 was the same as 3 from fairing videos cause it looks like it from the motion of the bike around the rider,
But it's much better when you look at helmet gameplay with tuck in to the side now.
The view does shift in 4 closer to the inside, there's still some perceived movement of the bottom to the opposite side a little but much less and i think its mostly visual in this view in 4.

Because in 3rd person you can see the bike really does move into the curve on the top part and the tire contact stays on it's line, phew, so glad they fixed this.
But grrr, means i have to buy ride4 now, i had bought the full dlc for ride3, for all the extra bikes. 'Put expletive here' hehe hay.
Oh well, im more glad they did fix this, just need wait for a good discount i guess, have to check if it has a complete version...

So im sorry for ride4 guys, might seem confusing with my observations but it seemed at 1st on rider cam views that it was still same as 3.

I had just tried my motogp19 now to check on this and it's like ride4, it's mostly fixed.

Only problem in motogp19 is when you push forward on your rider, it makes him sit up and lose top speed, opposite of what is expected.
The other effects of this are ok, like helping to not wheelie too much etc.

I wonder if this mistake was fixed in motogp20 too.

Well i typed all these explanations for ride3 for nothing almost grrr lol.
Really seemed same in 4 at 1st glance.
I guess i didnt expect it much to be fixed.
Goddamnit, i paid a good deal of change for that ride3 dlc hay hehe.

At least it cleared this up for me.
Will get ride4 but still want to try iom 2 at some point.

I really like the helmet view with tuckin in low to the side in ride4 that i saw too. Time to save some doe i guess..

Edit: one thing that seems missing also in ride3 is sounds from the contact to the road.
You cant hear any scrubbing, sliding, bumps etc. Just the engine, unless maybe if off the course.
I wonder did they add any sound effects like this in ride4? Because it makes harder to know what's happening, with only visual cues.

***edit2: well MotoGP 19 actually the helmet cam when leaning does still have some movement to the outside from the bottom.

I checked videos of motogp20 and it looks pretty similar too.

Then i just checked a preview video of motogp21 and that looks superb and fixed, like ride4 and maybe moreso even.

The helmet cam moves really to the inside instead of the bottom of the bike swaying out.
That makes me hoping it will be all good, then ill get that too after ride4 i guess.

Well i dont know, hehe i checked again and its pretty similar lol. Hay ok, i give up hehe.

Edit: it definitely looks fixed in motogp21.

Cheers guys.
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I thought they did a pretty good job with the rider cam in R4, definitely a step up from 3. The camera is too far back (all the games are wrong here) and they've added a lot of motion effects which don't appear in Canepa's helmet cam (or in my vision when I'm riding, for that matter), so you can see where Milestone has done quite a few things to add to the sense of speed and urgency, for example on top of the effects, although the track looks the proper width, some of the walls are closer and taller than they look from IRL footage (and Google Streetview). TT is pretty good as well, back when that game was new, racers stayed quite a bit more centred with the bike as opposed to now where they really hang off and throw the shoulder and elbow out, so it's very accurate for its time. IOM almost seems like it's a bit too locked to centre and the rider only swings the head out in really tight turns, but then again, roads racers don't hang off anywhere near as much as modern SBK racers, either.

@Jtheripper, there are better sounds in 4. It has problems for sure, but it has stuff it does very well, too. To me the track list alone made it worth every dollar I paid for it, eventually, when it first came out I was pretty disappointed but they have improved it a lot. Look at it this way, us critics (many of whom have bikes ourselves) are still playing it enough to keep nitpicking it, if it was really that terrible we'd have all moved on. If you like bike games catch it on a sale if you can.
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I thought they did a pretty good job with the rider cam in R4, definitely a step up from 3. The camera is too far back (all the games are wrong here) and they've added a lot of motion effects which don't appear in Canepa's helmet cam (or in my vision when I'm riding, for that matter), so you can see where Milestone has done quite a few things to add to the sense of speed and urgency, for example on top of the effects, although the track looks the proper width, some of the walls are closer and taller than they look from IRL footage (and Google Streetview). TT is pretty good as well, back when that game was new, racers stayed quite a bit more centred with the bike as opposed to now where they really hang off and throw the shoulder and elbow out, so it's very accurate for its time. IOM almost seems like it's a bit too locked to centre and the rider only swings the head out in really tight turns, but then again, roads racers don't hang off anywhere near as much as modern SBK racers, either.

@Jtheripper, there are better sounds in 4. It has problems for sure, but it has stuff it does very well, too. To me the track list alone made it worth every dollar I paid for it, eventually, when it first came out I was pretty disappointed but they have improved it a lot. Look at it this way, us critics (many of whom have bikes ourselves) are still playing it enough to keep nitpicking it, if it was really that terrible we'd have all moved on. If you like bike games catch it on a sale if you can.

Yes for sure for me it's a must if they did fix this big fault from ride3, as it seems so.
Yeah i dont mean to sound like i hate the games, on the contrary, that's why i hope as much is done in a great way as possible.
I love bikes, i don't ride anymore but i did in the past, big and smaller sport bikes, not racing mind you, but at too fast a clip i guess, on public roads.
Doesn't make me an expert that's for sure, but it makes me an enthusiast.

In motogp 19 at least you can feel on the controller and see more easily when the bike starts to slide compared to ride3, so im sure its better in 4 too.

Yes i didn't check much up to now on ride4, so i dont know what was added as for tracks, bikes. But i did see a dlc for Kyalami, one of the tracks i loved in older games, i think it was in superbike 1998, from Milestone too. Maybe it was a longer old layout though compared to now.

Yeah i wasn't a fan of how iom helmet cam looked from videos, we'll see.

Thanks for your reply outsider,
This is something I've said for a long long time. the "sway". The problem is when they are making the 1st person view they tend to do it based on a camera perspective as the fixed point. so you get the pendulum effect where the bike doesn't turn on the line you expect because your head stays on that line. When they do a bike cam you get the titled earth effect. It's insane. Tourist Trophy had a great middle ground that was very effective. Ride 4 is better (namely the first 1st person view offered after the 3rd person views) but it still has control issues. Because they try to add stuff that is very unbike like. So if you actually ride a lot like I do it's hard to play the game. I'm sorry but I tried again and the PS5 version of the game controls worse than the PS4 version. They try to put these sensations in there that are just wrong. But worse is that it's not really fair All views should play the same but the bikes are more stable in 3rd person and that's why I'd use that view for those dumb track tests.

Yeah i agree that it's much easier in 3rd person, but it would still be even if the helmet cam was perfectly right im guessing.

Now that i tried again ride3, in 3rd person it does follow the line as supposed to it seems, so as you said it's mostly the problem with 1st person cockpit/fairing view, that swings left and right at the bottom of the bike.

Still seems somewhat like that in 4 no?
The helmet view when using tuckin and the view really leaning low to the side of the fairing gives the impression more that the view shifts sideways to the inside of the curve as should, just not sure if it's just an impression because when sitting up it still somewhat looks like swinging as discussed.

Also it depends on the bike in ride3, changes more to the side low if its a more racing style bike. Plus there's the leaning styles to choose. I always used the low shoulder out view but i might test again the other choices.

Bah i think im going insane lol with this hehe, over thinking it maybe.

***Edit: did just check some more ride4 videos, yeah for sure it's much better now in helmet view. The perspective really moves to the inside of the track, not just to the side of the fairing of the bike. And the bike keeps it's line flow.

Well that settles it for sure, must change 3 for 4, wish i can get a refund lol or credit, for Sony store purchase hehe.

Unless they announce ride 5 lol.
Ok, cheers..
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Ripper their are lots of improvements over Ride3, all bike unlocked and tracks. Get the season pass, as well, so good packs.

Hey John, yes for sure, i love all those bikes in ride3, that's why i got the full dlc for it. Im sure i will again.

Im back using the helmet manual tuckin, really less goofy looking sway, plus its so cool, and for the added performance.
I tried the different leaning style options in 3, but doesn't change much and i was used to shoulder out.

It's still a handfull, with a so small joystick, you can't really just do smooth movements and hope to flow at full speed nicely, especially on narrow fast roads like Ulster.

Plus in helmet view and if almost always tucked in, being low makes it harder of course to look at how you're lining up the road.
Need constant small inputs left right on the joystick. I dont know if its better in 4 for that. Edit: that's why i wish we had the option to try our wheels in ride/motogp.
Plus need be smooth on the throttle.

I noticed and didn't remember seeing that, the game uses contact names on psn in ai races hehe.
I saw your name in my single races and was wondering how come.
It put you in 1st place most times and with the fastest lap always, the game knows you John, knows you're an enthusiast hehe, it was on Ulster.

***Edit: i was getting back in the groove more, doing a better lap time even if tucked in in helmet view and in the middle or 2/3 of it the oil needed changing again lol pff.

I hope this has been taken out of 4, goodness, what a silly thing, each 200km, and you need go out back to the bike customizing to do so.
I thought it was a cute touch when i got this game but grrr, pretty annoying hehe.

***edit2: have to say, bikes and rally racing is the most thrilling for me, with ride, dr2, and after that assetto corsa. Well nh4 is a lot of fun too at high speed in the traffic.
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Ripper their are lots of improvements over Ride3, all bike unlocked and tracks. Get the season pass, as well, so good packs.

I wouldn't say the bikes are "all unlocked" cause the price for a lot of them is stupid high. but right now I'd say if you are going to get Ride 4 bite the bullet and get it now. The weekly challenges pay out stupid amounts of credit. don't know if they will keep it that way or patch it (can't see anyone complaining about it so they may not notice). That is what got me to go back give Ride 4 on PS5 another go. The saves from the PS4 don't transfer over and I wasn't about grind through the game again to get the bikes back. But I did the weekly challenge this week with the Honda NSR400 at Tsubaka and did a bunch of 1 lap runs. top pay out 1,099,00 credits so with maybe 1hrs work of laps was able to credit up to repurchase all the bikes in the game I had gotten on the PS4 version. Not an issue for DLC bikes because they are added to the garage anyway. Still sucks you can't bring over you custom liveries even if you have shared them cause Milestone made them platform specific.

Sorry but Milestone is just lame. Always doing the least amount of effort and short cutting. They can blame Sony all they want but other titles transfer saves when you upgrade versions. And again they could also simply just do the conversion on their side and push it back down to your profile. tons of easy ways they could do it if they tried but that's asking too much

I still think the PS4 version plays better because on the PS5 they try to do too much and it makes the game worse. For example on this weeks NSR400 challenge I can run low 57s to high 56s easily. That's not trying to fast lap just credit grabbing. but on the PS5 I have to work to get mid 58s. Milestone put all these inputs for the Duel Sense that just make the game worse. You all are probably sick of me saying this, but I ride for real and track exclusively. I get tons of feedback from my bike but it doesn't move anywhere near as much or like as they put in the game. Against another player not a big deal as we are on equal terms but against the AI you are at an extreme disadvantage because they are on rails. That's why I don't even bother with the Endurance races because the AI is too cheap and you can't race it. they just wipe you out all the time for no reason.

And yeah even with the clutch trick the braking is still bad and the turning is still bad. I must be a squid cause I don't leave my shifting until right before I turn in. But that's what you have to do in Ride 4 to get the bikes to turn slow and turn. When I'm riding the moment I hit my brake market I drop my gears match rev, etc...... and get the bike settled BEFORE I turn in. Also gear selection doesn't affect the bike's ability to turn so I don't get what Milestone is doing here. Yes it will effect your drive out of the corner but not the ability to hold a line. I've gone into corners and missed a gear or got the revs wrong, that didn't keep me from running my line it just lugged when I was exiting. So these things as someone who rides makes Milestones game hard for me to play because I can't switch to video game mode.

Basically the only way I can enjoy the game is just to treat it like I'm doing a track day and just do long runs on my own. But on the PS5 even that's a mess because the ghosts aren't stable.
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I wouldn't say the bikes are "all unlocked" cause the price for a lot of them is stupid high. but right now I'd say if you are going to get Ride 4 bite the bullet and get it now. The weekly challenges pay out stupid amounts of credit. don't know if they will keep it that way or patch it (can't see anyone complaining about it so they may not notice). That is what got me to go back give Ride 4 on PS5 another go. The saves from the PS4 don't transfer over and I wasn't about grind through the game again to get the bikes back. But I did the weekly challenge this week with the Honda NSR400 at Tsubaka and did a bunch of 1 lap runs. top pay out 1,099,00 credits so with maybe 1hrs work of laps was able to credit up to repurchase all the bikes in the game I had gotten on the PS4 version. Not an issue for DLC bikes because they are added to the garage anyway. Still sucks you can't bring over you custom liveries even if you have shared them cause Milestone made them platform specific.

Sorry but Milestone is just lame. Always doing the least amount of effort and short cutting. They can blame Sony all they want but other titles transfer saves when you upgrade versions. And again they could also simply just do the conversion on their side and push it back down to your profile. tons of easy ways they could do it if they tried but that's asking too much

I still think the PS4 version plays better because on the PS5 they try to do too much and it makes the game worse. For example on this weeks NSR400 challenge I can run low 57s to high 56s easily. That's not trying to fast lap just credit grabbing. but on the PS5 I have to work to get mid 58s. Milestone put all these inputs for the Duel Sense that just make the game worse. You all are probably sick of me saying this, but I ride for real and track exclusively. I get tons of feedback from my bike but it doesn't move anywhere near as much or like as they put in the game. Against another player not a big deal as we are on equal terms but against the AI you are at an extreme disadvantage because they are on rails. That's why I don't even bother with the Endurance races because the AI is too cheap and you can't race it. they just wipe you out all the time for no reason.

And yeah even with the clutch trick the braking is still bad and the turning is still bad. I must be a squid cause I don't leave my shifting until right before I turn in. But that's what you have to do in Ride 4 to get the bikes to turn slow and turn. When I'm riding the moment I hit my brake market I drop my gears match rev, etc...... and get the bike settled BEFORE I turn in. Also gear selection doesn't affect the bike's ability to turn so I don't get what Milestone is doing here. Yes it will effect your drive out of the corner but not the ability to hold a line. I've gone into corners and missed a gear or got the revs wrong, that didn't keep me from running my line it just lugged when I was exiting. So these things as someone who rides makes Milestones game hard for me to play because I can't switch to video game mode.

Basically the only way I can enjoy the game is just to treat it like I'm doing a track day and just do long runs on my own. But on the PS5 even that's a mess because the ghosts aren't stable.

Yeah i read that also you can't rewind in endurance races with ai, could be pretty frustrating especially if it's ai faults.
Does it run smoothly on ps4?
Are controls smoother than in 3?

In motogp19 the controls are smoother and precise it seems, maybe cause bikes are more stable too though, depends on the bike too cause of the diversity in ride.
Have to be smooth on throttle to not unbalance the chassis, and can't much use it when doing direction corrections and pulling out of curves from the apex or it wont turn much, with the front being light.
But seems a little overdone in 3, even a 500cc bike in 3rd gear does it.

It helps if tucked in to turn in, and pushing weight forward too though.

Looking forward to trying 4, thanks for the tip.
They do have weirdly obvious flaws in each game that is a little baffling for sure, like no one checks on it that knows the minimum of how a bike works, strange.
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@RZ05, with the way the bikes move it's like they want us all to ride like Josh Herrin without giving us the control necessary to do so! I think back with R2 I just stopped thinking about them as any kind of sim-anything and just started to enjoy the visceral experience of it, which is clearly where they spend all their time in dev anyway. They try to put "video game" elements into everything they do, too, like the tuck button or the scrub button in the dirt games, both of which are just a function of how you ride the bike IRL. I think in terms of the realism/enjoyment scale I'd have to put this one on top of the Ride heap, though, followed by 2.

But they do pull that experience thing off rather well.
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@RZ05, with the way the bikes move it's like they want us all to ride like Josh Herrin without giving us the control necessary to do so! I think back with R2 I just stopped thinking about them as any kind of sim-anything and just started to enjoy the visceral experience of it, which is clearly where they spend all their time in dev anyway. They try to put "video game" elements into everything they do, too, like the tuck button or the scrub button in the dirt games, both of which are just a function of how you ride the bike IRL. I think in terms of the realism/enjoyment scale I'd have to put this one on top of the Ride heap, though, followed by 2.

But they do pull that experience thing off rather well.

Yes it sure is thrilling in helmet view, and highly playable in 3rd person.

Especially considering you're using a small joystick to control and feel this.

I wonder if there is replays in ride4 in all modes, like historical challenges, qualifications etc, even on ps4?

In ride3 its only in races.

***edit: i was trying my motogp19 a little more and, unfortunately in the helmet cam view, the bike really sways under you left and right on the track and around the rider instead of the rider doing this.

It feels worse even than in ride3 because there is no manual tuckin to help compensate the feel for this and the view is like a mix of being tucked in and not tucked in.
So there's the even more exaggerated sway of when you don't tuck in like in ride3.

Really glad to see that it seems a lot better in previews videos of motogp21, as in ride4 and moreso maybe.

Motogp19 in 3rd person is so highly playable in 3rd person in comparison to helmet, a real pleasure.

Edit2: when i say helmet view i mean the last 1st person choice in ride3 and motogp19.

Just tried the 2nd 1st person view in motogp19 and it's much better for the lessened sway effect.
But you dont get the rider inside leaning view in curves, which is why its not as bad for the sway effect.
Much more playable in that 2nd view, you can follow your line, unlike in the last 1st person view choice, phew hehe.
Also noticed now that in that view you can more easily feel the bike's handling.

Its like the last helmet view they simulated the dampening effect of the rider on the view, plus you can see the bike movement more maybe in this 2nd view. Its like a tank view i guess or torso.
You really feel more the sliding, the curbs etc. Im liking it.

Did try that view in ride3 before but wasn't liking it as much, with little tuckin to the side effect. Will try it again..

Edit:after trying motogp19 for a little while and going back to ride3, i notice the steering control is much more sensitive in ride 3, way too much, makes it much harder to be smooth.
And no settings to adjust. Motogp19 i find perfect.
I hope in ride4 it's much more similar to motogp19.
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@RZ05, with the way the bikes move it's like they want us all to ride like Josh Herrin without giving us the control necessary to do so! I think back with R2 I just stopped thinking about them as any kind of sim-anything and just started to enjoy the visceral experience of it, which is clearly where they spend all their time in dev anyway. They try to put "video game" elements into everything they do, too, like the tuck button or the scrub button in the dirt games, both of which are just a function of how you ride the bike IRL. I think in terms of the realism/enjoyment scale I'd have to put this one on top of the Ride heap, though, followed by 2.

But they do pull that experience thing off rather well.

Agreed I think its the best playing Ride in the series but the AI really lets it down. All the control “quirks” I can deal with or adjust to if I just do laps on my own. But “racing” the AI is just pointless. They put no effort at all in trying to make it anything other than cheap crap. If not for the weekly challenge mode I wouldn’t have bothered with the PS5 version.

I get what they are trying to do from the visceral stand point but they just do it so badly lo. Tourist Trophy 1st person was awesome. You’d get the “feedback” but they didn’t over do it. Where as all of Milestone’s games lack the control to deal with their feedback. The bikes unload so unnaturally and it’s insanely highlighted when going against the AI which is on rails.

But it’s the same with their SX/MX games. The whole whip/scrub thing is stupid. It would be better and more intuitive if they made it more realistic control wise. That is why their SX/MX games turn so badly, because the scrub controls are mixed into the turning controls and switch when you hit a bump so you end up crashing. Also if Milestone would learn how to make the bikes in all their games steer and brake correctly. So I don’t get the logic that what they keep doing is better than if they would just do it correctly. Everyone complains about the same thing in all their games. You are making a product for a specific market yet you don’t design the physics for that market? A Rally game that had traction of F1 or F1 game that slid around like a Rally game would fail instantly. Yet Milestone makes bike games for bikers that don’t handle like bikes....I just don’t get it. I’m not wanting some ultra sim either, just something not to stupid. :).

Anyone who rides knows riding a motorcycle is easy. They practically ride themselves. IT’s when you start pushing that things get “interesting”. If Milestone followed that simple logic they’d have a more user friendly game for bike fans and casual gamers alike. Instead you have this game where you have to do Virtua Fighter SPoD controls just to get the bikes to stop and turn ....... it turns away a lot of casual and serious gamers a like
It says something that I’ve taken my PS2/3/4 to the track with me and you have people that live and breathe motorcycles. who watch talk think bikes 24/7/365 and they won’t play the bike games. They’ll play the car games, shooters whatever I happen to have. But none will have anything to do with the bike games. To me that speaks volumes
Well like i said above, motogp19 feels pretty smooth and easy to just control your steering compared to ride3, and it does feel really good with the fun and challenge being to push it to the limit.

That's not so good in ride3 that's for sure, sensitive to just point where you want to go.
Im hoping ride4 is alot closer to motogp19 for that, and the feel and control at the limit is really much better too in that game.

Did test in ride3 some more the views and control feel. I found the 1st of the 2 fairing views without using the tuckin is the smoothest nicer one.
Only problem is you dont get the performance benefit of tuckin.

Like the added speed and acceleration and turn in of when using tuckin.

But even almost right away i did faster laps that way. Still far from perfect, sways but less like that, and still not control smoothly as in motogp19.

Depends on the bike more i guess in ride, with so much variety, smaller bikes being more sensitive etc. Didn't test bigger heavier less agile bikes.

Really like those road courses like ulster, etc. Such a thrill. Was watching real races last eve, 4, almost 5 abreast on a fast country road in the 200 north east race, it be hard to pull that off in ride3 lol with so sensitive control and sway.

Also watched the recap of the isle of man senior race of 1992 with Fogerty being a future superbike champion in that.
He did a lap record 3secs faster on his last lap i think with a worn out bike.

But ended 2nd to a Norton bike that had best speed.

Those guys have eyes like adrenalin junkies hehe. Fogerty is scary lol, Guy martin etc.

3rd person in ride3 doesn't compare, much easier, smoother controls, seems even physics/handling are easier and like when going a little off course.
Plus the bike follows it's line.
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Agreed I think its the best playing Ride in the series but the AI really lets it down. All the control “quirks” I can deal with or adjust to if I just do laps on my own. But “racing” the AI is just pointless. They put no effort at all in trying to make it anything other than cheap crap. If not for the weekly challenge mode I wouldn’t have bothered with the PS5 version.

I get what they are trying to do from the visceral stand point but they just do it so badly lo. Tourist Trophy 1st person was awesome. You’d get the “feedback” but they didn’t over do it. Where as all of Milestone’s games lack the control to deal with their feedback. The bikes unload so unnaturally and it’s insanely highlighted when going against the AI which is on rails.

But it’s the same with their SX/MX games. The whole whip/scrub thing is stupid. It would be better and more intuitive if they made it more realistic control wise. That is why their SX/MX games turn so badly, because the scrub controls are mixed into the turning controls and switch when you hit a bump so you end up crashing. Also if Milestone would learn how to make the bikes in all their games steer and brake correctly. So I don’t get the logic that what they keep doing is better than if they would just do it correctly. Everyone complains about the same thing in all their games. You are making a product for a specific market yet you don’t design the physics for that market? A Rally game that had traction of F1 or F1 game that slid around like a Rally game would fail instantly. Yet Milestone makes bike games for bikers that don’t handle like bikes....I just don’t get it. I’m not wanting some ultra sim either, just something not to stupid. :).

Anyone who rides knows riding a motorcycle is easy. They practically ride themselves. IT’s when you start pushing that things get “interesting”. If Milestone followed that simple logic they’d have a more user friendly game for bike fans and casual gamers alike. Instead you have this game where you have to do Virtua Fighter SPoD controls just to get the bikes to stop and turn ....... it turns away a lot of casual and serious gamers a like

Lol hay god, i just learned that the view i was seeing in ride4 with good side to side movement relative to the road, in helmet cam, is JUST a replay cam grrrrr.

Common guys, someone could have said something hay.
What bull...t, i mean is there an actual improvement in the real gameplay rider cams, i watched other videos and it doesn't look improved, same sway of the bike under you pff, milestone, why didn't they include this.

Probably same b..... in motogp21 previews too hay. Might stick to ride3 if so, plus there's like 100 less bikes it seems. Lol.

Edit: now i learned that the physics were a good realistic challenge at launch but were updated to be easier hehe.
Oh well i dont know.
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Been struggling with career, only on the Europe part. I find with a full tuned bike, hard to beat Al, even on very easy. Its good when they make mistakes. Did a ten lap race at Daytona and won.
Ripper those were great times at the TT, with Hislop and Fogarty, one best race ever.👍

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Yeah, everything in IOM seems really exaggerated to me but some people like it better, is all. Really does give me a migraine within minutes, though, which sucks because I really want to like it.

That clutch thing I'm going to have to investigate because that sounds really cool! I think a wheel could work really well with R4, it's just that I tend to be leaning fore and aft a lot to launch and control wheelies and such. I'm not really great with driving and using the d-pad on mine (apologies to anyone in the same area code as me when I'm cycling through menus on a straight) so I wouldn't be able to get away with it but have considering attempting to use a flight stick for some finer control.
Did you ever try the analog clutch?

I noticed some of the older powerful bikes in ride3 do power oversteer and you can lose it too.
They're fun to handle.

While more modern race bikes seem to have tcs even when set at 0 in game.
I guess it only affects the game aids and not the real bike's electronic aids.

The sensitivity that i find too high seems mostly on high speed street courses like ulster, on gp tracks its ok.

Edit: i was watching some ride4 videos, saw a replay on macau, have to admit it looked really nice. Cool angles and nice movement of the bike, plus it looked in contact to the road more compared to ride3.

I had just ran on it in ride3 and the replay switches often on tv setting to 1st person view, like they didnt finish the tv cam replay development.
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