It seems life is testing us all in one way or another

Nobody said it'd be easy, I suppose.
I can only hope the ups outweigh the downs my friends
Well saturday will be an up 👍, hope
@RMan72 &
@joaosoarescso can join in

TL I really wish you well 👍 Your health is important and I do hope that your voice returning is the first of many good signs and a full recovery from the problems you face, will come
Now you guys will know what you will have to avoid on the track, I am struggling with finding my braking zones, either I am way too early or I shoot straight through.
In case you are following me you must know that I tend to brake a bit early(and sometimes late

), so be careful, i have enough of my doctor giving me a prostate exam

, don't need the car to get one too

smiley S&M prostate exam = 👍
Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials
@TurnLeft! That's really nice to hear... 👍 What isn't so nice to hear is you having health issues. I hope you're going to be alright. I am no stranger to health related problems. So, I know how draining things can get. Hang in there my friend.
Thanks buddy, and you too hang in there, my thoughts are with you

Whaa, wedding comes first mate, congrats
Actually, we did almost everything in the wrong order, kid then house now marriage

, we did this to celebrate our 25 years together

, thanks my friend

Congrats for the wedding. I just like to hear from you when it is possible.
I wish you all the best, good friend. Take care. 👍
Thanks Dan, and I am trying hard to take care

, from a heavy smoker I'm down to 5 or 6 a day, just hope I haven't damaged too much of my vehicle, it's a great model when it runs right

Hey, I'm here and I hope you are feeling better and Congrats on getting married 👍 I'll be celebrating 23 years this September of being married to my lovely wife (she's standing right behind me!!)
so I have to say this.
Thanks Tom, it's good to see you and the wife have still got the fire running, you should consider buying her some lightweight frying pans

, it's saved me from a lot of headaches

. You think you'll be able to make it for the first race saturday? .. It would be real cool 👍.
Big Man takes things right, thank you for your approach on this, wasn't easy thing to gather balls to push these things out, and it takes more balls to receive this feedback, you're guy who take it right. Hopefully you'll get bargain deal for new tv or easy fix on old one. Sad to see blind man, you need your eyes. Or/and we need your eyes!
And it takes a big man to hold on to his convictions when knowing it may not be well perceived 👍. I don't agree with everything you say but having different opinions and discussing things civically is something of a lost art on most of these forums, don't change that, .... just change your driving

, go slower, much slower

I've been running with the Maserati and I'm running around 1:40 to 1:41 , BL was 1:39.671, how are you guys doing?
Also the tire and fuel wear is almost non existing, something wrong? I've been using the practice track in the club events.
EDIT: Just checked, it was set to normal, will that be it for the race?