RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

How's about you take your own Team Members advice, stay the Hell out of my Garage & I won't do to every set up that comes out of it what RJ has done to so many of mine, with his obviously misunderstood interpretation of Tuning Dynamics (not saying he can't FEEL out a Tune.) just his interpretation of what's going on is far off too often, I've shown it too many times. This AYC is just another example.

btw if that was directed at me (not sure it was), then I don't belong to any 'team' and I haven't ever gone in your garage... And if he can feel out a tune then that is all that matters here. Nobody cares about some nerdy bullcrap argument over the semantics of what exactly the differential on a real car may or may not do.
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Rotary Junkie
Interestingly that quote he kept using does not seem to be from Wiki. At least... It's not in the Lancer Evo articles nor the article on AYC.

I've never driven an Evo in real life and probably won't ever get the chance to drive one in anger. But I've toyed with them since GT2 (though back then I had no idea what did what) and have consistently noted that a higher AYC setting results in more oversteer but also a slightly odd feeling of the outside of the car trying to be "pushed" through the corner faster than the inside.

Which is "forcing" the car to yaw (rotate on center axis). There are disadvantages to it but it's (again) what makes an Evo an Evo. Remove it and you may as well play with an Impreza because they're inherently better balanced.

Edit: Also worth noting that AYC response is based on steering angle. More steering angle results in a stronger response from AYC. I've not seen it do much limiting.

I understand RJ you feel the car do something and you tune to it. That's fine. Don't pretend like you know what Going on beyond slider move left car does x slider goes right car does y, it's when you attempt to justify your theories with IRL dynamics that your lack or REAL tuning experience is amplified. Then when you have the nerve to criticize my work with that limited Understanding (often backwards) it causes THiS Type of BS between our Garages.

Yeah I'm might be being a Jerk, but honestly I'm NoT being any more of one then RJ has been in my Garage, he's belittled so many of my Tunes without ever driving one. He's attempted to "teach" me when it's clearly him who needs teaching.

Stay out of my Garage & I'll stay out of yours!!!! LIVE and LET live or I'll pitch a tent in here and camp out.
Read the bold, of what you wrote. Lol

Your another one.

It's like a damper. Set at 3 or 5 it's not FORCING the movement but changing how much it allows/reduces

3 allows more by reducing less, 5 reduces more and allows less. Was that too complicated for you Mr English Teacher?

Pure Jokes!!!

btw if that was directed at me (not sure it was), then I don't belong to any 'team' and I haven't ever gone in your garage... And if he can feel out a tune then that is all that matters here. Nobody cares about some nerdy bullcrap argument over the semantics of what exactly the differential on a real car may or may not do.


I got no gripe with you, but will if you keep butting in where you don't belong. This is old beef from RJ coming into my Garage over and over to belittle my work, this is the first time I've come over here & I was NICE & POLITE until RJ acts like I'm retarded for ACTUALLY knowing what AYC does and don't buy into his BS., and I'm not going nowhere, this my new home.

They stay out of mine, I stay out of theirs. That's the Deal! Let me do my thing without you trashing my work (still haven't driven one ass) I'll let you do yours AS I HAVE FROM the start.

This is going on TOO LoNG and Stops here.
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Yeah I'm might be being a Jerk, but honestly I'm NoT being any more of one then RJ has been in my Garage, he's belittled so many of my Tunes without ever driving one.

Oh of course! Silly me I forgot that wise old mantra, "two wrongs always make a right".. I think that's it? :dunce:

Then maybe if you're addressing someone directly don't talk about them in the third person :dunce: that and clearing up your grammar and sporadic capital letters will make it easier to follow.

I got no gripe with you, but will if you keep butting in where you don't belong. and I'm not going nowhere, this my new home.
Who are you to say that I don't 'belong' in this argument, I either feel I want to participate or I don't, it's not up to you, and it's ironic you say that whilst residing in a thread in which nobody wants you or likes you.

This is going on TOO LoNG and Stops here.
You can't just decide to end an argument once your momentum is gone and the pendulum swings back towards you, my friend.
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Oh of course! Silly me I forgot that wise old mantra, "two wrongs always make a right".. I think that's it? :dunce:

It's gone on too long and in this case I have to treat him as he treats me. He's shown no respect for my work or my request for him to keep his negative criticizing without actually driving the tune out, he refuses to do so, so I'm going to move in here until he agrees to.

I came here in good spirit, he talks to me like I'm crazy when I explain how AYC actually works, instead of him saying he knows f-all but when he was tuning it he felt x & y so he thinks in the game it's like xy. He says, I've got it backwards then tries to explain his way out of a hole.

Pure Jokes!
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it's not FORCING the movement but changing how much it allows/reduces

Forcing it, allowing it, it really doesn't matter what term you use.
The amount of yaw is being increased, because of the AYC.

You've yet to present anything that disagrees with my initial comment.
I think RKM might be facing a lock in the near future!
I was right about when No_OBsT33R's thread got locked aswell!
Just wanted to post that i used a tune for my EK Civic Type R and i love it! Works great for touge and track. Thanks guys! 👍
Forcing it, allowing it, it really doesn't matter what term you use.
The amount of yaw is being increased, because of the AYC.

You've yet to present anything that disagrees with my initial comment.

Awww Mr English Teacher wants to play semantics now. Yeah I already did, too bad you didn't understand it.

It's not that my explanations are too hard it's that the subject is too complicated.

I think RKM might be facing a lock in the near future!
I was right about when No_OBsT33R's thread got locked aswell!


Glad we got it cleared up, and props to you for being willing to admit it.

Dammit Adrenaline, I unblocked him just to see if he'd actually said something that made him seem intelligent. He hasn't so back to the ignore list it goes.

Go ahead and spam up my garage all you please Noobsteer. I won't notice. ;)
If there's no bubble next to it, it's clearly fake. Not to mention, everyone in this thread knows I would never mistake your for you're. :D
This thread is going out of hand, but I just dropped by to say that your "The Emperor" tune was great fun to drive. 👍
Oh, while we're talking about how awesome you are RJ, I just wanted to give you a heads up, that I'm probably going to take full credit for all the work you did on my Oreca Viper :D
This thread is going out of hand, but I just dropped by to say that your "The Emperor" tune was great fun to drive. 👍
Unfortunately it is, but it should be over soon. Glad you've stopped by to make a post that's relevant to the thread. Thank you! :D
Good to hear it. 👍

Good to hear what? That the thread is now a last man standing match between Adrenaline and No_ObST33R or that The Emperor was fun? :lol:
Oh, while we're talking about how awesome you are RJ, I just wanted to give you a heads up, that I'm probably going to take full credit for all the work you did on my Oreca Viper :D

Okay :P Thanks for the heads up.

Good to hear what? That the thread is now a last man standing match between Adrenaline and No_ObST33R or that The Emperor was fun? :lol:

:lol: The latter obviously.
Wah! So much has happened in 9 hours! How did this start?! And why did it happen when I was sleeping?!?!?! I wanted to watch!!! Actually no I don't and I just want to know why did it happen at all?
Yep, so much happened while I was dozing off too.

Seems like I was the start of the AYC argument and all, giving a review for an Evo that obviously has AYC. :guilty:
Right, let's get it back to the tunes, cuz that's where we're supposed to be at (not bickering with people who barge in and make a mess of everything)…Which tune would work best for a Nissan 300ZX Z31? And RJ, could you do a blind tune for it? I want to see what the differences are. It has comfort soft tires, 261hp and weighs 1214kg.
Hey Roj,

I am putting together a B spec guide (that will be posted on GTplanet) and have been testing some different tunes for the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX GSR ‘05 RM. The car will be used for the Tsukuba 9hr Enduro. With that in mind are any changes you would make to your Emperor tune for that specific circuit?

Regards, Moondance.

P.S I was also think of posting a comparison test of the different Evo IX RM tunes available from different garages, but with Bob doing the driving. The test would done at the 9hr Tsukuba event. Hope you don't mind if I include your tune.
This message is hidden because No_OBsT33R is on your ignore list.

That's sorted then.
That appears to be a step in the right direction.

Now if the AYC debate, or any other, for that matter, needs to be continued (notice I said NEEDS) do so in a different thread, not in a tuning garage.
Yah missed me? I'm going to be back in a few hours to do some reviews, and analytical break downs of some of these Super fine Tunes.

There won't be much but ignore messages in this Garage anymore, I ain't going anywhere, this place is my new home. I will review EVERY set up in this garage and give repeated break down analysis of what I think is right and wrong with everything in as lengthy reviews as possible.

First up will be the Evo Yo. :) AYC though?

Y'all can close my garage, I don't care. RJ & A-Tool ruined it anyways, I'm posting set ups in here instead. :D

Da No_OBs HeEr.
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Lol too late, I've done most of them already :D only got 12 (?) left to review, most are for RJ.
And none of us mind if you review the tunes, but if you're using the tunes as an excuse to rile RJ up, then don't bother. Using something we all acknowledge to be good and then making a big deal of downsides is no worse than me trashing the R35. You remember that right?
Lol too late, I've done most of them already :D only got 12 (?) left to review, most are for RJ.
And none of us mind if you review the tunes, but if you're using the tunes as an excuse to rile RJ up, then don't bother. Using something we all acknowledge to be good and then making a big deal of downsides is no worse than me trashing the R35. You remember that right?

I'll be fair but equally critical. :D and break each down, what's right and wrong with them, if you like them that's fine. I'm only going to treat the Tunes with as much respect as they have shown my Tunes. I will review them but won't drive any. Kinda like RJ criticizing my Tunes without ever driving any of them.