A completely unexpected and unexpectedly short review with a completely unexpected outcome!
NSX-R review
Well…how many times do I need to say it. It’s fantastic. A lot of childish fun, but quick enough to knock the teeth out of car which, on paper, should whoop it. It can lap the Top Gear Test Track faster than a 500hp R34 GTR, and match a time set by a 600+hp Camaro RM.
And you only need to take it around a corner to see why it’s just so damn good. It corners like it’s rooted to the tarmac. Even when the back is kicked out and the tyres are smoking, it will not let go and spin. That is part of the ‘genius’ of this car, you can get into the most ridiculous slides but it’ll still hang on in there, holding on to that last strand of grip that its tyres can offer. Other nice things? Well, it feels very alive in the corners, it is a serious racer once you tame that exuberant arse, and it is very fast for a mere 400hp. By that, I mean not just fast for 400hp, but fast, full stop. At it’s best, with me completely in the zone, I’ve seen 1:10.xxx out of this. And on the TGTT, that is an astonishing achievement, bearing in mind the fact that it’s not on RS tyres, it didn’t require any form of corner cutting and and that it didn’t require a full RM kit and tons of downforce to do it. On this occasion, it did a lap in 1:12.453. Not bad.
I remember saying, once, that this car is damn near perfection and anyone who dared alter this balance will more than likely ruin it. So it’s hard to see how this supposed ‘newer’ version can be better.
Um……bad news. It is as I feared. It’s a step backwards. Where it used to oversteer and grace the apex of the corner with its front bumper, it now fails to slow for the corner and plows straight on. I’ve tried every ‘technique’ I know of, trail braking, braking before the corner to try to avoid the risk of running wide, and none of it worked. It’ll just throw me off the course backwards at the first corner.
So...not looking good, but again, I fear it’s not as it seems and that it is me letting the car down. Not vice versa. To get it around, I’ve had to learn a new way of driving the thing. Brake, turn in, but keep a bit of power on, and suddenly, the old spirit of the NSX is back. But it still isn’t as nice to drive as the old car. That one was quick to respond, sharp, fast and above all, fun. This isn’t, and I swear I’m not just saying that to annoy Roj. It only does fast (not very well, being just 0.5 faster). It’s too nervous, in the old car, you could pretty much feel where it’ll go in the corners, in this, you…can’t. Oh, and the brakes don’t slow it down enough. So, back to the drawing board.
Lap times- Top Gear Test Track
1:12.453 (pre-update)
1:11.983 (post-update)
Edit: RJ, weren't you going to put your Accord on share so I can see what real oversteer in a FF looks like?!??