RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

Review of the RKM NGT:
As I was browsing the OCD, I come across a Ruf RGT. This great car, based off of a Porsche, has one of the most fundamental design flaws that has plagued any car: RR.
A bit to fast in a corner and you'd be out of the race!
This was Fundamental throughout Ruf cars, and the only remedy for the oversteer was Racing softs, ASM and SFR. Now, when I saw that Kyle had made a tune for the RGT, I immediatly took notice. I had previously taken a spin in the stock car on Top gear's track, and instantly found the famous oversteer of Ruf's cars. It couldnt take a corner without uncontrollable oversteer. The only benifit of this car was it's power, and that was it.

Now, when I turned the RGT into the NGT, There was a great reduction in oversteer. Something that I thought was'nt possible! Any rear slippage was easily countered with a bit of countersteer or less throttle. The fact that Sports softs were recommended was also astonishing! The increase in power also seemed appropriate to the car, as controlling the extra power was much easier. I never thought that the RGT, let alone any Ruf, was tamable!

Overall, you took a car that was Hellishly difficult into a perfectly controllable, rather balanced high performance car.

Good Job!👍
Something to note about the RGT is that it actually gets a bit of an understeer issue online as it's an RR and the suspension is balanced for light/no fuel (needs a slight increase in front spring rate to correct)... This actually results in a very tame car to drive, if a bit slow next to an NSX.
Ruf RGT review:
Actually, contrary to normal stereotypes, it's pretty good to drive. It has the traditional RR oversteer, but without the crash that comes afterward. It can hold a powerslide for, well as long as you want, really. The only slight problem with that is that the front seems to lift slightly when you slide so you don't have much feel as to where the front tyres are. That's not a nice thought, especially when you have 532hp behind you (I installed the engine tune kits just for kicks) and when you're cornering at 100mph+. Don't try to 'tame' the back end though, or else you'll never go faster than, say, 30mph. This car, like most the rufs in the game, is at its best going sideways, scaring the **** out of the driver. It did a reasonable laptime of 1:17.994.

This is actually become a very good car, comparable to the NSX and RE RX7. It used to fishtail when you drive over grass, now it grips to the road like its tyres are rooted there. The mental 90+degree angles of oversteer you got before has been largely neutered, and is replaced with a more graceful and controlled slide. It still has 911 blood in it, so it will kill you if you mistreat it, but it's hidden behind a wall of grip, noise and power so well that you could on ocassion forget it's a RR. It feels like the engine has moved to the middle of the car, not hanging its arse out the back. It feels like an MR car, like an NSX. And as such, it did an NSX rivaling time of 1:14.213. I think that 3 second improvement shows what this car can really be made to do.

Roj, I know I'm being a pain in the neck again, but if you can't make the 330i keep up with a CSL, at least make it keep up with the 135i, cuz I feel like I'd look a bit of a dork if I was losing to that car. Sorry for making so many requests.
FOLLOW UP: NSX-R 3rd Anniversary

I have two accounts that I play GT5 on: my normal everything account and one I created specifically to compete in the GTPlanet Weekly Race Series. Since the GTP account is still working up through the levels I took my second NSX out for a run in the expert level Japanese Championship. The five race series gave me some variety and a better impression of the car overall.

When I first ran this test I believe I was still running with TCS at 5. Since then I have steadily moved it down and now normally run at a 2 on my way to ditching it completely. I had a couple less than smooth moments, particularly on the tight corners at Tsukuba. It took me a few laps but I found my control and didn't have much problem from there on out. The car remained as stable and composed as when I first tested it. When I inevitably came into a corner too hot and started to slide it around it was still just as easy as before to keep a handle on it through the exit.

While there was "traffic" on the courses with me they were generally long gone by the middle of the first lap. A few kept up on the map with me on the higher speed courses but still at a good distance behind. It ended up that these races were pretty much a five lap time attack for me and the NSX. I think I did fair as I haven't spent much time on most of the courses besides GVS in the 3rd race and Monza in the 4th. With Monza I am somewhat prone to cutting the chicanes but forced myself mentally to keep it clean for the sake of fair comparison later. Overall I would say that my opinion of the car has not changed. With aid on or off it seems like it will still be both fun and fast.

Below are the lap records for each course. On GVS I was not able to beat my previous lap record, though I was able to come close, and so I have left it off. More practice should yield better times, particularly at Tsukuba and Suzuka. I feel I left a lot of time on those two.

Tsukuba: 59.755"
Fuji Speedway F: 1'48.243"
Monza: 1'57.488"
Suzuka: 2'13.682"
By the way guys, are you also interested in re-tuning the Amuse 380RS Superleggera? It might be a good rival to your RE Amemiya RX-7, considering that it has beaten the RX-7's "stock" lap time in Cote d' Azur by just 1 second during my practice run.

If you are, I'll wait for a few days to let all the requests be completed so that you won't be too jammed yet again.

This is a car I was and am very excited about out here in the real world. Normally I don't follow much in the way of concept cars or supercars at all but I found myself intrigued by this one for some reason. Every so often during development I would go dig up some dirt on it, maybe scour for some new pictures. When they finally let it loose on the world I was quite happy to see it after so many other similar projects had been dumped in the same time frame. When it came to GT5 however, it was one of those cars I never really bothered to buy. Then I saw the RKM tune and put it on my list.

Bone stock I can sum up this car in a single word: ARGH! My green machine and I did not get along at all to say the least. I could probably have given myself a concussion beating my head against the wall trying to coax the big, bad Lexus around a turn. At speed you're OK...probably. Take it over a bump or put an inch of tire off the track and you'll be tankslapping until you find a wall, or two or three. Getting on the brakes was even more tense than in the parts modded Mach 1. At least in a muscle car you come to expect this kind of terrible control. Not so much for a super expensive, street legal race machine, which is essentially what this car boils down to. I found myself driving it like so many stupidly overpowered machines and waiting until after I was out of the corner completely before trying to accelerate. Perhaps I just lack the skill to tame this beast. the 2'10.162" lap time felt OK but not where I would have expected the car to be.

Parts on it gets better but still tough. Dumping the weight has helped the braking considerably but it still likes to show a little bit of tail coming off the considerable speed into the first hairpin. I still found myself in plenty of walls after hopping the rumbles as I normally do on this course. The car feels about the same just a little less angry at me, the tires, the walls, the air... For no power mods the time of 2'01.238" shows just how much getting the chassis sorted out can improve a car.

The tune definitely gives it a better feel. Braking again improves becoming much more stable, especially into the first hairpin. The suspension seems to have at least a little more give over the rumbles and curbs, at least enough that I wasn't always into the wall afterward. Driving this beast is easier, but just. I ended up with a fast lap of 2'00.331" which is quite a bit slower than I had anticipated coming into the testing on this beauty.

Overall I am disappointed. Not with the tune necessarily but more the car in general. I believe that Roj has done a great job given the limitations of the options for this car, specifically referencing lack of aero, but I feel like this should have handled much better off the lot than it did. My high expectations have left me feeling at a loss on this one. The predominant theme with this car is, as Roj says in his notes, elegance. This car must, must be treated with care and precision. Treat it otherwise and you will be off for a chassis repair after just a couple laps, assuming you can stand to finish that many. This fine lady and I will need to spend some more time working on that before I can really have a solid opinion. My hope is that I can get to a point where I am happy with the car again and can have some fun rather than grind my teeth through the laps.
TVR Tuscan RM review:
Handles…like a typical TVR really. Huge oversteer, kills its tyres and the driver if you piss it off. That said, it doesn't have the one feature of a typical TVR that I was dreading. The heavy muscle car responses. Good thing as well, because if it had the heavy muscle car steering, I'd have crashed at the first corner. But even without the concrete steering, this is a hectic car to drive. The oversteer is huge fun, but also constant, you end up going around the track in cloud of smoke. The slight sense of ever-present danger, like it's going to throw you clean off the track if you touch the power. Oh and the spoilers, which don't make much difference in cornering. But actually, you can cope with all these things while doing a mental lap without any worries because it is actually very easy to drive. I did a 1:12.500 with relative ease.

It grips better, turns quicker, the wings actually work, and work well, the oversteer has become fun, not murderous, and it can use all the power available rather than waste it all on wheelspin. This car is the opposite of TVR stereotypes, and actually quite a rewarding car to drive. The car no long feels like a muscle car, more like a proper sports car. But with a lap of 1:10.242 on sport softs, the setup has put it firmly into supercar beating territory. To prove the point, I've lined it up against another car. This car is also from Britain, from Coventry. The Jaguar XJ220. So the pride of Blackpool's most well-known product (I think) is all resting on Roj's tuning (which is great, so no worries here) and the Tuscan's shoulders. Oh and to make the Tuscan's task just that little bit harder, it'll be going up against the XJ220 LM race car. Both cars will be using Racing Softs. I'm quite looking forward to how it turns out.

Jaguar XJ220 LM Race Car

TVR Tuscan RM

Although it may have won, I do have one slight gripe about this car, it seems to understeer a lot when you try to get serious with it. It's fine when you mess around, but push it, and it'll give up. Still, it won. And now it's gone.

(Can I explain, I ran the shootout on racing softs for both cars to fair to the XJ220 Race Car, because god know how it'll drive when it's on sport softs)

btw Roj, I might have found the car to end the NSX's winning streak. The BP Falken FC. If you want, I can send it over to you, to see if it can finish off the NSX?
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Sorry I didn't get the review done yesterday. I had all of the stuff done but uploading the images from Imageshack is a nightmare. I was using Photobucket before but now I always get 'network problems' on them and all the uploads fail. :grumpy: It was so much easier before... :(

Also I was doing the Indy 500 in B-Spec later on as well, in a Furai using the Tharain Tuning Temple settings, went surprisingly well. Really didn't expect the Furai to win it...and now I have all 5 of the most expensive cars in the game (since technically speaking that's what the GT40's worth and I got the Mark IV from a B-Day ticket. :)). I'm trying for a 2J next.

But anyway...the review.

Blackpool Tuscan

I think Blackpool is probably the most underrated city on the planet today. I mean, everyone's boasting on about really popular cities such as Tokyo, Barcelona, Paris, NY etc. But what they don't realise is the qualities that Blackpool has. It has...

The Pleasure Beach!


The Tower!


The football club!
(who I really hope don't get relegated this season :()


The lights/illuminations!


The tuner!
(you know who I'm talking about, guys! ;))


(hope it's OK to use this photo... :nervous: )

And most importantly, the car maker! (who sadly are no longer in existence. :()


Of course, all this Blackpool greatness could only suggest a review of the Blackpool Tuscan was coming up, no? Either that or the huge, big, bold, red title which gave it away even before I started this review.

So anyway, after giving the Tuscan the full RKM treatment, I painted it in a super-sexy looking Reflex Spice. Why? Well, why wouldn't you paint a TVR in anything other than a Colour Shift?! :lol:


Anyway, I decided to take the car out for some actual racing, on my custom made Eifel Circuit. 3.4 miles long, many twists and turns around the track, and very little width.

However, what I wasn't expecting to see once I hit the OK button on the Driving Settings screen to load the track and inevitably start the race were some of these.

Maybe it's down to the weight, most likely it's down to the downforce...I dunno. But these cars weren't what I was expecting.

So then, as we all piled into the first corner...

I was thinking this would be a more difficult task than I thought. :nervous:

Not so though.

After a couple of corners I'm already onto the back of this Fairlady Z and Corvette...

...and after passing them and a YellowHat GT-R...

I come up to some fiercer competitors.

But they're easily passed, and then I come up to the Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo, one of my pet hates in this game.

And being the power noob it is, it doesn't give up easily...

But I'm past it eventually, and also take a Calsonic Impul GT-R along the way.

However, one little critter who could actually be considered in the same department as this Tuscan managed to get away from us a bit.

The Ferrari 330 P4.

Lightweight, underpowered but still capable of winning almost any race.

So what do I do?

...I hunt it down, of course. :mischievous:

I catch up right to the back of him...

...and then I pass him, leaving him in the dust quite literally and leaving me to actually focus on reviewing the car.

I do have to say, the acceleration in this is pretty rapid despite annoyingly only having 5 gears. Also, the handling on the car is actually what I pretty much expected it to be: not perfect, but still good. I didn't check the power band (never do) although there is probably a lack of torque due to 1) the lack of power and b) the lack of a turbo. However the light weight definitely helps in out in the long run. It certainly doesn't look like it weighs only 885kg though...does it? Although I always got distracted by the paint I put while trying to establish an opinion... :lol: TVR are the master of colour, really.

So overall, I think the Blackpool Tuscan is a great 'little' (according to the weight anyway :boggled: ) It has surprisingly good handling, good acceleration and a surprisingly good caliber that I didn't think it had, in other words, it's a lot faster than I thought. And so the legend(s :embarrassed:) live(s) on again. And remember...


Blackpool deserve to stay up in the Premier League. :)

Sorry. :guilty:

EDIT: Probably not the best place to put this, but my new tuning garage is open. Check out ZedTunes every now and then...if it's OK to have posted it in here. :nervous:
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Toyota Vitz review:
before: It's alright, it's able to cope with all 225hp on its own without much more than a smokey front outside tyre. It sounds quite good as well, especially when you over rev the engine, it's sort of shouting at you, demanding you shift up. And for once, this isn't one of those mental lunatic FF's with some nitroglycerin fueled rocket under the bonnet which will fall to bits when you corner. It's actually pretty laid back to drive. You don't really need to put in much effort, wrestling it into shape and out of a corner. Its looks are deceiving, you think it'll be boring, like a vetrca (which you will one day tune for me :D ). But it isn't. It's lively, but not frantic. And It did a lap of 1:21.565, so it's not too bad.

Well, my only complaint, the slight wheelspin, has been taken care of. So this bonkers little toy car can now cope with the power and put a smile on your face. Still a little too laid back though, like it doesn't really care about what you do to it. And it's right, you shouldn't. What you should care about is how the competitors in their Golf GTI and Focus ST will be looking like when they realise it's not being left for dead, but actually gaining on them. It did a lap of 1:20.804, and if I remember rightly, that puts it right up exhaust pipe of the Focus ST/RS with 300hp. Not bad for a shopping cart.

1:20.238(after w/ high rpm turbo, lots of wheelspin)
Toyota Prius Review:
(Tested on TGTT)
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, yawn, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oh finally we cross the line. This thing is just comically bad! It sounded like someone was drilling into a wall from very far away, it got up to a top speed of 4mph heading up to the first corner and, I'm not joking here, braking for a corner, the revs dropped to 0rpm and the car had enough time to stall, restart and it still hadn't slowed down enough. Oh one more thing, don't, under ANY circumstances, lift off the throttle. If you do, 2 things will happen. 1) It'll just stop. 2)It makes a HIDIOUS rattly canal boat noise. It's very easy to improve on this. Put as much dynamite in the boot as possible, light it, stand well back and enjoy the fireworks. If this is Greenpeace's idea of a possible way of transport, no wonder they're all miserable. It screeched and rattled its way across the line in 1:34.297 seconds. My Suzuki Cappuccino did better than that. Much better.

You know what, take off the GTR Spec V badge, the badge is so heavy it's slowing its performance. I mean, I get the 'GTR' bit, that normally means a sportier version of something. But what about the 'Spec V' bit? What's that supposed to mean? The 'V' on the GTR name meant victory I think, but here, it means anything but that. Vegtable, vegetarian, Viagra(actually no, not viagra, nothing on this car, before or after, is even remotely sensual). But you get my point. It might have a name from a GTR, and I might be built in the same country as a GTR, but it's anything but a GTR. Well, actually, several things are shared between these two cars. 1) both understeer a lot 2) both are massively unpopular here 3) both are a bit off a rip off. The Prius did a lap by itself with no driver (he'd fallen asleep by then) of 1:32.254, so 2 seconds faster. And you know what, you can save yourself 2:66.551 seconds of your life by not bothering with it at all. It really is still a pile of ****, better, but still a pile of ****.
Roj, have you found an M3 CSL for the requested tune yet? If you haven't, I've just bought one from the UCD so you could use that if you want.
Ok, after reviewing that god-awful Prius, it was time to clean my conscious (really, the hateful noise of the Prius is still there) after dirtying my hands with the pride of the green people with a bit of petrolhead heaven. 2 cars, 2 V8s, total of over 1300hp, one empty track and no worries about fuel or tyres.

C63 vs Challenger GTS

Challenger GTS
Before: Looks sort of like the old one, but handles like the old one as well, which means it handles like a truck which in turn doesn't handle at all. Not a nice thought, when you have 748hp connected to the road via tyres so skinny, they wouldn't look out of place acting as bicycle tyres. The steering is equally bad and the roll is so horrendous, I thought it would flip over if I cornered any harder. Get it on a straight though, and you'd forgive it. You'd forgive it for everything. It rides on a never ending surge of power and torque, and then there's the noise. A classic American lazy V8 rumble which becomes an un-muscle car like howl in the higher parts of the rev band. It did a lap of 1:16.441.
After: Better, a muscle car that will drift, but not spin. It's stiffer, more controllable and won't coax itself into a slide. Still very rolly though, but when it weighs 1.4 tons, what do you expect? Driving this feels like you're driving a thunderstorm. Big, powerful, loud, barely controlled and causes a lot of fuss. Oh and one more feature it shares with thunder and lighting, strikes very quickly. It did a lap of 1:15.619, and that's without a wing. So it's become quite a car. Now, let's see what the German's idea of a Muscle car is.


Ah, much better. Now I have forgotten the horror that is the Prius (I just remembered it again), I can say that these two are easily the most oversteery and fun car's you've put together. That said, the C63 did surprise me, it had less power, just as much grip and only weighed a fraction less, so really, that shows the difference between the chassis and setup more than anything else.
Well, if you're gonna tune random car's just to get some attention, how about I send you a Vectra next time or a Honda City Turbo? And can't you buy a FC Transmission for the Prius?
It's to get the car some attention, not us. :lol: We've got too much attention I think. :lol:
The Prius has one of those funky 1-speed transmissions, so you can't replace it with an FC, kinda like the Insight.
I like it in the Insight, it works. But the Prius... not so much. :indiff:
You fooled me. I thought RJ DID publish the settings.

Successful prank is successful.
Never! :P
Mine’s GTR review:
The idea I had here was, the R34 I already tuned was already a stable, very friendly tune. So when it came to the Mine's, I thought it should be a bit of a menace to society. :D Hence "Terminator", because it will terminate you if you cant handle it. That said, yes it is faster once you've got the car under control. It's one of those that rewards you for good driving and punishes you with a firey whip if you drive badly. :lol: Thanks for the review!
Roj, I know I'm being a pain in the neck again, but if you can't make the 330i keep up with a CSL, at least make it keep up with the 135i, cuz I feel like I'd look a bit of a dork if I was losing to that car. Sorry for making so many requests.
If the 135i is on sports tyres, then sure I'll try. But it is a light 3.5L vs a heavy 3.0L. The 3-series is good but not that good, unless it's the M3 of course.
FOLLOW UP: NSX-R 3rd Anniversary
Thanks for the review! I used the NSX for these races too, but it was using a pre-revision setup, so it was a bit more drifty than what's now being used. It just tears up every race, doesnt it? :lol: It's more like an afternoon cruise than a race. :sly:
By the way guys, are you also interested in re-tuning the Amuse 380RS Superleggera? It might be a good rival to your RE Amemiya RX-7, considering that it has beaten the RX-7's "stock" lap time in Cote d' Azur by just 1 second during my practice run.

If you are, I'll wait for a few days to let all the requests be completed so that you won't be too jammed yet again.
I've been considering doing one, but then I end up doing another car. :lol: But yeah, if you want to request one, that's fine.
Thanks for the review! I think everyone shares your opinion here. The LFA does disappoint out of the box and the limitations it gives you when tuning doesnt help in removing that disappointment. You've pretty much covered everything and I've not got anything else to say. :lol: Thanks! :D
TVR Tuscan RM review:

btw Roj, I might have found the car to end the NSX's winning streak. The BP Falken FC. If you want, I can send it over to you, to see if it can finish off the NSX?
Told you! :P The Tuscan has a bit of understeer because ultimately, it goes faster like that. Thanks for the review and the shootout! The Tuscan hasn't got the attention it deserves really. I think it's scared too many people off in stock form already. :lol:

As for the BP Falken, I dont think it'll be on the same level. Since it's an older chassis and from my experiences with it in GT4, it isnt on the same level as RJ's RX-7 tune, let alone the RE Amemiya and the NSX. I have one in GT5 anyway, I might tune it.
Blackpool Tuscan
I like how you went from a tourist guide, to a race report, to a review. :lol: Thanks for all 3 then! :P I dont follow football but yeah, the Pleasure Beach, the lights and the tower are all really good in person. Great place to visit, just dont live here. The council milk us for money. :lol:

Anyway nice going taking out the 330 P4 with the Tuscan! :D Just goes to show how underestimated it really is.

The power is kept purposely low because adding any more would upset the car. It's already really light so making it handle like a heavier Elise is more beneficial than trying. So it does have powerband issues, but it's light enough to get around that. :D
Toyota Vitz review:
Bleeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh Vectra. :yuck: Anyway the Vitz. Thanks for the review! As you can see from the results of slapping a turbo on it, it's best to keep the supercharger on and save the tyres for when the turbo version wears them out to nothing after 2 laps. :P Definately an underestimated car though.
Toyota Prius Review:
Thanks for the review! Glad you loved the car! :P The V stands for Velocity. :sly: You know, I totally believe your laptimes, because I could only push the Prius to 1:45 at Trial Mountain. :lol:
Roj, have you found an M3 CSL for the requested tune yet? If you haven't, I've just bought one from the UCD so you could use that if you want.

I've not found one yet. That would be great. :D:tup:
I like how you went from a tourist guide, to a race report, to a review. :lol: Thanks for all 3 then! :P I dont follow football but yeah, the Pleasure Beach, the lights and the tower are all really good in person. Great place to visit, just dont live here. The council milk us for money. :lol:

Anyway nice going taking out the 330 P4 with the Tuscan! :D Just goes to show how underestimated it really is.

The power is kept purposely low because adding any more would upset the car. It's already really light so making it handle like a heavier Elise is more beneficial than trying. So it does have powerband issues, but it's light enough to get around that. :D

To be fair though, every council in the country gets and supposedly 'needs' too much money. :lol:

And that's what I thought. Lightweight conquers over lack of power band. I knew that all along, but I forgot to mention it in the review. :dunce:
C63 vs Challenger GTS
Thanks for the shootout! Yes the Challenger is a bit big, but then again it helps with keeping the thing on all fours. Suprised it lost to the Merc though. The Challenger is faster in my hands than the Mercedes.
Missed the C63 vs Challenger shootout thing.

You posted it as I was replying to everything. :P
As promised:

Settling the score: RKM NSX-R vs. RKM-retuned RE Amemiya RX-7

Round 1 - Suzuka

NSX-R: Oh crap, it's an MR, it's gonna spin out pretty easily... NOT. That's how I felt when I drove this car. Even though it's an MR, it feels kinda planted. There may be times where it's ass kicks out, but only cockiness and/or panicking would let the car spin out. It also understeers during braking, but it's only because of screwing up.

RX-7: Pretty nimble, but it somehow feels like driving on a touge course WITHOUT guardrails at all. The problem with this car is that it understeers when it shouldn't. And on corner exit on sharp corners, this car is a wannabe drifter when mashing the gas 100% all the way.

Round 2 - SSR5

NSX-R: Quite delicate. Online physics forced me to brake more gradually and slip to get the right side smack the wall on the first left-hander. Pretty decent if I was able to control it more properly. It shoulda won but I screwed up the last corner. :grumpy:

RX-7: It's a bi-polar Hashiriya to say the least. Not only in looks but also in performance. With good throttle control, this behaves well, but if you're lead-footed, this car pretends to be a drifter (in an even worse case than the NSX). This should have won, but the track favors the NSX.

The NSX defeated the RX-7 yet again. A tie in Suzuka (I think...), a victory in SSR5, and it also got my preference. Maybe because understeer isn't a killer for the NSX?

But don't let me say that it's all over for the RX-7. I'm pretty sure that it would ace the NSX in tighter tracks such as Tsukuba. And what's better, this car seems to be dual-purpose: slap race slicks and it's good for racing, while comfort tires would make it an excellent drifter (if controlled properly).

It ain't over yet though, because RKM would probably bring in someone else dressed in red (or white.) No need for guessing games now, because my conversation with Roj has been a bit explicit.

Uploaded replays to Megaupload for 2 reasons, first I don't have a capture card :(, and their file size obviously exceeded the forum limit. :indiff: I've also been thinking of making yet another excessively long race report, but I managed to get the replays up for download.

NOTE: These are GT5 replays, not videos. Play this in the PS3, not on your PC.


Run 1:

Run 2:


Run 1:

Run 2

Cheers to Onboy123 for a successful online session. 👍

And Roj, I've made up my mind:

GTP Name: uMadson?
PSN Name: u_are_lol
Your Car: Amuse NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Sending Your Own Car? If you can't be bothered spending 100 grand, then I'll send it to you instead (albeit re-painted in Rubino Micalizzato because I was thinking of including this car in my fanfic)
Tuning Request: Make it a new challenger for the RE Amemiya RX-7
Link To Review: does the above review count?

By the way Roj, if this car gets tuned before it gets featured in my fanfic, I'd feature RKM too as a way to give credit for making a tune of this car. 👍

EDIT: I'll send the FR and the two cars tomorrow, because I don't have time to fire up teh PS3 now and I was procrastinating. :guilty:

EDIT 2: New links included, now there should be no problem at all when downloading the replays.
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hmmm…interesting results. I pretty much agree with what you said. Although from my point of view when I was driving the cars, the NSX was easier to drive, but it understeers if you push it. So I spent a lot of time trying to kick the tail out to compensate. The RX7 didn't need any encouragement at all, I spent most my time pulling huge powersildes, shouting 'I AM KEN BLOCK!!!!!!!!', but it still managed to be quick.
btw, any chance you can upload it somewhere else, because for some reason, I can't get on the websites.
hmmm…interesting results. I pretty much agree with what you said. Although from my point of view when I was driving the cars, the NSX was easier to drive, but it understeers if you push it. So I spent a lot of time trying to kick the tail out to compensate. The RX7 didn't need any encouragement at all, I spent most my time pulling huge powersildes, shouting 'I AM KEN BLOCK!!!!!!!!', but it still managed to be quick.
btw, any chance you can upload it somewhere else, because for some reason, I can't get on the websites.

The links should work without problem. Try visiting it again.
It still doesn't work :( It said 'This service is temporarily not available from your service area.' So do you have any other places for uploading it like youtube for example?
Roj, which of your tunes can be used to compare against the GTR Spec V (The fat one, not the treehugger's one)? Because I might just try and crush a slightly boosted GTR with one of your tunes tomorrow.

Edit: So, what do you think of our driving and our conclusion? Reasonable?
Oh, I sent it with the custom LSD and Suspension installed and on racing slicks. So Roj, since ImprezaAddict sent you one, I wouldn't mind an identical one sent to me :D
As promised:

Settling the score: RKM NSX-R vs. RKM-retuned RE Amemiya RX-7

And Roj, I've made up my mind:

GTP Name: uMadson?
PSN Name: u_are_lol
Your Car: Amuse NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Sending Your Own Car? If you can't be bothered spending 100 grand, then I'll send it to you instead (albeit re-painted in Rubino Micalizzato because I was thinking of including this car in my fanfic)
Tuning Request: Make it a new challenger for the RE Amemiya RX-7
Link To Review: does the above review count?

By the way Roj, if this car gets tuned before it gets featured in my fanfic, I'd feature RKM too as a way to give credit for making a tune of this car. 👍
Thank you both for doing these online races to see which car is better! :D Definately looks like a good rivalry between these 2 cars, one that wont be settled on one track alone. :D I'll check out the replays once I have time to. 👍

I've got 2 380RS' so there's no need to send it. :) And alright. More RKM cars being used for fanfics is always good. :P
Roj, which of your tunes can be used to compare against the GTR Spec V (The fat one, not the treehugger's one)? Because I might just try and crush a slightly boosted GTR with one of your tunes tomorrow.

Edit: So, what do you think of our driving and our conclusion? Reasonable?
Depends how badly you want to crush it. There's a 780bhp Lambo over there. :lol: RJ's Camaro SC550 would be good though. I suppose the NSX and RE-Amemiya FD would be too much for big fatty to handle eh? :lol:

Reasonable indeed. Me like. 👍
Yeah... oh well, he has two monsters now. One for work :drool: One for play. :sly: I sent it fully tuned with all 500 horses.

CSL's, CSL's everywhere. :lol: Thanks guys. :P:tup:
GTP Name: uMadson?
PSN Name: u_are_lol
Your Car: Amuse NISMO 380RS Super Leggera
Sending Your Own Car? If you can't be bothered spending 100 grand, then I'll send it to you instead (albeit re-painted in Rubino Micalizzato because I was thinking of including this car in my fanfic)
Tuning Request: Make it a new challenger for the RE Amemiya RX-7
Link To Review: does the above review count?

:ill: I was gonna request one of those eventually... :( I was gonna request a fully tuned one for the Tsukuba 9h so I could beat that bloody little Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo without a care in the world.

EDIT: Tell you what though...since you have 2, maybe you could send the other one to me...if you make sure it's black all over. :mischievous:
Oh so many ways of crushing the GTR (77 in fact, count them), I don't know where to start. I could humiliate it with the Civic VTiR, or leave it for dead with the Lambo SV... so many options to choose from...what do I choose?! Well, in a completely uninspired way, I just chose the 3 cars you used from the RVV days. Just to really embarrass the GTR. And the winner of this shootout isn't going to be the fastest, but the one who beats the GTR by the biggest margin :D This, I'm genuinely looking forward to doing.

Edit: Roj, can the Evo 4 handle more power? Leaving it at -400hp seems a little bit unfair.
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