RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

Ok, I'll try the Camaro, even though if I reviewed it already. I'm just slightly concerned it might not win. I don't think RJ will ever live this down if one of his cars got beaten by the car he hates the most.
Right, picked up the R35 from the scrapheap and checked the power output. Its dropped from 575hp to 569hp, and I'm not going to be bothered to put any of those horses back, so let's see what happens when American brute force goes up against Japanese technology.

Nissan R35

Camaro SC550

So, there you go. Point proven. Nissan R35 is a overrated piece of rubbish that gets arse kicked by a car that can't take corners. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to smoke more tyres and to send the R35 back home to the skip.
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My LFA gear ratios are for a stock power LFA. Once you add more power, the gear ratio adjustment ranges change, so you cant get the same ratios. Just get as close as you can, or use a higher max speed autoset and see if that helps. 👍

Ahh ok, thanks 👍

If you want, I can send a 458 over now for you to work on :)
Right, picked up the R35 from the scrapheap and checked the power output. Its dropped from 575hp to 569hp, and I'm not going to be bothered to put any of those horses back, so let's see what happens when American brute force goes up against Japanese technology.

Nissan R35

Camaro SC550

So, there you go. Point proven. Nissan R35 is a overrated piece of rubbish that gets arse kicked by a car that can't take corners. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to smoke more tyres and to send the R35 back home to the skip.

Erm...did you get your times backwards? :P
I have been using the Rome street course for some testing on my lower powered racing cars. I wanted to get some testing done before they turned the place back into the turist meca swollen with pedestrians and gawkers along the city streets.

I had just completed a few laps in my Raybrig NSX. The crew had detuned it to a paultry 542hp to see how it behaved. We were turning mid 1:02's with an occaisional low 1:02 with the car. I thought this was a respectable lap time, but my mechanic insisted we could do much better. He knew the tuner of the Takata NSX and claimed their setup would work fine on our Raybrig.
We loaded the Takata's set up on the beast and off I went out of the pits.

Did you know the first left hander and right hand complex of turns actually go around the Coliseum? I had never noticed before because of the speeds carried through these turns. However, on this occaision, as soon as I tapped the brake entering the right hander, I found myself looking straight at the walls of the place where so many brave and not so brave men battled against each other for the glory of Ceasar. The car slid sideways down the straight and as the Coliseum slowly disapeared off to my right I found myself staring down the apex of the right hander and took the opportunity to punch the gas and go for it.

Several donuts later, I managed to reagin control of the car and proceded, gingerly, to the left hand sweeper. Uneventually, I came upon the sharp 120 degree right hand corner where my uneventfulness lull came to an abrupt end!

Again, I found myself staring at the wall as I made my turn in. This time I was not able to keep the car from banging head first into the barrier and came to an abrupt halt! For those interested, not much of interest on the other side of this wall, save for some maintenance vehicles and such. Not sure if they are for track upkeep or part of the Coliseum maintenance fleet.

I backed the car off the wall, gently, ever so gently, applied throttle and proceeded around the rest of the course back to the pits.

Upon arriving my mechanic asked how it went as I was pouring the sweat out of my helmet. I replied, "It went well, if you like carnival rides! If you like racing, it was not my ideal lap." "Well maybe we could do a few tweaks and you could take it out again" he said. "I wouldn't put that setup on my kids pedal car" I replied. "Put our setup back on the car, we need to get some practice in"

So ended my first experience with trying out my first tune from a tuner shop. Granted it was a tune put up for the public, but I just can't believe it drove so bad. I went back and looked at the tune and wondered why a tuner would basically take away a car's suspension? A rebound of 10 basically locks the springs in the compressed state they are in when the weight of the car is applied to them. If any compression were to take place (highly unlikely with a compression of 9) the setting wouldn't allow them to rebound if they ever were able to absorb any bump. The only thing I think could make it worse is putting solid steel tires on the car.

Why bother putting the sway bars at such a low level? The car won't roll anyway and you could set the bars at zero and it still wouldn't roll.

The brake bias is set too far to the rear for an MR, especially considering the LSD setting of 6 on the decel. The car is begging you to let off the gas or touch the brake pedal so it can show you how fast it can swap ends.

The springs seem way to heavy and do not allow any weight shifting to occur which compounds the problems in the other areas.

To quote from the tuner:

"It's extremely fast and absolutely will teach you a thing or two about driving. It's also maddeningly twitchy and feels like it wants to kill you at first."

That's true to a point. It's maddeningly twitchy and feels like it wants to kill you. Period! With this setup it won't even pretend to be a race car. It will let you know it is a cold blooded killer the second you strap yourself in.

The Evo X was quite a highly anticipated car in the automotive world. It is very popular with tuners and has a history of being exception right out of the box. Driving it around in GT5 is the same. In stock form it is fast, capable and easy to use. It suits my "point and shoot" style very nicely; get it into the corner entry and mash the throttle out the exit. The car is stable the whole way but does understeer quite a bit. One of the things I liked about it was that if you got off the throttle, the nose would tuck into the corner. This let me come off the brakes a little sooner onto the throttle through the apex and out the other side nice and quick. Speaking of the brakes, they are nicely balanced for my style. The whole package is very nice and it is incredibly easy to turn out a nice lap. My quickest around GVS after 5 laps was 2'14.563" which is a little faster than I figured it would be going into the test.

Adding on the requested parts puts it in a pretty good place. It runs much faster and the handling is slightly better. It will still nose tuck on lift off and the understeer is less noticeable but still hanging around. I would say it has retained the stock feel and ease but at a faster clip. My biggest complaint at this point is that the braking is much less effective. The stock balance does not work here very well. At these new speeds it will need some adjustment. The parts modded Evo turned in a fast lap of 1'59.749" joining only the NSX-R and Stradista in the sub-two minute club.

With a little more than half a second gap will the Evo be able to take down the NSX-R at the top of the leaderboard? Well, perhaps. The first thing you notice about this car is that is it very active. It responds to steering input as if it is plugged into your brain in some kind of "Ghost in the Shell" futuristic-man-machine-hybrid kind of way. It goes and hunts down the apex and puts rubber right on it and, in fact, seemingly anywhere it wants. This makes entry almost too easy, but it is a temporary reprieve. Exit is...strange. Getting back on throttle it has a strange lateral weave. It will understeer and then come back in. If I had to guess I would say that is the AYC's doing. I ran a good 20 laps trying to figure it out or use it to my advantage somehow but still it eludes me. Getting on smoother, gradually reduces the effect but it never really went away completely for me. Besides that quirk, the brakes are good but might be better down a click to suit my style. I think there is still time out there but for now it punches in with a 1'59...:nervous:...680"! So the NSX-R retains the top spot for the time being.
Recently, my sleeps at night were disrupted by some fool who had taken delivery of a R35 GTR, and has spent every night driving it at full throttle where he can, waking the entire district up with the hateful noise of its V6 twin turbo. That fool spent last night charging around the roads until 2am in the morning, and in such a small place like HK, it meant the only noise I could hear from 12-2am was that pile of **** banging and hissing outside my window. And I've had enough of that, so while I can't take a sledgehammer to his GTR (and god I would love to), I'm definitely going to crush one in GT5. This is for all the nights of peace and quiet it took away from me, this is for being the worse sequel to one of the most iconic names in car history, this is payback.
Tested on TGTT
Nissan GTR vs RX7, S15, Evo 4
The Target (yes, I sort of copied this bit from RVV)
Nissan GTR

Thoughts: Now, for the purposes of this test, I've actually gone out and buy one instead of just borrowing one from the 'recommended section. Why recommend this car is beyond me, because it's so horrid to drive! The car is too heavy, the understeer is awful, the handling is inconsistent, the 4WD system is half asleep, the car feels far too floaty, the brakes aren't that good, it's not focused enough, it sounds muted and dull and is not worth 35,000cr let alone 77,000cr. Godzilla my arse. This car isn't worthy of that name.

The Competition:

Emperor IV

Thoughts: 2 SECONDS!!! This Evo is over 10 years old and it beat a GTR by 2 SECOND!!! And it doesn't even have 400hp! But then again, this feels completely different to the GTR, it feels like a lightweight, more powerful rally car. A rally car for the road, if you like. There is some understeer and the car might feel slightly different to drive, but get used to it, and you can blow the doors off a GTR. Which its just done.

S15 RM Spec V

Well, this is actually quite an interesting test. You see, my S15 is still running on the original, unrevised setup. So I was keen to see the differences in the laptimes. And the difference are not major, but not ignorable either. The new setup just made the car more focused, more of a car that actually deserves to be RM'ed. The back end feels just a bit more planted and it feels like it can easily run rings around a GTR. Which it has done, by 5 SECONDS. So the flagship of Nissan's production line has been beaten by a car that went out of production ages ago. Shows you that all the hype about the 'Supercar slayer' is actually complete rubbish. If it can lose to a S15, a basic, well setup RWD car with no fancy Active rubbish and G senors, I think supercar slaying is somewhat out of its league.

RX7 R400
410hp (couldn't resist a light boost up in power)

Thoughts: When I first tested this car on Suzuka against the NSX, I complained that it understeer too much, and then when I tested it again on the TGTT against the NSX again, I said it was good, just not as good as the NSX. Now though, with the NSX out of sight, it has the whole stage to itself. God it's good. The understeer is gone, the handling is just fantastic now, the car will wag its tail, leave a trail of smoke and then accelerate out of a bend. No understeer and minimal effort required. No wonder the RE RX7 was so damn quick, when the stock one can kick the GTR clean out of the water, imagine what the RE could do to it......hmmm...I'll perhaps try that later. Still, the GTR is nothing compared to this. Nothing.

Laptime(in order of fastest to slowest):
S15 Spec V-1:13.982*
RX7 R400-1:14.565
Emperor IV-1:16.630
Renault/Nissan 'crapbox' GTR-1:18.263

*The validity of the S15's victory will be left for RJ and Roj to decide as it has the advantage of a RM modification.

Nice. You do realize that your GTR was almost twice as heavy as all the others. Great way to fix a comp. Sounds like your a lil jealous of a certain "fool". Don't hate, take your car and spank him in a race. Make sure it's some old POS to really stick it to him. While your beating GTR's in fixed competitions in a video game. That "fool" is driving his dream car / a GTR. I'm confused. You said the guy driving the GTR is a "fool"? It's just he doesn't seem like the foolish one...
Nissan R35

Camaro SC550

So, there you go. Point proven. Nissan R35 is a overrated piece of rubbish that gets arse kicked by a car that can't take corners.

I respectfully disagree.

1. Winning by less than .2 seconds is not getting "arse kicked". Granted, winning is winning, but not obliterated.
2. A meticulously tuned, and not exactly stock Camaro SS against a stock GT-R? It's exactly like Hennessey, posting videos of a twin turbo Escalade beating the GT-R.
3. How come it's overrated being .187 seconds off a specially tuned Camaro?
4. A fair comparison would be either both stock or both tuned the same exact way. Then we'll see who wins.
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REVIEW: R32 Golf-R

I did this one without taking down any notes so it may be a bit shorter than normal. Stock form on this car is like everything else in this tier: not particularly hard to get a handle on, stable, not particularly fast. The 4WD gives it a bit of an advantage if your driving style suits that over the normal FF, which mine does. My brake-turn-mash throttle mechanic works well with this car. You need not be particularly careful with it; give it a thrashing around the course and it stays calm and collected. I ran a 2'21.459" with some UCD miles and an oil change.

As with most lower level cars the parts additions improve the car immediately and significantly. Even just raising the top speed limit would help on a course with a straight this big. Adding the power sees some understeer creep up on exit and the brakes will need tweaking to get back a good balance. The parts tune laps at 2'04.301".

After RJs tune is applied it comes back to more of a stock feel with a more alive feel in the steering. Stock it felt a bit laggy as stock machines do but the tune has given it more sensitivity and better response. It is just as easy to drive as it was but with more speed. I did not make note of any major downfalls here, other than I wish I could bolt on some body mods or wheels to set it apart. If you have this car sitting around, apply this tune. If not, go find one and apply the tune. I highly recommend it. The lap of 2'03.093" felt good and was a lot of fun. :dopey:

I used to own a MkIV GTI VR6; this feels closer to it than the turbo GTI in spite of the drivetrain difference. I like this car a lot. So much in fact that I may use it as the initial main car in a fanfic I am dreaming up. :sly:
Even though the GT-R has abandoned some of the ideas that made the original ones so great, the GT-R has loads of computers helping it be a "pretty good" handling car, and "pretty fast" compared to other 4WDs.

I'm not a fan, but you still have to realise the facts.
Gonna have to side with ImprezaAddict and No_OBsT33R. The R35 had the cards stacked up pretty heavily against it and still showed well. Your modded GT-R was hanging with RJs tuned Camaro...I would say that's not bad having driven a few of his cars. :sly: It's alright not to like a car but the hate is a little over the top.

That said, such a predisposition is a little tough to overcome. I found myself doing the same in comparing the Evo X tunes from RJ and Mazdaman (the write-up for which will be done after I take them to a couple more tracks :P). I finally just drove "balls to the wall" on both and the results stand as they are, as they should.
Review of sorts of the Takata NSX Tune

I have been using the Rome street course for some testing on my lower powered racing cars. I wanted to get some testing done before they turned the place back into the tourist mecca swollen with pedestrians and gawkers along the city streets.

I had just completed a few laps in my Raybrig NSX. The crew had detuned it to a paltry 542hp to see how it behaved. We were turning mid 1:02's with an occasional low 1:02 with the car. I thought this was a respectable lap time, but my mechanic insisted we could do much better. He knew the tuner of the Takata NSX and claimed their setup would work fine on our Raybrig. We loaded the Takata's set up on the beast and off I went out of the pits.

Did you know the first left-hander and right hand complex of turns actually go around the Coliseum? I had never noticed before because of the speeds carried through these turns. However, on this occasion, as soon as I tapped the brake entering the right-hander, I found myself looking straight at the walls of the place where so many brave and not so brave men battled against each other for the glory of Caesar. The car slid sideways down the straight and as the Coliseum slowly disappeared off to my right I found myself staring down the apex of the right-hander and took the opportunity to punch the gas and go for it.

Several donuts later, I managed to regain control of the car and proceeded, gingerly, to the left hand sweeper. Uneventually, I came upon the sharp 120-degree right hand corner where my uneventfulness lull came to an abrupt end!

Again, I found myself staring at the wall as I made my turn in. This time I was not able to keep the car from banging head first into the barrier and came to an abrupt halt! For those interested, not much of interest on the other side of this wall, save for some maintenance vehicles and such. Not sure if they are for track upkeep or part of the Coliseum maintenance fleet.

I backed the car off the wall, gently, ever so gently, applied throttle and proceeded around the rest of the course back to the pits.

Upon arriving my mechanic asked how it went as I was pouring the sweat out of my helmet. I replied, "It went well, if you like carnival rides! If you like racing, it was not my ideal lap." "Well maybe we could do a few tweaks and you could take it out again,” he said. "I wouldn't put that setup on my kids pedal car" I replied. "Put our setup back on the car, we need to get some practice in"

So ended my first experience with trying out my first tune from a tuner shop. Granted it was a tune put up for the public, but I just can't believe it drove so badly. I went back and looked at the tune and wondered why a tuner would basically take away a car's suspension? A rebound of 10 basically locks the springs in the compressed state they are in when the weight of the car is applied to them. If any compression were to take place (highly unlikely with a compression of 9) the setting wouldn't allow them to rebound if they ever were able to absorb any bump. The only thing I think could make it worse is putting solid steel tires on the car.

Why bother putting the sway bars at such a low level? The car won't roll anyway and you could set the bars at zero and it still wouldn't roll.

The brake bias is set too far to the rear for an MR, especially considering the LSD setting of 6 on the decel. The car is begging you to let off the gas or touch the brake pedal so it can show you how fast it can swap ends.

The springs seem way to heavy and do not allow any weight shifting to occur which compounds the problems in the other areas.

To quote from the tuner:

"It's extremely fast and absolutely will teach you a thing or two about driving. It's also maddeningly twitchy and feels like it wants to kill you at first."

That's true to a point. It’s maddeningly twitchy and feels like it wants to kill you. Period! With this setup it won't even pretend to be a racecar. It will let you know it is a cold-blooded killer from the second you strap yourself in.
Seeing as PSN is down, I'm unable to finish any current requests I have going until it's back up. Also I cant accept any more requests until PSN is back up, so please hold off requesting anything for the time being. :)

I'll reply to anything that needs replying later on, I just got Heavy Rain and I've been having so much fun with it all day. :lol:
biased testing stuff... unfair results... etc etc...
So, there you go. Point proven. Nissan R35 is a overrated piece of rubbish that gets arse kicked by a car that can't take corners. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to smoke more tyres and to send the R35 back home to the skip.
Counter-test, for illustrative purposes.

Track: Tsukuba Circuit
Laps: 2 per car
Tires: Sport Softs
Arcade Mode, cars chosen off Arcade list.
No AIDS except ABS on 1

Nissan GT-R '07: 0:58.488s. (on lap 1)
Chevrolet Camaro SS '10: 1:00.823 (on lap 2)

Conclusion: The GT-R is over 2 seconds faster. Corner speeds and top speeds throughout sectors were higher in the GT-R than in the Camaro.

-So no, you're not sending the GT-R to the "skip", whatever that means.
-GT-R is not overrated if it can prove it's worth in the track. Numbers tell the whole story.
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Seeing as PSN is down, I'm unable to finish any current requests I have going until it's back up. Also I cant accept any more requests until PSN is back up, so please hold off requesting anything for the time being. :)
I heard that it's going back up in a few days, likely by sunday or monday.
I'll reply to anything that needs replying later on, I just got Heavy Rain and I've been having so much fun with it all day. :lol:
Is it any good? Perhaps I can rent it (arent I so cheap!)
Not to disagree, but what exactly do you speak of? Aside from using an econo box base.

I'm (wrongly?) referring to the fact that the car is more tech-based (naturally, considering the technical progression), but that it's very much computer controlled systems, like the even further advanced systems than the ATTESA-E, the different changes of the on-board computer, etc.
I may be very wrong here, but I'm more a fan of simplicity, that you "personally" "drive" the car as much as possible.

I'm surely making myself look stupid here, but whatever.
This is probably just me complaining at a great car.
Nissan R35

Camaro SC550
Yay Camaro. :P

When me, RJ and Vince did our budget R34 beaters, the point was to keep them cheaper than an actual R34. So whilst these shootouts are lots of fun, I think the real comparisons will begin with the budget cars me and RJ make when we get a chance to. :)
Roj, RJ, congratulations for reaching your 100th page! :cheers:👍
Hurray! 100 pages and 2000 posts! This marks the start of page 101 and the 2001st post! :embarrassed: THIS PAGE SHALL BE KNOWN AS PAGE LOL.
I heard that it's going back up in a few days, likely by sunday or monday.

Is it any good? Perhaps I can rent it (arent I so cheap!)

Good, good.

It's very good if you're into interactive narratives. A friend recommended it to me literally last year, so even a year later when I finally get it, I'm glad I followed his advice. :lol:
Nice. You do realize that your GTR was almost twice as heavy as all the others. Great way to fix a comp. Sounds like your a lil jealous of a certain "fool". Don't hate, take your car and spank him in a race. Make sure it's some old POS to really stick it to him. While your beating GTR's in fixed competitions in a video game. That "fool" is driving his dream car / a GTR. I'm confused. You said the guy driving the GTR is a "fool"? It's just he doesn't seem like the foolish one...

1) I know it was the heaviest of the 3 cars, but the R35's tech more than make up for its weight. I know that's fact, I did the lap again on sport softs and its time was faster than the Evo IV.
2)I didn't fix the comp. It's called handicapping. I did this for pretty much all 3 of them if you paid attention. Obviously a R35 is going walk right pass a normal S15, which is why I tried to level the playing field. Now, I will admit that using cars that weighed several hundred kilograms less and had pretty much equal power is taking the handicapping to extremes, but I was curious to see how good it really is.
3)Jealous? Of that guy? Not really. I have nothing against people driving their dream cars. Just that when they do it at the dead of night, in a car that loud, it just pisses me off because you can't sleep.

Anyways, if needs be, I'll redo these 3, to satisfy the R35 lovers of this world.
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Anyways, if needs be, I'll redo these 3, to satisfy the R35 lovers of this world.

No need to redo anything on my account. My only issue is if you are gonna have a "fight", keep it fair and clean. Since it seems up your alley, take a baseline time with the R35, pick a car and see how far you need to go to beat it rather than, as you said, pitting it against lightweight, similar powered cars and overstating the results. That way when it is beat, it is beat...no "well what about blah blah blah?".

Just some constructive criticism. Take it or leave it, your call. :D

Hurray! 100 pages and 2000 posts! This marks the start of page 101 and the 2001st post! :embarrassed: THIS PAGE SHALL BE KNOWN AS PAGE LOL.

In on page LOL! :dopey:👍
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1) I know it was the heaviest of the 3 cars, but the R35's tech more than make up for its weight. I know that's fact, I did the lap again on sport softs and its time was faster than the Evo IV.
2)I didn't fix the comp. It's called handicapping. I did this for pretty much all 3 of them if you paid attention. Obviously a R35 is going walk right pass a normal S15, which is why I tried to level the playing field. Now, I will admit that using cars that weighed several hundred kilograms less and had pretty much equal power is taking the handicapping to extremes, but I was curious to see how good it really is.
3)Jealous? Of that guy? Not really. I have nothing against people driving their dream cars. Just that when they do it at the dead of night, in a car that loud, it just pisses me off because you can't sleep.

Anyways, if needs be, I'll redo these 3, to satisfy the R35 lovers of this world.

Yeah, fixed as in you handycapped the GTR to insure it takes a loss. You think the "tech" makes up for near double the weight? Funny, you must be an expert on its "tech".. No need to re-do anything, we know what the results would be already.

Naww you're not jealous at all, it's all good. :D
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Funny how an off hand comment jabbing the R35 turned into this arguement. Personally, I'm indifferent towards all this.

Anyways, I'll be logging onto RJ's account tomorrow to return some cars. That and fetch him some of his settings.
Well, at least the argument is over now. I was being bias and I got a spanking for it (which I sort of deserved) so I apologise for that. Anyways, if I were to be jealous of someone owning a car, it wouldn't be that guy with the GTR, but my neighbor who has a NSX that looks remarkably like Roj's NSX (red, pretty much same wheels, carbon bonnet and wing, just the older version of the NSX). Btw, Roj, how about tuning the older Acura NSX (RM or not, you choose).
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Hurray! 100 pages and 2000 posts! This marks the start of page 101 and the 2001st post! :embarrassed: THIS PAGE SHALL BE KNOWN AS PAGE LOL.

By the way, FishyJuice got the 2000th post, won't you give him a little treat? :dopey:
Well, at least the argument is over now. I was being bias and I got a spanking for it (which I sort of deserved) so I apologise for that. Anyways, if I were to be jealous of someone owning a car, it wouldn't be that guy with the GTR, but my neighbor who has a NSX that looks remarkably like Roj's NSX (red, pretty much same wheels, carbon bonnet and wing, just the older version of the NSX). Btw, Roj, how about tuning the older Acura NSX (RM or not, you choose).

That would make me more jealous then the GTR also.
PS3 is currently undergoing a full format...

Wish me luck guiz, hopefully it magics into working or something. If not, FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.