RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

PSN Name: acdcru
Your Car: Tommy Kaira ZZII
Sending Your Own Car? Yes
If No, Specify Car Details: -
Tuning Request: Get rid of understeer, make it fun and fast. Try to rekindle some of the spirit of the car I fell in love with on gt3.
Link To Review: Just above. (I know it's short, but I'm planning to write some more without asking for more requests).

N.B. I'm well aware you already have a lot on your plate atm, there is absolutely no rush whatsoever.
Here she is.


What?? That's hot for UK standards. :P
Bleh. Export an Aussie nurse to me. :D
:lol: Too bad not every one's like that. :boggled:

Also I've built loads of tunes that will eventually all make it into my garage. My weekly updates system won't really help this fact...also should have started my course gallery yesterday before Sony accidentally hit the kill switch on the PSN. Also will have a video gallery up 'today'. In GT standards, which means not today possibly. :eek:

You could technically speaking still release tunes...can't you? Too bad RJ's PS3 is still being a broken 🤬. :)

And hey there's a SPACE in RJ's last post. Oh the irony.
Yes, but I'd rather stop tuning a car a day and play Heavy Rain for now. :P
Smoke some of Roj's stuff, it should get you there in no time. :lol:
The only thing I smoke are Pirelli tyres. :P
Civic VTi-R review:
This was my first car so I'm glad it can still impress after so long after it's birth. :sly: Thanks for the review! My only beef with it is the weird powerband, but I've covered that with my gearing, I think. :)
Looking through the tunes i've noticed a lot of hatchbacks but your missing the best one! (plus I cant believe nobody has actually done a tune for it either)

The Ford RS! I know its only a standard but i'm fairly sure it will beat all of your other hatchback tunes quite comfortably. Any chance there is one on the way? If not i'll post a review and put in a request :)
There's no plans for a Focus RS at the moment. Not sure it'll beat the C30 which is the fastest hatchback so far, but if you request one I'll give it a go. Of course, after PSN is back up.
Do you think the Evo 4 tune would transfer well to a Evo 2?
No. The 2 doesnt have AYC, so the 4's settings wont transfer properly.
Ok i tried three of your setups.
Thanks for the triple reviews! Glad you liked the cars! We aimed to make each of them handle a lot better before improving their speeds, so it's good to see that worked out. 👍

We do have settings for the ACR and ZR-1, just not published here yet. If you want them, drop me a PM. :)👍
Alpine A310

gear ratios do not match what have i missed all parts installed as setup sujest
Can you specify which ratios dont match?
S13 Silvia Speed Star
Yes, that's how it's supposed to be enjoyed! A nice Mt. Aso track and some Initial D-esque driving! :dopey: Glad you liked it! I'm not a drifter myself either, but I have a 286bhp Z32 300ZX to learn in. :dunce:
By the way, are these tunes done offline or online?
Offline for me. I think RJ does a mixture of both?

PSN Name: acdcru
Your Car: Tommy Kaira ZZII
Sending Your Own Car? Yes
If No, Specify Car Details: -
Tuning Request: Get rid of understeer, make it fun and fast. Try to rekindle some of the spirit of the car I fell in love with on gt3.
Link To Review: Just above. (I know it's short, but I'm planning to write some more without asking for more requests).

N.B. I'm well aware you already have a lot on your plate atm, there is absolutely no rush whatsoever.

Considering PSN's problems and my already long request list, it will take a long time, but sure, as long as you write more requests. :P
Been "Left Foot" braking since 1975 Slalom Racing in Japan, so I know a little bit about it. Especially when it comes to MR cars.

I will try the set up in a Takata if I ever get one, however I believe the two cars to be so simlar it probably won't work for me.

Not trying to whine, just giving my honest assesment of what I felt in the car.

If the IC10 reference is to the International C license requirement, I don't think I could have gotten my Super without going through all the the prior tests.

Please don't mention what the real cars come with or use. If I could adjust control arm length, trailing arm geometry, caster, wedge, spring length, tower height, wheel size, etc etc (Xmil) in the game, we could realistically talk real world scenarios. There are just too many variables in the real world that are not in the game to make any comparisons.

All in all, I think you guys do great work, especially so just in the fact you are putting tunes out there for folks that have no clue. It can really help those that just don't understand any of the physics involved.

The point is, the set up didn't work for me and I tried to in a light hearted way give you my honest assesment.

Slam me once, shame on you, slam me twice, shame on me. I'll continue to check out your setups and keep my oppinion as to suitability to my self.

I did not realize that was "light hearted". I feel as if you came in simply to completely blast the setup (read your post again and you'll probably see what I mean) rather than give any true feedback. Rome is not exactly the most friendly track when it comes to cars that are loose on entry (hence my bit about IC10) and that may be part of the problem.. Reducing rear brake bias ought to calm it down quite a bit as well but I feel going stronger on the decel value of the diff would hurt mid-corner abilities. Suspension is (as mentioned) set the way I find to work best on the full blown race cars. If you need something more docile (and likely quicker as well), I suggest the Xanavi NISMO Z I did for last month's tuner challenge; it shares quite a bit in terms of setup style with the NSX (high spring/damper, low anti-roll) but is far less twitchy and easier to drive, perhaps even a bit quicker than the NSX thanks to the better power delivery and seemingly stronger brakes. I'll probably release it once I get someone to take a few pictures, until then it can be found here.
Considering PSN's problems and my already long request list, it will take a long time, but sure, as long as you write more requests. :P

I don't care! I better have that M3 CSL tuned by tommorow, 7:01am sharp! :dopey:

Side note, I finally found the Golf R32 in my UCD.
The '96 Elise is much cuter, I do agree. Perhaps Juliet will get a sister. :P

Don't forget Romeo's brother...the Elise '96 can be RM'd, after all. And call them Kate and Wills, just for kicks. :lol: Either that or some more Shakespeare stuff.
<snip>Not sure it'll beat the C30 which is the fastest hatchback so far</snip>

Are you telling me that I did a 12 car hatchback shootout, and I missed one? And not just any, but the fastest? OK, let's complete the shootout.

Volvo C30RS
FF Drivetrain, 415 HP, 1196 kg, 527 PP, Sports Soft Tires

Day One: 60-100 Acceleration

4.8s ~ Good enough for 3rd behind the Civic Type R and ahead of Roj's Golf

Day Two: 100-0 Braking

3.4s ~ Turns the 5-way tie into a 6-way tie for 4th

Day Three: Practice - 5 laps around Trial Mountain, best lap

1:35.051 ~ The C30RS bullies it's way into 2nd place, about halfway between the R32 Golf-R and the Kusabi Quasi-Evil C

Day Four: Track day - 10 laps around Trial Mountain

1:32.573 ~ A practice day sleeper, the C30 takes the number 1 spot on track day by 8 tenths over the R32 Golf-R

Day Five: Evaluation (Final HP after testing)

Volvo C30RS, REAL king of the hatchbacks. (418 HP) With plenty of HP to push this hatchback around, it's not surprising that it matched the top speeds on the back straight, and was just behind the leaders at Start/Finish (134, 124). What may be a little surprising is that the second-heaviest hatchback pulled the best speeds in the low speed corners, and ran just behind the best (Swift '05) in the high speed corners. The car did have it's weaknesses: it seemed to be a little behind in the transitions, taking a little more work to change direction than most of the other cars, the high HP loved to light up the outside front tire on corner exit, and the brakes, while average for the group, seemed to be a little weak given this car's extra straight speed. However, these weaknesses were more than made up for with quickness in the corner and down the straight.
Incredible thread! Will definitely keep referring back to this when I am in need of a tune. Just so you know there is a problem when clicking on the GTR Spec V tune, it leads to a Honda tune. :P
I don't care! I better have that M3 CSL tuned by tommorow, 7:01am sharp! :dopey:

Side note, I finally found the Golf R32 in my UCD.
7:01am? Bahahaha! You'll be lucky if I'm even mid-way through my nice sleep at that time! :P
Don't forget Romeo's brother...the Elise '96 can be RM'd, after all. And call them Kate and Wills, just for kicks. :lol: Either that or some more Shakespeare stuff.
True. :P We'll see what famous couple I can rip the names from. :lol:
By chance do you guys have or know of a good tune for the pagani zonda r?
We dont have one, I think someone has provided a link further up the page. 👍
Are you telling me that I did a 12 car hatchback shootout, and I missed one? And not just any, but the fastest?
I thought you left it out for fairness sake! :P The only FWD's we have capable of taking the C30 down are the Integra RM and the non-RM Integra but with a turbo. :P

But yeah, point proven, the C30 is just that damn good. :P
Incredible thread! Will definitely keep referring back to this when I am in need of a tune. Just so you know there is a problem when clicking on the GTR Spec V tune, it leads to a Honda tune. :P
Honda? No, that's a Toyota Prius. :P
Since I'm relatively poor at the moment (only 289,270 dollars left, barely enough to buy and tune a car), I thought I'd do two reviews with the same car to save costs.
Tested on TGTT
Crimson R review:
Actually, not too bad. I was expecting for it to be all over the place, spinning its wheels and banging at the redline. But it's fine, it can cope with the power, and even the extra power, without much fuss, the wheelspin and understeer that has normally plagued FF cars aren't really visible or noticeable, and it feels like a more grown up version of the Civic VTi-R only on crap tyres. Actually no, it grips well enough to make you forget that it's on comfort softs. After 2 laps, I actually had to stop and check what tyres were used to make sure I hadn't accidentally put on sport softs. But it was on comforts, and it did a lap of 1:26.360 without breaking a sweat or smoking its tyres.
Um&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;I don't know how to put this, but here goes anyway. The car now feels slightly unsure of itself now, it understeers where the stock one would grip and can't get out of corners as fast as before on one lap, but then has huge wheelspin where there was understeer and will beat the stock version out of corners on my second lap. It feels very inconsistent, and it isn't as easy to better my times lap after lap as the stock one. But what the consistency is replaced with, is speed. This car beat the stock version's time by 2 seconds with a lap of 1:24.961. Which isn't bad, considering it was on comfort tyres made for commuting rather than lap after lap thrashing.


Actually, since we have the Crimson R here, let's settle a shootout I left unfinished before I forget about it.

Crimson R vs Suzuki Cappuccino
1 lap time attack

Crimson R

Suzuki Cappuccino

Now, before you start all your 'It wasn't fair on the ITR!!!' rants and BS, I did this purely as a test to see how good the setup was. And seeing as the the Cappuccino had a little wing and was on sport softs, I think that the one second gap is actually reasonably good. Especially since I did the Cappuccino lap first and had enough time to get used to the FR layout again (It did take that long to do a lap), and so had to do the ITR lap without getting used to it again, which slowed me down in the first half of the lap.

Ok, add 74,000 cr.(dollars, pounds, yens wtv) worth of modifications on to the Crimson R and this is what you'll end up with. The Integra Type R.
Integra Type R review:
Well, it's easily more capable than the Crimson R even after resetting the settings, but at the same time, it isn't as agile as before. The tyres grip too much so the back can't come around as easily as it did before. Mind you, the fronts grip better than before so the understeer has pretty much gone. It feels like a road legal touring car, only lighter and on sports rubber. It does a very reasonable laptime of 1:19.774. Not that bad, not that good either. Sort of sums the car up pretty well.

Better, but I still think the power is screwing up an otherwise very good chassis and setup. It understeered too much on some corners but remained planted on others, it's rather inconsistent, like the Crimson R. The turn in is quick, but the back just can't keep up and will remain planted on its line, causing the car to understeer. The wing seems to compound the problem, giving the rear even more grip and making it even hard to slide when going through quick corners like the follow-through. On occasion, it failed to turn at all and sent me shooting right pass the corner and on to the other half of the track. But when it does root itself to the tarmac and stop understeering, it is fast, with a lap of 1:17.071, it's quick enough to keep up with the Emperor IV. But I'm not too sure if it's quick enough to make up for the lack of driving fun.


So, what can I draw from this little review of the ITR? Well, 1) Power seems to ruin its driving fun but in return it will give you faster laptimes. 2) It's slower than a Suzuki Cappuccino as the Crimson R but just fast enough to keep up with the Evo IV with the Integra Type R tune. 3) It's hard to be consistent with it but isn't like a conventional hot hatch as it can cope with the power, at the cost of driving fun as I've mentioned. One more thing, I'm willing to bet that in full RM form with the tune, it will be quite a supercar slayer (provided that the supercar in question is stock and unmodified).

Edit: Found a Focus RS in the used car dealership, and will be redoing the 147RS vs Focus RS shootout, since I might not need it after that, need it for that request made earlier?
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Since I'm relatively poor at the moment (only 289,270 dollars left, barely enough to buy and tune a car), I thought I'd do two reviews with the same car to save costs.
We do actually have an RM version already done, it's faster than the Volvo C30 so it's the FWD king at the moment. :lol: If anything is going to go slay some supercars, it's that.

Anyway, the Crimson R and the Integra Type R are more fun on default settings, but I did want to make them into fast cars rather than fun cars, because the DC5 Integra is arguably Honda's best FWD chassis, closely followed by the FD2 Civic. So it was more fitting to just make them into very fast FWD cars, which does mean the understeer becomes more noticable in an attempt to get more grip, although I'm sure you've noticed taking corners in certain ways will suppress the understeer and still give you a fast time. The Cappuccino beating the Crimson R just shows how capable Kei cars are. :P Thanks for the reviews and the shootouts!

I'm already getting the RS sent over, no need to send another. ;)
Ok, but you're gonna give me the M3 CSL that ImprezaAddict requested right?

As in you want your CSL back or you just want settings for it? Either way it's not a problem. If I get a request for a car I've already tuned but havent published here, I will usually PM the settings over straight away. 👍
Alpine A310

gear ratios do not match what have i missed all parts installed as setup sujest

cannot set 170mph can only set 168 or 172 so 1 to 5 ratios do not match suggested settings
As in you want your CSL back or you just want settings for it? Either way it's not a problem. If I get a request for a car I've already tuned but havent published here, I will usually PM the settings over straight away. 👍
I meant that I wanted the settings for it, the car can come back when PSN is back online.
Btw, I think the Focus RS might just be able to snatch the crown of being the fastest FWD car, it weighs 1050kg stock and will probably have upwards of 400hp fully tuned. If when you finish with the RS and don't publish the tune, can you PM them to me?
I meant that I wanted the settings for it, the car can come back when PSN is back online.
Btw, I think the Focus RS might just be able to snatch the crown of being the fastest FWD car, it weighs 1050kg stock and will probably have upwards of 400hp fully tuned. If when you finish with the RS and don't publish the tune, can you PM them to me?

Max for the RS is 394 (altho this will increase when run in) but its faster anyway ;)

As soon as PSN is sorted i'm sending the RS to Roj so its just a case of wating for that to come back up :grumpy:
I thought you can't run in used car? And can you tell me how much it weighs after all the weight reductions are installed, I'm too broke to do them myself.
hmmm, not sure about that, I suppose that makes sense as its 'used' but if you overhaul the engine that would need to be run in?

With all the lightweight mods carried out it goes down to 893 which is pretty dam light!

One of the reasons the bhp doesn't go to high is that between turbo 1 and 2 is only a 6bhp increase...
So it weighs 893kg, has 394+hp and a suspension and diff tuned by someone who knows what they're doing, I think the crown of fastest FF car tuned by RKM is in the bag. Either that or it'll become an uncontrollable, wheelspinning mess that will scare the **** out of the driver. Chances are, it'll be the former. Still, we'll just have to wait and find out.
Alpine A310

gear ratios do not match what have i missed all parts installed as setup sujest

cannot set 170mph can only set 168 or 172 so 1 to 5 ratios do not match suggested settings
I dont have the car anymore so I'm unable to check which one is correct. Have you tried both and seeing which is closest? Just get as close as you can and it'll be fine. 👍
I meant that I wanted the settings for it, the car can come back when PSN is back online.
Btw, I think the Focus RS might just be able to snatch the crown of being the fastest FWD car, it weighs 1050kg stock and will probably have upwards of 400hp fully tuned. If when you finish with the RS and don't publish the tune, can you PM them to me?
Ah, okay. Still not convinced the Focus will snatch the Volvo's position but we'll see. :P

Also, Golf R32 and Evo IX tunes in testing. Is the M3 CSL being tuned yet? (No rush though :))


I've not started the M3 yet, I've got cars that need to be done before it, but as PSN is down, I cant even send the cars back that I've done. So I'm just taking it slow with the tuning now, no point rushing with PSN still down.
Emperor IV review:
Tested on TGTT
This is car, even with just 362hp (It took a lot of mixing and matching bits and pieces to take the power output down from 495hp to 362hp), feels so different to any car in the game. The AYC feels awake for once, and you can see it, shifting the car's power around and pulling the nose back in line with the corner should you understeer. This car cannot be driven gently. To get the most from it, you need to drive like you stole it. Huge aggression, full throttle and hurling the car into bends is the recommended method of driving this thing. But being aggressive can have its drawbacks though, you can't imagine that the tyres would last very long if they are taking all the G-forces and the car's weight at every corner. It's also quite unpredictable when braking, but the biggest problem is the body roll. It's verging on rolling onto its roof if you hurl it in too hard. Still, with a laptime of 1:19.116, it's quick, especially when most the time, it was cornering completely sideways.

It's more composed through the turns, the roll is pretty much gone and it's still a lot of fun to chuck it through the turns. This car feels like it would easily run rings around a car of similar power and weight. The brakes feel a little bit too snatchy though, hold the brakes heading into a corner and by the time you get there, sideways of course, you'll be doing 30mph and will need to fight the AYC to stop it from sending you spearing off course and onto the grass. But to get around this problem, the car just requires you to be even more aggressive with your driving and brake even later, then this car will do a lap in 1:17.719 and put a very big smile on your face. This car can be tricky to drive, and the brief session I had in this car didn't help me improve much, but once you get the hang of it, and learn how to wring the absolute best from this car, I can pretty much guarantee that there won't be much that can keep up with this. This car requires you to be both precise and aggressive, but won't hurt you if you fall down on either of these qualities. In fact, it teaches you how to improve, it's more of a teacher than an Emperor. And what's wrong with that?


Btw, hurry up and stamp out more tunes, we're running out :D
Roj, how about tuning the rest of the evos from 1-10 (well, as close to all of them as you can)? I've got a evo 2 and 3 that I just bought, and wouldn't mind it if you tuned those to start off with. If you don't feel like doing all of them, then just do the 2 and 3 for me when you have time.
Emperor IV review:

Btw, hurry up and stamp out more tunes, we're running out :D
Thanks for the review! Yeah in the tune's notes I did mention the car needs an adjustment in driving style because of the AYC. It's an old Emperor, full of wisdom to teach to the up and coming Emperors. :P

Pay me and I will. :P Otherwise I'll do it when I feel like it. :P
Roj, how about tuning the rest of the evos from 1-10 (well, as close to all of them as you can)? I've got a evo 2 and 3 that I just bought, and wouldn't mind it if you tuned those to start off with. If you don't feel like doing all of them, then just do the 2 and 3 for me when you have time.

Race Car Rundown
Not really a shootout, as these cars are all in different classes.
No pics this time... they're race cars, we all know what they look like.

Touring Car

Stock settings, oil change, new tires, and a few online races: 472 HP, 1080 kg, 582 PP, Racing Medium Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:26.654

No parts needed, RKM Tune, end of test numbers: 475 HP, 1080 kg, 591 PP
Best Lap Time: 1:23.219

Thoughts: With the exact same HP, and a taller transmission on a track that wasn't hitting top speed to begin with, it seems like the RKM tune has a handicap. However, the corner speed difference is amazing. While the stock version is stable and solid, the tune makes it freakin' quick, enough to knock more than 3 seconds off the lap time with minimal effort. It is only slightly easier to spin the back end while exitting the slow turns, and gains so much speed in every aspect of the track, including the trap speeds on the straight. While railing through the corners, the car developed a bit of visual twitch as it runs the edge of it's traction, but never slides. The braking, while solid to begin with, is even more crisp. This car turned from a gentle racer that would be easy and fun for beginners into a speed demon that always feels like it wants to corner faster than you think it can. Just for comparison, I also ran with the standard gearing (as the RKM tune just had higher top end, and no individual gear changes). With a short session, the car turned nearly identical laptimes, with the addition of a tiny bit more tire spin on just one of the track's slow corners, and a hint of throttle understeer. I expect that, with this tune, gearing for the track would be beneficial. (While that is normally the case anyways, some of the RKM tunes feel like they are right at the edge, where shortening the transmission could really hamper the handling of the car when on-throttle.)

Ford Falcon XR8
Old school Gran Turismo racer

Stock settings, oil change, engine refresh, new tires: 629 HP, 1350 kg, 627 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:21.129

No parts needed, RKM Tune, end of test numbers: 629 HP, 1350 kg, 632 PP
Best Lap Time: 1:20.416

Thoughts: I thought I was breaking out some pretty nice laps with the stock settings, and was pretty sure I'd need to work to beat the times. Well, it only took a couple of laps to get into the neighborhood, and then move past that time. Like the Audi tune, the car has gained greatly in corner speed, and marginally in trap speed, due to the very high gearing. On the Mountain, I never touched 6th gear. On the slow corner exits, there was some nice, brief, controllable tire spin. What makes this car stand out is the beautiful, very fast lines through the low- to mid-speed corners. I actually had some problems turning in too sharp, as I wasn't prepared for a car that could dive in this well. I'm sure I can improve my time some, as I wasn't as smooth as I wanted in a couple of sections, most notabley the last kink before start/finish, but I'm not sure if I could break 1:20 without a lot of hot laps, as my times were very consistant no matter how hard I pushed or how much improved a lap might have felt. The lap time improvement may look small, but I think we have a nice dose of the driver not quite able to maximize the car... yet (and hey, a 7/10 lead per lap would be considered pretty dominant over a 5-10 lap race). A tremendously fun build, I plan on driving this car a LOT.

Takata NSX
SuperGT class

Stock settings, oil change, new tires: 488 HP, 1100 kg, 588 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:22.285

Parts added, RKM Tune, end of test numbers: 492 HP, 1100 kg, 595 PP
Best Lap Time: 1:20.683

Thoughts: Like all fast mid-engine cars, this car comes with it's strengths and weaknesses. The tune really boosted the car through the fast corners to an insane level, and seemed to make the transitions in S-turns go a little quicker. There is NO understeer or oversteer at all, once you tell the car where to go, hit the gas and you'll get there. After the tune, the car started doing that little shimmy-skip like it was an MR car about to lose control, but it never did, it just settled down with no correction from me. My only complaint about the tune is the braking... braking distances were fine, but the tune actually made it more difficult to brake hard while going into a turn, and I found the back end swinging out fairly often while using the lines I used on the stock version. However, with the cornering this machine does, I'll take a minor line change on a couple of brake spots in exchange for over-all speed. (Right as I'm posting this review, I notice that I may not have done the chassis re-inforcement. I'm not sure how much effect it would have on this tune, or if it would help the braking problem. So, I ran a couple more laps after throwing it on. I'll be honest, I really didn't notice a difference.)

Castrol Supra
Originally JGTC, now with Turbo

Stock parts and settings, oil change, new tires: 501 HP, 1150 kg, 594 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:22.078

Parts added, RKM Tune, end of test numbers: 564 HP, 1150 kg, 629 PP
Best Lap Time: 1:18.933

Thoughts: Yeah, it was predictable that the addition of turbo would help this car smash it's stock time. What was less predictable was that the increased horsepower also came with a nice boost in corner speeds, just shy of the NSX, and a complete removal of on-throttle under-steer. This car, already a nicely tamed racer, became even more controllable, as I ran off every lap but the first within .5 seconds of one another once I got settled in. It would be an almost boring drive with how comfortable and controlled the car is, except for the speed. This car is just plain fast.

Yellow Hat Supra
Originally SuperGT, an engine tune makes it meaner

Stock settings, oil change, new tires: 483 HP, 1090 kg, 582 PP, Racing Soft Tires
Best Lap Time: 1:22.961

Parts added, RKM Tune, end of test numbers: 519 HP, 1090 kg, 604 PP
Best Lap Time: 1:20.310

Thoughts: I'll admit that I couldn't get the best laps on the "before" part of the run, as this car had a tendancy to understeer me wide out of the fast turns or spin the tires and point me shallow out of the slow turns. That being said, the tune greatly reduced the car's understeer, while the exit slide became less severe and more controllable. Corner speeds are good, though not quite up to it's older brother's handling. It is a fast car, but it's one that feels a little slow in corners and makes up for it on the straights. It may be short on the "fun factor", at least for me when compared to the other cars in this review, but it's definitely not short on lap time, which is a very important thing to be good at.

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