Robin Williams found dead at home

Isn't it sad to think that this massive outpouring of appreciation and respect could possibly have saved him? I don't suppose it could have, in the end, but it's sad that we only feel willing to gush about those we admire when the hour is too late.

Sadly that is often the case, think how many people the world could have saved if they had just let them know how respected they were beforehand. Unfortunately the world is a busy place and people don't appreciate something till it's gone.

On a side note there has been an usually high amount of public figure and civilian deaths this year. 2014 has been a sad year for sure.

He didn't die. He just went back to the jungle.

I'll never forget you.
I'm hoping asphyxiation means car fumes and not hanging from the rafters. He was the real deal for sure.
He didnt die.

He just time travel to 1970's, went to Vietnam while yell "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!".
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He didnt die.

He just time travel to 1970's, went to Vietnam while yell "HELLO VIETNAM!!!!".

I have to agree with that sentiment, the English is slightly odd but the purity of sentiment is moving.

Just raising a beer for Mr. Williams and thanking him for some good old times, some very good times indeed.

I was talking to a colleague who said "you'll miss him, you quote him all the time!". I hadn't realised I did, but I do, apparently.

Cheers, Robin, and thank you. And I'ma keep quoting you, if that's okay?
RIP Mrs Doubtfire.i remember him from Mork& Mindy on Nick at Night.he was one of my favorite comedians.he had a deep passion for laughter,it's like driving with slicks in the wet with senna.the emotional toll the profession takes is by the vast majority of the audience who laughs and feeds the addiction are unaware of what the negative effects's truely understood by comedians.just as you can play Call of Duty and have never fired a weapon or seen combat.once you get in the military and deploy to a warzone does the context become clear.Robin was undoubtedly a comedic genius.his work is testament to the dedication to his get a sense of that once you laugh at his automotive terms he was a Rotary amongst piston engines.he like everyone alive had to deal with demons with drug and alcoholism addiction.he may have relapsed,who knows.i've dealt with people who have attempted suicide while in the army,it's my personal opinion that it's a short term solution to a long term problem.

i marvel at this man's skill.he will always have a special place in my heart.i'm sure god is LHFAO with him George Carlin,Red Fox,Chris Farley,Richard Pryor.
I'm sure Chris Farley asked robin "Robin what are you doing here in heaven?"Robin replied without missing a beat "I was just Hanging around my house"
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I don't even know how to respond to this. My condolences to his family.


As many have already noted, we're left speechless with disbelief.

Goodbye! Robin, and thanks for all the laughs, genius.

And now . . . 'Awakenings' . . . to 'What Dreams May Come.'

May I see you again, in whatever form or time.
Honourable mention for The Fisher King too. Moving film.

Outside of Mork and Mindy, I didn't go for Williams in comedies so much... but being that guy in those comedy films always made his serious roles more emotive, without him even having to do anything amazing.
I originally didn't want to visit this thread, because all the posts on facebook are already tragic enough, but I had to post it here too. It saddens me so much that we lost him, especially to that horrible illness.

He was a great actor, comedian and person. A celebrity's death hasn't hit me so hard since a long time.
I'll miss him, even when I never had the pleasure to meet him.

R.I.P. you wonderful human being.
Such outstanding talent often comes with a terrible price - such a desperately sad loss for his family, friends and the world at large.

In the deepest and darkest pits of depression no amount of knowing that you are loved, wanted or appreciated can help. When that shroud descends there is complete absence of belief in those things no matter how many people try to impress upon you that they are true. Depression kills. 1 in 4 people suffer a mental health illness in their lifetimes and yet the illness is still not properly understood or respected. Society needs to pull its head out of the sand and start treating mental health illnesses the same way that they would with visible physical illnesses and injuries!
Will always be one of the finest, and will never be forgotten.
Robin gave a lot of people so many wonderful childhood memories.

Thanks Robin, we will always love you.
Just remembered a few days ago i watched a video of him playing with Koko the gorilla, he looked really happy tickling with the gorilla. I remember smiling while watching it. He laugh a lot, idk why seeing him laugh made feel better that day. Now he's suddenly gone.

Gosh the world is running out of wonderful people...
The amount of posts in this thread shows you just how popular this man was, he captivated millions across the globe with his films, reduced many people to delirious tears of laughter and touched the hearts of many more. What a wonderful man he was.

At least he isn't suffering any more. R.I.P
Looks like anyone following the man's life could see this coming.

I think for every famous comedian or actor that dies young, there's others that make it to old age. While that article is correct in a lot of regards, it seems to lump all comedians into some sort of eventual death sentence.