Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
I'll take it over that stupid octogan space one. I always play 🤬 on that arena.

I barely notice the difference. I just can't stand the ball being directed towards the goal via the map design on Wasteland. It's idiotic.

I refuse to play that garbage map, and being banned for 15 minutes because I quit a game after matchmaking put me on the damn map, really annoys me. I don't rage quit. I put up with games where there's no hope of winning. But I will not waste my time playing on such utter ****.
The different map layouts and styles is actually fun for me. I like that they shake things up.

Had a much better morning in matchmaking. Teammates were my level of competent and positive. One player was clearly a Rookie but avoided the critical errors and even did some scoring. We played several re-matches against equally competent and positive opponents, although they did get a little frustrated after a chain of L's.

I was hoping for some miserable teammates so I could show AOS what I go through, though. Instead I have several replays of positive enjoyable games. It could be that I wasnt in a good mood yesterday, but I know a few people I played with were the ones that took me there.

Re-mapped my air roll buttons after training this morning and its like I'm a new player. Had a few drills that just baffled me, so I started air rolling and they went from "What satanist made this?" to "Wow, this is an All Star level drill? Too easy". Its going to take some time to adjust to the new mapping but I seriously recommend it.
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You'd think disliking a map actually does something, but I still keep getting Wasteland just as often, if not more, than the others in ranked. :|
Exact print from Psyonix: "less likely" =/= 0% chance.

I suggest opening the video in another window so you can view this loooong script with it side-by-side.
0:05 - Finished kickoff. Not in position for ball; go find boost quickly and get back into the game.
0:07 - Ball's getting close to net, partner doesn't have an obvious clear, and someone's approaching. Head back to net instead; pick up boost pads instead of orb.
0:08 - Cover the net, but maintain distance between partner in case ball goes over him.
0:09 - Ball goes over partner; both opponents in our corner. Seize opportunity to shoot ball directly towards their net.
0:12 - Got bumped, but used momentum to grab mid boost.
0:15 - Turned camera briefly to check if partner is on the ball. He's not, so I will pursue.
0:17 - Double checking just to be sure before fully committing to challenge.
0:19 - Opponent's clearly getting that before me. I back off in case he booms it hard.
0:20 - Confirmed a whiff. Move in, but watching goalie to see if he is also contesting.
0:21 - Confirmed goalie not moving; I'm now closer, hence I'm confident I can gain possession.
0:24 - Passing out, but bad pass overall.
0:25 - Goalie whiffs; keeping eye out for a quick pass from partner.
0:27 - Confirmed partner did not catch the ball too well - based on experience, he will likely get charged at: back up a bit and react accordingly to the outcome.
0:29 - Confirmed possession lost. Opponent just used a dodge, so I have time to get in and regain possession.
0:30 - Confirmed I can regain possession before opponents.
0:32 - Made slow recovery; checking if partner decided to move up in response to that.
0:34 - Opponent can roll the ball up the wall, so I distance myself in preparation to that.
0:36 - Opponent kicks the ball off wall; giving away possession. I aim the shot off the backboard for partner to follow up.
0:40 - Not expecting partner to redirect that towards net. Back up and move left as the ball is probably going that way.
0:40 - Ball coming off wall, have a chance at scoring.
0:46 - Confirmed the ball hit the cross bar and is bouncing in front of net, seize the opportunity.
0:50 - Out of boost. Go grab boost ASAP.
0:54 - See opponent. Anticipated he would shoot that out, so I try and put my car in the way to block.
0:55 - Opponent waited. In position to kick the ball away from him; back up ASAP afterwards.
0:58 - Opponent gets ball over partner. Need to backup ASAP.
0:59 - Confirmed I'm closer to ball, therefore I can comfortably push this away. Turn off ball-cam to see the ball better.
1:01 - Get between ball and the net, turn on ball cam to see who may be pursuing it; no one: take my time, grab corner boost.
1:08 - See partner whiff. Get between ball and our net to defend.
1:11 - About to go for it, but partner turned around. Let him have it since he can't see me; back up in case he loses.
1:14 - Ball goes up, but I don't forsee it getting past goalie, so I don't move closer.
1:17 - Confirmed both missed, move in.
1:18 - Went for it at that angle in the interest of being able to hit it before goalie. Bad shot though.
1:20 - Opponent got possession. Back up ASAP.
1:23 - Looks like we're equally spaced from the ball; challenging.
1:25 - bad hit, but floaty shot is good for stalling, since partner was flipping back (sign of low boost).
1:27 - I don't have the ball anymore. Grab boost.
1:30 - Partner spacing himself from ball; I don't move in any closer.
1:38 - Checking to see if opponent is going to challenge.
1:40 - See opponent at half-court. Unlikely I can hit it past him, so I don't boom it.
1:43 - Made a tap, but ball is rolling towards him; Quickly make a touch to juke him.
1:49 - Opponents are clearly closer to the ball; getting ready for shot on goal.
1:51 - Confirmed whiff, kick that!
1:52 - See partner going for it, back off (should've been me, but whatever). Make distance.
1:56 - Partner still has possession, position myself laterally for potential pass.
1:57 - Turn around in case opponent won that challenge.
2:00 - Both opponents lost challenge. Move in quick to secure goal.

2:09 - Sees partner on diagonal: Choosing to grab boost.
2:11 - Confirms the ball is moving towards my quarter of the field: I can go for this.
2:18 - Partner whiffs and is bouncing about. Won't be ready to defend in a while; back up & stall.
2:23 - Confirmed opponents are looking to hit the ball off the wall, but I go up first to keep it away from them.
2:25 - Take that boost and see what goalie does.
2:27 - Ball hit away, can't go for shot; waits to see how it goes for partner.
2:28 - Whiffs. Opponent gains possession. Back up immediately.
2:30 - Opponent still closest to ball, and challenging here may not send the ball to good places. Wait it out.
2:33 - Partner is finally in front of the ball, so I feel safer to go up for the challenge.
2:38 - Accidentally tapped the ball towards net. Touch the ball before they do!
2:41 - Opponent behind me; grab boost in case he's going for it.
2:46 - clear it outward; fail.
2:49 - Opponent got to the ball first; I can't save that.

2:56 - Confirm partner not on the opposite corner, therefore I'm going for kickoff.
2:59 - See opponent aiming for center of ball. Aim for center, delay the dodge, but push out to the right.
3:01 - Grabbed boost; see partner going in, I hang back.
3:04 - Partner may hit it diagonally left with that aerial; I move in for potential follow up.
3:06 - Ball bouncing up and towards net. Seize opportunity.
3:10 - Confirmed ball off post. That goalie doesn't have that; kick ball away to keep possession.
3:11 - See other opponent, hurry up and hit that towards the left wall and grab mid boost.
3:14 - Stop the ball from going towards the net.
3:18 - Attempt to do aerial off wall.
3:19 - Realizing I cannot get a good hit based off the angle I left the wall at, and see partner going up, I leave it.
3:22 - Confirming neither opponent can immediately gain possession, I attempt to get possession first.
3:26 - See partner already reaching for the ball, so I back up... or I should be.
3:27 - Misplay. I shouldn't be here getting in partner's space, and taking his boost.
3:29 - Attempt to get out of that misplay, I look to act as an obstacle in blocking the ball from opponent while partner grabs mid boost.
3:31 - Bad block - ball gets centered, and see opponent going for a shot. Go back to net ASAP.
3:33 - Partner can likely get this, but go back anyway in case he makes a bad save.
3:35 - In net, but also further from ball than him, so I don't pursue (alternatively I could have went to follow up after seeing him kick it away, but what's done is done).
3:36 - I was going to move since he wasn't, but then he moves, so I stop.
3:38 - Confirm partner connects with the ball, so I move up... but always grab boost 👍.
3:40 - Can't tell if partner is in full possession or is about to be challenged. Being uncertain, I keep my distance.
3:41 - See both partner and opponent lose possession of the ball, and that I am now closest. Go for it.
3:45 - Anytime I cross from left-to-right or right-to-left side of field, I have a habit to checking if someone is already going for it.
3:46 - Still looks like opponent can clear this over me, so I'm reluctant to dash in.
3:47 - Ball could either be juggled or shot over me, but I guess at where he is looking to shoot the ball (to juke me) instead of turning around to force his hand.
3:50 - Goalie will likely reach that first. Back up a and let partner step in.
3:52 - Confirming the ball going off the wall and with both players in the corner, the net's open and I have a chance to redirect that into the net.

4:02 - He's going; I grab boost.
4:06 - Ball is coming towards right-side of field, but opponent and partner are closer. I leave it.
4:08 - One opponent out of play. Await possibility of partner kicking ball from the wall.
4:10 - Confirmed whiff. Opponent has back turned to ball. Move in cautiously.
4:12 - Confirmed opponent moving a bit too far back, so I move in. Attempt to center ball by shooting off corner wall.
4:15 - Ball going towards opponent instead. Back up for their clear.
4:17 - Knowing partner is not closer to the net, and that I'm closest to the ball, I aim to touch the ball to put challenger out of play.
4:20 - Despite seeing partner, I also sought an opportunity to air dribble, but I flubb the setup so then...
4:21 - .... I do whatever I can to get behind the ball, to prevent opponent from shooting it directly towards our net.
4:23 - Ball sent towards where partner probably is. Leave the ball; use momentum to grab corner boost.
4:27 - See partner attempt to send it up the wall, but also see a challenger. Start backing up.
4:28 - Confirm ball coming towards me, and no one else is closer. I go for it.
4:30 - Confirm it's off-target, get ready for the ball bouncing out or up.
4:31 - Guessed at the ball not rolling up. Guessed right, but aimed for the wrong place. Turned car to the right, and dodged in the direction that angles the car to point the ball's rebound towards net.

4:38 - Opponent to my right, go for left boost.
4:44 - Confirmed ball going to my half and going off the wall. Get in position to hit that first.
4:45 - Went up too early.
4:46 - Turned camera to see if opponent was already on that. No? Take our time.
4:48 - See partner already on it, I go to net, since I still don't know where the other guy is.
4:50 - Partner hits it first, but opponent can still pursue it up the wall. Stay in net.
4:52 - Confirmed partner wins challenge. Opponent on ground backed up. Partner looks like he want to hit that, so I wait.
4:56 - I now see the ball isn't going in, but opponent has chance to defend, so I wait to see where he hits that.
4:57 - Goalie completely off target. I don't pay attention to dude in front of me. I make a bad read off the backboard.
5:00 - We lose possession, I'm behind my opponent, and partner is driving laterally for mid boost (I'm assuming). Head back ASAP.
5:01 - Managed to bump him, causing me to rotate the car and push the ball in a different direction.
5:04 - Confirming both opponents missing the ball. Seize chance to dribble it in.
5:06 - Let partner handle the ball while I grab boost.
5:07 - Normally I'd let people go fir it, but I realized he was too far and grabbing boost, so I kick ball away so that they don't have shot on goal.
5:12 - Less than ideal hit. Wanted to cut in more. Stick with it though.
5:14 - Get underneath ball when it goes off the corner curb to center it: Went too late.
5:16 - Attempted to block that clear.
5:17 - I know partner was behind me, so I leave it to him while I grab boost.
5:21 - Unsure who's got possession, or who's likely to get possession, I move back.
5:23 - Partner has the ball up and off the wall. No opponents challenging. Possible pass incoming; get ready.
5:31 - zero boost. Grab boost!
5:35 - Wait to see if partner's challenge is successful.
5:38 - Confirmed successful. Move up. timer hits zero at this point.
5:41 - Awaiting the ball moving out towards net either from partner or charging opponent.
5:43 - Ball bouncing off goalie unexpected. No one can reach that. Game over.

If you opened that and actually followed along with the video (which will more than likely involve a bajillion pause and rewinds), thank you for taking the time to read all that. I left each point very short to keep the list small, but feel free to ask for any further clarification you may need.
I'll take it over that stupid octogan space one. I always play 🤬 on that arena.
That is by far my least favourite map in the game. First of all I always suffer from frame-rate issues on that map, secondly the map is so small that the game becomes way too rushed for my taste.
Don't ask about the scoreline. I was simply practicing against AI 1 vs 1 and getting some shots towards the shot trophy.

Pulled off this nice little save though.

Rocket League®_20170801201906_HD_1.gif
I refuse to play that garbage map, and being banned for 15 minutes because I quit a game after matchmaking put me on the damn map, really annoys me. I don't rage quit. I put up with games where there's no hope of winning. But I will not waste my time playing on such utter ****.

Your teammates are probably pretty annoyed at the fact that they unfairly lose the games you leave too.

In other news, this: More painted items and an actual use for all those hats you've been getting.

Also, I did this and I was quite happy since I'm not very good at predicting bounces.
I see you are still quite content with just black sunbursts.


I've some news from Psyonix I'd like to share:

1st: New Automation of banning people:

This week, we’re building on our Player Report system by adding a new layer of automation to the report-ban process. This automation, simply called the 'Language Ban' system, will automatically ban players from online matches when certain words -- racial slurs, for example -- are seen in reports filed by our players.

"While we have an initial list of over 20 words and variants, this list (which we will not be making public) will continue to evolve over time, and include words and phrases from multiple languages. Each word has its own threshold, and once a threshold for any word has been reached, that player will be automatically subject to a ban. These bans will typically start at 24 hours, then escalate to 72 hours, one week, and finally, a permanent ban."

This is awesome. I had suggested a ban timeline and severity on reddit many months ago. I'm glad to see it's coming into play now.


2nd: Expansion on uncommon and rare item drops being traded in. We

Until now, you’ve only been able to trade in your Uncommon and Rare online drops, leaving many of you stuck with a stockpile of Very Rare Rocket Boosts. We’re now expanding the system to allow you to go all the way up to Import and Exotic quality!

Trading in five of your Very Rare drops will net you one new Import Painted Body or Boost. These items are painted versions of the classic cars and boosts from the original game and they always come painted.

Available in this Trade-In expansion are the following:


Road Hog
Rocket Boosts

As with many Painted items, not every color will be available for every boost. Paints that are too close to the default color for a Rocket Boost are excluded from dropping, though fans of the Standard boost will be happy to know that “Crimson” Standard Boost is indeed available.

If you’re willing to give up five of the new Import items we detailed above, you’ll receive an Exotic Painted Wheel. Painted editions of classic Wheels will no longer infrequently drop at Uncommon quality, but will instead be drops at the Exotic tier.

The Wheels available in this Trade-In expansion include:

Rat Rod

Existing Painted copies of the aforementioned wheels will remain Uncommon, but all-new copies obtained via the Trade In system will be Exotic.

The Trade-In expansion still uses the rules as the previous system, so items you trade in will all need to be from the same Crate Series, or they would all need to come via online drops.

In the interest of full disclosure, we do plan to add new items at Rare and Very Rare qualities in the next major game update to add more diversity to the free item drop pool.

While we can’t go into detail about these items just yet, you may want to consider carefully before liquidating your entire Uncommon and Rare inventory.

Oh. My. God. Painted classic cars is a huge game changer for me. I can now do 3-tone colour schemes without the reliance on wheels and boost trails.

I can also now trade in all my crap items to start getting this stuff. See y'all later.
Your teammates are probably pretty annoyed at the fact that they unfairly lose the games you leave too.

Hardly my fault that I have no way of opting out of playing the map. It's plain bad game design. Of course they've been doing their best to make the game worse over the past few months by adding a pointless crate system, making the matchmaking abysmal, and doing nothing to actually discourage bad behavior. Casual games are almost always played with bots and almost always entirely one-sided, owing to the try hards with nothing better to do in their lives than to master the game by playing it 8 hours a day. Ranked could've been the solution, except the smurfs have made sure that it's more or less the same, except without AI filling in for empty slots, and being penalized for not wanting to play specific maps that alter the game's flow. Trade morons are present in both casual and unranked.

A great game turned into a frustrating mess, partially by getting too much unnecessary support from the developer. Sometimes, things are great as they are, and changing/adding stuff just for the sake of doing so, makes it worse. To me, Rocket League is the perfect example of that.
Hardly my fault that I have no way of opting out of playing the map. It's plain bad game design.

Play unranked and you can leave as you please.

Of course they've been doing their best to make the game worse over the past few months by adding a pointless crate system, making the matchmaking abysmal, and doing nothing to actually discourage bad behavior.

You can ignore the pointless crate system completely and have the same experience as before they were introduced. You even have a hide crates option!
The matchmaking, in my opinion, is the best it's ever been. It has it's flaws, but there used to be far more smurfing going on. Season 2 was particularly bad.
Would the system to discourage bad behaviour that was detailed just two posts above yours count as doing something about bad behavior? You can also always turn chat off.

Casual games are almost always played with bots and almost always entirely one-sided, owing to the try hards with nothing better to do in their lives than to master the game by playing it 8 hours a day. Ranked could've been the solution, except the smurfs have made sure that it's more or less the same, except without AI filling in for empty slots, and being penalized for not wanting to play specific maps that alter the game's flow. Trade morons are present in both casual and unranked.

It's a competitive game, of course people are always going to try and win, ranked or not. That's the core of the game.
About smurfs, see what I've said above. Most games with a matchmaking system have smurf issues that are impossible to stomp out completely and Psyonix have been actively trying to fight the issue.

It sounds like a lot of the issues you have could be fixed by getting a group of regular friends to play with instead of playing with randoms. Sadly I don't know many people that would regularly play with someone that leaves ranked games because they can't handle a map.

A great game turned into a frustrating mess, partially by getting too much unnecessary support from the developer. Sometimes, things are great as they are, and changing/adding stuff just for the sake of doing so, makes it worse. To me, Rocket League is the perfect example of that.

You can still start Rocket League today and get the same gameplay experience as you would have when it released. Except the servers are less laggy now, there are more cars to play with, there's more items to customise your car, more game modes, more fields to play on, workshop support, custom training packs...
I admit, I struggle to see your point.
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On PS4, the matchmaking is at its worst based on my experience. People have always dropped out of games frequently, but it used to be that those empty slots would be filled out within seconds. Now, it hardly ever happens. It is extremely rare, in my recent experience, to end a game with a full 6 people. Additionally, I have to leave a game and start a new matchmaking process whenever a game finishes, because it no longer knows how to put you directly into a new game. I can't speak for how it works on PC and XBOX, but on PS4, the matchmaking has gone downhill.

I don't want to ignore chat all together. I just don't want to see morons spending time talking about trading, when they should be playing. I've seen a good amount of goals being scored by now, specifically because people were busy chatting. And this is only a problem because of the whole crate system. A cancerous system that has swept into all online games.

The system that AOS describes only deals with foul language, which I imagine is probably a problem on PC, but not so much on console. I rarely see people mouthing off, probably because of the time it takes to write stuff when not having access to a keyboard. I also never said people shouldn't play to win. But there's a difference between someone who plays the game at an alarming rate and becomes unable to miss the ball, and someone who just plays to have fun. The former ruins matches by making them one-sides, and isn't fun to play with nor against. It's a difference in philosophy, and I get that, and there isn't a whole lot that can be done to alleviate this, but they just suck all enjoyment out of the game.

A competent game designer doesn't force a map that completely alters the flow of the game onto the players. Give people a choice to disable a map that they hate. It's probably loads of fun for the people who want to master the game to have more challenges, but for those who just want to have some fun, changing the rules, which is basically what Wasteland, and the earlier version of Neo Tokyo, does, ruins the experience.

And that's the crux of the problem. There no longer appears to be room to those who aren't good at the game but just want to have fun. It's dominated by the minority who are really good at the game, and who play in casual games, and the various ranks, and those who are just looking to trade crates. I've no idea what the developer can really do to address this problem, but the result will be a seriously declining playerbase, which in turn will make it even harder to not by stomped by experts.
On PS4, the matchmaking is at its worst based on my experience. People have always dropped out of games frequently, but it used to be that those empty slots would be filled out within seconds. Now, it hardly ever happens. It is extremely rare, in my recent experience, to end a game with a full 6 people. Additionally, I have to leave a game and start a new matchmaking process whenever a game finishes, because it no longer knows how to put you directly into a new game. I can't speak for how it works on PC and XBOX, but on PS4, the matchmaking has gone downhill.

I don't want to ignore chat all together. I just don't want to see morons spending time talking about trading, when they should be playing. I've seen a good amount of goals being scored by now, specifically because people were busy chatting. And this is only a problem because of the whole crate system. A cancerous system that has swept into all online games.

The system that AOS describes only deals with foul language, which I imagine is probably a problem on PC, but not so much on console. I rarely see people mouthing off, probably because of the time it takes to write stuff when not having access to a keyboard. I also never said people shouldn't play to win. But there's a difference between someone who plays the game at an alarming rate and becomes unable to miss the ball, and someone who just plays to have fun. The former ruins matches by making them one-sides, and isn't fun to play with nor against. It's a difference in philosophy, and I get that, and there isn't a whole lot that can be done to alleviate this, but they just suck all enjoyment out of the game.

A competent game designer doesn't force a map that completely alters the flow of the game onto the players. Give people a choice to disable a map that they hate. It's probably loads of fun for the people who want to master the game to have more challenges, but for those who just want to have some fun, changing the rules, which is basically what Wasteland, and the earlier version of Neo Tokyo, does, ruins the experience.

And that's the crux of the problem. There no longer appears to be room to those who aren't good at the game but just want to have fun. It's dominated by the minority who are really good at the game, and who play in casual games, and the various ranks, and those who are just looking to trade crates. I've no idea what the developer can really do to address this problem, but the result will be a seriously declining playerbase, which in turn will make it even harder to not by stomped by experts.

It really sounds like you need to get a good group of friends to do some private matches with. If you're looking for a chilled out rocket league experience that's the one way you can make it happen.

I'm surprised that you don't complain about starbase instead of wasteland. Wasteland doesn't really change the flow much, all the positioning and tactics are the same as on the standard maps. Not the case with Starbase where the shape of the map basically funnels the ball in front of the goal no matter what you do. It's a little easier to clear the ball, but I'm not a fan of that map.
Starbase and Wasteland are both equally trash. Just like (Alpha) Neo Tokyo was before it.
Everyone hated Wasteland when it first came out, I guess I got used to it. At least it's not old Neo Tokyo.

Neo Tokyo > Wasteland > Starbase.

Learn to jump onto the platform, jump off the ramp for aerials, and use the platform to get elevated powershots. That map let you experiment and do cool stuff you couldn't do on any other map!

Wait, so now painted wheels are that much harder to obtain? Jeebus.

The random chance of getting one is kaput, but there is a guaranteed way of getting one at the expense of taking more time to get one. It's not too bad of a trade-off, but I rather not rely on random drops.

At the very least, the randomly dropped uncommon toppers and antennas have value now.... all the unwanted rare decals and toppers can be traded up for Very Rares which can THEN be traded up for coloured cars.... Right now coloured cars will strike up good value because we haven't loaded our market with a high volume of cars. The wheels will have more value too.
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Neo Tokyo > Wasteland > Starbase.

Learn to jump onto the platform, jump off the ramp for aerials, and use the platform to get elevated powershots.
But...I'm bad at the game. :(
Cosmic (from supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle cars) > Neo Tokyo > Wasteland > Starbase.

Let me fix that for you

To be fair the predecessor had some gems and some awful maps, that little ramp before the goal bounced everything off the "crossbar", more creative for sure though just look at the pirate ship.
I loved how silly the first game was. The horseshoe shaped map was a good laugh.
But...I'm bad at the game. :(

Here's me 600 hours into the game:

Skip to 6:31. Around this time, I was still sloppy with aerials; no air rolls or anything.

Nowadays, aerials feel weird without air rolls.
I see you are still quite content with just black sunbursts.


I've some news from Psyonix I'd like to share:

1st: New Automation of banning people:

This week, we’re building on our Player Report system by adding a new layer of automation to the report-ban process. This automation, simply called the 'Language Ban' system, will automatically ban players from online matches when certain words -- racial slurs, for example -- are seen in reports filed by our players.

"While we have an initial list of over 20 words and variants, this list (which we will not be making public) will continue to evolve over time, and include words and phrases from multiple languages. Each word has its own threshold, and once a threshold for any word has been reached, that player will be automatically subject to a ban. These bans will typically start at 24 hours, then escalate to 72 hours, one week, and finally, a permanent ban."

This is awesome. I had suggested a ban timeline and severity on reddit many months ago. I'm glad to see it's coming into play now.
That doesn't look awesome at all. Chances are some offensive words have a completely different meaning in another language, which the automated system now doesn't care about.

I'll just stick to the report system... provided I haven't muted the player in question before they get on their worst behavior. :dopey:
That doesn't look awesome at all. Chances are some offensive words have a completely different meaning in another language, which the automated system now doesn't care about.

I'm sure that has been considered and will continually see adjustment with user feedback.

And it's not a matter of the game banning you for saying it. It's when people submit reports with that captured chat when the automated thing sifts through it for those words. So chances are when someone says something foul in one language, they can gauge the context of the word by the rest of the chat and whatever language it's in.

For end users, it's still a matter of us having to submit the report when they say it. Chats like this aren't going to be logged or archive. This just takes the workload off their shoulders. Pretty smart from a developer perspective.

In any case, I had a chance to trade up all the unwanted items, and so far pulled two painted cars...

Crimson and Purple ROAD HOGS.... :lol: Meh. But at least I have trade material for wheels.
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I'm sure that has been considered and will continually see adjustment with user feedback.

And it's not a matter of the game banning you for saying it. It's when people submit reports with that captured chat when the automated thing sifts through it for those words. So chances are when someone says something foul in one language, they can gauge the context of the word by the rest of the chat and whatever language it's in.

For end users, it's still a matter of us having to submit the report when they say it. Chats like this aren't going to be logged or archive. This just takes the workload off their shoulders. Pretty smart from a developer perspective.
Oh OK. I'm guessing the more subtle toxic behavior still requires some extensive analysis though.

Sometimes I wonder how much my reports really do to get people banned... but it's one of those things I'll never know because not seeing those players again could mean anything. :dopey:

Some really miserable people populate the online mode though. I myself am guilty of yelling at the screen a lot, but I claim it's OK as long as my grievances don't become public knowledge in the chat... :D
Crates post! (Ps4)

I have, if anyone wants them, don't want anything in return so just send like an uncommon topper, the following crates:-

Champion 1
Champion 2 x2
Champion 3
Champion 4 x3
Players choice x2

Let me know if you want anything.