Round 2 Cancellation Notice

  • Thread starter Kwicko
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I didn't think much about running wide at the cape at all. Or cutting the last corner at indy. It would be very unnatural to not do those things.

Already been there, don't want to go there again. :sly:
This is what I was doing all day Saturday and Sunday, while I was getting bumped from 4th to 12th to the freakin 20's....

(Although Saturday I was doing it in a lot of different cars.)

Lucky you. We don't start here until the end of March. LOL. I do that, too. 2nd at Nationals this year, with a few trophies before that. I also instruct at our two local tracks. I wish I could afford road racing. :guilty:

I didn't think much about running wide at the cape at all. Or cutting the last corner at indy. It would be very unnatural to not do those things.

I didn't care for running wide at Cape, and didn't. But that was my choice, and I didn't care ALL that much if others did it. Indy's last corner, I totally agree with you on. Wall bouncing, and cutting the other two corners at Indy, I cannot get behind. And, to me, you can't compare that to the "reset button", car jumping physics, or the lack of a clutch for most people.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what they throw at us next. Good luck, everyone.
The only reason I ever went wide in the first place in Round 1 was/is because I entered this competition to begin with to challenge myself to become amongst the faster drivers in sim racing by moving on to Round 2. I am here to compare myself to those who already have acheived being amongst the fastest sim racers in the country. I cant compare myself to these guys if I do not utilize every advantage/disadvantage they are utilizing. This is why I never would have even thought about cutting Indy or wall bouncing until the majority of the top guys became forced to do it.

Personally, I am not here to test my driving morals; I am here to test my driving skills. Whatever it takes to level the playing field (apart from the raw skill) I will do it. My only morals here are to not do what the majority of you fastest guys in the top 10s are not doing. If I exploited and you guys did not, that would destroy my reason for being here to begin with.

I didn't see any top-tier round 1 people doing anything cheap in round 2 they were all waiting to see if SCEA was going to do anything. The first person we noticed cutting Indy qualified 117th. That's actually how we noticed.
So you start racing with your magical, unscathed race car, moments after you total it, and you claim this is not by your own choice?

Now you're just being thick. The car never gets totaled as it isn't insured. The magic cars in GT-A don't even take damage; which is the only reason people don't hit the brake when they go over the obviously engineered jump in the middle of a fantasy track. That jump is only there to prove that cars can leave the ground in GT5. And everything else goes back to the original point that you cannot make ethical choices unless presented the option to do so. The lack of damage in the time trials is one of those things that the user cannot control.
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I didn't see any top-tier round 1 people doing anything cheap in round 2 they were all waiting to see if SCEA was going to do anything. The first person we noticed cutting Indy qualified 117th. That's actually how we noticed.

I know. Like I said in my post you quoted: "This is why I never would have even thought about cutting Indy or wall bouncing until the majority of the top guys became forced to do it."

Edit: I was refering to the majority of the top-tier people and the fact that I did not follow suit with the real cheaters
sorry I think I just read that wrong... it makes more sense on a second glance. ;)
Now you're just being thick. The car never gets totaled as it isn't insured. The magic cars in GT-A don't even take damage; which is the only reason people don't hit the brake when they go over the obviously engineered jump in the middle of a fantasy track. That jump is only there to prove that cars can leave the ground in GT5. And everything else goes back to the original point that you cannot make ethical choices unless presented the option to do so. The lack of damage in the time trials is one of those things that the user cannot control.

The lack of damage doesn't change the fact that you know you just crashed your car so bad that it would no longer work in real life.

Nothing in the system forces you to use the "restart" button after making a mistake that would take you out in real life.

You're not forced to restart. You just want to. And since the software allows it, you do.
I just start driving again. The car is undamaged and does not need a reset button.
And I'm still not getting the vibe that you understand I'm not using the "you wouldn't do it in real life" argument. There are plenty of things you can do in games that you can't do in reality. That's why they're fantasy.
w/ R1600 on this, well said cheef.

In all of the championships/races I've won, I've never once cheated, and even beat cheaters who were doing illegal things. I've even won many kart races where I was over-ballasted against great drivers. Those are the special days. Battling through adversity, and having inferior equipment has forced me to get better through driving. I'm thankful for it.

It's the spirit of healty competition that a purist is after, it's the great battle with another great driver that I live for. Emerging victorious in such a battle is the ultimate feeling. But I still have a smile on my face win or lose, if it was an epic battle. Fighting with those at the top in the Northeast has been awesome. I will literally never forget it.

I've had the same experience karting and it's one of the best feelings one can have.

Cheef I never wanted to use any exploits, and I didn't. I don't count the cape as one but like you said, 'exploits' are different things to different people.

Cutting Indy is just stupid, no need for that. Hitting the wall at Madrid is just as bad. The thing is, if other people do it and they allow it, then I'd live with it.

P.S. Would you think twice about hitting the wall if it meant advancing into the next round?

Just to be clear, I was never trying to insinuate that you were using exploits.

Them allowing it is the factor that shifts my line ever so slightly to the point where, If I'm in 9th place, and at least one of the people in front of me are using an exploit that I frown upon, I'm convinced I've gone as fast as I can go legitimately, then I'll go ahead and go for it. I won't feel good about it one bit, and won't be as happy as making it through to florida as I would've been without having to use it. That being said, I'm not about to let pride get in the way of me securing a spot in a potentially life changing opportunity. If they allow it, or don't explicitly say not to do it, I feel like technically it is considered gray area in my system of beliefs and I'll consider going to it as a very last resort. Again, lets just hope I/we never have to.
Same here. Not going to let it get in the way if I have no choice, but I hope I never have to do it either :)
I just start driving again. The car is undamaged and does not need a reset button.
And I'm still not getting the vibe that you understand I'm not using the "you wouldn't do it in real life" argument. There are plenty of things you can do in games that you can't do in reality. That's why they're fantasy.

In this post,

You quoted me....

I've already gone over this. The sim allows us to do many, many things we can't do in real life. Ghosts, e-brakes in race cars, no clutch, no fear, endless resets, etc. etc.

You have/use all of these optoins, but it's keeping all four on the track that makes you feel "real" and "dignified"?

You responded with....

That's the only one you have a choice about. Ethics can't exist without an opportunity for the individual to chose how they want to behave in civilization. The things you're bringing up are a straw man as they are accepted norms and the contest could not exist without them.

The simulators mere existence contains the traits your extolling as cheating compared to reality. So just by playing the simulator we've all joined a civil agreement saying that we are all comfortable with the idea of suspending fear in the name of fantasy. However everything that happens beyond that initial civil agreement to suspend realism is a choice and therefore subject to ethical debate.

So you quoted a point I made about how the game lets us do all sorts of things we can't do in real life, then counter by saying that 4-off is the only one we have a "choice" in.

Thereby taking the position that unreal things that we can choose not to use become unethical when we chose to use them.

You chose to reset after a crash. We choose to reset. We choose to use the E-brake on cars that don't have them. (I just learned where it was Saturday night) We choose to fly our cars ten feet in the air because the computer allows it and it makes us faster.

We have many choices when deciding which unreal things we want to use in the game.

Your assertion that 4 off is unethical because it's the only unreal advantage allowed by the game that people could choose to forgo simply isn't accurate.

The "civil agreement" I expect from other competitors is simple: Don't alter your own software, and run your own runs.

Other than that, I expect the software to decide what's legal and what isn't. And I'm far more comfortable with imperfect, but consistent, software than I am with inconsistent humans.

I hope the software doesn't allow mowing, bouncing, or teleportation in round 3.
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Lucky you. We don't start here until the end of March. LOL. I do that, too. 2nd at Nationals this year, with a few trophies before that. I also instruct at our two local tracks. I wish I could afford road racing. :guilty:

I have the good fortune of running with a few national-trophy winners at our venue and they tell me regularly that I should compete in national events.

My problem is that my BSP 350Z on street tires has "no class" to compete in.

STR is out of the question. I took an STR MR2 (on 255's)for two laps around our test and tune course and promptly crushed my Z that was riding on 275's.:ill:

Getting a co-drive is the only way I would have a shot at Nationals. And even though I "pick up" cars quickly, I seriously doubt I could pick up any car quick enough to trophy at that level.

If I bought a competitive car, set it up, and learned it, I might have a shot at one of the outside trophies, but at the moment that would require trading in my Z and I love the car too much for that. (even if it has "no class")

Congrats on your trophies.

For those that don't know, 2nd place trophy at SCCA Nationals is big time.

You had been singing the same song since the morning.

I must ask you, Why did Sony cancel round 2?

please tell us briefly..
I have the good fortune of running with a few national-trophy winners at our venue and they tell me regularly that I should compete in national events.

My problem is that my BSP 350Z on street tires has "no class" to compete in.

Get tires!!!!

Nice venue and good looking run! I was out autocrossing on sunday and rushed home to continue the academy only to see the news. Paxed 5th in with my 540 whp SM evo on street tires. Going hoosier r6 in a 295 soon!!!!

check out for cheap take-offs
you're right... there's a youtube video of this jump somewhere, i just can't remember but (edit: he lost a right rear tire) a part of suspension was broken when they landed.

this is from rally of turkey, my friend has a picture with the tire he left behind lol

PS: driver kept running !
this is from rally of turkey, my friend has a picture with the tire he left behind lol

PS: driver kept running !
I'm assuming this is the clip?

I don't recall getting THAT much air with the Nissan at Cape Ring! :eek:
Get tires!!!!

Nice venue and good looking run! I was out autocrossing on sunday and rushed home to continue the academy only to see the news. Paxed 5th in with my 540 whp SM evo on street tires. Going hoosier r6 in a 295 soon!!!!

check out for cheap take-offs

"Get tires!" Is what everyone tells me. lol

Thanks for the link, but my wife thinks race tires will become an expensive addiction on top of my other driving expenses. So she's nudging me to stay on street tires.:grumpy:

Brief enough?

I might sound bitter, because I am.

"inappropriate" was the right answer. Its not in your book like many others so I'm not going to bother with giving you a life lesson. Maybe you will get it one day.

Many fair players suffered because of this idiotic, primitive mentality and you have the blessing of them.


xe2bls got it right a few pages ago. To reach, compete and succeed at any level of professional anything (racing included) you need to stretch the rules to what is allowed by those officiating. If you can get away with something and come out on top after the officials have seen it then its just a part of the game and you have just won. Real life examples that have a common theme: Schumacher, senna, Pique, coulthard just to name a few. The first two people were scared to go into a corner with at times because they would not back out and would crash before giving up their spot even when it was not by the racing rules "their spot". If any other F1 fans are out there the double diffuser fiasco much the same. Cutting a corner (two outside wheels on the wrong side of an inside curb) to gain an advantages is explicitly not allowed in racing, it you were to gain a spot in F1 you would have to give it back and/or face a drive thru. These things are clear running wide on a corner is generally accepted in racing (with local exceptions im sure). Follow the rules as you would expect to be judged on them in IRL, taking advantage of what you are given and you will be fine with everything else in this thread is software related problems(probably using the bs excuse that it wasnt included in the game because they couldnt make it perfect). And yes corner cutting could have been/is being fixed through the use of software so hopefully this will not be as big of an issue in the future.
The use of the term "gaymers" to refer to players who exploited the boundaries of the circuit is not acceptable and consistutes a breach of the AUP. If I see it again, I'll start issuing infractions. COnsider yourselves warned.

Please check the AUP regarding incorrect use of capital letters.
I have the good fortune of running with a few national-trophy winners at our venue and they tell me regularly that I should compete in national events.

My problem is that my BSP 350Z on street tires has "no class" to compete in.

STR is out of the question. I took an STR MR2 (on 255's)for two laps around our test and tune course and promptly crushed my Z that was riding on 275's.:ill:

Getting a co-drive is the only way I would have a shot at Nationals. And even though I "pick up" cars quickly, I seriously doubt I could pick up any car quick enough to trophy at that level.

If I bought a competitive car, set it up, and learned it, I might have a shot at one of the outside trophies, but at the moment that would require trading in my Z and I love the car too much for that. (even if it has "no class")

Congrats on your trophies.

For those that don't know, 2nd place trophy at SCCA Nationals is big time.

Thanks! Only way I got there were co-drives. Haven't driven my own car in 5 years. That was a SM2 Miata. Talk about an uphill battle! LOL. This upcoming year will be my first back to back year in the same car in 5 years, as well. Hoping to do well again. :D

Oh, and if you can get a ride, go. It is worth it. There is a practice course to familiarize yourself with a car somewhat. The experience will well be worth it. 👍
This has been one of the dumbest arguments ever on this board, with some of the most twisted and flawed logic I have ever seen. You guys have gone from arguing what is cheating, to who has done it, to why its morally acceptable and not acceptable to some of you, to why its not really cheating, to why you need to do it, to why you don't need to do it, what is realistic and not realistic, and "if the game lets you make a questionable jump on the racing surface, then why can't we cut?" This thread is full of so much fail its ridiculous.

When in the end, all that there is, is a video game, a competition, and whatever they allow in the competition.
Meh, honestly I blame PD. This is the REAL reason damage and damage that effects your car should of been added to GT5. Not to for looks, to please fans or to have what Forza has. If someone tried to "wall ride" doing over a 100mph in a car, their car would wrecked.
this has been one of the dumbest arguments ever on this board, with some of the most twisted and flawed logic i have ever seen. You guys have gone from arguing what is cheating, to who has done it, to why its morally acceptable and not acceptable to some of you, to why its not really cheating, to why you need to do it, to why you don't need to do it, what is realistic and not realistic, and "if the game lets you make a questionable jump on the racing surface, then why can't we cut?" this thread is full of so much fail its ridiculous.

When in the end, all that there is, is a video game, a competition, and whatever they allow in the competition.

This has been one of the dumbest arguments ever on this board, with some of the most twisted and flawed logic I have ever seen.
All because a guy listened to his wife and gave erroneous rationalizations of why she was right. :lol:
All because a guy listened to his wife and gave erroneous rationalizations of why she was right. :lol:

I saw that guys post about his wife and didn't want to say anything because its not usually polite to talk about someones wife. The logic though behind almost every argument including the wife one is so twisted its ridiculous.

Tell me how frustrated you get reading this next line. I swear if we were hunting some of you would say, "Well I use a gun to shoot a bird, so shooting a person is no different because shooting is shooting and you are shooting something living so in actuality you are doing the same thing so if you shoot a bird you can't get mad at someone for shooting a person".

That is how dumb some of the logic is in this thread.
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