Round 2 Predictions Thread

Unfortunately the competition is sponsored by nissan, so I'm pretty sure we'll be in nissans only.

edit: unfortunately meaning I'd love to drive the SLS, I actually like driving nissans.
Congrats to everyone who made it through to Round 2. Here are my thoughts:

Cars: GT Academy is a promotion for Nissan and Nissan is using it to promote their performance cars, so, we’ll see the 370z and GT-R as the base of whatever cars we get. Hopefully they’ll be tuned and the GT Academy versions – but at the very least we’re not going to see any Sylvias or slow cars.

Tires: This has got to be the area of biggest compromise between Nissan and PD. The worse the tire the (arguably) more skilled the driver needs to be. So it gets better drivers which is what PD wants/needs. The problem is that it makes for a bad driving experience for a vast majority of gamers (mostly people who didn’t make round 2), and it’s unrealistic – I mean who is really going to buy a 370z and not put some RE-11’s on it? Tsukuba should have been on a racing soft; better for Nissan cause it makes the car feel awesome and indifferent for PD because Cape was the deciding factor not Tsukuba. That said, I’d love to see racing tires but I think we’re stuck with Sports: Medium or less.

Tracks: This is really up in the air. We won’t see any new update tracks, though it would be awesome if only round 2 players, then round 3, had an exclusive update with new/reintroduced tracks (Silverstone, Infineon, SS11, etc.) but it simply won’t happen as they don’t seem that creative or organized to pull it off. I like the reasoning that blindside has but I doubt Monza – it’s too flat out and the second chicane is an all-skate. I’m calling Madrid and the Nurberg GP, Both are really technical and will be challenging on the crap tires.

Players: While I’d expect plenty of the same guys to still be fast I think R2 is going to be a dog fight. For a lot R1 players the only goal was to get to R2 and it didn’t really take that much work. You could (and I did) take several weeks off and then spend a dozen hours or so and claim a middle spot, I’m 344 nationally. R2 will be different, with only 16 spots and a week, we’ll see some people putting in a lot more time studying replays, playing with lines and braking, and just generally being more committed.

Good Luck Everyone.
Unfortunately the competition is sponsored by nissan, so I'm pretty sure we'll be in nissans only.

edit: unfortunately meaning I'd love to drive the SLS, I actually like driving nissans.

Hah, completely forgot about that. Then yeah damn, it's gotta be some other Nissan... which I don't mind, just disappointed to realize there won't be anything else.

Ok so I'll retract the SLS and replace with a GT-R '07 I guess.
And at Madrid the same.
Hah, completely forgot about that. Then yeah damn, it's gotta be some other Nissan... which I don't mind, just disappointed to realize there won't be anything else.

Ok so I'll retract the SLS and replace with a GT-R '07 I guess.
And at Madrid the same.

Haha well I mean we did drive an infinity the first round ;)

And yes. I do know infinity is nissan's luxury branch so please, don't correct me.
Haha well I mean we did drive an infinity the first round ;)

And yes. I do know infinity is nissan's luxury branch so please, don't correct me.

It was still a Nissan b/c it was the Japanese version and they don't use the Infinity name there. haha sorry couldnt resist
I think hope I'll make it to round 3, but probably won't finish 2nd overall again. I'm a slower learner than the likes of Fix, 3wide, Choate, Zissou...:bowdown: and we all know Hunk is competing FTW 👍 ...and then there's other guys (e.g. z06fun) who could certainly put up a good round.:nervous:
I feel the same way. It took me quite a while to climb up the boards and only got up to 13th in the West. Granted, some of that was because getting accustomed to a wheel but still, I'm worried about all the sandbaggers that will leapfrog me. Making the cut will be quite a challenge for me but I'm looking forward to it. :)

On a related note, I'm glad there is a break in between rounds. My knees started acting up over the weekend and I have to limit my physical activity for a while as a precaution. On the other hand, I may be a bit rusty when Round 2 starts.
Tsukuba should have been on a racing soft; better for Nissan cause it makes the car feel awesome and indifferent for PD because Cape was the deciding factor not Tsukuba. That said, I’d love to see racing tires but I think we’re stuck with Sports: Medium or less.

You mean Sport Soft? I think Racing soft would have been a bit much.
I think whatever combination of tracks they have should be the easiest to delineate a legal driving line. PD wants to give a test that drivers can display all their skill, more so now that the field is narrowed.

With what's been said, I wouldn't be surprised with;
Fugi (World)
Madrid (City)
Grand Valley (Original)
im hopin for some rain, and maybe some nurby, but god i can only imagine the crap people would pull round there.... i guess im really hoping for a track with walls, never really been a big fan of street tracks, but at least we wont have to mow the lawn to get to the top 10. regardless of what it is i know i will be spending alot more time on round 2, only really got in 3 or 4 good sessions for rd 1. cant wait to get started!!!!!
I'm thinking they will be "providing" a stock GTR and a tuned academy version of the GTR. Suzuka(wet) and either Nurburgring(GP circuit) or Laguna Seca.

Cheers all, good luck and looking forward to round 2, and keeping all 4 wheels on course.

PSN: scca_ziptie
West Region sandbagger :)
I would hope a track without walls gets selected in retrospect... Some form of exploit will turn up no matter what, but walls feel more dangerous because if someone was to use them just right, its a very vulnerable exploit. Exploiting them would most likely go unpunished as well. I just want anything but the ring... HATTEEEE that track.
yeah, I agree. Wall exploits can be pretty ridiculous. You would think that the PD guys could just write the invalidation code to go off after any 1g+ impact with any wall at any point on the track.

I on the other hand would love to see the ring! But again, i'm sure somebody would find the spot on the track where you can mow grass. Come to think of it, wouldn't a super easy way to keep people to the racing surface be to have the same guidelines as the license tests? Invalidate if all 4 wheels go off the track, it'd be that easy..

Back on topic! I can see them throwing suzuka wet at us, but I also like the idea of a night event at some point in the next 2 rounds. If the winner is getting a seat in a 24 hour race, it only makes sense that they'd like to see us drive in a night event. Which one though, I'm not sure.
yeah, I agree. Wall exploits can be pretty ridiculous. You would think that the PD guys could just write the invalidation code to go off after any 1g+ impact with any wall at any point on the track.

I on the other hand would love to see the ring! But again, i'm sure somebody would find the spot on the track where you can mow grass. Come to think of it, wouldn't a super easy way to keep people to the racing surface be to have the same guidelines as the license tests? Invalidate if all 4 wheels go off the track, it'd be that easy..

Back on topic! I can see them throwing suzuka wet at us, but I also like the idea of a night event at some point in the next 2 rounds. If the winner is getting a seat in a 24 hour race, it only makes sense that they'd like to see us drive in a night event. Which one though, I'm not sure.

i was thinking that today as well, the guidelines on the license test seems to be the obvious solution to the mowing, slaming, or whatever else is going on. seems all too simple to me. dont get why it wasnt like that from the begining.... all the TT's should be setup that way, i mean this is such an easy, and obvious fix it boggles my mind as to why it is left the way it is. kinda lame really.
Exactly, they seriously should be set up this way. Problem solved. The quickest guys will still be quickest guys, but more effort will be spent on nailing the track as it's meant to be driven, instead of nailing the exploit. I mean, I'm no programmer but it doesn't seem like it'd be reinventing the wheel to apply the same invalidation case code from the license tests to the TT's.. But maybe (probably) I'm wrong!

Would also enjoy spending time lapping Laguna Seca if they threw that at us.
Agreed Cheef. In the real world the only people who intentionally go even 2 wheels off are NASCAR guys on road courses. In everything else drivers stay on track and get penalized if they cut a chicane or move over into a pit exit (even if there is no grass like Sebring or Valencia).

R1600 - Yeah, I think you're right about racing:softs being a bit much. I'm a marketing guy and so I tend to see everything from that angle. Nissan is sponsoring the event and one of the things they get for that is the opportunity for 50,000 contestants to drive a virtual version of their cars. It's a great opportunity for them to create an impression with a market that relates closely with the 370z target market. They had the chance for the 50,000 virtual test drives to generate a "wow, that 370z is a pretty fast little car, I think I'll go down to the dealer and test drive one" response. But, to put rock hard tires on they more likely got a "this car is almost undrivable" from the vast majority of gamers. Softer tires wouldn't have changed the rankings much cause it was only about 20% of the total time but could have made a better impression for a lot of players.

Now to qualify this a bit:
A.) This is completely anecdotal, for all I know I'm the only one who hated driving it and there are hoards of people out testing and buying them as a result of the promotion (I hope there are so Nissan sees a good return and continues the program).
B.) I've driven one in real life: They're top-notch. Crisp, responsive, good usable power. Great car in that segment.
C.) I believe that hard and soft tires each show different aspects of driving talent and I hope we see both in R2.
D.) Try and remember that if you're reading this and you were in the top say 2000 nationally you are NOT an average GT5 player. You are in the top elite percentiles. Just go back to all the press coverage videos of guys, who play video games for a living, who couldn't keep the car on the track to save their lives. Most people find this game really difficult to just drive around let alone go fast on hard tires.
Perhaps the top 10 ghosts / replays will not be available? I for one, am a huge fan of using ghosts and replays to help locate and fix my own inadequacies on track, but as I see it, this contest is to prove that I'm one of the top gaming drivers and hopefully top real life drivers (in the Gran Turismo world). Exploiting the talent of others to further myself kind of defeats the purpose.

Now, you're gonna say "well, just don't use the replays".....sorry, but I'm gonna use every trick available, as would *almost* everyone else. If they were not allowed, I think it would even the playing field.

I even thanked TRC_Hunk for my use of his ghosts in the "what's your ranking" thread, and I might place worse in rd 2 if ghosts weren't an option, but as I see it, it would be a fair elimination!

my.02 :)
If you are using the ghost replays to "learn" the fast way around the track, this isn't too much different if you were on track behind another car as you'd be able to "follow" them also.. I don't think it's an unfair advantage to be able to use the ghost lap, it even sometimes can mess with your vision or distract you by "looking" at the ghost car rather than the line. I found that I did change my line in a couple corners by watching some other(s) lines, but mainly used it for the "split times" to see where I was at compared to the pole time. One of the biggest "tools" for me personally was the data aquisition, pretty cool to helpful to have the overlay of your lap vs. the target lap's throttle, brake, etc.

Come on round 2 !!
If you are using the ghost replays to "learn" the fast way around the track, this isn't too much different if you were on track behind another car as you'd be able to "follow" them also.. I don't think it's an unfair advantage to be able to use the ghost lap, it even sometimes can mess with your vision or distract you by "looking" at the ghost car rather than the line. I found that I did change my line in a couple corners by watching some other(s) lines, but mainly used it for the "split times" to see where I was at compared to the pole time. One of the biggest "tools" for me personally was the data aquisition, pretty cool to helpful to have the overlay of your lap vs. the target lap's throttle, brake, etc.

Come on round 2 !!

Yeah, personally, I never follow ghosts, it only screws me up. Never did it for round 1. What I did do was watch the replays in the replay theater and look at the data logs to understand specific line and technique in a corner and understanding where I was faster or slower in different corners. It's a great tool to go faster 👍
Yeah, personally, I never follow ghosts, it only screws me up. Never did it for round 1. What I did do was watch the replays in the replay theater and look at the data logs to understand specific line and technique in a corner and understanding where I was faster or slower in different corners. It's a great tool to go faster 👍

I used the datalogger on every track. It's an amazing tool.
Take a look closely at the tracks listed here ... (directly from

Rd.1-2: SKYLINE Coupe 370GT Type SP '07 / Rome Reverse
Rd.1-3: 370Z Tuned Car '08 / Cape Ring

See how it says Rd.1-2 and Rd 1-3 (Round 1 thru 2 and Round 1 thru 3 ... It seems pretty clear to me that round 2 will be Rome Reverse and Cape Ring with the same cars/tires.

Round 3 seems to be just down to Cape Ring in the tuned 370Z. Bring your lawnmowers.
Take a look closely at the tracks listed here ... (directly from

Rd.1-2: SKYLINE Coupe 370GT Type SP '07 / Rome Reverse
Rd.1-3: 370Z Tuned Car '08 / Cape Ring

See how it says Rd.1-2 and Rd 1-3 (Round 1 thru 2 and Round 1 thru 3 ... It seems pretty clear to me that round 2 will be Rome Reverse and Cape Ring with the same cars/tires.

Round 3 seems to be just down to Cape Ring in the tuned 370Z. Bring your lawnmowers.

That should be read as Round 1 Part 2 and Round 1 Part 3... The Races in round 2 will read:

I see how you are looking at it ... guess we will find out who is correct in a few days.

You do realize that those are the three tracks we just drove?
Gator you are mistaken, 1-2 and 1-3 have nothing to do with round 2 and 3.
Perhaps the top 10 ghosts / replays will not be available? I for one, am a huge fan of using ghosts and replays to help locate and fix my own inadequacies on track, but as I see it, this contest is to prove that I'm one of the top gaming drivers and hopefully top real life drivers (in the Gran Turismo world). Exploiting the talent of others to further myself kind of defeats the purpose.

Now, you're gonna say "well, just don't use the replays".....sorry, but I'm gonna use every trick available, as would *almost* everyone else. If they were not allowed, I think it would even the playing field.

I even thanked TRC_Hunk for my use of his ghosts in the "what's your ranking" thread, and I might place worse in rd 2 if ghosts weren't an option, but as I see it, it would be a fair elimination!

my.02 :)
I don't think it's an exploitation of talent but more of an additional source of information that is readily available. In just about any competitive sport, the competition will often emulate what the ones of the top are doing. Does it always mean success? Not always. Having the knowledge alone isn't enough to meet or exceed the ones at the top. Someone has to have the talent to be able to get there.

At least Round 2 is much shorter than Round 1 so those with a slow learning curve will be at a disadvantage, even with the availability of ghosts.

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