* Round 3 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

  • Thread starter Duke
just take a screenshot of the page and post it here, I don't think it'll be a big problem...
I screenshoted also the mails, when they weren't supposed to be arrived to Duke ;)
try everything mate
okay, let`s try it ...


  • ofronk.JPG
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This is a BC, It has nothing to do with trust, just rules, some damn good driving and verification of the run. Even in the WRS it doesn't matter how trusted you are, if you're required to produce a replay and you don't, then the run isn't valid regardless.
This is a BC, It has nothing to do with trust, just rules, some damn good driving and verification of the run. Even in the WRS it doesn't matter how trusted you are, if you're required to produce a replay and you don't, then the run isn't valid regardless.

U´re right. But: for the 1:01:723 I´m not able to deliver the replay, for the 1:02:086 I´m able to. So normally it should be taken the slower but verificated run by accepting a loss in ranking and a loss of points.
Anyway: I donßt want to discuss. It´s my fault and I will accept the decision of the organisation. We´ll see their decision soon I guess :ill:
This is a BC, It has nothing to do with trust, just rules, some damn good driving and verification of the run. Even in the WRS it doesn't matter how trusted you are, if you're required to produce a replay and you don't, then the run isn't valid regardless.
He accidentally submitted a clean replay of a slower run than the original time submitted (which was accidentally deleted). No one is asking us to accept the faster run on trust - they're withdrawing the faster time and asking us to accept the slower time on the replay.

Technically, the slower time was not submitted to BC5 before the deadline as a backup time. However, there is documentation that the slower run was COMPLETED before the deadline, because the time is mentioned in a public post on their team board. That's what the screenshot is demonstrating.

In light of this, I'm thinking I will accept the slower time since it appears that the driver is behaving honorably and that the error was an honest mistake. I have a post on the Manager's Board asking for input, but unless there is much disagreement, I think I'm going to accept it. I'll make a final decision after I get some more input from the other teams.
we should really hear GTX and TT guys, more than everyone else, it's their word that counts here imo
The word of all the teams counts imho here.

If the 1:02,086 counts in the round 3 results, only the points of the Crazy Team would be the same and not higher as before, for the Teams GTX and Torc Talk, the points are anyway higher as before.

4.1: Time submittals: The times submitted shall be the time saved and indicated in the replay file itself. No other time source (such as Diary or Analyzer) shall be accepted.
Each time submittal must include the following information:

Team Name
Driver Name
Round #
Total Elapsed Time (ET)
Individual laptimes for multi-lap races
Where does it say that just the replay is acceptable? And it was 10 days after the race was completed. He we start bending the rules, where do we stop. Can I get another crack at my race then?
But he's not taking another crack at the race. He completed the slower time before the deadline. In fact he completed the FASTER time before the deadline also, but due to an error, he lost that replay. So the FAST time is thrown out because it cannot be verified.

But the slower time was actually completed before the deadline, and the matching replay was submitted by the replay deadline. You are correct, there is an irregularity in that the SLOWER time was not submitted by the deadline, but A TIME was submitted by the deadline, and there is clear evidence that the time matching the submitted replay was completed well before the deadline.

If we were waffling about a dirty run, I wouldn't hesitate to DQ it. But we're discussing a procedural technicality, not a track issue.
Fine then.
Look, please don't get angry. We've had enough of that lately. I'm trying to find a solution, if there is one, that follows the spirit of the rules. If I can't, then we'll fall back on the letter of the rules. I'm just not convinced that's the best alternative. I'm trying to explain why I'm not convinced, so that you and everybody else understands.

If he was talking about a memory card timestamp, I wouldn't consider it - you guys proved to me that those can easily be spoofed. But we have a forum post with a good timestamp that is available for public viewing and cannot easily be spoofed, if it can be spoofed at all. So this is giving me some confidence that the run was completed before the deadline.

I said above that unless there was serious disagreement I would accept it. It sounds like there's serious disagreement, and that matters. I'd like to arrive at agreement instead, but if we can't, then we'll have to take a technical enforcement of the rules. The team in question has already said they will accept whatever decision is made.
Duke, relax. I'm not mad. OK. I differ any official GTBN complaints to eggmann. He is the team boss. The open forum is not the place for this discussion and I won't post on this subject again. At least I'll try not too. :lol:
we should really hear GTX and TT guys, more than everyone else, it's their word that counts here imo

Everyone that is competing shouldhave an equal say ;)

Here's my post from the Manager's thread:

This an unusual situation. ofronk was confronted by r/l issues, which from what I read, led to the inadvertant deletion of his primary run. However, he was able to prove (Mistral's screenshot) that the backup run was completed before the deadline. I believe that, despite his technical error, that ofronk is responding honorably, including a willingness to accept a DQ.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to apply some common sense to an uncommon situation. That's not to say that anyone who wishes to adhere to the strict letter of the rules is excercising a lack of common sense, but merely an opportunity to apply what most of us strive for in OLR competition; honor among competitors.

This is just MHO; the backup run should be accepted.

That being said, I'll go with what the Race Steward decides ;)
While we are waiting for a decision on ofronk, what happened to Sangoku's replay? Its past the deadline. I know Mistral posted an inquiry at GTPlay. Any news?
Since the rules want proof via the matching replay it´s a DQ, agreed.

I already posted this yesterday but since it´s BC5, speed seems most important than reading the complete post.
We take the DQ and stay within the rules.

So please finalise Round 3 results and update the Team standings.
Thanks in advance.
While we are waiting for a decision on ofronk, what happened to Sangoku's replay? Its past the deadline. I know Mistral posted an inquiry at GTPlay. Any news?
Nothing. I don't know if they have a private section on their forum though. They should although. :P Maybe Béru has posted something in the captain's forum, here, while I was in class. 💡

Otherwise, no news from some replay and no sign of any.
I already posted this yesterday but since it´s BC5, speed seems most important than reading the complete post.
We take the DQ and stay within the rules.
It will not be necessary to take a DQ. I looked up the email from the original time submittal. I had forgotten it because I was going by the PMed message. The email was way down on the third page of the BC5admin inbox, but it was there and it was received before the deadline.
Team Name : GTRP

Driver Name: Ofronk
Round #: 3
Total Time : 1:02.086

Replay later

So there are a replay AND a matching time, BOTH received by the steward before the deadline. GTRP's time will be adjusted to the slower time since it is a valid submittal.

Whew! I'm glad we can put this to rest.
Thx to our steward Didi for sending this time by email. ;-)
Now I can sleep breathly..... after I´ve taken a late drink after all that trouble..
Hope every Team agrees now...
Keep on racing instead of discussing..... good luck
Thx to our steward Didi for sending this time by email. ;-)
Now I can sleep breathly..... after I´ve taken a late drink after all that trouble..
Hope every Team agrees now...
Keep on racing instead of discussing..... good luck
Yeah, keep racing as long as you're not concerned. :lol:

there is the replay of Gtplay for round 3


  • GTplay - Round 3 - Sangoku333 (BC5).xps
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