Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
That might be Popov, who committed a sin of telling the truth of RF's poor military structure.
We can't estimate how strong is Chinese army. Cases like this could become reason for Chinese overconfidence and next global conflict.
On the contrary, providing a sense of confidence is effective propaganda. If NATO makes visible poor choices on purpose it normalizes those poor choices and makes the enemy more likely to believe them. Makes a great ruse.
Crimean bridge damaged.



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Because the "West" is responsible for this war, we will suspend the grain export to hurt everyone!

- Russia, probably.
In the most shocking twist of all time, the civilian woman killed in the bridge collapse was a Z-warrior to the core, a home orc, if you will.

I don't know about you guys, but my ability to give a 💩 is quite minimal with MH17 and the countless oh-so-militarily-important missile strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets being a thing.
I cannot find a single **** anywhere to give about them.

If you're going on a holiday to a country at war, in an annexed part of said country, there's a decent chance the war comes close.

No pity what so ever.
Really sorry for girl, stupid morons as parents isn't God gift. Ironically, they were from Belhorod where consequences of war is most obvious.
Not a clue how reliable this newspaper is, or the fact that they're referring to Fox News, but if it's true that Wagner is testing the waters of NATO territory then it's simultaneously hilarious and frightening.

The Suwalki Corridor is the short border of Poland and Lithuania to the southwest-northeast which splits Kaliningrad from Russia from the northwest-southeast. The border is jagged but only about 40 miles in a staright line, with only two official border roadway border crossings but several very small farm roads along its length. There appears to be a single rail crossing and some sort of pipeline under construction. The point where Russia, Poland, and Lithuania meet is a large sparsely populated and heavily forested area so it truly would be very difficult to track infrantry entering Poland and Lithuania - there are hundreds of square miles of forest in that tri-border area.

Honestly I don't doubt that those idiots post video of them walking through the forest on Polish or Lithuanian territory, and I don't doubt that NATO does nothing about it. What I do know is **** NATO - the US alone has a whole lot of B-1, B-2, and B-52 pilots sitting around gritting their teeth really tired of flying back and forth to Guam for no reason. We appreciate y'all Europeans' membership and assistance, and frankly you're on the front lines and way closer to home than us, but don't forget that the US could move an entire army and clean Russia's house quicker than you could fire up those fancy Mercedes diesels. So chug some Red Bull and get ready to rip. If there's anything that really gets us Muricans exicted and united it's war.
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Not a clue how reliable this newspaper is, or the fact that they're referring to Fox News, but if it's true that Wagner is testing the waters of NATO territory then it's simultaneously hilarious and frightening.
While Kartapolov really said that, its bull****. Current Wagner is demilitarised and cut in half. After performance in Rostov, its hard to believe that Lukashenko would provide weaponry to Wagner.

Our ex-president and deputy chairman of Security Council of the RF constantly trying to scare everyone with nukes since 03.2022. Noone should take treats of RF seriously. Ignore and support Ukraine with weaponry.

Its bunch of incompetent lying thieves, not politicians or supervillains. Sometimes, Erdoganus looks like only one who understands how miserable they are.
If there's anything that really gets us Muricans exicted and united it's war.
Especially a war against Russia. Sure the MAGA idiots and the liberal tankies would bitch and moan, but a majority of us in the US remember the Cold War. Plus any Reagan loving Republican would be chomping at the bit to revive the whole "better dead than red" thing.

If war with Russia is inevitable (and it might not be), I would rather it happen sooner versus later so we can get on with the business of rebuilding Europe again.

I don't think this is a good idea at all and would be surprising. Kyrgystan is a nothingburger on the world stage or for the US or any of our allies, it wouldn't make sense to rope them into this.

Reuters says that Kyrgystan has "not been informed" and that apparently a "US paper" said we were considering sanctions. Considering, sure, we probably consider sanctions against our own allies. For example, Hungary has done more damage to Ukraine's position by blocking aid than Kyrgystan could ever possibly do by selling crappy weapons to Russia.

Where the hell did this news come from? It doesn't make any sense and borderline seems like a falsification.

Edit: Apparently the Washington Post (I can't read the article) wrote a story about the contraband pipeline running through Kyrgystan. Still, I think this would be an awkward escalation by the US to bring another country into this. There are numerous countries responsible for supplying Russia currently - like India buying resources and massively funding Russia's economy - so if you were to truly go after who was responsible you'd start a world war. That's obviously a ridiculous idea concerning some miserable conflict between Russia and Ukraine but probably something Russia would enjoy very much because it would be a massive distraction for the US and NATO.
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Apparently this was the guy who ordered the drones but received the sex toys.
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One difference between civilian and military as far as I'm aware is that memorization threshold for fighter pilots especially is way higher than what we do. They're tested on their spatial awareness of the cockpit and the ability to find controls with their eyes closed, and the physical aspect of immediate action items rather than just the mental steps. All we do is look at posters and spend a few hours in the sim - it can take up to a year for a civilian jet pilot to get their cockpit familiarization up to a "thoughtless" level. Military pilots are pushed to do that during training.

I spent about a month learning the Challenger 350 and about 1.5 months learning the CRJ. Many major airlines spend over two months teaching their crews but usually at a somewhat relaxed schedule. I have to imagine it would take at least 2 months to get Ukrainian pilots proficient at flying the F-16 but much longer to get them combat ready.

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