Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer

This article says it was two volunteers from an ex-Soviet nation, but was it actual volunteers?

In other news:

Meanwhile out of 10 Russian missiles launched from Russia’s Belgorod Oblast towards the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, all 10 exploded in the air, with debris from one accidentally hitting a thermal power plant in Belgorod.

Why stop at letting Russia have Crimea and the Donbas? Why not just give them the entirety of Ukraine and resolve the conflict entirely?
Don't pretend like there wasn't an ongoing conflict in these regions for the last decade and the number of Russian citizens in these regions could also explain why Russia wants to annex them.

Outside of Crimea, Russians are the largest ethnic group in [3] Donetsk (48.2%) and Makiyivka (50.8%) in Donetsk Oblast, Ternivka (52.9%) in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Krasnodon (63.3%) and Sverdlovsk (58.7%) and Krasnodonskyi raion (51.7%) and Stanychno-Luhanskyi (61.1%) raion in Luhansk Oblast, Reni (70.54%) and Izmail (43.7%) in Odessa oblast, Putyvl Raion (51.6%) in Sumy Oblast

For those still in disbelief that Nationalism is alive and well in Ukraine try to explain that from The Guardian

And also from BBC News Africa

Can you smell the Prednisone on Putin's hand while he is shoulder deep inside you?
Can you think for yourself?

Here's another piece of evidence that Nationalists are alive and well in Ukraine, Zelensky's personal bodyguards with Nazi insignias

Now I recommend watching the documentaries from TIME, BBC, The Guardian etc, that you can find on youtube, here's one of them

This is not being pro Russia, it's simply wanting to know If Ukraine is worth freezing over or being killed in a near future conflict that our leaders seems so eager to drag us all to.
Russians are the largest ethnic group
Most of Ukraine used russian language as main, it doesn't mean they want to be part of Putler Reich. There are reasons behind Kharkiv and Mariupol don't want to be part of RF.

Its one of Prigojin trolls?
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This is not being pro Russia, it's simply wanting to know If Ukraine is worth freezing over or being killed in a near future conflict that our leaders seems so eager to drag us all to.
Energy dependency on a totalitarian post-truth society that wants to conquer more than just Ukraine was never going to be sustainable. Better to dismantle that practically instantly right now than to dig even deeper into a point of no return.
Most of Ukraine used russian language as main, it doesn't mean they want to be part of Putler Reich. There are reasons behind Kharkiv and Mariupol don't want to be part of RF.

Its one of Prigojin trolls?
That's a nice strawman argument you got there.
I was just posting data and saying that could be the reason Putin wants to annex the territories. Perhaps you could write something more useful since you're apparently Russian and could explain to me If it's also about resources, which probably is I guess but I don't know for sure.

Either way I don't care about Putler when Zelensky himself is surrounded by far right fanatics and we already got enough to deal with here in Europe.
It's up to Russian people to get rid of Putin not us, and as I said before he's got what, a couple more decades to live and he certainly won't be in power If he gets to be 90! But man does this present the United States with a great opportunity for business! both in the energy perspective but also arms sales.

BTW I don't even know what prigojin is and to call me a troll your argument just falls flat because you have to call BBC, TIME, The Guardian, NBC etc trolls as well they all got documentaries on the Ukrainian Far Right.
Don't read that as an excuse for the war like Putin said at one point, it's probably resources? (You tell me).

Energy dependency on a totalitarian post-truth society that wants to conquer more than just Ukraine was never going to be sustainable. Better to dismantle that practically instantly right now than to dig even deeper into a point of no return.
Yea ain't that obvious? apparently not obvious enough to our leaders who laughed at the "orange man" for talking some common sense a few years back. I don't agree with the claim that Russia wants to conquer more than just Ukraine though, that's just MSM fearmongering rubbish.
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I don't understand how anyone has the patience to even entertain those posts.

Shooting in one of military units in Belgorod - 22 dead, 16 injured. Someone don't want to participate in war.


Confirming that the incident happened, but the death count is lower in the official reports from BBC and AP than the number reported from inCloud's sources.
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Meanwhile, Roger Waters has gone bonkers...
Sorry to jump back a few pages...

I've still bought tickets to see him at the O2. He's been bonkers for a very long time, basically since I was born at the end of the 70's. While I enjoy the fact that I've agreed with his position and the method with which he's put his view point across (i.e. his post Floyd Albums have been 10× better than Gilmour's), I'm not about to lynch him because on this occasion I think his words aren't in aimed in the right direction. You can't seriously listen to the likes of Radio KAOS, Amused to Death or Is this the life we really want, and think his questioning of the Western view on the wars we act in, has been much other than painfully scathing. To say he's gone bonkers 40 years after the wall is also quite the blinkered view.
Don't pretend like there wasn't an ongoing conflict in these regions for the last decade and the number of Russian citizens in these regions could also explain why Russia wants to annex them.

Outside of Crimea, Russians are the largest ethnic group in [3] Donetsk (48.2%) and Makiyivka (50.8%) in Donetsk Oblast, Ternivka (52.9%) in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Krasnodon (63.3%) and Sverdlovsk (58.7%) and Krasnodonskyi raion (51.7%) and Stanychno-Luhanskyi (61.1%) raion in Luhansk Oblast, Reni (70.54%) and Izmail (43.7%) in Odessa oblast, Putyvl Raion (51.6%) in Sumy Oblast

For those still in disbelief that Nationalism is alive and well in Ukraine try to explain that from The Guardian

And also from BBC News Africa

That doesn't answer the question at all.

Why stop at letting Russia have Crimea and the Donbas? Why not just give them the entirety of Ukraine and resolve the conflict entirely? Dead serious. You're suggesting giving Russia part of Ukraine. If that makes sense to you, why not just give them all of it and be done?

As for the "ongoing conflict", there's been ongoing conflicts in many countries in the region since the Soviet Union broke up. That's really neither here nor there as to who should be governing a certain piece of territory.
Here's another piece of evidence that Nationalists are alive and well in Ukraine.
As is the case with many countries at the moment. So what?
This is not being pro Russia, it's simply wanting to know If Ukraine is worth freezing over or being killed in a near future conflict that our leaders seems so eager to drag us all to.
You don't have leaders. You're from Antarctica. Antarctica isn't going to war on either side in the near future, so you're safe. So why do you care which side other people choose to support?
Either way I don't care about Putler when Zelensky himself is surrounded by far right fanatics and we already got enough to deal with here in Europe.
You claiming to be European now? Is that why you think you have a dog in this fight, instead of just ignoring it and going back to playing with penguins?
If it's also about resources
Main reason behind this ****show is that Putler affected by his own propoganda. Looks like you too.
Confirming that the incident happened, but the death count is lower in the official reports from BBC and AP than the number reported from inCloud's sources.
Officials said that 11/15 and massacre was initiated by non native, but there is audio from one of conscripts relative that states there are 22/16 and other news agency reporting that conflict happen between conscripts from Bryansk.

Anyway, this is first and will be more. You can't grab everyone from streets, give them guns, pull them in direction of foreign army and think that it want cause problems. It will.
BTW I don't even know what prigojin is and to call me a troll
That's a nice strawman argument you got there.
No, it's not.
I was just posting data and saying that could be the reason Putin wants to annex the territories. Perhaps you could write something more useful since you're apparently Russian and could explain to me If it's also about resources, which probably is I guess but I don't know for sure.
As has been explained to you, the percentage of speakers of a language is not justification for invading a sovereign state, if that were the case Portugal and Spain would have quite a bit to do in the Americas (again).
Either way I don't care about Putler when Zelensky himself is surrounded by far right fanatics and we already got enough to deal with here in Europe.
It's up to Russian people to get rid of Putin not us, and as I said before he's got what, a couple more decades to live and he certainly won't be in power If he gets to be 90! But man does this present the United States with a great opportunity for business! both in the energy perspective but also arms sales.

BTW I don't even know what prigojin is and to call me a troll your argument just falls flat because you have to call BBC, TIME, The Guardian, NBC etc trolls as well they all got documentaries on the Ukrainian Far Right.
Don't read that as an excuse for the war like Putin said at one point, it's probably resources? (You tell me).

This has already been addressed and ignored by you

What you seem to be doing is treating this as a zero-sum argument, it's not. The far-right in Ukraine is actually quite small, and it's more than possible to call them out and still support Ukraine's fight against an illegal invasion.

...nor have you addressed the point that every country has a far-right and in every case, they represent a percentage of the electorate and/or government, nor actually provided us with the data to support your claims that It's widespread (and no your sources don't do that).

Yea ain't that obvious? apparently not obvious enough to our leaders who laughed at the "orange man" for talking some common sense a few years back.
And what would be the common sense spoken by the man who attempted a coup in his own country?

I don't agree with the claim that Russia wants to conquer more than just Ukraine though, that's just MSM fearmongering rubbish.
Both Putin's words and actions show otherwise, he's already installed puppet governments in a number of former USSR states, stated a desire for Russia's borders to mirror those of the former USSR, and threatened Finland, Sweden, and Estonia to name but a few.
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And another one gone, and another one gone.
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too. Another one bites the dust.
Elon's money is Elon's money, it has nothing to do with SpaceX and their annual spending or earnings. This is a SpaceX expenditure, not an Elon expenditure.
Maybe it should be an Elon expenditure, after all he was the one "volunteering" in media to send his Starlink systems to Ukraine and the one to repeatedly twittering about how well it did the and how they send more.
If Starlink can't afford the 20$ million a month Elon sure can.
Most of Ukraine used russian language as main, it doesn't mean they want to be part of Putler Reich. There are reasons behind Kharkiv and Mariupol don't want to be part of RF.

Its one of Prigojin trolls?
To quote this again. Maybe I can't read or some of you can't. I posted data on the percentages of Russians on the disputed regions, nothing about spoken language statistics!
This does not address my argument in anyway, therefore it's a strawman.

As for people claiming the far right in Ukraine is just like in any other country, I don't know about you but I don't remember the last time I saw a leader in the European Union having bodyguards with a nazi patch on their uniforms. If I didn't know Zelensky wasn't a jew (according to timesofisrael anyway ) I would think the poor guy got kidnapped by these fanatics.

But maybe times of Israel is Russian propaganda? you guys tell me, I don't claim to know it all just trying to know things on a deeper level rather than believing anything MSM claims, specially when there's hardly any actual journalism these days, they've become news salesmen at best, propagandists at worst.

And I still don't buy it that Russia is a bigger menace to Europe, he did threaten a few EU countries in the context of the ongoing conflict and that's all, they're all supplying their enemy after all. Also If our governments were more interested in helping Ukraine than prolonging a war and making a ton of profit perhaps they would have delivered a lot more a lot sooner instead of delivering as fast as Putin can destroy them don't you think.
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And I still don't buy it that Russia is a bigger menace to Europe
Russia is the one threatening to use nuclear weapons. How are they not the bigger menace to Europe (or the world for that matter)? Other countries have nuclear weapons and don't wave them around multiple times per week save for North Korea, but they're just petulant toddler who wants more attention than an Instagram thirst trap.
Also If our governments were more interested in helping Ukraine than prolonging a war and making a ton of profit perhaps they would have delivered a lot more a lot sooner instead of delivering as fast as Putin can destroy them don't you think.
I don't think you understand logistics. It's not exactly easy to deliver military equipment to an active warzone. Countries also needed to figure out what sort of military equipment they could afford to give up. You can't deplete your entire stockpile. In addition to that, you need to figure out what can be operated by a military that likely doesn't have training on certain equipment or can read any other language other than Ukrainian. So yes, the US could've just given Ukraine M1 tanks, but the military wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to use them.

There are also a ton of processes involved when it comes to delivering aid and military equipment, it all comes from taxpayer money, and most of the western world has some sort of checks and balances in place before aid can be given and/or spent.
How much profit does anyone get from giving Ukraine stuff that had been sitting around in warehouses for so long that some of it was going to have to be scrapped soon anyway.
To quote this again. Maybe I can't read or some of you can't. I posted data on the percentages of Russians on the disputed regions, nothing about spoken language statistics!
This does not address my argument in anyway, therefore it's a strawman.
How is the number of Russians relevant?
As for people claiming the far right in Ukraine is just like in any other country, I don't know about you but I don't remember the last time I saw a leader in the European Union having bodyguards with a nazi patch on their uniforms.
What crimes did these so called Nazis commit?

If I didn't know Zelensky wasn't a jew (according to timesofisrael anyway ) I would think the poor guy got kidnapped by these fanatics.
You clearly didn’t read that article, or you misunderstood it completely. First of all, you have linked to a blog, not to an article written by Times of Israel. In fact, Times of Israel specifically writes that the opinions expressed in the blogs are those of the author and have nothing to do with them.


Second, the author doesn’t say that Zelensky isn’t a Jew, he’s claiming that Zelensky isn’t a Jewish hero. His opinion is that Zelensky shouldn’t celebrate Christian events and shouldn’t have married a non-Jewish woman. He does not dispute the fact that Zelensky is Jewish.

But maybe times of Israel is Russian propaganda? you guys tell me, I don't claim to know it all just trying to know things on a deeper level rather than believing anything MSM claims, specially when there's hardly any actual journalism these days, they've become news salesmen at best, propagandists at worst.
Try harder.
And I still don't buy it that Russia is a bigger menace to Europe, he did threaten a few EU countries in the context of the ongoing conflict and that's all, they're all supplying their enemy after all.
Sure he did. He threatened them with nuclear war. That’s all. What makes you think he won’t go after Moldova next? Or the Baltic countries? Or try to create a land connection to Kaliningrad?
Also If our governments were more interested in helping Ukraine than prolonging a war and making a ton of profit perhaps they would have delivered a lot more a lot sooner instead of delivering as fast as Putin can destroy them don't you think.
Hang on, you claimed that the war is bad because it ruins the economy. Now you claim that there’s a financial motive behind the war? Which one is it? You can’t have both.


About the mass shooting of soldiers in Russia, a source claims that it happened after a Russian commander told some Muslim soldiers that this is a holy war and that Allah is a coward/weakling.
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Also If our governments were more interested in helping Ukraine than prolonging a war and making a ton of profit perhaps they would have delivered a lot more a lot sooner instead of delivering as fast as Putin can destroy them don't you think.
No, I don't think so. You think materiel is being delivered at exactly the right rate for Putin to destroy it so that [someone] can make lots of money by being paid by [someone else]? As opposed to NATO and allies trying to balance how to support Ukraine but retain sufficient military power and supplies that if Ukraine falls they're able to defend themselves?

Righto. Have you tried hydroxychloroquine? I hear it reduces the hallucinations.

I mean, early days of the war it looked like sending anything that would take more than a few days would be a waste of time because it'd be over by then. Now it's unclear whether Russia can actually hold any Ukrainian territory long term, but the war could easily stretch to multiple years at this rate. You think it's unusual for supply strategy to change given the rapidly evolving situation?