OK, this tears it. I'm going to test-run an idea proposed by one of the other moderators. I think this is a highly appropriate time to see how it works out.smellysocks12Anyone who is for the death penalty is a nazi. I don't even care about whether this guy did it or not
Wrapping up this thread a little early, Smelly?smellysocks12Anyone who is for the death penalty is a nazi.
Are you done with your little tantrum? Good.smellysocks12Either way, adios to all the cool people here. It was fun speaking to you guys, you know who you are. Anyone else can go eat a sausage. Later!
The point is to make people realize they need to contribute to the forum.sicbeingDo the admins actually think that anyone will do homework for them? If someone is ignorant enough to get that much attention, why do you think they'll write you a 500 word essay based on the fact that they're ignorant?
Solid LiftersHe's no Sunday School student, no matter how much people think he has changed. He's a murderer, he started on of the mose deadly gangs of all time, he's been found guilty, he's been sentence to death. So what if he wrote some books? It doesn't bring back the lives of the poeple he's killed.
Carry out the sentence, and let the family members of the people whom he killed live in peace. They deserve peace, and he deserves death.
Viper ZeroThe punishment for murder in America is and can be death.
No amount of belly-aching will change the punishment. Tookie should have thought about his actions before he shot a man in the back of his head.
Arnold should terminate this thug.
Small_FryzDeath is the easy way out, a far far far worse punishment is solitary confinement.
Loniless is far worth than death.
Lock him up for the rest of his life, a long miserable life is much much worse than dieing.
I dont think they should ever kill people, if the crimes are that harsh put them in a room on their own, and feed them tins of food through a cat flap for the rest of their lives. The only people they get to see is the 1 person who cleans the cell or feeds them. This punishment is far worse.
Death is the easy way out once your dead you arnt suffereing. We will all die anyway so you muss well let him live out his life in missery just like the family members of the victimes he killed.
Because an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.McLaren F1GTRIf a guy kills another man, why shouldn't he die as well?
I partially disagree, but only because when somebody is living the rest of their time off in jail, you and I are paying for that. Once someones executed, theyre not a liability to society anymore but as long as that persons in jail, then those are wasted tax dollars.Small_FryzDoes anybody agree disagree with my view?
Small_FryzDoes anybody agree disagree with my view?
Since the topic went off topic after my post i was wanting to know what you guys think.
Small_FryzDoes anybody agree disagree with my view?
SwiftDeath is not the easy way out. Except for the taxpayers. I would rather that the murders were put to death then us having to pay 30K+ a year to have them live comfortably. Yes, I said comfortably. Being in jail is better then being homeless from a needs viewpoint. Obviously, being in jail is jacked up, but it's better then starving to death for a lot of people. Some even get cable, what kind of retarded garbage is that?
It's racially biased.
Swiftare you telling me that you're willing to let your tax dollars pay to keep him in a comfortable life?
why should someone die for a sin?
BlazinXtremeCare to explain this one?
JoeyThat mixes church and state right there, it doesn't matter if its a sin or not. I don't believe in sin, so therefore I don't believe in that statement.
BlazinXtremeRace does not excuse you from a crime.
Terry McVey was put to death and he was whiter then I.
But honestly I look at the prisions and see that more "minorities" are in there apposed to "white" people. Why? I'm not sure to tell you the truth, but it's not because the "white" man is trying to spite them.
And I believe in the death penalty. I think that killing someone would help cope with the lose of a person if I was part of the victims family.
BlazinXtremeAnd I believe in the death penalty. I think that killing someone would help cope with the lose of a person if I was part of the victims family.
If you're so worried about your tax dollars going towards prisoners, why not just abolish prisons altogether and let murderers run free? Wasted tax dollars is a pathetic excuse for killing him.SageI partially disagree, but only because when somebody is living the rest of their time off in jail, you and I are paying for that. Once someones executed, theyre not a liability to society anymore but as long as that persons in jail, then those are wasted tax dollars.