Schwarzenegger For Governor!

  • Thread starter Timmotheus

Would you vote for Arnold?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 70.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
*bumpity bump*

Well, sounds like Arnold ain't runnin', but chances are extremely good that Riordan will. (Who votes to dump Bill Simon off the ballot so that Riordan can garner more votes from his party? :D)
Yep. Ahnold is running for Califronia Governor. I just heard is little announcement that was recorded on my hard drive recorder. He said "I will bring back power to the people of California." He also said " I will clean house..." and get rid of special intrest groups.

His speech sounded a little on the weak side, with the same old politician gibberish. "I speak directly to the people of California... I will represent every Californian." He went on to say "We want to make sure that our children have the books, that they have a place in the classroom."

Well, what do you think? Will he win? Will he be a good California Governor? I will say this, he can't be worse than that piece of **** Davis.
I probably would vote for him, assuming that his politics were to my taste. I think he's a lot more intelligent than many people think - he's certainly gone beyond the whole Mr Universe thing, and has elevated himself to the point where he gets to pick what movies he does. Compare and contrast this with the likes of Dolf Lundgren and The Rock, and you may see my point.

Also, given that he's married to Maria Shriver, who is part of the Kennedy family (if I recall correctly), he should have a thorough awareness of the political scene, and would thus be more likely to avoid the usual pitfalls of a naive idiot.

I think him running for Governor has some potential.
I agree with everything you just said GG. He is a very savvy businessman and he did say he dosen't need, nor will he accept money from "Special Interest Groups."

He went on to say about the money he will loose from business deals missed, "Money isn't everything."

He said his plan to help the economy of California lies in helping businesses to survie, that too many are leaving California to save money. He hit the nail on the head there.
I'm glad he's running only because it makes this recall interesting. The thing that bothers me is that he might keep using those lines.
I like what he said on TV last night.

"The people are working hard. The peopla are paying their taxes. But the politicians can't do their jobs." Pretty succinct and poignant. Don't expect that from Bush. Interesting how an immigrant who earned everything he has is probably better suited for the job than our president.

I wonder if Arnold is a Libertarian in sheeps clothing.
It's slowly turning into a media circus.

First Larry Flynt. Now Movie action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger, "Diff'rent Strokes" star Gary Coleman, columnist Arianna Huffington, and Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante announced on Wednesday that they would place their names on California's October 7 recall ballot to replace Davis.

Also thrown in the mix is Gallagher (who most of you are too young to remember), D.L. Hughley and Angelyne (a billboard model?!?)

At least Jerry Springer too a moducume of decency and decided not to run.

Arnold will win. Gray Davis, start packing. My only hope is that Arnold will actually do something while in office.

And...TO bring this up since only one person has managed to sate this (are you all that young...?) Ronald Reagan was a star of teh SIlver screen before he became govenor of California, and then President. What's really odd is the son of his vice president is now the President.

I also had to add this from CNN.



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I think you voted in the election that Davis won, you should be able to vote in this recall election. If you didn't, you shouldn't.

The entire notion of a recall election is questionable to me, and that's even before you consider the fact that they are apparently for sale.
i think Schwarzeneggar's decision was a good thing, he has my vote. i think davis is such an a$$h0le and his moronic budget cuts and deals prove it. he's made so many promises that have yet to be completed, and why didn't he claim a state of emergency during the energy crisis???

if bush and his admin. hadn't manipulated the votes in the presidential elections so that he would win, maybe none of this would have happened?

please comment.:)
Originally posted by gS_*L()5t*
if bush and his admin. hadn't manipulated the votes in the presidential elections so that he would win, maybe none of this would have happened?
Nonsense. There is no evidence to support anything either way. just don't even bring it up. You can complain about Bush all you want, but remember, it isn't his job to manage California, it's Davis'.
Originally posted by Ethix101
nah, I definitely wouldn't vote for Arnold. It'd be way to hard to understand his speeches:D


What about gary coleman. what about a midget for mayor... no offense to any midgets our there
Originally posted by Timmotheus
Nonsense. There is no evidence to support anything either way. just don't even bring it up. You can complain about Bush all you want, but remember, it isn't his job to manage California, it's Davis'.


And if you actually think the nationwide economic recession had nothing to do with the recession in California, you're simply wrong.
Originally posted by M5Power
Actually, Davis' is technically correct too... when a name ends in an "s", you have the option of putting an apostrophe, or putting an apostrophe and another "s".


Ooh, time to go post in the new Arnold thread...
Originally posted by Sage
Actually, Davis' is technically correct too... when a name ends in an "s", you have the option of putting an apostrophe, or putting an apostrophe and another "s".

If the name has a vowel before the 's,' it's proper to do an 's' preceeded by an apostrophe. :)
Ohh... lets say, Miles.

Is it Miles's or Miles'.

Further, when speaking of the Miles family would you say the Mileses? Or the Miles'.
Originally posted by milefile
Ohh... lets say, Miles.

Is it Miles's or Miles'.

Further, when speaking of the Miles family would you say the Mileses? Or the Miles'.

example 1 - The Miles family had a reunion.

example 2 - That property belongs to the Miles'.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
example 1 - The Miles family had a reunion.


example 2 - That property belongs to the Miles'.
Not sure what this means, but I'd say either spelling is fine, though I'd use Miles', only because I wouldn't say 'Mileses.'

[size=-3]DISCLAIMER!!!!! This post is not intended to be a personal attack towards Red Eye Racer or anything he represents. If it is construed as such an attack it is merely a coincidence and was not this post's or this poster's intention.[/size]
Originally posted by M5Power
Not sure what this means, but I'd say either spelling is fine, though I'd use Miles', only because I wouldn't say 'Mileses.'

Possessive for singular nouns ending in 'S' can be either:
- Miles'
- Miles's

I tend to use the first version.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
example 2 - That property belongs to the Miles'.
That's wrong. In that sentence, Miles isn't possessive. If you rearrange the sentence to "That's the Miles' property," it works. Fix it.

Doug sucks, but insert his disclaimer here anyway.
Originally posted by M5Power
And if you actually think the nationwide economic recession had nothing to do with the recession in California, you're simply wrong.
How the hell did that come up? I didn't say anything to that effect. At all.
Originally posted by vat_man
Possessive for singular nouns ending in 'S' can be either:
- Miles'
- Miles's

I tend to use the first version.

No, you're supposed to use 's following a vowel and a final s! You're not supposed to use it after consonants.

Floss's isn't right.
Klos' isn't right.

Originally posted by Timmotheus
How the hell did that come up? I didn't say anything to that effect. At all.
You were going there and it's a slipperly slope.

Plus, I know you'll back Bush - you're a Compassionate Conservative (minus 'compassionate').