Schwarzenegger For Governor!

  • Thread starter Timmotheus

Would you vote for Arnold?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 70.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Timmotheus

Doug sucks, but insert his disclaimer here anyway.

Actually, the only posts he takes personally are posts which are personal to him and anything I say, so you don't need the disclaimer.

[size=-3]DISCLAIMER!!!!! This post is not intended to be a personal attack towards Red Eye Racer or anything he represents. If it is construed as such an attack it is merely a coincidence and was not this post's or this poster's intention.[/size]
Originally posted by M5Power
No, you're supposed to use 's following a vowel and a final s! You're not supposed to use it after consonants.

Floss's isn't right.
Klos' isn't right.


Disagree - I don't know where you got the "ss's" rule , and " Klos' " is correct, it's the older version - people tend to use " Klos's " to better reflect the pronunciaton.
Originally posted by vat_man
Disagree - I don't know where you got the "ss's" rule

None of these are rules, nothing in grammar is absolute. Probably.

and " Klos' " is correct, it's the older version - people tend to use " Klos's " to better reflect the pronunciaton.

No! It's because of the vowel preceeding the 's!' Everybody knows this by now!
Originally posted by M5Power
No! It's because of the vowel preceeding the 's!' Everybody knows this by now!

Well, I disagree - but, hey, it's not like when we talk about grammer, we're referring to "its' rules" - :lol: ouch.
Originally posted by M5Power

None of these are rules, nothing in grammar is absolute. Probably.

No! It's because of the vowel preceeding the 's!' Everybody knows this by now! [/B]
Actually, it's not.
" S' " is usually used just in formal writing, and when referring to ancient names. For instance, have you ever seen "Zeus'" represented as "Zeus's"? I think not.
"S's" is correct, but it has nothing at all to do with vowels. It is also usually used by elementary school, middle school, and most high school, students. Probably the majority of college students as well. Of course, their professors know better. Or they do at the moment. Until Monday at least.
Originally posted by vat_man
Well, I disagree - but, hey, it's not like when we talk about grammer, we're referring to "its' rules" - :lol: ouch.

Did you say 'grammer?'

i think that's on the 7th of october, if davis is recalled.

****ing ACLU is trying to get that pushed back.
I didn't read any of the posts in this thread. Not even this one. I will say that I would vote for him. Though I haven't seen the other 412 candidates.

I also heard that Terminator 3 cannot be played in Californian movie theaters because he is running for state office; is this true?
Okay, its true that I am not American but i have lived in Cali for 3 years before moving back to the UK....

Arnold for Governer?...i think its ridiculous...

Cali needs a man who knows how do deal with a state that has a major drug and violence and gangster effective will Arnies proposals be?

my opinion is that in a state where Hollywood is king and the movie rule, what the people of Cali want is the Terminator for Governer, not an Austrian veteran actor...someone with a leather jacket, a pair of cool shade and a big mutha' of a gun...

i think californians find it difficult to seperate Arnie from the Terminator.

Originally posted by TurboSmoke

Cali needs a man who knows how do deal with a state that has a major drug and violence and gangster problem.....

That job is really not one for the governor - James Hahn needs to address this problem, considering it's his city and surrounding cities where it's the problem. Plus - California is in no way like this; only in the bad areas, which are few and far between - sorry to disappoint all you foreigners with your odd misconceptions of California, but outside of parts of Los Angeles, San Diego, and small parts of San Francisco (and the whole of Sacramento, but that's my opinion), California's got a pretty damn good record. Debate it all you want to but it's true - all the foreigners with a penchant for violence and gangsters as they see in movies will be sorely disappointed - you can find more interesting stuff in Mexico. LA as a city doesn't even have any bad areas, considering it's got very small boundaries; the problems are to the south and southeast in suburbs like Compton and Paramount.
Originally posted by M5Power
LA as a city doesn't even have any bad areas

sorry M5, i know you live in this area but i find that comment hard to believe....with respect, EVERY city on the planet has its 'bad areas' and its gangsters.....

however the T1000 would make short work of any gangster...;)
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
sorry M5, i know you live in this area but i find that comment hard to believe....with respect, EVERY city on the planet has its 'bad areas' and its gangsters.....

however the T1000 would make short work of any gangster...;)
In this case, they are in the county, but not in the city. LA, as a city, is actually quite small.