- 29,368
- Glasgow
- GTP_Mars
Upon gaining independence, Scotland will not have EU membership - it will have to negotiate its way in. rUK, Spain and others may veto or otherwise hinder Scotland's application for a whole variety of possible reasons - for example, why would rUK (who would retain EU membership) negotiate in favour of Scottish entry to the EU if the SNP follow through on their threat to not accept any of the UK national debt?From a position of full independence, Scotland could if it so desired, do something about its EU membership.
The nationalists are adamant that Scotland will automatically be an EU member state, despite the fact there is no basis for this claim in law... but this is absolutely typical of the SNP/Salmond - they genuinely believe that they can get their way on anything by insisting on what a good idea it is, rather than focusing on the reality. Salmond may well be right to say that automatic EU membership for an independent Scotland would be 'common sense', 'logical' and 'a good idea', but there's no law or precedent that says it will actually happen, especially when Salmond also seems to think that he can dictate the terms of Scottish membership as well e.g. not only will Scotland be automatic members of the EU if it becomes independent, but it will not take the Euro or have a central bank either...