Screen bouncing on GT4!! WTH

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Just thought I'd throw my solution out there. I had the shaking problem on a lot of courses like you guys described, so I thought it may be a framerate problem. I went to the Video menu in GT4 and turned the brightness down 2 notches (was at 2, now at 0). This elminated 90% of the shaking, and there is very little difference in the graphics. Hope this helps.
i am using a slim ps2 with an rf adapter (old tv) and the "shaking" happens to me as well. its not THAT bad but its still a minor annoyance.
Just thought I'd throw my solution out there. I had the shaking problem on a lot of courses like you guys described, so I thought it may be a framerate problem. I went to the Video menu in GT4 and turned the brightness down 2 notches (was at 2, now at 0). This elminated 90% of the shaking, and there is very little difference in the graphics. Hope this helps.

If that's the case, that's very odd. Shall give it a try though:)
Im nick naming my copy of GT4, "The Jitter Bug". Dude I'm gonna be so embaressed when my buddies see the jittering on my High Def. Or maybe I'll nick name it ,"The DUI Simulator".
i found this bug out too, pretty peaved that it took so long to realease to have such a apparant glitch. im running the slim with s-video and i just pause it and it goes away.
My HDTV only jitters with GT4 when i'm in B-Spec mode and looking at the Information screen (where you can change the speed of the race, etc).. but every where else it seems to be jitter free.. Since I don't spend a lot of time in B-Spec mode as it is, I don't care about it jittering some.

Aside from the jitter, 1080i on my 53" Panasonic is off-centered and doesn't fill the whole screen.. I figure this is a combo between the game developers and the PS2 hardware itself.. I'm using the Sony branded PS2 component cables.

this screen shaking is a frame rate issue, whenever every car is on the screen the frame rate drops and the screen shakes, you cant buy cables to fix it, just happens when six cars are all reflecting everything around them, if you use the bumper cam the most the problem doesnt happen as often, certain places though will cause it to happen every time. oh well it sucks, but it also means that the PAL version will most definitly behave the same way.

This is the exact case on my TV too. When a lot of detail is on the screen you notice this. Driving in hood or bumper cam eliminates some of the detail strain and it doesn't bounce so much. PD should have fixed this. It's kind of annoying because it takes away from the replays. I'm still enjoying the game like crazy, but the game would be that much more enjoyable without this jumping issue. Oh well I guess .....
S-Video made a HUGE difference for me i recomend it to ANYBODY!

Well, the reason they had composite input of RCA cables is because they can seperate the S-video into different components to make the quality better, I really dont' know how an S-video cable would be any better than the RCA cable..... 💡
Just thought I'd throw my solution out there. I had the shaking problem on a lot of courses like you guys described, so I thought it may be a framerate problem. I went to the Video menu in GT4 and turned the brightness down 2 notches (was at 2, now at 0). This elminated 90% of the shaking, and there is very little difference in the graphics. Hope this helps.

I didn't have this problem on my 53" 16:9 Panny, but this problem did show up on my 23" 4:3 Tv. However your post did remind me that I DID change the brightness setting higher for the 23" tv (only because it was a bit darker than I wanted). I've got to try that at home later and dial down the setting. Thanks!
Until I saw this thread I never would have even thought about it. I assumed it was framerate loss like a lot of people mentioned. I guess it doesn't happen enough for me to notice. Sounds like it's happening before the racing, so forget about it. The meat of the game is the racing.

I'm running component cables on a 42" Sony Grand Wega HD.

About the loading issues: if you have your PS2 sitting horizontally, stand it up vertically or vice versa. I was so angry when I popped the disk in and the game wouldn't load pass the "Playstation 2" logo. After a couple of obscenities, I flipped it vertically and everything loads perfect. But then again, my PS2 is ancient. I got it the first day PS2 came out. Hope this helps some of you having loading problems.
Its night and day. If you are running RCA now switch to S-vid, it is so much better, almost makes you feel like you are looking at a computer monitor because its so clear .

Well, the reason they had composite input of RCA cables is because they can seperate the S-video into different components to make the quality better, I really dont' know how an S-video cable would be any better than the RCA cable..... 💡
[QUOTE='89beretta]Until I saw this thread I never would have even thought about it. I assumed it was framerate loss like a lot of people mentioned. I guess it doesn't happen enough for me to notice. Sounds like it's happening before the racing, so forget about it. The meat of the game is the racing.[/QUOTE]

Mine happens during racing, and on replays as well.... I hope I can find some remedy for this. I might just have to bu another TV... :banghead:
I didn't waste my time reading all 10 pages of this post (rather be racing) but I did want to reply:

I too have this problem although my bug seems to be a bit more prevalent. sometimes it happens for a few seconds WHILE I'm racing, and almost always happens at the starting line-up.

FOR those who don't know, this is an interlacing problem. This is what it would look like if you tried to run an NTSC ps2 on a PAL set or vice versa. NTSC interlaces even lines first and PAL interlaces odd lines first. Or other way around... not important.

I have a feeling that this bug will be fixed in a couple months when newer releases of the game come out.

I must say that I expected PD to not have any bugs this major, but considering they pulled off one heck of a game on the old ps2, I refuse to whine about it. Going to buy an S-video tomorrow to see if the problem decreases.

just trying to save some people some money.
Just thought I'd throw my solution out there. I had the shaking problem on a lot of courses like you guys described, so I thought it may be a framerate problem. I went to the Video menu in GT4 and turned the brightness down 2 notches (was at 2, now at 0). This elminated 90% of the shaking, and there is very little difference in the graphics. Hope this helps.
Just tried it. So far it seems as though it does help a lot. Thanks!
[QUOTE='89beretta]Until I saw this thread I never would have even thought about it. I assumed it was framerate loss like a lot of people mentioned. I guess it doesn't happen enough for me to notice. Sounds like it's happening before the racing, so forget about it. The meat of the game is the racing.

I'm running component cables on a 42" Sony Grand Wega HD.

About the loading issues: if you have your PS2 sitting horizontally, stand it up vertically or vice versa. I was so angry when I popped the disk in and the game wouldn't load pass the "Playstation 2" logo. After a couple of obscenities, I flipped it vertically and everything loads perfect. But then again, my PS2 is ancient. I got it the first day PS2 came out. Hope this helps some of you having loading problems.[/QUOTE]

This guy is golden!

See? Play the game on Sony Grand Wega in 1080i mode doesn't seem to have any bounces at all! Just as I said before.
Just thought I'd throw my solution out there. I had the shaking problem on a lot of courses like you guys described, so I thought it may be a framerate problem. I went to the Video menu in GT4 and turned the brightness down 2 notches (was at 2, now at 0). This elminated 90% of the shaking, and there is very little difference in the graphics. Hope this helps.

The only logical reason I can think of for that is because, a like on a PC.
The hardware has to work hard and when you turn the brightness down. The graphic's card doesn't have to work as hard. The graphic card won't have to create the same exact texture/graphic with a higher intensity (brightness) compared to a lower one.

Basically less load on the graphics card which in turn... help the graphic car to actually work more process, giving a "slightly" higher FPS which gives you a smoother feel of the game.

Default settings: graphic process + output (brightness) = Load on the PS2 hardware
Changed brightness settings: graphic process + Less output (brightness) = Still load on the PS2 hardware but the PS2 hardware has relocated some of the process that did the output onto the graphic. In turn giving better response to the graphic portion which gives the audience a better FPS or smoother feel.

Hope that kind of made sense to you guys...

All in all, I would just wait for a newer copy of GT4 in the next few months or year(s).
Assuming PD will fix this problem in later versions.

If you find the jitters, I would suggest you use S-Video then and not RCA/components. Just do the normal and not the 480i; 1080i (HDTV mode).

I found out, I only got the jitters when I switch s-video to components for the higher rez.

S-video gives the whole game a smoother yet better then regular analog RCA (not component RCAs); but still obtaining jitter free gameplay.
Just another thing I like to bring up...
We have the US version of GT4 NOT the original, thus will we have possible video problems for a good majority of the players. They had to translate, filter a lot of things to make it for our standards and obviously it wasn't a great 100%.

Also to answer some... 1080i didn't help if you had jitters with S-video already because when you change to a sharper or higher rez... you will see the jitters even more.

And I notice some-ways down this thread. There was this whole "import vs domestic" brought up... honestly... for my opinion, both are great. a car is a car... if it won't move then it is scrap metal.

And if you really want to be narrow minded and go the "import vs domestic" route... you have to ask yourself more of the question... year/model make, user and the environment the car was driven in.

You can have two decently built "ford" but one is being used in more city terrain as another in rural,suburb or mountain. The one being in rural/suburb/mountain will probably have a suspension or tranny that degrads faster as opposed to the city one but the city one may have brakes and engine problems faster... Its too many variable to just compare import vs domestic. That all in all is idocracy to compare anyways... should think more like... what you have and if it works or not.

Peace .02 ;)
Another temp fix is this:

If after lowering your brightness you still have the jitters while you are racing, pause the game for a second. The very few times this has happened to me during a race I just pause, unpause, and no more jitters. I guess it allows the poor PS2 to catch up.

Anyone else notice it happens more in the night-time city tracks? Makes sense since there's a lot more to render on those tracks.
I've been having these issues as well but I'm using a 27" Sony TV. What I've done to cure the issue is press L1 for a quick rear view glance then it goes away.
I just called Sony tech support about this. The woman I talked to didn't seem to know about it, but after she spoke to her tech superviser she mentioned turning down the brightness. I thought she meant on my TV, not in the game. Now from this thread I know to turn it down in the game. Turning down the brightness gives a marked improvement but doesn't completely eliminate the bouncing problem. I wonder if they fix this they'll recall the game, like they did with early copies of GT2 with the save bug. In any case, the woman offered to exchange the game for a new copy, but I'll pass on that.

Flo_Evans is right, this is a problem with limited VRAM on the PS2, and drawing the wrong screen for the interlacing.
Anyone try the trick yet that someone suggested regarding the music? Someone else (forgot who) said that if you turn the music off (not volume to zero, but completely off) this will also help because the PS2 doesn't have to use resources to choose a song at the beginning of a race. This particular fellow claims this technique has improved the problem for him.
Someone else (forgot who) said that if you turn the music off (not volume to zero, but completely off)...

And would you happen to know how to do this? There is no on/off feature except in Replays (and it makes no difference). There are only volume controls in the Options menu.

Otherwise... why the hell are we still talking about this? It's a glitch. There's not a damn thing we can do about it.
And would you happen to know how to do this? There is no on/off feature except in Replays (and it makes no difference). There are only volume controls in the Options menu.

Otherwise... why the hell are we still talking about this? It's a glitch. There's not a damn thing we can do about it.

Ah, here we go. Post #73.

Apparently you delete them from the jukebox playlist...
It only happens at the begining like during the rolling start and on one course for about the first 5 seconds after the rolling start. Does anyone know what the deal is with this? Do I have to change some settings or something? It isn't my TV obviously because it happens at the exact same time, and my TV is a brand New Wega. Any idea's guys? Or is this a stupid glitch I will have to get used to? :indiff:
I have DFP gas it and then let go and then gas it again and it should be gone. That's how i got rid of it try it. 💡
something a little intresting maybe you might want to know. i first got my copy of the game on the 23rd. that copy had screen bouncing during rolling starts only. nothing much that i really cared about although having it gone would be great. that copy got scratched so i returned it and got another one. i started playing my second copy when i noticed that this copy also bounces around during the rolling starts and continues to do so even a bit longer than the first copy i had but always stops when you get into your driving view you use (both copies). both of the copies are run on the same tv and ps2 and stuff. might plug it in to my lcd monitor later (maybe this weekend) and see what happens.
I don't know if this has been clarified or not, but people keep writing in here about 50Hz vs. 60Hz.

Hertz is a frequency or rate, and in terms of US vs. Japan/UK, they're referring to the sinuosoidal AC voltage frequency coming out of your wall. It has absolutely nothing to do with the frame rate of the game. The frame rate is generated by the video card anyway and the CPU's processor. US voltage runs at 110V 60Hz, and Japan/UK runs at 100V 50Hz. This is a power source for the PS2, and it's power adapter is works universally for both power inputs. Therefore, the system in terms of power is optimized for both power levels. And if you don't know, most of the power signal is filtered or modified into a straight line DC voltage which means the frequency becomes meaningless (it's only an AC to DC conversion factor).
II oni II
I don't know if this has been clarified or not, but people keep writing in here about 50Hz vs. 60Hz.

Hertz is a frequency or rate, and in terms of US vs. Japan/UK, they're referring to the sinuosoidal AC voltage frequency coming out of your wall. It has absolutely nothing to do with the frame rate of the game. The frame rate is generated by the video card anyway and the CPU's processor. US voltage runs at 110V 60Hz, and Japan/UK runs at 100V 50Hz. This is a power source for the PS2, and it's power adapter is works universally for both power inputs. Therefore, the system in terms of power is optimized for both power levels. And if you don't know, most of the power signal is filtered or modified into a straight line DC voltage which means the frequency becomes meaningless (it's only an AC to DC conversion factor).

Thank you I knew I wasn't going mad, 50hz doesn't automatically mean 50fps.

Drifter K
why does the graphics not so detailed and smooth when up close (such as the logos on the tracks)?

Low res/detail textures on objects that aren't really needed to be perfect, it's called being resourceful so the PS2 can push all the beautifully modelled cars around at a nice silky framerate :)
In the thread "USA First Impressions," I have included my commentary on the Driving Dynamics in the car. The screen shaking kind of makes some people like "what the hell is this?" But if you ask me, I like it. It makes you feel like you're actually in the car taking the same amount of punishment. Since winning races is harder now, a big mistake may just ruin your race. You'll need to do your best to win because it's tougher than in past GT games. When I ran Seattle earlier today in the game, I banged into the wall in the final turn complex (normal direction), and I spun out. After that, I knew my race was only 50% over. The physics are much different than in past GT games.

If you ask me, if you really want to feel like you're actually DRIVING, then first-person view is your best deal. Of course, there's always Chase Cam and Roof Cam. I wanted to save my comments until I actually have played the game. So there you go.

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