Screenshots & Pictures (PS4, XB1, WiiU)

Re: Until Dawn: @MeanElf
Deleted! Roleplay/Horror is not for me.

I had some spare time the past few days and with having more storage now I have been trying a few different games in between the racers..So I also loaded up Uncharted4 with the new game coming out I wanted to see the 4k detail..Up close it really does make a difference!!

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I've not downloaded Until Dawn yet Mr @torque99 - it's meant to be quite gory and definitely will give you more that a few scare moments from what I've heard. As my wife has just completed Horizon Zero Dawn and likes horror, I'd say wait and I'll report back in a few days.
I've not downloaded Until Dawn yet Mr @torque99 - it's meant to be quite gory and definitely will give you more that a few scare moments from what I've heard. As my wife has just completed Horizon Zero Dawn and likes horror, I'd say wait and I'll report back in a few days.

Edit: Deleted Until Dawn
I can't understand how the Crew with 5000Km2 of roads and car detail is only 22GB with all the expansions? :confused:
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...I can't understand how the Crew with 5000Km2 of roads and car detail is only 22GB with all the expansions? :confused:
It's probably done with procedural generation - in as far as I understand it: only the framework for the map exists beyond the immediate area and the details get filled in as you approach. many other games use it to a lesser extent. FUEL (I know I do go on about it, but it's the biggest) on the previous generation was able to provide a 14,000Km² map which when calculated would have required a staggering amount of disc space to store it all. The studio behind it got called in to try and make The Crew work on the 360 - they are onboard again for The Crew 2.

- PS4
- Screenshot
- Dying Light

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@MeanElf I couldn't get on with any horror games ^^ so I deleted that one above!. Since then I have tried a few free demos- Hitman (Ps4 Pro), MafiaIII (Ps4 Pro), Watchdogs2 (PS4 Pro), Homefront (revolution) (PS4 Pro) and I 'm afraid I have deleted all these as they are not for me and I couldn't seem to get on with them but did try very hard to like them but they all frustrated me with 'forced' puzzles to solve before you get to move on and no flow to the games that really gets to me (Like lara croft!).

I did however like Mass Effect Andromeda! The graphics in 4k (PS4 Pro) are really detailed :bowdown:and the story and action held me on to the first planet!..Having read many negative reviews on this site I wasn't going to try it out but I am glad it is now a trial (10 hours) to get a feel for it and I am very tempted!

@MeanElf @imported_rik19 @doblocruiser @RL_23 How did you find the Free trial or do you have the full game?

@torque99 I wasn't aware of a demo to be honest. I did try the previous game but didn't like the 'over-the-shoulder' focus that it had. I might well give it a go as I tend not to pay attention to what the plebs say regarding a game - I like it, or I don't and I have no need to go and slam something that didn't tick my box accordingly ;)

I'll let you know tomorrow my friend. Shame Watch Dogs 2 didn't appeal, it is quite a puzzle heavy game in that respect, though, you can just drive around and stir things up and not play the game, if you're so inclined :D
@torque99 I wasn't aware of a demo to be honest. I did try the previous game but didn't like the 'over-the-shoulder' focus that it had. I might well give it a go as I tend not to pay attention to what the plebs say regarding a game - I like it, or I don't and I have no need to go and slam something that didn't tick my box accordingly ;)

I'll let you know tomorrow my friend. Shame Watch Dogs 2 didn't appeal, it is quite a puzzle heavy game in that respect, though, you can just drive around and stir things up and not play the game, if you're so inclined :D

Cheers @MeanElf 👍 To find the link~ It shows up in demos but does not seem to give you the trial. I found I had to search the actual full game in the PS Store then go in to it to buy and the 'Free 10hr trial' shows up there to click on 👍

Re: Watchdogs etc mmm I have made a real effort this last year or so to 'Branch out' from my usual Driving games seeing you all on here in this GTP forum enjoy them all. I have tried all these open/puzzle type games ~ GTAV, Lara Croft, Fallout4, WDogs1, Batman and Infamous 2nd Son which I couldn't get on with, they are just not for me! I have now come to this conclusion! :ill: (I enjoyed the graphics and the Photomodes though)

...So although Horizon Zero Dawn looks stunning and has a decent photomode:nervous: I so far have avoided it, unless you think I will enjoy it otherwise.?

But... For some reason Mass Effect, UC4 and the Order 1886 I really enjoyed :confused:. Maybe I liked the story modes, QTE and the graphics on the PS4 Pro?

..But I have at least tried them all, and have now found my games lists consists of games that are
95% driving/racing! :yuck: :sly:
But I have also enjoyed the odd game of PES/Fifa and 'Shoot em ups' BF1/4, COD and Doom etc :gtpflag:
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...So although Horizon Zero Dawn looks stunning and has a decent photomode:nervous: I so far have avoided it, unless you think I will enjoy it otherwise.?
Fair enough, they're not for everyone. You enjoyed Mad Max and to some extent Doom? HZD like those doesn't have puzzles, just you and a variety of machines/bandits to kill. In that respect, it's essentially an FPS game with a skill-tree, so not truly an RPG as you only have the one character. It's shooting, trap laying and stealth with as much exploration as you care to take on - no QTEs.

Thanks for the tip. I did look last night and was about to ask whee you found the demo because only the pre-order version was in the demo slot...will give the game search a go.

...also mr @MeanElf I also couldnt get along with watchdogs 2, I never even got to the driving about bits which I wanted to do, I was still stuck in the beginning bit which did my head in..big time, so took the disc out and deleted it..
Yeah, those puzzles can get pretty tricksy. No worries though, plenty of games to play still :cheers:
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@sebmugi Destiny2 Beta It looks very detailed :bowdown:. I do like the PS4 Pro when a game is released with 4k detail it makes a big difference to the quality of photos :cheers:

I picked up WRC6 in the Summer sale cheap and gave it a go with thanks to @imported_rik19 help 👍 & Mr @Scaff 's GTP mini video review! :gtpflag:..I also do not have too many dislikes apart from the screen tearing and some of the frame issues. I went in to this not expecting much not having had a WRC for a while and also the bad reviews it seems to get.

I had an hour or so with the DS4 and it handles great out the box. Interiors look good and I like the different Rally courses/2 car races. The Showroom is cool too. Overall I think at £15 not a bad buy until WRC7..(Also shame no photomode only quick screenshots I took on the way through-cropped the menus off the bottom on some)👍
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Edit: @ScandyFlik Did you pick this up? What do you think?
- PS4
- Photomode
- No Man's Sky

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I must say photo mode in this game is really nice and enjoyable :) I love especially option to choose sun position :bowdown: You only need to point place with cursor in the middle of the screen and set sun in any place you want in an instant way 👍
I thought I would give Batman another shot, sitting there getting dust while awaiting all these race games coming soon. :P

Anyway I managed to play today without getting killed or frustrated and took a few pictures on the photomode. I may stick with this to see how I get on with the Bat mobile.

This has had a PS4 Pro upgrade I believe, anyway the photos come out in quite a bit of detail with the basic photomode (No shutter speed/many focus options) ~ but at least it has one! :cheers:

PS4 Pro 3840x2160px


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