Seasonal Tuning Challenge 2 :It's over. Thanks for coming :D

  • Thread starter krenkme
Iam so sorry to hear that shootout it will be end by cancellation of this challenge . But from the another side all tuner they did good job in tune this cars and make it as monster car at 380 pp vs cars at 430 pp . I hope krenkme that soon you will host new shootout mate . I back out of this shootout and i will join the new one with you mate but i need you to give feed back about my slow car if its ok with you :-) .sorry for my English not my native .

I don't see me doing another shootout, at least not for awhile. There is no need to back out, the shootout is still going, it's just being run by more patient people then I. Leave your car on share and I'll try to run it this weekend.
My car doesn't need an oil change. I did an engine overhaul and chassis right before sharing it.

Just venting a bit, I don't like when fun stuff turns into a bunch of BS over nothing.

I see. Off that list then. 👍

No one does…and truth be told, I really don't see the origin of this argument either. If this kind of shootout happens again, first thing to do, get rid of the oil rule. Waste of space and just causes confusion.
- VTiRoj (Haven't changed oil)
- GeeBaby (Unsure, not listed)
- LanceVance (Unsure, not listed)
-Jahgee1124 (Unsure, not listed)

I can do oil change but this is what appears

Outcome :

380 pp -> 380pp

84 bhp -> 380 pp

Do I still need to do it ?

PS - When I first shared this car , the oil change wasn't avaiable just soo you know :)
i've just been looking back at how this this oil change 'situation' began, and seem to have found the source...

Trackripper "Hang on, is it mandatory to have a fresh oil change on the cars? I may have binned a very very good entry bu changing its oil since I thought it was a given that everyone had to do it... "

This seems to have sparked the debate, and then....low and behold... Trackripper becomes the new host of this shootout...... Where i come from we call that a bloodless coup my friend, and for that Trackripper i salute you 'Grand supreme emporer of Seasonal Tuning Challenge 2' lol..... :sly:

Great to see this challenge still running.
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:@: Onboy :

Oil Change
Chasis Reinforcement
Engine Restore

All done and fortunally still has 380pp and 84 hp
This seems to have sparked the debate, and then....low and behold... Trackripper becomes the new host of this shootout...... Where i come from we call that a bloodless coup my friend, and for that Trackripper i salute you 'Grand supreme emporer of Seasonal Tuning Challenge 2' lol..... :sly:


And Lance, it's ok, you're cleared mate. 👍
The simple way around such a farce again is this:

If you are using a car, it must be at 300km/186.4 miles before share. 300km is the approximate point of break-in on average for most cars from what I gather, and via the sharing system, you can view what it's covered, so there is no way around the rule. Obviously buying used will bypass this but...

I would also suggest that the oil change light should not be on. Unfortunately, there is no real way to tell if one has done full restoration...unless power loss is greater if you don't oil change it. So it's safer to just stick with no oil light. But seriously, if you just do what I've said, guys, we won't have a farce like this for our next shootout.

Alternatively, just go the way I did and find a shootout type where you can evade limits altogether. Hope any of you find some light in this post.
Edit: I'm out as a tester too.

:( The one guy I was looking foward to getting some feedback from.

The simple way around such a farce again is this:

The simple way would be for people to read the rules at the start.

If someone dont follow the rules then unfortunatley they have to be disqualified.

So in future people just need to read the rules or ask if they are not sure.
:( The one guy I was looking foward to getting who bothers to give some feedback.

Fixed. :P Well, from a guess, anyway. Nomis does give fairly helpful feedback as well, so not all hope for improvements are lost.

This does seem a rather strained shootout, I'll admit that much, but since it's only 2 days from the end, it seems slightly bad to drop something so close to the end. So in case you were wondering why we kept this broken shootout alive, there you go.
Fixed. :P Well, from a guess, anyway. Nomis does give fairly helpful feedback as well, so not all hope for improvements are lost.

Speaking of which, I need to add Nomis >.<

I might do some last minute testing too if I have the time, the original tester deadline was the 4th wasn't it? Anyone mind if we move it to the 5th to give the testers more time (Does that clash with your shootout Despy?)?
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just a quick post to jollygreen who did the honda cx-r sir '90..just taken it to the cape ring seasonal..and it was great!! passed the leader at the loop on the 3rd lap, easy win! gonna try it on the other tracks on this seasonal


just a quick post to jollygreen who did the honda cx-r sir '90..just taken it to the cape ring seasonal..and it was great!! passed the leader at the loop on the 3rd lap, easy win! gonna try it on the other tracks on this seasonal


Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you like it, although i'm sure there are many a good tune here. 👍
I have read the last few pages of this thread many times, and it's a shame that a few bad apples have tried to ruin this shootout. Happily trackripper and onboy are willing to deal with this. To much time was spent by the tuners, testers, and krenkme to let it fall. I don't blame krenkme for handing it over, it would have gotten to most of us. I just hope he continues to be a part of this forum and continues to have fun, if not today is a sad day :(. Be strong krenkme, and keep it going ripper and onboy 👍
I have read the last few pages of this thread many times, and it's a shame that a few bad apples have tried to ruin this shootout. Happily trackripper and onboy are willing to deal with this. To much time was spent by the tuners, testers, and krenkme to let it fall. I don't blame krenkme for handing it over, it would have gotten to most of us. I just hope he continues to be a part of this forum and continues to have fun, if not today is a sad day :(. Be strong krenkme, and keep it going ripper and onboy 👍

Thank you moparisgod, I'm sure we all hope krenkme continues to play his huge role in this forum, he's still one of the top tuners to beat. 👍
All I did was ask that we all have to play by the same rules, and the whole shootout plummets to ground zero in less than a day?


Everyone who is quitting is overreacting.

If you don't enforce the rules, it all goes to hell in a hand basket quickly, that's a proven fact, but I never dreamed asking for the rules to be enforced would do exactly the same thing.

Quitting testing because you entered a car that was very clearly outlined as against the rules the day before? Disappointed VTiRoj. :(
Gotta follow the rules, I can't fathom how you determined DB's rules would override krenkme's rules. Or especially getting that upset over it to quit testing.

Cancelling the shootout and talking about not doing shootouts anymore because the rules came up twice? (same rule though) Disappointed krenkme. :(

Sometimes a host has to enforce rules, it's part of the gig.

I'd like to apologize, but how do you apologize for asking for something that's supposed to come standard?
I am sorry it somehow did this to the shootout, :indiff: but how it did all this I'll never know. :irked:
All I did was ask that we all have to play by the same rules, and the whole shootout plummets to ground zero in less than a day?


Everyone who is quitting is overreacting.

If you don't enforce the rules, it all goes to hell in a hand basket quickly, that's a proven fact, but I never dreamed asking for the rules to be enforced would do exactly the same thing.

Quitting testing because you entered a car that was very clearly outlined as against the rules the day before? Disappointed VTiRoj. :(
Gotta follow the rules, I can't fathom how you determined DB's rules would override krenkme's rules. Or especially getting that upset over it to quit testing.

Cancelling the shootout and talking about not doing shootouts anymore because the rules came up twice? (same rule though) Disappointed krenkme. :(

Sometimes a host has to enforce rules, it's part of the gig.

CSLACR, I think people like Roj and ugaz didn't quit, they withdrew due to their cars violating the regulations, it's an honourable thing to do.

And you really can't say you're disappointed in both respective people, what were they to do? Especially in krenkme's situation, hell I think anyone here would have just thrown in the towel after that shambles.

Let's move on though, this shootout isn't over yet, and Onboy and I plan to keep it that way until it's finished.

Tunas, you have 9 hours remaining.
Quitting testing because you entered a car that was very clearly outlined as against the rules the day before? Disappointed VTiRoj. :(
Gotta follow the rules, I can't fathom how you determined DB's rules would override krenkme's rules. Or especially getting that upset over it to quit testing.

Quitting testing because I don't want to test the crybabies' cars. I don't care that my car was disqualified, however it's sad that the crybabies had to kept crying and crying until krenkme couldn't take anymore. You're disappointed? Pfft.

I already explained my reasoning. Not my fault if you can't understand it.
I have read the last few pages of this thread many times, and it's a shame that a few bad apples have tried to ruin this shootout. Happily trackripper and onboy are willing to deal with this. To much time was spent by the tuners, testers, and krenkme to let it fall. I don't blame krenkme for handing it over, it would have gotten to most of us. I just hope he continues to be a part of this forum and continues to have fun, if not today is a sad day :(. Be strong krenkme, and keep it going ripper and onboy 👍

I'm not dying :lol:, and the shootout will be just fine. Thanks for the kind words though 👍

I'm out. Thanks for trying krenkme.

You are welcome, but there is no reason to withdraw. Please leave your car up so I can give you feedback at least.

Ahhh... I've just realised I can't edit the OP or the following posts containing the lists of tunas and testers. Hmm.

What do you need updated?

My car gonna have the same stats if I oil change it

Can you change oil in a Prius?
@Onboy/Trackripper: Insta-ban for anyone who even mentions oil changes from now on, perhaps??? :lol:

With the extended tuner deadline, the time I'd set aside for testing is now reduced (IRL stuff is about to get very busy). So unfortunately I won't be able to do the full 5 lap Seasonal test. I am still keen to provide my fastest laps for all cars (best of 3 practice laps) and comments if this would help.

That leaves the following who are either unsure of or haven't done one:
- VTiRoj (Haven't changed oil)
- GeeBaby (Unsure, not listed)
- LanceVance (Unsure, not listed)
- Jahgee1124 (Unsure, not listed)
I've already tested 10 cars, does the above mean the only car that might need re-testing is Jahgee's?

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