Senna content coming soon?

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The 2nd slideshow has a bizarre emphasis on Ayrton's short Williams career, and relatively little on his time at McLaren. May be they will be a greater slide set and story in the actual game?

Still stoked with the whole GT6 tribute though. Can't wait to take that Lotus on the 80s Brands Hatch! Sublime concept. :)
Why do certain people feel the need to defend PD/Sony/whoever for absolutely everything regarding this game? Nobody said the bad grammar and misspellings were the end of the world and that they are evil/never to be forgiven/committed crimes against Senna etc. We simply pointed out, quite correctly, that they made a hell of a lot of gaffs with it and it comes off as unprofessional.

Most people can acknowledge that but for some odd reason certain people can't bare to see any criticism, and go into defense mode. I don't get it.

People are just looking for a reason to complain and are so caught up in being outraged that they aren't even thinking about what they're getting upset at.

A perfect example. Nobody is getting upset, nobody is getting outraged, people simply pointed out the mistakes and said it's sloppy. Why we can't do that in a thread exactly on topic I don't know.

A touching story about Senna from the boyhood of Kristian Jack, a TSN Canadian Sports Network) Soccer Analyst

One of the best articles that I read about Senna.

I wish a I have the time to translate to english some very interesting writings from some brazilian journalists about Senna's life and death.

(It's funny the "unlikeable Piquet" bit. Here, in Brazil, lots of people consider him as the best driver ever)
Regardless of who actually did the work, it's on the website of Polyphony Digital's game. It's part of the additional content for PD's game, and as such they hold a certain level of responsibility for it's quality. If the buck stops anywhere it stops with them.

If the rest of their material was of a high standard, you might see people cutting them some slack. Everyone makes mistakes. But when mistakes become accepted as part of the culture, a company should rightly be called for every single one.

As for what mistakes, there are several grammar and vocabulary mistakes. For the short length of the actual text involved, you'd think they could make sure it was professional and correct. Instead it looks like someone did it the night before and just banged it through without having someone else check it.

What? The final version of the slideshow that PD would have seen would have been in Japanese, which for all we know is correct. What was PD supposed to do? Read through it in every language it was done in to make sure it's 100% correct? That's preposterous especially considering they weren't responsible for the translations in the first place.

If the ad department for a car company spells something wrong in an ad is that the engineers fault for not checking it because it's for the product they made?

Would you be upset if they used "Airton Senna"? Because misspelling the name of Senna's greatest rival is a branch on the same tree. If you can honestly say you wouldn't have a problem with misspelling Senna's name as well then you have a point. If not, you're just blindly defending sloppy work from a PD.

Not even kind of the same thing. You actually believe that it's the same to misspell the name of someone who is in one of the slideshows like twice as it is to misspell the name of the person the slideshow, and indeed the whole content is based around?

If that's honestly what you believe, than we are too far apart on this to have a fruitful discussion about it and I'll just say we'll have to agree to disagree.
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What? The final version of the slideshow that PD would have seen would have been in Japanese, which for all we know is correct. What was PD supposed to do? Read through it in every language it was done in to make sure it's 100% correct? That's preposterous especially considering they weren't responsible for the translations in the first place.

If the ad department for a car company spells something wrong in an ad is that the engineers fault for not checking it because it's for the product they made?
Actually yes. Sony has a massive localization department and clears all content released to their consumers.
Actually yes. Sony has a massive localization department and clears all content released to their consumers.

I'm sorry? Who has a massive localization department? PD or Sony? Is PD part of the localization department? Do all of Sonys devs work as there own localization team? Your post doesn't just prove my point it IS my point.
What? The final version of the slideshow that PD would have seen would have been in Japanese, which for all we know is correct. What was PD supposed to do? Read through it in every language it was done in to make sure it's 100% correct? That's preposterous especially considering they weren't responsible for the translations in the first place.

If the ad department for a car company spells something wrong in an ad is that the engineers fault for not checking it because it's for the product they made?


It's their responsibility to hire people who do quality work. That's all.

Your statements assume that someone outside of PD is doing the translation. It is PD's responsibility to ensure that the people translating their work have the skills necessary to do so, and provide a quality of work that they are satisfied with.

Maybe PD is happy with the quality of translation they ended up with. They must know. There are people in and connected to PD with an extremely high level of English.

Not even kind of the same thing. You actually believe that it's the same to misspell the name of someone who is in one of the slideshows like twice as it is to misspell the name of the person the slideshow, and indeed the whole content is based around?

The Senna/Prost rivalry is central to an understanding of a large part of Senna's Formula 1 career. To misspell the name of what could well be considered his main rival is not only disrespectful, it shows a complete lack of knowledge of the subject.

None of this is terminal, but it mars what could have been a very nice presentation into something that comes off as a little childish and unpolished. It's what I would expect from a small indy team with limited manpower and experience, not from a first party developer with a budget in the millions and 15+ years of experience under their collective belts.
Why are you making out like everyone is bashing PD for this? Show me where people directly blame PD for the errors.

How did PD spell it?

If the buck stops anywhere it stops with them.

If the rest of their material was of a high standard, you might see people cutting them some slack.

defending sloppy work from a PD.

I didn't say everyone was. I was simply pointing out that blaming PD for the mistakes was nonsensical.


It's their responsibility to hire people who do quality work. That's all.

Your statements assume that someone outside of PD is doing the translation. It is PD's responsibility to ensure that the people translating their work have the skills necessary to do so, and provide a quality of work that they are satisfied with.

Maybe PD is happy with the quality of translation they ended up with. They must know. There are people in and connected to PD with an extremely high level of English.

The Senna/Prost rivalry is central to an understanding of a large part of Senna's Formula 1 career. To misspell the name of what could well be considered his main rival is not only disrespectful, it shows a complete lack of knowledge of the subject.

None of this is terminal, but it mars what could have been a very nice presentation into something that comes off as a little childish and unpolished. It's what I would expect from a small indy team with limited manpower and experience, not from a first party developer with a budget in the millions and 15+ years of experience under their collective belts.

In all likelyhood PD didn't have a hand in picking who did the translation. As was mentioned earlier Sony has a large localization department and they run all of PDs marketing material and PR. Most likely the only roll PD played in creating the slideshow was what highlights they wanted to be included and maybe choosing some of the pictures. Making marketing material is simply not what a developer does.

Yes, the Senna/Prost rivalry was a big part of his career but is it really the same as misspelling Sennas name? Is it crappy that it was misspelled? Yeah, it is. But is it really that big of a deal considering that the slideshow isn't really about him and most of the Senna content doesn't even focus on that part of his career? Everyone will have there own opinions on this but for me...not really.

The last part of your post goes back the the core of my point, PD didn't make the slideshow. It doesn't matter if it was there first year in the business or there 30th.
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I didn't say everyone was. I was simply pointing out that blaming PD for the mistakes was nonsensical.

You misread what I'm saying. I don't blame PD for the mistakes. I blame them for hiring a translation company that is incompetent, and not having the work checked by a native speaker before publishing it.
One of the best articles that I read about Senna.

I wish a I have the time to translate to english some very interesting writings from some brazilian journalists about Senna's life and death.

(It's funny the "unlikeable Piquet" bit. Here, in Brazil, lots of people consider him as the best driver ever)

The consensus in Europe on Piquet tends to be that whilst he was undoubtedly a GREAT driver, he too often resorted to unnecessary politicking and gamesmanship that didn't really benefit him and undermined his rivals. Some of things he was reported to have done to Nigel Mansell in particular have made him very unpopular here in the UK.
One thing I've always been curious about is whether their is a sort of divide in Brazil between people who like Senna and people who like Piquet.