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Ill set up the calendar and send you a message with the info and explain how to embed it if you need help... I also just forwarded a message to you, Elite, as I have not heard back from 599gt and want to get to tuning. The message just outlines my perception as to what the car count looks like to make sure my logic followed and so that my teammate and I won't have to switch last minute.
Are you interested in running some practice and practice races in about a half hour? I'm about done hanging out with my girlfriend and was going to start a room soon.
Qualifying is one hour? And I thought it was a four hour race. It looks like I won't be able to make it this week. It's too tight of a squeeze to do the race and make it to work, even if it is at 6:00 GMT :(

What's your policy on no-shows because I can't make it?
So 1st - we need 1 player.
And the policy of no-shows is simple - you get 0pts for that race.

First race will be held on 9th July at 7:30pm GMT.
If not enough people show up then league will be delayed.

I'll sign up for this and join MitchZ06 in the vette

GTP username: Scanny_Flick
PSN username: Scanny_Flick
Car: Corvette Z06RM
Team: Team NRG

It does all depend on the dates/times that these races happen tho

GTP username: shahrilnd
PSN username: orangutanajaib
Car: Corvette ZR1 RM
Team: im riding solo
Can put in a "soft" entry?
I'd really like to try this but right now I can't commit 100% to this, maybe around 85-90% sure I can do it.

Maybe put me in as a reserve for the time being?
Just in case:

GTP: Digitool
PSN: GTP_Digitool
Car: Gran Turismo Ford GT
Team: Grinstead Racing

I'll let you know soon if I can be 100% good to go for the race. It looks like I can, with saturday being my preferred raceday though sunday could work for me as well.

I would like to join but i need to know the times though preferably on weekends though.

People you missed Sean...
I'll most likely move this league (I'll make a thread).
I've put so much time into this so it mustn't fail so I'll move the thread.
So far 3 people from GTS can't make it, 3 people!
Meaning now (if everyone shows up that is) there will only be 5 GTS racers on the field.
Sean, you missed on 4 people and you don't edit the 1st page often enough (I know you might have IRL responsibilities and such).
I'll remake the league and re-open the sign ups (still gotta see with you 1st).
Tonight will be pre-season race which will not last 4h, but 2h.

This ain't a hijack or anything like that - it's just some people which signed up don't give a damn about this league we spent so much time in (don't know about you but I surely did spend lots of time in it).
I don't want this to fail, it mustn't fail and thats why we need serious people not some randomers who sign up, take the spot and never check the thread again.

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I'm so sorry. Where do these sign-ups come from? I never see them. My laptop must not update the page very well or something. Oh well, no excuses. You may take the lead, I'm still in, but you may take over for your right, I don't update the OP often.

Anyways, first race today right? Can't wait! Still trying to perfect my driving on Fuji but I think I'll do fine.
Pre-season will be today (since some people don't take this league seriously).
Thanks for understanding Sean, I'm so glad it's comming smooth.
As I've said - we're still in this together, I just have more free time to put into this.
Of course. I'm actually quite glad your taking over the thread.

So pre-season race now? What track are we going to?
If your not there I'll host the race. I wish I was a Premium user, I could lock this thread. Oh well. I'll just have to change the title.