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On second thought, I'm gonna stick with the Merc. The CLK-LM is my final choice. The McLaren will have to wait for another time.
Have you decided on a team name? Or have I missed it somewhere?
I will discuss in with Jam and have an answer as soon as i see him... I will post back when I know Is he in LMP1 or Lmp2 (or whatever you are calling it)? If you would like we can run the same cars even. Actually, unnecessary complications can be ironed out once we have an idea how the races and stuff will go and when they will be. Cheers
I will discuss in with Jam and have an answer as soon as i see him... I will post back when I know Is he in LMP1 or Lmp2 (or whatever you are calling it)? If you would like we can run the same cars even. Actually, unnecessary complications can be ironed out once we have an idea how the races and stuff will go and when they will be. Cheers

Why does noone read the rules?
You have to drive the same cars.

And you're both in LMP class and you can't switch classes.
Again, the rules are HERE!

I know we cant switch... I was saying if we are in the same class, and on the same team, why not drive the same car? but nevermind... anyone up for a race?
Why does noone read the rules?
You have to drive the same cars.

And you're both in LMP class and you can't switch classes.
Again, the rules are HERE!


Has anyone actually read the rules? Also is your practice room still up posimosh? I was going to jump on and make one but if you have one I'll join it. I don't know if I'm getting on soon though. I'm busy with other things.
Prize List

Per Race (LMP/GTS):
#1 - Car* painted in Chrome Gold & Chrome Gold paint chip
#2 - Chrome SIlver paint chip & Extras*
#3 - Extras*

At the end of the Season (LMP/GTS):
#1 - 1967 Ticket, Extras* & a P Car of choice painted in Gold Chrome
#2 - Level 23 Ticket, Extras* & a P Car of choice painted in Silver Chrome
#3 - Level 21 Ticket, Extras* & a P Car of choice

Overall Winner:
Level 22 Ticket, Extras* & both Silver and Gold chrome paint chips

#1 Level 23 Ticket, Gold Chrome paint chip
#2 Level 21 Ticket, Silver Chrome paint chip
#3 1000 Ticket

Note: Team prize is given to each member of a team.

Car*- - A Premium car related to the track on which the prize is won
Extras*- - Tuning items ranging from Turbochargers, Racing tires etc.

Prizes sponsored by me.

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I'll be possibly holding a practice session in about 30 minutes in an open lobby. Now, what track should it be on?
Well of course a track in the series. But which one. I was thinking of going to Nurburgring. Then a problem happened. My sister is watching TV so I don't get to get on. What a disappointment. I'll try to get on later or something.

I won't be able to do anything over the weekend and a few days after Sunday because I'm going out of town.

Do you think we can start the series July 9th? I forget, someone I think said they wouldn't be able to make it. And plus, we haven't been able to decide on a time. Where is everybody?! I asked many times but never got an answer. Maybe there was an answer and I missed it.
We can't pospone the entire series because of one guy.
I'm up for 9th and so are the others (I'll check with them).
- I've messaged everyone to see if they agree on the date.
If Joshua really can't make it - that means there is 1 space left in GTS class!

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Regarding practice runs - there aren't official practice runs yet, my team practices daily - and our rooms are up for at least 4 hours almost every day - feel free to join us if you see us playing.
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Yeah if it's the 9th I'm going to have to pull out. I'm leaving the country from 5th-20th.

What a disappointment that you can't make it. Have fun in whatever country your going to. 👍

Regarding practice runs - there aren't official practice runs yet, my team practices daily - and our rooms are up for at least 4 hours almost every day - feel free to join us if you see us playing.

What time are you guys usually on? I'll have to see if I can join in before I leave.
What a disappointment that you can't make it. Have fun in whatever country your going to. 👍

What time are you guys usually on? I'll have to see if I can join in before I leave.

11am - 5pm GMT+1 is the time we usually practice.
I'm ok with the 9th if we race in the evening (after 6pm UK time). I hope to get a bit of practice racing this weekend.
Not sure i can do the 9th as its a mate birthday but nothing is confirmed at moment

Oh yeah, its my pop's birthday too... lol. (I'll be racing then family dinner)

Prize List

Prizes sponsored by me.


I have a lvl 21 and 22 ticket I can throw in as well as Standard and premium Super GT cars That i Have dupes of. Lastly, I'll throw in a 1000km ticket as well​
We need reserves.
The first race will probably be held on Saturday, 9th July at 8pm GMT (not official).
We're 15 so far since Joshua1994 can't make it.
Sign up people!

We need reserves.
The first race will probably be held on Saturday, 9th July at 8pm GMT (not official).
We're 15 so far since Joshua1994 can't make it.
Sign up people!


There is endurance racing online? Shifts and all that jazz? Only been playing offline... Can somebody fill me in on this please?

Sorry dude, we can't do driver changes. You have to do all races in GT5 on your own, no matter how long the race is.
This is a series of long online races with very quick cars that will test your stamina and car control (and your ability to stay awake until the finish).
Still sounds pretty awesome! Not done online play yet, and am building myself up to lvl 25 before I even attempt it. Any chance of joining in though once I am at a level where I can compete?
Still sounds pretty awesome! Not done online play yet, and am building myself up to lvl 25 before I even attempt it. Any chance of joining in though once I am at a level where I can compete?

Yes, you can. :D

And also:
jutngo and GTNurd changed their car from Dodge Viper GTS-R to BMW McLaren F1 GTR.

This makes the F1 GTR used out (since 3 people use it now).

Well this certainly wont be a GTPACO sanctioned series :dopey: (since there already is an endurance series featuring LMP and GT cars....)

That's funny... I thought you threw that baby out with the bathwater Mitch... Or am I mistaken?
We need reserves.
The first race will probably be held on Saturday, 9th July at 8pm GMT (not official).
We're 15 so far since Joshua1994 can't make it.
Sign up people!


If we still need reserves later in the week, let me know and I'll see if a couple buddies would like to join us...
Yep... You are paying the license fees to to the FIA and IMSA to use the term GTP, and to the ACO in France to use the term FIA too right? Since you are the only one able to use these terms here. Do you have any involvement in this league? If not why are you posting here.