I sometimes increase it to reduce understeer/oversteer, i remember doing it in Red Rock with the Spoon Integra...
Having very low damper values makes the car to have less contact with the ground, giving you less control over it and can become unstable too, specially at high speeds.
With higher values you have more control over it, making it more nervous and also becoming unstable/drifting if too high.
You just need to find the right balance, and one that suits your driving style.
Maybe you miss my point. I don't say to use 1 value for both bound and rebound, I use it only for bound.
My theory:
Bound is when the spring compressed when meeting with bump, the higher the damper value the more the asorbing power. By absorbing means the power goes to the car body. Using higher value will make the body receive more force. Using lower value make the body receive less force.
Using 0 damper means that the spring will eternally goes compressed and expanded continually. To reduce the effect, the damper must be set to higher value. But because there are 2 separate setting, we have the option to only use rebound damper.
In short: to reduce boing boing, I use higher rebound damper (only), bound damper is set to 1. To reduce jump when meeting bump I use lower rebound damper. My setting is the balance between these two.
When the car is boing boing (after passing bump), the wheel do not meet the road continuously, it will boing boing too. Making the car unstable, especially on corner.
When the car meet bump, the jump is measured by bound damper, ride height and spring ratio. For minimum jump use lowest bound damper, highest ride height (IMO) and lowest spring ratio.
My proof:
europa on redrock valley, just playing safe not really trying to win, I think good driver should have no problem beating GTONE and trueno using dirtiest method:

Springs: 20.0/20.0
Damper Bound: 1/1
Damper Rebound: 5/5
Camber: 12.0/0.0 (europa, to reduce oversteer 👎 )
Camber: 0.0/0.0 (trueno, neutral 👍 )
Toe: 0.00/0.00
Stabilizer: 7/7
Downforce: 0.42/0.70
LSD: 1/1/1
on trueno, using 2.0/2.0 spring rate give me lower cornering speed and lap time, and I feel the car has less grip. Even if 20.0/20.0 spring rate is still drivable, I usually only use 16.0/16.0.
How do you think about my setting? If you have the time to try, also try it with 5/5 damper bound (other setting same).