SFGTP3 - "The Threesome": Results & Photo thread (Under Construction!)


Staff Emeritus
Ok, so this is my lastest construction project, and I've edited the SFGTP2 Results thread title to reflect what everyone already knew!!! :P

in association with

Proudly present:​


The Official SFGTP3 logo from ceiling_fan's design studios! 👍​

SFGTP3 Results: Day 1.

Participants all assembled, each guest was invited to create 2 qualifying race combinations by the highly technical means of writing them down on post-it notes which were then crumpled up and placed in a bag. A draw occured for the races which would determine the teams for the Clio Endurance event.

Races were submitted in the format of Car name / Tyre type / Track, and the following combos were drawn, by CAMikaze and juana b. respectively:

Qualifying Race 1 (Q1): Mazda Miata V-Special II '93 Sports Soft Tyres (S3) at Tsukuba (Selection by Smallhorses)

Qualifying Race 2 (Q2): BMW M5 '05 Road Tyres (N3) at Costa Di Amalfi Normal (Selection by alrivers)

After the shouting of "Fix!" had died down regarding my combo coming out, (What? I like Miatas available in White with the Tan roof!) and the groaning about N3 tyres on an M5, the drivers get on with posting up their best of 5 laps in Time Trial mode on each of the combos, and the results worked out as follows:

[COLOR="Green"]Driver:		Q1:		Q2:		Total:		Position:
[COLOR=black]jump_ace[/COLOR]	1'09.742	2'10.214	3'19.956	[COLOR=royalblue]1st[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Smallhorses[/COLOR]	1'09.807	2'12.164	3'21.971	[COLOR=royalblue]2nd[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Kylehnat[/COLOR]	1'10.691	2'11.402	3'22.093	[COLOR=royalblue]3rd[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]EDK[/COLOR]		1'10.335	2'11.848	3'22.183	[COLOR=royalblue]4th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]juana b.[/COLOR]	1'10.392	2'12.792	3'23.184	[COLOR=royalblue]5th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]alrivers[/COLOR]	1'11.737	2'12.423	3'24.160	[COLOR=royalblue]6th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]SimRaceDriver[/COLOR]	1'10.845	2'16.146	3'26.991	[COLOR=royalblue]7th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Strop[/COLOR]	        1'12.154	2'16.852	3'29.006	[COLOR=royalblue]8th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]ceiling_fan[/COLOR]	1'12.360	2'17.170	3'29.530	[COLOR=royalblue]9th[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]CAMikaze[/COLOR]	1'11.092	2'20.957	3'32.049	[COLOR=royalblue]10th[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Teams were then assembled, pairing the fastest qualifier with the slowest qualifier, 2nd fastest with 2nd slowest, etc., etc.

Event 1: Renault Clio Endurance

Renault Clio Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car '00 run on Racing Medium tyres for 50 laps at Twin Ring Motegi East Short Course.
Driver changes are mandatory at each pitstop. Competitors are able to run between 6 - 10 laps per set of tyres and fortunately all drivers are Manual shifters so no-one has the dilemma of running in Auto mode that they're no longer used to.
There are, however, several teams comprised of Wheelists and Button Mashers, so controller swapping at each stop causes some issues! This is especially true of the Pink team, who find that upon exiting the pits with Nick in the drivers seat, there's no input at all to be had from the wheel or pedals, nor was he able to pause the game! Much shouting later, another kindly driver manages to ensure that no-one is stuck mid-bend and pauses the game for everyone while the wheel on Pink Team's PS2 is relocated from USB Port 2 where it doesn't work, to USB Port 1 where it belongs, and racing resumes after a countdown. (And from the sandtrap for the Pink Team, which ultimately costs them 2nd place!) The Yellow car of Jerome and Chris romps home to victory almost a lap up on everyone up to 2nd place after Chris' experience with the Clio Cup car sees him a lot more comfortable than his M5 qualifying performance would've suggested!

I was paired with SimRaceDriver (Ray). We elected to use his setup since it had a sliding seat, was best suited to fit both of our driving styles, and had all of those cool buttons. :sly: I ended up going first. Ray was patient with me, as I was accidentally booted into the sand early, wore the tires out in 7 laps, and missed the pit entry badly, costing us lots of time and starting him off his first run in last place. He fought back gallantly took advantage of the mistakes of others, and endured my plodding but relatively mistake free driving for the rest of the event. 👍

[COLOR="Green"]Position:        Drivers:	        Colour:
[COLOR=royalblue]1st[/COLOR]      [COLOR=black]jump_ace[/COLOR] / [COLOR=black]CAMikaze[/COLOR]		Yellow	
[COLOR=royalblue]2nd[/COLOR]      [COLOR=black]EDK[/COLOR] / [COLOR=black]SimRaceDriver[/COLOR]		Red
[COLOR=royalblue]3rd[/COLOR]      [COLOR=black]Smallhorses[/COLOR] / [COLOR=black]ceiling_fan[/COLOR]	Pink
[COLOR=royalblue]4th[/COLOR]      [COLOR=black]juana b.[/COLOR] / [COLOR=black]alrivers[/COLOR]		Black
[COLOR=royalblue]5th[/COLOR]      [COLOR=black]Kylehnat[/COLOR] / [COLOR=black]Strop[/COLOR]		Silver[/COLOR]

A break for lunch occurs and a trip over to the Public Market for International Cuisine of numerous varieties, followed by a contented walk back to the venue and some impromptu "Pooper-scooping" in a nice display of community spirit by CAMikaze! :lol:

Event 2: 70s Babies! Handicap

A traditional UK/SFGTP style event where drivers all begin in the same vehicle, and drop through a series of slower vehicles as they win (2 car drop) or come in 2nd place (1 car drop.) With 10 drivers and 6 stations it's decided to make things flow easier, that 4 drivers swap on and off each time, meaning that 3rd & 4th place finishes are booby prizes, sitting off the next race along with 1st & 2nd placed drivers, but they retain the same car!
The overall winner is the first driver to win a race in the slowest car of the batch.

Our rides this time are a selection of 70s Babies, in honour of the hosts birthdates, and those of juana b., EDK & jump_ace too, with of course respect for our elders (from the 60s) and the younger members of our group (from the 80s!) In order of ride progression, they are as follows:

Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71
Plymouth Superbird '70
Dome Zero '78
Lotus Europa Special '71
BMW 2002 Turbo '73
Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R '73
Alpine 310 1600VE '73
Mitsubishi Colt Galant GTO MR '70

Tracks as ever are thrown out by the infamous Famine's Random Track Generator (RTG)!
The first and second fastest teams from the Clio Endurance sit off the first race, jump_ace, CAMikaze, SimRaceDriver, EDK taking the break while the rest of us leap into our Super Bees & head just a little way up the road to Sonoma for our first race! :D

Race 1: Infineon Sports Car Course

1st Kylehnat Charger
2nd Smallhorses Charger
3rd juana b. Charger
4th alrivers Charger
5th Strop Charger
6th ceiling_fan Charger

Race 2: Fuji 90s

1st jump_ace Charger
2nd CAMikaze Charger
3rd SimRaceDriver Charger
4th EDK Charger
5th Strop Charger
6th ceiling_fan Charger

Race 3: Tokyo R246

1st alrivers Charger
2nd juana b. Charger
3rd Strop Charger
4th ceiling_fan Charger
5th Smallhorses Superbird
6th Kylehnat Dome

Race 4: Seattle Reverse

1st SimRaceDriver Charger
2nd EDK Charger
3rd jump_ace Dome
4th Kylehnat Dome
5th Smallhorses Superbird
6th CAMikaze Superbird

Race 5: Midfield

1st Smallhorses Superbird
2nd juana b. Superbird
3rd ceiling_fan Charger
4th alrivers Dome
5th CAMikaze Superbird
6th Strop Charger

Race 6: Hong Kong Reverse

My first race of note would be the Hong Kong Reverse. It was my first event in the SuperBird. What a terrible match for that track. :yuck: But I was able to be a track hog the entire time and make it a complete mess for Kyle and Jerome in the Domes. They eventually managed to scoot by and not get passed again on the next straight. But there was a lot of wall banging and quite a few "opps, sorry's" on that one, let me tell you. :crazy:

1st jump_ace Dome
2nd Kylehnat Dome
3rd EDK Superbird
4th CAMikaze Superbird
5th SimRaceDriver Dome
6th Strop Charger

Race 7: Seoul Reverse

1st Strop Charger
2nd alrivers Dome
3rd juana b. Dome
4th SimRaceDriver Dome
5th ceiling_fan Charger
6th Smallhorses Lotus

Race 8: Special Stage Route 5 Reverse

1st ceiling_fan Charger
2nd CAMikaze Superbird
3rd jump_ace BMW
4th Kylehnat Lotus
5th EDK Superbird
6th Smallhorses Lotus

Race 9: Laguna Seca

1st EDK Superbird
2nd SimRaceDriver Dome
3rd juana b. Dome
4th alrivers Lotus
5th Smallhorses Lotus
6th Strop Dome

Race 10: Cote D'Azur

Smallhorses: Suddenly found a track ideally suited to the Lotus, and Kyle & I pulled away from the pack during the first 2 laps, although I struggled to find a clean way past. Eventually went by on lap 3 when Kyle caught a barrier exiting the Bus-stop chicane, and I got a good run on him into the Swimming Pool complex.

1st Smallhorses Lotus
2nd Kylehnat Lotus
3rd jump_ace BMW
4th Strop Dome
5th CAMikaze Dome
6th ceiling_fan Dome

Race 11: New York Reverse

1st juana b. Dome
2nd CAMikaze Dome
3rd ceiling_fan Dome
4th alrivers Lotus
5th SimRaceDriver Lotus
6th EDK Lotus

Race 12: Suzuka West Short Course

Next one of note - Suzuka West. Even after the first 2 laps, most of us kept missing the first turn, to varying degrees. :lol: Finding that braking point out of 130R is nearly impossible. :scared:

1st Strop Dome
2nd EDK Lotus
3rd jump_ace BMW
4th SimRaceDriver Lotus
5th Kylehnat BMW
6th Smallhorses Skyline

Race 13: Clubman Stage Route 5

1st alrivers Lotus
2nd ceiling_fan Dome
3rd juana b. BMW
4th Kylehnat BMW
5th Smallhorses Skyline
6th CAMikaze Lotus

Race 14: Deep Forest

Smallhorses: Remember an incident ending lap 1 in which Kevin's BMW was ahead of me entering the last turn, and all of a sudden went skewing across the front of my Nissan towards the pit-entry having caught too much of the kerb on the turn exit! Somehow we avoided contact but I was too far back and too outclassed to catch the leaders. Kevin recovered to finish 4th, the second of the booby spots, but set us up for another Nissan/BMW showdown in Race 16.

Nick's comments on the "Deep Forest Incident", as it shall henceforth be known. I actually tried to do WAY too much with the poor BMW on cold tires and the Kerb might have had something to do with it, but it was a complete disaster. But I was laughing my 🤬 off, nonetheless. 👍

1st jump_ace BMW
2nd SimRaceDriver Lotus
3rd Smallhorses Skyline
5th Strop BMW
6th CAMikaze Lotus

Race 15: Opera Paris Reverse

1st juana b. BMW
2nd Kylehnat BMW
3rd alrivers Skyline
4th CAMikaze Lotus
5th ceiling_fan Lotus
6th Strop BMW

Race 16: Autumn Ring

Smallhorses: One of my favourite races of the weekend, spent much of it glued to the back of Kevin's BMW, but couldn't pass. He'd draw away through some of the lap, but I'd catch up in the 270-degree turn and the right turn before the start/finish straight. Ended the race less than 0.5s apart! 👍

Autumn Ring with Nick - One of the most heated battles I had all weekend. Nick and I were really close in a lot of spots, but zero contact, to my recollection. I think the gap was less than 0.1 s at the end. :eek: But I should have let him have it, which would have allowed me to skip the friggin' Apline. Damn pride. :grumpy:

2nd Smallhorses Skyline
3rd jump_ace Alpine
4th SimRaceDriver BMW
5th Strop BMW
6th ceiling_fan Lotus

Race 17: Apricot Hill

1st Kylehnat Skyline
2nd ceiling_fan Lotus
3rd alrivers Skyline
4th juana b. Alpine
5th CAMikaze Lotus
6th Strop BMW

Race 18: High Speed Ring

HSR in the Alpine - Me spinning and cussing and taking Jerome out by spinning and cussing. Me repeatedly murmuring, "I hate this car, I hate this car" :grumpy:

1st SimRaceDriver BMW
2nd CAMikaze Lotus
3rd Strop BMW
4th jump_ace Alpine
5th Smallhorses Alpine
6th EDK Alpine

At this point with the circuits seeming to get longer, and the cars much slower, the race distance was cut from 5 to 4 laps on some of the tracks!

Race 19: Suzuka Circuit (4 Laps)

Suzuka in the Alpine - After a tip from Jerome on dragging the brakes with my left foot, I begin to like the silly Alpine. I manage a nice hotlap and 3rd place. There is still hope for me. :dopey:

1st alrivers Skyline
2nd juana b. Alpine
3rd EDK Alpine
4th Kylehnat Mitsubishi
5th ceiling_fan BMW
6th Smallhorses Alpine

Race 20: Le Sarthe II (2 Laps)

1st CAMikaze BMW
2nd jump_ace Alpine
3rd Smallhorses Alpine
4th ceiling_fan BMW (Left the proceedings at this point as it was rapidly approaching 9:00PM! :eek:)
5th SimRaceDriver Alpine
6th Strop BMW

Race 21: Deep Forest Reverse

Deep Forest Rev in the Alpine - I manage to spin the car (Again) at the bottom of the hill after T1. Me LMAO, but once again muttering about the stupid Alpine.

1st Strop BMW
2nd Kylehnat Mitsubishi
3rd EDK Alpine
4th alrivers Mitsubishi
5th juana b. Mitsubishi
6th SimRaceDriver Alpine

Race 22: Grand Valley Speedway (4 Laps)

Smallhorses: Had a great battle for the lead here with Ray, shadowing his every move in the other Alpine which seemed ideally suited to GVS. Eventually found a way by out of the 2nd hairpin on the final lap and held on for the win, while trying desperately to break Ray's draft! :scared:

1st Smallhorses Alpine
2nd SimRaceDriver Alpine
3rd juana b. Mitsubishi
4th jump_ace Mitsubishi
5th alrivers Mitsubishi
6th CAMikaze Alpine

Race 23: Twin Ring Motegi Road Course (4 Laps)

Montegi in the Alpine - Finally, a flat track with enough straight sections to out run cars with inferior HP. I like the Alpine again, but am happy to be rid of the 🤬 thing.

Then I never get a chance to run in the last car due to too many races stuck in the Alpine :banghead: (Did I mention I hate the Alpine?)

1st EDK Alpine
2nd jump_ace Mitsubishi
3rd alrivers Mitsubishi
4th Kylehnat Mitsubishi
5th CAMikaze Alpine
6th Strop Alpine

Race 24: Nurburgring (1 Lap)

Smallhorses: An awesome finale to a great event. Myself, Kyle & Ray seemed to pull our odd-sounding Mitsubishis away, and a great 3-way battle raged for a lot of the lap. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Shouted Ray as Kyle and I overtook on either side of him through Lauda Links, and although we were both cleanly by, I had the inside (and non-ideal) line into Bergwerk which allowed the leaders to pull away about 3s in the run up to Karrussel. Was able to close again through the next part of the track and caught a good draft from Kyle out of Galgenkopf, flying by on the straight, and closing rapidly on Ray. Only caught his draft after Antoniusbrucke though, and though I'd closed up a lot by the final turn, the victory was Ray's with me 0.6s behind! :cool:

That was funny..at the time....but I will say this..while it was 'crazy cool' to see all three cars go THREE WIDE in that particular section and not one manage to not cause any problems and "boot" another car off...had it happened, I would have paused the game and asked for it to have been restarted..because that type of 'passing' just ain't the way to drive!

1st SimRaceDriver Mitsubishi
2nd Smallhorses Mitsubishi
3rd Kylehnat Mitsubishi
4th juana b. Mitsubishi
5th CAMikaze Alpine
6th Strop Alpine

Final Standings: (In order of who drove what. :confused:!)

Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71: Everyone
Plymouth Superbird '70: Smallhorses; CAMikaze; juana b.; EDK;
Dome Zero '78: Kylehnat; jump_ace; alrivers; SimRaceDriver; juana b.; Strop; ceiling_fan; CAMikaze;
Lotus Europa Special '71: Smallhorses; Kylehnat; alrivers; EDK; SimRaceDriver; CAMikaze; ceiling_fan;
BMW 2002 Turbo '73: jump_ace; Kylehnat; juana b.; Strop; EDK; SimRaceDriver; ceiling_fan; CAMikaze;
Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R '73: Smallhorses; alrivers; Kylehnat;
Alpine 310 1600VE '73: jump_ace; juana b.; EDK; Smallhorses; SimRaceDriver; CAMikaze; Strop;
Mitsubishi Colt Galant GTO MR '70: Kylehnat; alrivers; juana b.; jump_ace; Smallhorses; SimRaceDriver; EDK;

Winner: SimRaceDriver
in association with

Proudly present:​


The Official SFGTP3 logo from ceiling_fan's design studios! 👍​

SFGTP3 Results: Day 2.

Sunday's events see 8 drivers battle it out on 5 stations, and it's too early in the morning for Smallhorses' old grey matter to figure out the logistics of trying to get 8 drivers to race 6 cars each on 5 stations, without anyone having to repeat races. :confused: Consequently what were planned as 6 car Pick'n'Mixes are trimmed down to 5 cars, and logistics become a lot easier! 💡
The Pick'n'Mix selections are shown beneath the event titles with the 6th (eliminated & undriven) car shown in red parentheses.

Event 3: Luxury Landbarge Pick'n'Mix

A selection of 6 4-door FR super sedans (or Luxury Landbarges due their enormous size & weight!) was our first event of the day.

Jaguar S-Type R '02
Lotus Carlton '90
Tom's X540 Chaser '00
FPV GT '04
Holden Commodore SS '04

(Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02) Considerably more powerful, although heavier than most of the other entrants, the big Merc was the first car culled for the day.

Race 1: El Capitan

I showed up a couple minutes late (10 after, I think). And ended up jumping right into driving @ El Cap in a Carlton. :crazy: . I was a little grumpy, since I'd just finished my coffee and it's not time for beer. :sly: And I ended up retiring just after the bridge on the next to last lap of the first race after a small "Racing Incident", as they shall henceforth be known. Alex was gracious enough to concede 4th to me since the incident occurred with him, but I could honestly not objectively say anyone was at fault. :guilty:

1st jump_ace Jaguar 10
2nd Kylehnat Lotus 6
3rd ceiling_fan Tom's 4
4th EDK Lotus 3
5th alrivers Lotus 2

Race 2: Grand Valley East Short Course

1st jump_ace Lotus 10
2nd Kylehnat FPV 6
3rd alrivers Tom's 4
4th Smallhorses Holden 3
5th ceiling_fan Holden 2

Race 3: Grand Valley Speedway

1st Smallhorses Jaguar 10
2nd alrivers Jaguar 6
3rd jump_ace Holden 4
4th CAMikaze Jaguar 3
5th ceiling_fan Jaguar 2

Race 4: New York

1st jump_ace FPV 10
2nd Smallhorses Lotus 6
3rd alrivers FPV 4
4th CAMikaze FPV 3
5th Strop Jaguar 2

Race 5: Tsukuba

1st Strop FPV 10
2nd CAMikaze Tom's 6
3rd Smallhorses Tom's 4
4th EDK Tom's 3
5th jump_ace Tom's 2

Race 6: Hong Kong

1st Smallhorses FPV 10
2nd EDK Holden 6
3rd Kylehnat Jaguar 4
4th CAMikaze Holden 3
5th Strop Tom's 2

Race 7: Opera Paris

Opera Paris - I had the far superior Jaguar and a lead of 5 seconds or something like that, after 2 laps. And everyone began waving their arms at me. It turns out we had an incident with 2 4th place cars, or something like that, and had to restart. But I still had the far superior Jaguar, and was able to finish with a big cushion, so all was well. :D

1st EDK Jaguar 10
2nd Kylehnat Tom's 6
3rd Strop Lotus 4
4th CAMikaze Lotus 3
5th ceiling_fan Lotus 2

Race 8: Autumn Ring Reverse
1st EDK FPV 10
2nd Kylehnat Holden 6
3rd alrivers Holden 4
4th ceiling_fan FPV 3
5th Strop Holden 2

Final Standings:

1st jump_ace 36
2nd Smallhorses 33
3rd EDK 32
4th Kylehnat 28
5th Strop 20
6th alrivers 20
7th CAMikaze 18
8th ceiling_fan 13

Event 4: JGTC300 Pick'n'Mix

Doesn't take much explaining, does it? There's 6 JGTC300 cars in GT4. One of them sucks though and is no match for the others. A Honda S2000 LM Race Car was substituted in it's place since it runs about the same times as the rest. (And then it was rested anyway. :dopey:)

Toyota Wedssport Celica (JGTC) '03
Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza (JCTC) '03
RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 (JGTC) '04
ASL Arta Garaiya (JGTC) '03
Toyota SuperAutoBacs Apex MR-S (JGTC) '00

(Honda S2000 LM Race Car '01) An easy choice since it's not technically a JGTC300 car, but the woefully slow Nissan C-West Razo Silvia just didn't cut it in testing and the S2000 LM was a much better match.

Race 1: Trial Mountain Reverse

1st EDK Celica 10
2nd Kylehnat MR2 6
3rd ceiling_fan Celica 4
4th CAMikaze MR2 3
5th Strop MR2 2

Race 2: Infineon Stock Car Course

1st Kylehnat ASL 10
2nd alrivers RX7 6
3rd jump_ace RX7 4
4th Smallhorses ASL 3
5th ceiling_fan MR2 2

Race 3: Grand Valley East Short Course Reverse

1st jump_ace Celica 10
2nd Smallhorses MR2 6
3rd CAMikaze Subaru 4
4th alrivers MR2 3
5th ceiling_fan ASL 2

Race 4: Seoul

1st Kylehnat Celica 10
2nd alrivers Subaru 6
3rd EDK ASL 4
4th ceiling_fan Subaru 3
5th Strop ASL 2

Race 5: Special Stage Route 5

1st jump_ace Subaru 10
2nd Smallhorses RX7 6
3rd EDK RX7 4
4th CAMikaze RX7 3
5th Strop RX7 2

Race 6: Tokyo R246 Reverse

Was too busy chewing up the Tokyo tarmac to know what really went on behind me, :D but a gentlemanly agreement between Kyle & Kevin after several "racing incidents" during the final lap sees them split the difference of the points for 2nd & 3rd places, both coming away with 5 points.

Tokyo - Kyle and I had some racing incidents in 2 of the last 3 turns. I think one gave me a nice advantage that allowed my place, so we agreed to the "split the difference" No hard feelings and the standings would have ended up the same either way, so race on. 👍

1st Smallhorses Celica 10
2nd EDK Subaru 5 Split difference
3rd Kylehnat Subaru 5 Split difference
4th CAMikaze ASL 3
5th Strop Celica 2

Race 7: Le Sarthe I (2 Laps)

My last race with only the MR-S left to pick from. I was chanting "let it be a short track, let it be a short track". The gods were not with me. Nick calls out, "Sarthe II" :banghead: Needless to say, the little MR-S with it's great handling but lower power was not a match for the higher HP cars on the big track.

1st Kylehnat RX7 10
2nd jump_ace ASL 6
3rd alrivers Celica 4
4th EDK MR2 3
5th ceiling_fan RX7 2

Race 8: Midfield Reverse

1st Smallhorses Subaru 10
2nd jump_ace MR2 6
3rd alrivers ASL 4
4th CAMikaze Celica 3
5th Strop Subaru 2

Final Standings:

1st Kylehnat 41
2nd jump_ace 36
3rd Smallhorses 35
4th EDK 26
5th alrivers 23
6th CAMikaze 16
7th ceiling_fan 13
8th Strop 10

And on a winning note, Kylehnat packs up and scarpers towards the airport for his flight back to Seattle.

Event 5: FR Coupe Pick'n'Mix

I'd got 2 sets of coupes lined up for this meeting, one set of FFs and a set of FRs, both very evenly matched so as to give good racing. As this would be the last event of SFGTP3, it goes to the vote to decide what gets raced, and what'll stay behind for SFGTP4! Overwhelmingly it's the FRs that get the nod. A selection of moderately powered & moderately balanced, some underpowered but great handling and one overpowered but way-overweight too, FR coupes therefore take to the grids with a 7 driver field now.

BMW M Coupe '98
Toyota Supra 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90
Mazda RX-7 Type R (FD, J) '93
Nissan Silvia Spec R Aero (S15) '99
Mercedes-Benz CL 600 '00

(Infiniti G35 Coupe '03) Er, can't remember why the Infiniti got the chop. Sorry Jordan! :P

Race 1: Clubman Stage Route 5 Reverse

1st jump_ace RX7 10
2nd alrivers Silvia 6
3rd Strop RX7 4
4th ceiling_fan Supra 3
5th EDK RX7 2

Race 2: High Speed Ring Reverse

1st jump_ace CL600 10
2nd alrivers RX7 6
3rd CAMikaze CL600 4
4th ceiling_fan CL600 3
5th Strop Supra 2

Race 3: Twin Ring Motegi East Short Course

1st jump_ace BMW 10
2nd Smallhorses Silvia 6
3rd CAMikaze Supra 4
4th ceiling_fan RX7 3
5th alrivers Supra 2

Race 4: Trial Mountain

I had 2 other great races with Nick in this series. At Trial Mountain, we were back and forth all race long. The handling of the BMW as compared to the CL600, won out. It was certainly not superior skill on my part. Nick squeezed all he could out of a lesser car.

1st EDK BMW 10
2nd Smallhorses CL600 6
3rd CAMikaze Silvia 4
4th alrivers BMW 3
5th ceiling_fan BMW 2

Race 5: Seattle

I had 2 other great races with Nick in this series..... The other race was Seattle FWD. There was an incident behind me in the chicane onto the front stretch in the first lap. And I thought, "Now I can cruise away with this one". And promptly ran into the wall at the end the straight and allowed Nick to catch back up to a 2 second gap. :dunce: I was in the CL600, a great fit for the track since the understeer is less of an issue with so much track to work with. And it's my favorite track. :D But Nick still managed to chip away at me all race long, and was right on my tail at the finish. A very close race from the last split to the finish line. :nervous:

1st EDK CL600 10
2nd Smallhorses Supra 6
3rd alrivers CL600 4
4th Strop BMW 3
5th CAMikaze RX7 2

Race 6: Apricot Hill Reverse

1st Smallhorses BMW 10
2nd jump_ace Supra 6
3rd EDK Supra 4
4th CAMikaze BMW 3
5th Strop Silvia 2

Race 7: El Capitan Reverse

1st Smallhorses RX7 10
2nd jump_ace Silvia 6
3rd EDK Silvia 4
4th ceiling_fan Silvia 3
5th Strop CL600 2

Final Standings:

1st jump_ace 42
2nd Smallhorses 38
3rd EDK 30
4th alrivers 21
5th CAMikaze 17
6th ceiling_fan 14
7th Strop 13

Triple Post! w00t!
'S Ok, I'll ban myself later! :D
The Baanhaammer is going for a 3 day rest on Big Sur with the Missus, since she's put up with me hosting SFGTP3!


Day 1 results are up, some description of the events, but not much detail of the Handicap races. I can remember the Epicallity, Epicness, Epicism, or whatever you'd call it :boggled: of the races that I participated in, but would appreciate you guys posting your own recollections, funny moments, peeves, and "Quoteworthy" moments for these events here, so I can edit them back into the result post for the relevant day.
Cunning like a Fox with a degree in Cunningness from the University of Cunning. :sly:
(OK, I'm getting lazy and I can't remember everything, so I need you to fill in the gaps. :guilty:)

Please, please, please, also post pictures here. I realised that I didn't actually pause to think about taking any myself this time, so I'm relying on you guys to supply the visual effects. :D
I think a Steward's Inquiry is required for the Enduro - I mean, the other teams must have had a disadvantage, since they were racing into the wind...

Great work so far, Nick! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the results, and congrats to SimRaceDriver for winning the same event I managed to win (somehow!) at SFGTP2... the only one that Jerome didn't win!
LOL, yea the same thing happened to me that happened before, I was the first to win in the 2nd slowest car and then it got so random that I always raced against someone with a way faster car (or two!) and had no chance of winning. But still a fun challenge :) I also didn't win another event (I got 2nd I *think*) because of a crummy 3rd lap at Sears Point, but congrats to the winners there for a steady finish 👍

I had a chance to put my pics and videos up on my Photobucket account when I got back to my hotel room after the days activities. Also, I'm considering creating a YouTube account as a second home to my SFGTP3 videos. I'll send the proper links to Smallhorses later on for him to look up and editing into his posts later on. ;)
I want to attach it to my cockpit :D

SmallHorses: Great write up so far! Can't wait to see the final edition and see how Sunday's races went!

Again, wanna say 'thanks' for an awesome day or racing and looking forward to the next one....tenatively set for 'August' I've heard! :D
Day 2's results are up!

Just need your help filling in the race details as ever.
Post 'em up here! :cheers:

Now got to get ceiling_fan working on a logo for the next event a.s.a.p! :eek:
Consider it done.

Well not really, I need a vague idea of what it's called etc. ;)

You have a PM. :D
And invoice me for as much NOS as you need to keep you working on it! :lol:

One of you guys is still missing a memory card. (Found the owner of the power adaptor & extension lead! ;))
I have it, it's safe and waiting to be returned to it's rightful owner. Let me know if you're missing a card.
Was too busy chewing up the Tokyo tarmac to know what really went on behind me, :D but a gentlemanly agreement between Kyle & Kevin after several "racing incidents" during the final lap sees them split the difference of the points for 2nd & 3rd places, both coming away with 5 points.
I think Tokyo is haunted. At SFGTP2, I managed to pass Nick in the air, and against Kevin, the guardrails seemed to be consciously attacking both of us.
I think Tokyo is haunted. At SFGTP2, I managed to pass Nick in the air.....

I suppose if you define "pass" as "landed a JGTC Castrol Supra on the bonnet/hood of Nick's JGTC "Condensed Turd" Supra after inadvertently getting launched over a kerb as we went in 3-abreast with Jerome" then it's more or less true! :P

There were a few tracks that seemed to develop "Suicide-Armco" over the weekend this time. Hong Kong was one! :yuck:
There were a few tracks that seemed to develop "Suicide-Armco" over the weekend this time. Hong Kong was one! :yuck:

We raced Pajero Rally Raid '85s at Hong Kong Reverse.

I'm sure your imagination can fill in the blanks.
We had Carltons at La Sarthe (unchicaned).

We also had Economy cars (Prius, Citroen C3, Mitsubishi i, Honda Insight, Demio, Nissan Micra) on Economy tyres at La Sarthe. That also went exactly as one might imagine.
"..Don't you dare! Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Shouted Ray as Kyle and I overtook on either side of him through Lauda Links..."

Can't believe I missed when I first read the highlights! :crazy:

That was funny..at the time....but I will say this..while it was 'crazy cool' to see all three cars go THREE WIDE in that particular section and not one manage to not cause any problems and "boot" another car off...had it happened, I would have paused the game and asked for it to have been restarted..because that type of 'passing' just ain't the way to drive!

Just my $0.02 is all though! 👍
Can't believe I missed when I first read the highlights! :crazy:

That was funny..at the time....but I will say this..while it was 'crazy cool' to see all three cars go THREE WIDE in that particular section and not one manage to not cause any problems and "boot" another car off...had it happened, I would have paused the game and asked for it to have been restarted..because that type of 'passing' just ain't the way to drive!

Just my $0.02 is all though! 👍

I'll let you in on a secret! ;)
It wasn't there when I first posted! :lol:
I've been editing things in as I think of them, and as and when any of you post up relevant memories of a particular race I'll edit them in where necessary to give a good overall view of the day! :D

As far as your
go, that's a good point and for the most part the racing throughout the weekend was fair and honest. 👍 (Remember our Alpine battle at GVS? I think we only touched once (my fault :guilty:) in 4 laps!) There were a few minor shunts here and there and a few mistimed braking points but I don't believe anyone deliberately went out for rammination or revenge. It's difficult when racing with 6 evenly matched competitors to avoid contact, especially without a wing-mirror view to see who is alongside, but it's also easy to blame the wrong person too. It's not always the fault of the person who inadvertently shunts you off track, especially if they've been hit from behind while braking first, and everyone is asked to take that into account! 👍